I am immortal and I raise a divine beast in another world

Chapter 40: The Ice Dragon's Tenacious Vitality

Chen Hao looked at the giant ice dragon corpse in front of him, whose head alone was taller than his own height, and he fell into thinking.

There are only seven attributes in this world, wind, fire, earth, wood, water, light and darkness. In other words, the magic crystal inside the ice dragon's body must be from the water system.

During this time, Big Wolf and the others went out hunting and also hunted back a lot of water magic crystals.

But Chen Hao can't use these magic crystals for the time being, because none of the magic beasts he owns are water type magic beasts. Different types of magic beasts cannot absorb magic crystals of other types, so the magic crystals can only be piled in books.

The card slot capacity in the book is unlimited, and countless cards can be placed in one card slot.

Therefore, Chen Hao didn't care that much.

But now Huo Feng has worked hard to obtain a semi-holy level water magic crystal. It would be a waste if it is not used.

Chen Hao crossed his arms over his chest: "It would be a waste if you don't use a Semi-Holy Magic Crystal. How about catching a water monster to cultivate?"

"Master..." Suddenly, the voice of Shudao Pig rang out from the earth. The voice of Shudao Pig sounded like the whisper of the earth as always.

Chen Hao was slightly startled, and he subconsciously looked at the ground.

The big pig is quiet most of the time and rarely talks. Is this what it is?

"The ice dragon's heart has resumed beating." Big Pig's voice sounded slowly.

Hearing this voice, Chen Hao was slightly startled, and he subconsciously looked at Binglong.

The eyes on the ice dragon's huge head suddenly opened, revealing a pair of ice-like blue pupils.

It moved.

The body lying on the ground, which was two stories high, moved like a hill.

The whole ground was shaking.

The ice dragon stood up, its eyes swept over Chen Hao, and its eyes fell on the fire phoenix on Chen Hao's shoulder.

Its pupils suddenly condensed, it wrinkled its nose suddenly, grinned, exposed its fangs, and roared angrily: "If you want my magic crystal, dream on me! Go to hell for me!"

After it roared angrily, it opened its mouth suddenly.

Chen Hao could feel that at this moment, the surrounding temperature dropped sharply, and the ice dragon was instantly covered with a layer of frost.

The moment it opened its mouth, a stream of white mist spurted out from its mouth and swept towards Chen Hao and Huo Feng.

The fire phoenix looked at it and waved its hand.

In an instant, a red light lit up and turned into a flame shield. This fire mask appeared in front of Chen Hao.

White mist hit the fire cover and the mist dissipated.

Chen Hao could feel that when the fire mask appeared, the temperature that dropped sharply around him rose again.

Obviously, this fire shield is the fire phoenix's defense method. Because it is a fire element, it will affect the surrounding temperature.

Suddenly, the ground beneath the ice dragon cracked, and thick vines rose from the ground, wrapping around the ice dragon's neck and body like living creatures.

Pull the ice dragon who had just stood up to the ground again. Under the strong power of the vines, the ice dragon's head was forced to the ground.

The ice dragon's dragon breath was interrupted by Shudao Pig, but the ice dragon still struggled wildly. Its huge and powerful body broke several vines, but more vines emerged to restrain the ice dragon.

"This guy is still alive." Fire Phoenix frowned. It flapped its wings and flew up. Its eyes were angry: "Saulong! How dare you attack my master! Master, don't worry, I'll kill it right away!" "

When Chen Hao heard this, he said, "Wait a minute."

The fire phoenix was startled and looked at Chen Hao in confusion.

Chen Hao looked at the ice dragon and smiled: "Just in time, I am missing a water monster."

As he spoke, he took out the animal trapping rope from the book.

Chen Hao looked at the struggling Ice Dragon: "Big pig, let it go."

The vines that frantically bound the ice dragon quickly shrank and returned to the ground.

The ice dragon struggled to get up, but did not wait for the ice dragon to make the next move.

Chen Hao said: "Hua."

As Chen Hao finished speaking, the animal trapping rope card in his hand turned into a thick rope and swept towards the ice dragon.

The ice dragon's pupils condensed before it had time to react.

The thick rope directly tied the ice dragon, which was as huge as a hill, and tied the ice dragon's body into a rice dumpling.

"Let me go! Let me go!" Binglong roared, his body struggling wildly.

But the more the ice dragon struggled, the tighter the rope became.

Seeing this, Chen Hao was sure that the ice dragon was seriously injured.

At that time, the ice dragon was directly knocked down from a height by the fire phoenix. It did not move at all, which shows how seriously injured it was at that time.

Later, Chen Hao observed this ice dragon. At that time, it didn't even breathe.

Through this, Chen Hao can confirm that the battle between Fire Phoenix and Ice Dragon was fierce. The fire phoenix was sure that the ice dragon was dead, and then carried the ice dragon over.

But not long after, the ice dragon's heart resumed beating, and it was still struggling fiercely.

This shows how tenacious its vitality is.

But no matter how tenacious its vitality is, it is still seriously injured, so it cannot break free from the shackles of Shujima Pig's wood magic with the strength of the semi-holy stage.

In other words, the ice dragon at this moment is very likely to have met the triggering condition of the animal trap's "the weaker it is, the higher the success rate".

Under Chen Hao's gaze, the ice dragon disappeared together with the animal trapping rope.

Two cards appeared in front of Chen Hao.

One is the animal trapping rope, and the other is the tenacious semi-holy ice dragon.

Chen Hao put away the animal trapping rope, picked up the Ice Dragon Card, and looked at it.

[Semi-Holy Period] Ice Dragon.

Health: 1 percent.

Hunger level: 63%.

Thirst level: 60 percent.

Taming: zero.

Chen Hao looked at the health level displayed on the card.

"With only 1% health, no wonder it can't break free from the tree island pig's vine restraints. Ice dragon, this kind of life is really tenacious." Chen Hao said to himself.

"Master." Suddenly a voice came from the side.

Chen Hao was startled and looked at the fire phoenix beside him.

I saw the fire phoenix flying in front of Chen Hao with an apologetic look on its face. It lowered its head and said apologetically: "When I fought with it, I put the flame into its body. I thought it was dead, so I brought it here. Yes, I didn’t expect it to live again and almost hurt its owner.”

Hearing this, Chen Hao smiled: "I know, no need to apologize. Your master is not that weak. Besides, hasn't it been subdued by me now?"

"But..." Huo Feng puffed up his face, but still looked apologetic.

Chen Hao looked at Huofeng's expression. He stretched out his hand and placed it under Huofeng's body, which was almost as big as a normal bird.

The fire phoenix was slightly startled. It raised its face and looked at Chen Hao.

Chen Hao smiled and said: "Stand still."

The fire phoenix blinked, and it slowly used its pair of bird claws to stand on Chen Hao's index finger.

It folded its wings and looked at Chen Hao.

Chen Hao kept the fire phoenix standing with one hand, stretched out the other hand, and scratched its little nose with his knuckles.

Huo Feng frowned, then looked at Chen Hao with confusion on his face.

Chen Hao said with a smile: "Okay, this is the punishment I will give you, don't feel guilty." After saying that, Chen Hao moved his hand and put the Fire Phoenix on his shoulders.

Chen Hao was busy with his own affairs.

It's morning now, and it's time to let the monsters out and move around.

The fire phoenix, which was only as big as a small bird, sat on Chen Hao's shoulder. It touched its feathered nose. It looked at Chen Hao next to it, with a joyful smile on its face.

It pressed its face against Chen Hao's and said with a happy smile: "Master, this is the best."

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