I am immortal and I raise a divine beast in another world

Chapter 43: Can it choose any magic crystal it wants?

Chen Hao looked at Huo Feng, who was hugging the magic crystal, smiling, eyes narrowed into crescent moons, looking forward to being praised.

Chen Hao couldn't help but smile: "Fire Phoenix, so awesome."

When Huofeng heard this, the corners of its mouth raised, showing its teeth: "Hey." Its face was full of happiness.

Just like a child who has worked hard for a long time and is looking forward to the praise of his parents, the moment he gets the praise from his parents.

The Fire Phoenix was hatched by Chen Hao from a giant egg and raised to this day. To it, it was actually like the big wolf and the others to Chen Hao.

Chen Hao is both its owner and its parent.

"Come, let me see what the little fire phoenix is ​​hunting." Chen Hao said with a smile.

Huofeng held the magic crystal in his arms with one hand, and took out the magic crystal with the other hand and handed it to Chen Hao: "No, this is the magic crystal of the Storm Thunder Wolf in the semi-holy period, this is the magic crystal of the Qingyun Dove Beast, and this stone drum The beast's, this belongs to the Sky Fire Lion Beast, and this..., this belongs to the Green Winged Eagle."

Chen Hao took them one after another and turned them into cards one after another.

[Semi-Saint Magic Crystal] The magic crystal of Storm Thunder Wolf, with wind attribute.

[Semi-Saint Magic Crystal] Green Winged Eagle's magic crystal, wind attribute.

[Semi-Saint Magic Crystal] The magic crystal of Shigumon, with earth attribute.

[Half-Holy Magic Crystal] The magic crystal of the Skyfire Lion Beast, with fire attributes.

[Semi-Saint Magic Crystal] The magic crystal of Qingyun Dove Beast, with wind attribute.

Chen Hao looked at the five cards in his hand that were turned into semi-holy magic crystals, and looked at these five magic crystal cards.

There was a hint of surprise in his eyes, and he subconsciously looked at the big wolf, the second wolf, and the third wolf. They were sitting nearby, looking over here.

There are three wind attributes in the magic crystal hunted by Fire Phoenix?

In this case, these three wind attributes can be used by the big wolf, the second wolf and the third wolf.

Is this a coincidence?

"The master told me that he wanted me to take good care of them. I searched for them all day long before I found the five animals that corresponded to the attributes of Big Daw, Er Fool, Third Fool, Stupid Bear and Slutty Fox." Huo. Feng folded his hands on his chest, raised his little head with a proud look on his face and said with a smile.

Noticing that Chen Hao was looking over, Huo Feng said with a smile: "However, the attributes corresponding to the coquettish rabbit and the big pig are difficult to find. I plan to look for them tomorrow."

It was not a coincidence, but Huo Feng did this on purpose.

In other words, as a strange beast, Fire Phoenix not only hunts monsters, but also specially finds monsters with fixed attributes, just to match the attributes of the big wolves.

Isn't this too powerful?

Although Chen Hao knew that Huo Feng could deal with the half-holy ice dragon, it would definitely have no problem dealing with ordinary half-holy monsters, but Chen Hao never expected that in the eyes of Huofeng at this moment, those semi-holy monsters were the same as Are you free to choose and use goods?

Huofeng looked at Chen Hao and said with a smile: "Master, how am I doing? Am I powerful?"

Chen Hao smiled: "It's amazing."

He stretched out his hand and touched Huofeng's little head.

Huo Feng suddenly beamed.

This guy has been busy all day just for this moment.

Chen Hao looked away and looked at the three big wolves: "Big wolf, eat."

He picked up a wind-type semi-holy magic crystal card and threw it towards the big wolf: "Transform."

The cards turned into magic crystals.

The big wolf, a violent demonic wolf, opened its mouth.

The palm-sized magic crystal went directly into its mouth, and it entered its stomach without even swallowing it.

Chen Hao threw the magic crystal card at the second wolf and the third wolf.

"You two, open your mouth."


Magic crystal cards turn into magic crystals.

The second wolf and the third wolf opened their mouths and ate the magic crystal.

Chen Hao has two semi-holy magic crystal cards left in his hand.

One is of fire attribute and the other is of earth attribute.

Chen Hao looked at Big Bear who was a mountain bear beside him: "I'll give you this earth attribute, Big Bear."

When the big bear heard this, he nodded slightly.

Chen Hao waved his hand, and the magic crystal card flew over.

"Transform." The magic crystal card turned into magic crystal.

The big bear opened its mouth and swallowed.

Finally, Chen Hao had the last piece left in his hand, which was of fire attribute.

Chen Hao looked at the fire phoenix beside him.

The fire phoenix noticed Chen Hao's gaze and smiled: "Give it to the coquettish fox. I went underground when I came back and replenished the fire magic element. There is no need to eat magic crystals."

Is that so? Can alien beasts obtain fire magic elements from underground flames?

Judging from the demeanor of the fire phoenix, it was probably real, because it had no need to deceive Chen Hao.

Chen Hao withdrew his gaze and looked at Huohu: "Huohu, this is for you."

The Explosive Flame Fox Spirit looked at it and nodded slightly.

Chen Hao waved his hand, and the last card flew towards the Explosive Flame Fox Spirit: "Transform."

The card turned into magic crystal, and the Explosive Flame Fox Spirit opened its mouth and swallowed it.

After swallowing the magic crystal, the Explosive Flame Fox Spirit looked at the Fire Phoenix with its red phoenix eyes. Chen Hao could see a hint of gratitude from its fire-like bright eyes.

The fire phoenix's mouth was a bit unqualified, but its actions gave the big wolf a lot of help.

A semi-holy magic crystal is something that ordinary Warcraft cannot obtain in a lifetime.

And Huo Feng just gave them his trophies. Because of this, no matter how incompetent Huo Feng was, the Explosive Flame Fox Spirit would probably be very grateful to Huo Feng.

Chen Hao said with a smile: "Okay, everyone has been busy all day. I'm here to prepare dinner for you. Have a good meal."

"Yeah!" The big wolf exclaimed excitedly. When it came to eating, it looked forward to it.

The second wolf and the third wolf also waggled their tails, their mouths opened, their tongues sticking out, and saliva flowed from the corners of their mouths.

Huofeng on the side rolled his eyes: "Stupid and greedy."

When Chen Hao heard this, he looked at Huofeng and said with a smile: "Okay, pay attention to your quality."

Huofeng chuckled: "Okay."

Dinner was prepared for the monsters.

While the monsters were having dinner, Chen Hao was lying on the wooden bed, looking at the ceiling above.


Chen Hao opened the book and looked at the cards inside.

Today I collected a green butterfly beast, and yesterday I collected an ice dragon.

The Green Butterfly Beast should be able to be fed tomorrow to build up its domestication level. As for the Ice Dragon, I don’t know if it will be able to empty its hunger level if it is hungry for another day tomorrow.

Also, there are big wolves, big bears, and fire foxes. After they eat the magic crystals of the Semi-Holy Stage, they should also be able to evolve.

Evolved from the awakening stage to the semi-holy stage...?

I don't know how their appearance will change after evolution.

"I don't want to think about it for now. I'll see what happens tomorrow." Chen Hao turned over and got off the bed: "They should be resting, and it's time to put them back in the book."

Chen Hao put all the monsters back into the book and went back to the house to rest.

However, thinking about the possible changes in Big Wolf and the others.

Chen Hao tossed and turned and couldn't sleep.

the next day.

A ray of light passed through the window of the wooden house and fell on Chen Hao's face.

Chen Hao suddenly opened his eyes when he felt the light.

He looked at the familiar ceiling. He slowly stood up and leaned against the head of the bed, with a smile on his face.

"The time has come, then the time has come to witness the miracle."

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