The moment the battleship Crayo entered the warp channel.

Chen Hao felt his eyes go dark, then light up.

He looked forward, and he could see a spherical celestial body in the distance.

The celestial body is dark brown in color and is slightly larger than Jupiter.

"Brown dwarf." Chen Hao looked at the star in front of him and immediately made a judgment.

Chen Hao touched his chin.

Also, my requirement is for objects less than 80 Jupiter masses.

Below 80 Jupiter masses, apart from planets, only brown dwarfs remain.

An information bar appeared in front of Chen Hao.

[Brown Dwarf] Unnamed planet.

The mass is 75 Jupiter masses.

Seeing this, Chen Hao smiled: "The quality is just right."

The Universal Book appeared in front of Chen Hao.

Chen Hao stretched out his hand, opened the omnipotent book, and took out the God Realm Star Card from the book.


The crimson light lit up slightly, and the light broke away from the God Realm Star Card and fell in front of Chen Hao.

A petite silhouette appeared in front of Chen Hao.

It's the little diamond.

Little Diamond had her eyes closed. She slowly opened her eyes, revealing her diamond-like eyes. She looked at Chen Hao, and Chen Hao's figure was reflected in her eyes.

As soon as Little Diamond saw Chen Hao, her eyes lit up slightly: "Master."

After saying hello to Chen Hao, Little Diamond turned her face slightly and looked at Chen Hao's side.

Beside Chen Hao, Clayo was standing there, looking expressionlessly.

Little Diamond looked at Krayo. She looked away and looked at Chen Hao with a smile on her face: "Master, do you need to go to Little Diamond's place?"

Hearing this, Chen Hao crossed his arms over his chest, smiled, did not speak, and just looked in one direction.

Little Diamond looked in the direction Chen Hao was looking at, her eyes narrowed slightly: "That's a brown dwarf..."

She seemed to realize something, looked at Chen Hao, and said, "Master, is that my next goal?"

"Yeah." Chen Hao nodded slightly and said with a smile, "Go and get it done."

"Okay!" Little Diamond smiled happily, and she disappeared from the spot.

Chen Hao looked in the direction of the brown dwarf.

I saw a crimson red dwarf suddenly appearing next to the brown dwarf.

Red dwarfs are much larger than brown dwarfs.

When the small diamond transformed into a red dwarf, the two were attracted by each other's gravity and began to revolve around each other. The outer atmosphere of the brown dwarf began to peel off, surrounding the red dwarf little by little, and submerged into the red dwarf.

When Chen Hao saw this familiar swallowing scene, he looked away, then looked at the God Realm Star Card in his hand, and waved his hand.

The card flew out and turned into white light. The light instantly flew into the distance and turned into a dwarf planet, which was the God Realm Star.

It will take some time for Little Diamond to devour the brown dwarf star, so he needs to rest in the God Realm Star first.

Chen Hao was planning to teleport back to the God Realm Star.

However, a voice interrupted Chen Hao's thoughts.

"woke up?"

Hearing this voice, Chen Hao was slightly startled. He looked towards the source of the voice and saw Caiyan standing there slim and graceful. She folded her hands under her chest and stared at Chen Hao with a charming smile on her lips.

Chen Hao looked at Cai Yan: "Is something wrong?"

Caiyan smiled: "Don't be so cold. I am a girl after all, so be gentle to me."

What he said... made Chen Hao completely silent.

Chen Hao touched his nose: "If you have something to say, just tell me. If it's okay, I'll go home first."

"It's something." Caiyan looked at Chen Hao and said with a smile: "About fallen angels and angels, and related to Angel Bell, I just don't know if you are interested in knowing."

"You want to talk about the civil war in the angel civilization, right?" Chen Hao said: "When Angel Ling left, she told me that some angels had fallen and chose to betray the angel civilization, thus provoking a war. They I know about the war."

"I want to say it's the result of the current war." Caiyan looked at Chen Hao playfully. She smiled and said, "It's been a month since the war began. The results have come out now. Do you want to know?"

Hearing this, Chen Hao was startled and he frowned.

Will the war end so soon?

However, there is no need for Caiyan to lie to herself.

Chen Hao looked at Caiyan and said casually: "I am indeed somewhat interested."

Caiyan smiled and said with a naughty smile, "Then... how about kissing me and I'll tell you? Or, I'll kiss you."

Chen Hao rolled his eyes: "If you want to say it, just say it. If you don't want to say it, I will push you down."

He looked away and was about to leave.

"Well, it's true, it's really boring." Caiyan smiled: "Angel lost."

Chen Hao was stunned. He frowned and looked at Cai Yan: "Defeat?"

Chen Hao frowned: "Isn't the angel civilization the strongest civilization in the known universe?"

"Well..., but the problem is that the fallen angels themselves are the angels of the angel civilization. This is the civil war of the angel civilization." Caiyan said: "The angel civilization's biggest reliance is actually the angel king Bai Ling. But, unfortunately, this time Bai Ling He was plotted and killed without using his full strength."

"Now the Angel Star is occupied by fallen angels, and all the angels have escaped. Now the angels are scattered in various places in the known universe, and those fallen angels are chasing them everywhere."

Hearing this, Chen Hao frowned.

This result was somewhat difficult for Chen Hao to accept.

The most powerful angel civilization was defeated like this? The King of Angels was also killed?

But Chen Hao had to accept Cai Yan's statement, because this was a civil war of the angel civilization.

It's just..., it happened too fast, which made Chen Hao a little bit unacceptable.

Suddenly, Chen Hao thought of Angel Bell.

He looked at Cai Yan: "Where is Angel Bell?"

Cai Yan smiled: "I know you care about her, don't worry, she was injured in that battle, but fortunately it was not fatal. Now she and her companions have also fled from the Angel Star, and now I don't know where she is hiding."

Hearing this, Chen Hao breathed a sigh of relief.

For Chen Hao, Angel Bell is a friend.

As a friend, Chen Hao doesn't want her to get into trouble.

"Now that Bai Ling is dead, the whole universe will be in chaos." Cai Yan suddenly said.

Chen Hao was startled, he looked at Cai Yan: "What do you mean?"

Cai Yan looked at Chen Hao, she smiled and said: "Don't you know? Angels always think the balance of the universe is normal, they like to protect the weak. But in this universe, there are many bloodthirsty civilizations, and those civilizations have a strong desire for expansion, but because they are suppressed by the angel civilization, they have always stayed in their own territory."

"Now that the Angel Main Star is occupied by the Fallen Angels, Bai Ling is dead, then those civilizations will naturally begin to show their bloodthirsty side."

Chen Hao frowned: "Is there such a thing..."

Suddenly, Cai Yan's smile froze, she seemed to feel something, and subconsciously looked in one direction.

"Master." Crayo's voice came.

Chen Hao came back to his senses, he looked at Crayo, and found that Crayo was also looking in the same direction, which was exactly where Cai Yan was looking.

Chen Hao looked in that direction.

I saw a dark black hole appeared over there.

The exit of the warp channel?

A warship slowly flew out of the warp channel.

The appearance of this warship surprised Chen Hao.

This warship was like a black long sword suspended in the air. The hilt of the long sword warship was conical, and three figures stood on the hilt.

Chen Hao looked closely and found that the three figures were all wearing black armor and had black wings behind them.

"It's a fallen angel." Cai Yan's voice came, and there was a solemnity in the voice.

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