I am immortal and I raise a divine beast in another world

Chapter 494 The ruler of the strongest civilization is my pet

Chen Hao looked at Dark Moon: "Take me to see Angel Ling."

Hearing this, Dark Moon nodded slightly: "Okay, Master."

Inside the space prison.

Angel Bell curled up and sat in the corner.

This war from within the angel civilization made Angel Bell feel her own powerlessness.

After being captured by Dark Moon, Angel Bell was imprisoned in this space prison. Because Bai Ling gave her the code to open the Book of Omniscience before she died, she was not killed like the other sisters.

But..., Angel Bell is painful.

"For angel warriors, eternal life is not a reward, but a kind of torture. Eternal loneliness can torture any sentient life to the point where life is worse than death. But self-understanding, for warriors, is a It's an absolute shame. So the angel warriors are eager to fight and hope to die in a heroic battle, which is the highest honor for a warrior."

"I also longed for death before, but now..."

Angel Bell thought of the man's face.

"You can't die. If you die, you will never see him again."

Angel Bell closed her eyes.

Giving your feelings is not just for fun. After you give your feelings, you will have sustenance.

There is also a weakness, for fear of seeing the opponent's weakness.

"I used to long for death, but now I'm a little afraid of death. Is this emotion?"

Angel Bell raised her face and looked at the starry sky above through the transparent space prison wall.

Chen Hao used the warp engine owned by Dark Moon.

Chen Hao spent three days arriving at his destination.

Chen Hao's figure appeared on a deserted planet.

He stepped on the frozen ground and looked forward.

Directly in front of Chen Hao, there is a transparent three-dimensional square box.

This thing is a space prison.

Through this transparent space prison, you can see the figure sitting in the corner of the space prison, which is Angel Bell.

Angel Bell was sitting in the corner, her armor was badly damaged, her head was lowered, as if she was in a daze.

As if feeling something, Angel Ling raised her face slightly and looked this way.

When Angel Ling's eyes met Chen Hao's, her eyes narrowed slightly and her mouth opened slightly.

Chen Hao smiled at her.

Angel Bell blinked and opened her mouth to speak.

But restricted by the space prison, her voice could not be heard.

Chen Hao looked at An Yue beside him: "Let her out."

Dark Moon nodded slightly and waved her hand.

The space prison disappears.

Angel Bell got out of trouble, she stood up, her eyes trembling slightly, and looked at Chen Hao.

She said: "Chen Hao..."

Chen Hao smiled: "Thank you for your hard work."

Angel Ling pursed her thin lips, and then looked at Dark Moon aside.

Chen Hao noticed Angel Ling's gaze, and he explained: "Dark Moon is my slave now."

Angel Ling was stunned, her eyes narrowed slightly, and she looked at Chen Hao in disbelief.


Chen Hao nodded slightly: "Just like Krayo."

Angel Ling opened her mouth: "She is Dark Moon...the king of Black Angel..."

Chen Hao hummed: "Yes."

Angel Ling frowned and looked at Dark Moon: "You killed my master."

When An Yue heard this, she said: "Your master and I have different opinions and thoughts. Either she or I will die. If I live, then she will die. It's normal. The winner is the king, and the loser is the enemy."

Hearing this, Angel Ling clenched her fists, slowly adjusted her emotions, loosened her fists, and looked at Chen Hao.

"Then..., Chen Hao, what do you want to do next?"

Chen Hao was startled: "What?"

Angel Bell said: "Now the King of Black Angel is your slave. Now this guy is in charge of the entire Angel Star and has supreme power. You are her master, then you can give her any order, you... What do you want to do next?”

Hearing this, Chen Hao subconsciously looked at An Yue beside him.

An Yue met Chen Hao's gaze, and she smiled and said, "Whatever the master wants An Yue to do, An Yue will do."

Chen Hao glanced at An Yue, then looked at Angel Ling: "Then what do you think I should do?"

Angel Ling looked at Chen Hao: "From my standpoint, I will let you kill all the black angels and let the angels return to the right path. But... you are not me, and you don't have to do things from my standpoint."

Chen Hao looked at Dark Moon.

An Yue noticed Chen Hao's gaze, and her eyes glowed with a hint of luster.

Chen Hao said: "I have only one request. I want peace in the universe. I don't like war."

Dark Moon nodded.

Chen Hao looked away and looked at Angel Ling: "What about you? What are you going to do next?"

Angel Ling glanced at An Yue, and then she looked at Chen Hao: "My master Bai Ling gave me a task before he died."

Task? Chen Hao said: "Revival of angel civilization?"

Angel Ling shook her head and said: "My master said that the destruction of angel civilization is the inevitable trend. No matter how hard I can't accept it in my heart, angels have failed. This is a fact."

"Master did not say that she wanted to revive the angelic civilization. The task she gave me was..."

Angel Ling looked at Chen Hao: "Let me survive, then find you and stay with you, it's best..."

Speaking of this, Angel Ling thought of what Bai Ling said to herself before she died.

"I don't need you to revive the angelic civilization. If you win this battle, you have won. If you lose, you have lost. Since there is no way to talk, let's use our fists to speak. Whoever has the bigger fist is the truth. Bai Ling smiled heartily and said: "Winning or losing is the choice of the angels. Whether they are angels or black angels, they are all angels."

"Then...master, are you looking for me?"

"I give you a task. If you lose this battle and you can escape, go find Chen Hao and stay by his side for as long as you want. The best thing is to have a few children."

"Ah? This..."

"Haha, go feel it and feel the beauty of love."

Angel Ling's face turned slightly red, and she said, "It's nothing. Anyway, you just asked me to find you and stay with you."

Hearing this, Chen Hao touched his chin. He couldn't understand Bai Ling's thoughts.

He left the Angel Star occupied by the Black Angel alone and chose to let Angel Bell stay by his side.

Chen Hao doesn't understand.

But it doesn't matter, Chen Hao doesn't really care.

"Forget it." Chen Hao looked at An Yue: "Send us back."

Dark Moon nodded slightly: "Yes."

Dark Moon raised his hand, and a dark warp engine channel appeared in the void.

Chen Hao and Angel Ling stepped into the warp engine channel together, and they returned to the God Realm Star together.




As soon as the beast masters saw Chen Hao coming back, they came up to him one by one and greeted Chen Hao happily.

Chen Hao smiled and glanced at the beast masters on the field.

The big wolf, the second wolf, the third wolf, the fire fox, the big bear, the little dough, the big dragon, the second dragon, the flower demon, the deer girl and so on...

They are looking at themselves with respect and joy in their eyes.

"Master." Suddenly, a voice came.

Chen Hao came back to his senses and looked at the source of the sound, only to see Little Diamond standing there, looking at Chen Hao.

Chen Hao smiled: "Come back?"

Little Diamond nodded: "It's absorbed."

Chen Hao smiled: "Next, continue to find celestial bodies to absorb. Let me think about how far you can evolve."

For Chen Hao, it is already a matter of time to watch the evolution of the beast.

The master of the strongest angelic civilization in the known universe has become Chen Hao's beast.

Now Chen Hao has unimpeded access in the entire known universe without any opponents.

All he has to do is waste time, and his time is eternal.

Angel Ling looked at Chen Hao playing with the beasts. She smiled and watched quietly.

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