I am immortal and I raise a divine beast in another world

Chapter 55 The Difference Between Monsters and Magical Beasts

Chen Hao rode the Hurricane Swift Wolf, the third wolf, and flew to the front, with a group of monsters following behind him.

Because Chen Hao wanted to explore Wulong Island, Chen Hao asked the three wolves to fly lower, estimated to be more than ten meters high, which is considered low-altitude flight.

The speed was not fast.

Chen Hao could feel the wind coming towards him. Riding on the back of the Hurricane Swift Wolf and feeling the strong wind, Chen Hao thought of when he used to drive a motorcycle, but this speed was much faster than the speed of a motorcycle.

Moreover, the Hurricane Swift Wolf had a lot of hair. Sitting on its back, covered by the flying hair, the warmth came up all of a sudden.

"Leather seat..."

Chen Hao muttered.

"Master, look." The Hurricane Swift Wolf suddenly flapped its wings and slowed down greatly.

Chen Hao looked forward and saw a humanoid creature with a body of five meters tall and made of ice, standing in the distance.

On its head made of ice, a deep blue pupil can be seen, and the pupil is staring at this side.

This guy is similar to the giant stone demon encountered last night, but the difference is that its body is made of ice.

Chen Hao took out the biological identification device and aimed it at the creature.

[Half-Saint Period] Ice Giant.

Description: Ice Giant, water attribute. Evolved from the Ice Man, it has a powerful water-based ice magic.

Seeing this description, Chen Hao looked at the Ice Giant in the distance: "Don't kill it, just beat it half to death. I want to turn it into a card."

"I'll do it!" Big Wolf said.

It rushed towards the Ice Giant.

The Ice Giant looked at the Big Wolf coming and opened its mouth suddenly.

Its mouth looked like a gap between ice blocks.

As soon as it opened, three huge ice cones condensed in front of its mouth.

The ice cones shot violently at the Big Wolf, who was an alienated wind and thunder wolf.

Before the ice cones hit the Big Wolf, suddenly three huge wind blades whistled away.

"Boom boom boom!"

The three ice cones were shattered in mid-air.

Chen Hao looked at it and subconsciously looked at the source of the wind blade.

He saw that in the sky above, the giant winged angry wolf flapped its wings and flew in the air.

The wind blade just now was emitted by the second wolf of the giant winged angry wolf.

As soon as the ice cone disappeared, the figure of the big wolf passed through the broken mist left by the broken ice cone and came to the front of the ice giant.

"Wind and Thunder Claws!" The big wolf roared and swept its claws towards the ice giant in front of it.

At the moment when the claws swept out, wind and lightning surrounded its claws.

A light blue magic shield appeared in front of the ice giant.

"Boom!" The magic shield was torn apart.

The big wolf's claws passed through the magic shield and hit the right arm of the ice giant.

"Bang!" accompanied by a muffled sound.

The arm made purely of ice shattered and broke.

The big wolf jumped up and pounced on the ice giant. It grinned, showing its fangs, and looked ferocious. It stomped on the ice giant's leg.


With a loud bang, the ice giant's leg was also broken.

The big wolf clawed the ice giant's other arm and tore it off.

The ice giant opened his mouth.

"Woo!" The sound it made was ethereal and wailing.

Chen Hao looked at it and said, "Will it hurt too?"

"Big wolf!" Chen Hao said.

The big wolf was startled, it stopped and pricked up its ears.

Chen Hao said, "It's okay."

When the big wolf heard it, it stood up and stepped aside.

"Transform." Chen Hao threw out the animal trap rope card that he had prepared long ago.

The card turned into a thick rope and instantly tied up the ice giant lying on the ground.

The ice giant's limbs made of ice were all destroyed by the big wolf. After being tied up by the rope, it couldn't move at all.

Suddenly, the trap rope and the ice giant disappeared together.

Two cards appeared in front of Chen Hao.

Chen Hao put away the trap rope card and looked at the ice giant card that he had obtained.

[Semi-Saint Period] Ice Giant.

Health: 29%.

Taming degree: zero.

Seeing this, Chen Hao was startled: "This is..."

There is no hunger degree, nor thirst degree.

"Is this the difference between monsters and monsters?" Chen Hao frowned.

But in this case, it means that there is no way to gain taming degree through feeding.

If there is no way to gain taming degree through feeding, it means....

As long as it is not a cub monster, it cannot be tamed.

"Master, how am I?" Suddenly, a voice called Chen Hao back from his thoughts.

Chen Hao came back to his senses and saw the big wolf looking at him with big eyes with expectation, and its tail was shaking behind it.

"And me, and me! How about those three wind blades?" The second wolf was also full of expectations.

Chen Hao smiled helplessly, and the big wolf and the second wolf also began to learn from the third wolf to take credit.

"Not bad, not bad, they are all great." Chen Hao said with a smile.

When the big wolf heard it, it crossed its arms, a happy smile on its face, and its tail behind it was shaking particularly happily.

The second wolf was also happy: "Master, let's go, the next monster, I will be the main attacker! I am also very powerful."

Chen Hao smiled: "Okay, but the other adult monsters don't need to be beaten half to death next."

The big wolf was startled, he was a little uneasy: "Master, did I hit too hard?"

Chen Hao blinked his eyes, he smiled and said: "No, I mean, just kill it directly and leave the magic crystal."

"Oh!" Big Wolf smiled: "Okay! That's much easier. That's our area of ​​expertise."

Chen Hao smiled: "Wait a minute, let me see where to go next."

As he spoke, Chen Hao took out the biosensor.

If adult monsters cannot be tamed, then it means that if you want to obtain monsters for breeding, you can only find cubs.

Turn on the biosensor and take a look.

At first glance, Chen Hao's eyes lit up slightly: "Is this... so many?"

Very surprised.

No wonder Chen Hao was surprised, because on the map projected by this biosensor, you can see many small red dots.

You know, before Chen Hao was in the Warcraft Forest, most of them were big red dots, and big red dots meant adult Warcraft. Small red dots representing Warcraft cubs are very rare in the Warcraft Forest.

But here, Chen Hao found a lot of small red dots.

Just next to Chen Hao, who represented the green dot, there was a small red dot.

Chen Hao blinked his eyes and looked around: "Is there?"


It's probably too high.

Now Hurricane Wolf is still flying, more than ten meters above the ground.

It's a small monster, probably not big.

Thinking of this, Chen Hao patted Hurricane Wolf on the shoulder: "Three Wolf, put me down."

When Three Wolf heard it, it flapped its wings and flew down.

When it flew over the lake, Three Wolf turned its head and looked at Chen Hao: "Master, there is the lake below."

Chen Hao nodded slightly: "Go down."

Three Wolf fell down and stood in the lake. It lay down.

Lie in the lake.

Because Three Wolf's body was covered with a layer of transparent water magic shield, the lake water could not touch Three Wolf's body when it was about five centimeters away from Three Wolf's body.

Chen Hao turned over and got off Three Wolf's back.

With the mood of stepping on the lake, Chen Hao stepped down.

As soon as he stood, the coolness he imagined did not come.

He stood firm, looked down, and found that he was stepping on a flat and clear tree root.

Seeing this, Chen Hao understood.

It was the root of the moving sub-saint ancient tree, the Big Pig.

Has this guy been following him all the time?

Chen Hao smiled: "Big Pig, this kid..."

Chen Hao didn't know how to evaluate Big Pig. He didn't continue talking. He looked at the biosensor in his hand and saw the direction of the red dot indicated by the biosensor.

Chen Hao looked in the direction of the red dot.

When he saw it, Chen Hao's eyes lit up slightly.

Under the stone tree not far away.

A little man, only the size of a palm, made of water, was sitting under the stone tree, leaning against the stone tree, and seemed to be resting.

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