I am immortal and I raise a divine beast in another world

Chapter 72 The Extreme Cold Elf Successfully Evolves

Just after talking to Chen Hao, the Fire Phoenix glanced back at the big dragon and the second dragon: "Go, go, go, hurry up, don't be slow!"

It flapped its wings and flew directly into the distance.

The big dragon and the second dragon looked at each other.

The two dragons saluted Chen Hao first, then spread their flesh wings behind them, flew up together, and followed the Fire Phoenix.

Looking at the figures of the three guys leaving, Chen Hao crossed his arms, he retracted his sight, and looked at the books floating in front of him.

"I didn't expect that the way to improve the taming degree would be like this."

"Forget it, don't think about this for the time being."

The next day.

An unexpected situation occurred to Chen Hao.

[Half-Saint Period] Extreme Cold Elf.

Chen Hao looked at the card in his hand.

"These little guys have absorbed it, but they failed to evolve successfully?"

Chen Hao's eyes had a hint of doubt.

The magic crystal has disappeared, but they have not evolved into holy beasts.

Chen Hao remembered the time when he cultivated the light butterfly beast before.

During that time, he put the magic crystal and the light butterfly beast together.

The Light Butterfly Beast also had a situation where the magic crystal disappeared, but it had not yet successfully evolved.

The reason was that the magic crystal had been completely absorbed by the Light Butterfly Beast, but the magic essence was still in its body and had not been completely absorbed.

After that, Chen Hao waited for a few days, and it successfully evolved.

In other words, these little guys are also like this now. They have absorbed the magic crystal, but have not completely digested the magic crystal magic essence.

Thinking of this, Chen Hao released all the little guys.

As usual, all the magic beasts were released to move around.

Chen Hao looked at the sky.

A day and a night passed, and the fire phoenix and ice dragons had not returned.

It seems that there are fewer holy beasts nearby. In order to gather six water holy beasts, they probably went to hunt in farther places.

No hurry, anyway, they will not die.

Wait slowly.

Chen Hao retracted his sight and looked at the several extremely cold elves sitting on the wooden board surrounding Ye Mei not far away.

It is unknown how many days it will take for these seven extremely cold elves to absorb the magic essence and evolve into water holy beasts.

I wonder what changes they will undergo by then?

Suddenly, Chen Hao felt a chill coming.

Chen Hao was slightly startled. He raised his head and found that the sky was pitch black.

"Hua La La..."

The raindrops fell quickly.


A bright lightning flashed in the sky.

It was raining.

Suddenly, a translucent golden light shield enveloped Chen Hao's body.

This light shield blocked the invasion of raindrops.

Chen Hao looked at the light shield, then looked aside, standing on the table, looking at the light butterfly girl beast here.

Chen Hao smiled.

This light shield was created by the light magic of this little guy.

Chen Hao retracted his gaze and looked at the extreme cold elves. The seven extreme cold elves looked excited, with big eyes looking up at the sky. The raindrops fell on them, and their faces were full of joy.

These little guys are water monsters. For them, rain will make them happy, which is normal.

"Let them play outside." Chen Hao muttered, and then went into the wooden house to avoid the rain.

The wooden house was a little dark.

Chen Hao took out the bonfire card from the book and threw it into the stove.


The stove lit up the bonfire, pulled a chair, and sat in front of the bonfire.

Looking at the bonfires in front of him.

Chen Hao thought of what happened yesterday, about the book's taming ability.

"As long as I can beat the wild monsters and make them submit to me voluntarily, the taming degree can be fully raised in just one day."

"In other words, can I use this method to capture mature monsters and make them all my battle pets?"

"It's possible, but it's not good to raise too many monsters. I can't take care of too many. And..., mature monsters can't be tamed, they can only be tamed slowly through cubs."

"I've decided that next time I meet a monster I like, I'll let the Fire Phoenix beat it to submission and then collect it. This way I won't raise too many."

After Chen Hao figured it out, he smiled.

"Master, Master!" Suddenly, a cheerful voice came.

Chen Hao looked back and saw Shui Yi trotting towards him with a group of ice elves.

Shui Yi walked to Chen Hao's side, and he held Chen Hao's hand with joy on his face, and said with a smile: "Master, it's raining outside, let's go out and get wet."

Chen Hao was stunned, and he smiled bitterly.

This little guy is a water monster. For them, getting wet in the rain is probably a very comfortable thing.

They now think that Chen Hao will be as comfortable as them.

Chen Hao smiled: "No, the master has something to do. You can go and play by yourselves. However, don't run too far. It's not safe outside now."

Shui Yi heard it and blinked: "Master, what's the matter?"

As he said that, Shui Yi smiled sweetly, showing his little tiger teeth and said: "Master, you can tell us the matter. We can help you solve it. The seven of us are very powerful."

"Haha." Chen Hao smiled: "I know you are powerful, but you can't solve these things. Be good, be obedient, go out and play, the master can solve it himself."

"Well..." Shui Yi put away his smile, thought for a while, and then said: "If the master doesn't go out, we won't go out either. We have to accompany the master."

Chen Hao smiled, he stretched out his hand and touched Shui Yi's little head.

Shui Yi was full of joy, closing his eyes and enjoying Chen Hao's comfort.

Chen Hao noticed that Xiao Ying was lying lazily on the sofa not far away, with his eyes open, looking at this side.

The Bright Butterfly Beast was also sitting beside him, looking at Chen Hao.

Although they didn't speak, they were obviously concerned about Chen Hao's every move.


Suddenly, a voice came.

Chen Hao looked at Shui Yi who was speaking.

Shui Yi frowned, covered his stomach with his hands, and looked a little painful: "My stomach hurts so much..."

Hearing this, Chen Hao noticed that a layer of mist was spreading from Shui Yi's body, and a layer of frost formed on the ground under his feet.

When Chen Hao saw it, he immediately thought of what they had just absorbed the magic crystal of the holy beast not long ago!


Seven cards appeared in front of Chen Hao.

Chen Hao opened the book and put the cards into the card slot.

He closed the book and breathed a sigh of relief.

He frowned: "I was careless."

The magic crystal of the holy beast is not a half-holy magic crystal. After absorbing the magic crystal of the holy beast in full, the monster will absorb the magic element of the magic crystal. If the monster's talent and qualifications cannot withstand the magic element of the magic crystal, it will explode and die.

The extremely cold elves naturally cannot get sick, that is to say, it was because they absorbed too much magic element just now.

If Chen Hao had put them into the book a little slower, their bodies would have collapsed and died one by one.

Fortunately, it was discovered in time, otherwise it would be too bad.

If they were put into the book, they would not die.

Chen Hao got up, walked to the door of the wooden house, and looked at the dark sky outside.

This mistake was too fatal, and it must not happen next time.

Time passed, and it was the next morning.

Chen Hao went out.

Looking at the sky, the sky was clear.

It rained all night yesterday, and it finally cleared up today, and the air was very clear.

But Chen Hao was a little uneasy.

Did Shuiyi and the others survive under the protection of the book yesterday?

Did they evolve successfully?


Chen Hao took a deep breath.


The book appeared in front of Chen Hao.

Chen Hao reached out and turned the pages.

He glanced at it and counted the cards.

Chen Hao's eyes lit up slightly, and a smile appeared on his face: "Seven monster cards, intact."

Chen Hao breathed a sigh of relief.

If a mistake caused a problem with an extremely cold elf, it would be too emotional.

Chen Hao's eyes fell on Shui Yi's card: "What has this clingy little guy evolved into."

[Entering Saint Period] Zero Degree Elf.

Description: Zero Degree Elf, a water monster, a small humanoid monster evolved from an extremely cold elf, possesses the magic 'Absolute Zero', which can freeze and destroy everything in front of it, and the magic range is a hundred miles. Among the water monsters, it is a top monster.

"Hundred miles?!" Chen Hao's eyes were a little shocked.

One hundred miles is equal to fifty kilometers. You should know that the radius of a large city where Chen Hao lived in his previous life was only 20 or 30 kilometers.

The magic of the Zero Degree Elf can destroy two large cities in an instant!

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