I am immortal in history

Chapter 9 Measuring Acres

The tenth day of November.

winter solstice.

Everything is appropriate.

Jubao Pavilion.

Li Ping'an sat on the chair and waited quietly for the waiter to get the money.

The snacks and tea on the table remained untouched. Even if they had been selling stolen goods here for more than ten years, they could not bet on the other party's credibility with their wealth and life.

"Master Li, five hundred taels of silver notes No. Hengchang, cash them on sight."

The clerk bowed and handed over the banknote: "The shopkeeper has long admired Mr. Li's reputation. Please go to the second floor to talk and say that we have something good to discuss."

Li Ping'an frowned slightly. The swordsman's relics were estimated to be worth more than three hundred taels. Five hundred taels is already close to the market price.

"Lead the way."

He touched a few detonators on his sleeves and felt a little reassured that he would not be surrounded by Zangzang masters for no reason.

The first floor of Jubao Pavilion is a pawn shop, and the second floor is the living room and warehouse. The decoration is simple and elegant. The calligraphy and paintings hanging in the corridor are all works by famous people.

Pushing the door open and entering the living room, I met the shopkeeper of Jubao Pavilion for the first time.

An old man in his fifties or sixties, with a white face and long beard, greeted Li Pingan with a smile on his face.

"My surname is Zhao. How old is Brother Li? You can just call me Brother Zhao."

"I've met Brother Zhao."

Li Ping'an cupped his hands, his words were somewhat distant, and he was already thinking about a different place to sell the stolen goods. There were many pawnshops with strong backgrounds in the capital.

"Please take a seat."

Shopkeeper Zhao said: "Brother Li has been practicing martial arts for six or seven years. He has already perfected his body. He is missing the bone tempering technique, right?"

Li Pingan nodded slightly, this is not a secret.

Since he got the nickname of the Eight-Armed Corpse Demon, many martial arts schools in the capital have tried to recruit him, including the Golden Sword Sect, but they all rejected him as a subordinate official.

Shopkeeper Zhao said: "We have a bone-tempering technique, which is an excellent method for tempering hundreds of bones."

Li Ping'an raised his eyebrows and pretended to be moved: "No reward for no merit, what does the shopkeeper want me to do?"

"A few days ago, someone discovered a thousand-year-old tomb in Yuyun Mountain and sold the location to Jubao Pavilion."

Shopkeeper Zhao said: "We have no shortage of other people. We only need an expert who is proficient in tomb robbing. I heard that Brother Li's ancestors were nicknamed Golden Finger..."

"That was already a matter of the previous dynasty!"

Li Ping'an deliberately emphasized that after Emperor Jianwu ascended the throne, he decreed that criminals from the previous dynasty would not be held accountable as long as they corrected their evil ways.

"What's more, the tomb-robbery skills from our ancestors haven't been passed down, so we can't help Shopkeeper Zhao."

"That's such a pity..."

Shopkeeper Zhao changed his voice and said: "Since Brother Li knows about this, we will simply get involved. No matter what is in the tomb, we will dedicate the skills."

"I won't do anything illegal or criminal!"

Li Pingan decisively refused and put his hands into his sleeves.

Not to mention whether the ancient tomb is authentic or not, just giving away the skills to help a helper is a trap no matter how you look at it. However, the little money you have is not worthy of Jubao Pavilion's covetousness.

Either he is deliberately testing, or he has other motives.

Shopkeeper Zhao did not push too hard and said with a smile: "In that case, let's work together again if we have the opportunity in the future."

Li Pingan breathed a sigh of relief and quickly stood up to leave.

Shopkeeper Zhao tasted the tea for a while, took out a booklet, and opened the page with Li Ping'an's name written on it.

It records information about the four generations of the Li family, of which Li Ping'an is the most detailed, such as birth date, personality, martial arts, and experience.

After pondering for a moment, he wrote at the end: I tested it with Yu Yunshan and found nothing unusual. I will try again later.

Come out of Jubao Pavilion.

Li Ping'an just found out that it was snowing again in the capital.

Heavy snowflakes were falling, and the ground was covered with silver, making it squeak when you step on it.

"This winter is not going to be easy!"

Shrinking his clothes and thinking about shopkeeper Zhao's intentions as he walked, he returned to Yongxingfang and heard the bustling noise as he passed by Jingyamen.

A group of people gathered around the notice wall and discussed it noisily.

Li Ping'an leaned over and squeezed to the front, where he saw the newly posted notice.

"The Imperial Order to Inventory of Land Acquisition".

The content is that the orthodox emperor appointed Su Mingyuan as an imperial envoy to inventory the acres of land in the thirty-six states of Daqian and compile it into a yellow book. All the fields not recorded will be owned by the imperial court.

Li Ping'an suddenly realized, no wonder the people were talking about it.

After the former emperor ascended the throne, he did not inventory the acres of land and used the yellow book of the previous dynasty to collect taxes. The newly reclaimed land was considered tax evasion.

Furthermore, when dynasties changed, local wealthy families bribed officials and burned the yellow books to make money, and a lot of land became hidden fields.

"This is a good thing. Anyway, we have no land to our name."

Li Ping'an held his hands and listened to the people's discussions. Most people supported the court, not because they understood the importance of land tax, but because they were happy to see the big landowners unlucky.

The butt determines the head, so the poor should support killing the rich!

Come to Willow Street.

I saw a petite figure standing at the door in a long cloak from a distance. He looked up from time to time. When he saw Li Pingan, he immediately smiled and waved.

"Ms. sir."


Li Ping'an quickened his pace. He had persuaded his wife several times before that there was no need to wait for him to come back, but he forgot about it the next day and waited at the door every time.

There was a charcoal stove in the mortuary, and the flames rose, making the room warm.

The wife pulled Li Ping'an's sleeve and walked eagerly to the backyard.

"This blue sky and white sun...isn't it good?"

Li Ping'an was thinking about closing the door and locking it, but his wife pulled him to the stove and opened the lid of the pot. The hot meat porridge inside was bubbling.

What's the color? It's dark with a few wisps of bright red.

"Mr., I can cook."


Li Ping'an filled a large bowl and tasted that it was indeed cooked. He blew a few breaths and poured it into his stomach. The big toad's energy circulated and quickly decomposed and digested it.

After practicing intermittently for five or six years, the stomach has been tempered to an extraordinary level.

He could digest raw meat, bones, and fur, not to mention a little bit of undercooked porridge and rice. He drank seven or eight bowls of the entire pot of meat porridge in a row.

“It smells so good!”


The daughter-in-law Liu Mei smiled like two crescents, rolled up her sleeves and wanted to cook another pot. Li Pingan quickly stopped her and coaxed her to change into clothes soaked in the snow.

Clean the pot and cook porridge.

“I’m not busy the night before and I’ll be busy the next night. After dreaming about gold, I’ll dream about yellow beams…”

Li Ping'an hummed a strange ditty and looked at the rising smoke, and his mood suddenly became very good.

Boom, boom, boom!

There was a knock on the door, and he opened the door to see Zhong Er.

“Even if it’s snowing, we’ll give you mats.”

Li Ping'an picked up the corpse with one hand, which weighed only a few dozen kilograms. He looked at it and saw that it was an old man with white hair. He didn't know what crime he had committed.

Daqian Law has preferential treatment for the elderly. As long as it is not a heinous crime, the Yamen will tolerate it as appropriate.

Zhong Er said helplessly: "The adults in the prison are in a bad mood, so they don't dare to delay, so as not to be embarrassed. UU Reading www.uukanhhh"

Li Pingan asked casually: "What's going on?"

"It's not like the imperial court wants to inspect the fields."

Zhong Er said: "Anyone in prison who doesn't have 1,800 acres of land will have to pay taxes if he is listed in the yellow book. How can he be in a good mood?"

Li Ping'an said: "It's only a matter of time to inventory the acres. It will only be a few years later or a few years earlier."

Even if the orthodox emperor does not investigate, the subsequent emperors will. Xintian and Yintian embezzled the emperor's money, and whoever sits on the throne will be concerned about it.

"It's not just that..."

Zhong Er said in a low voice: "Listen to your discussion, Your Majesty wants to change the tax system and merge the population tax into the field tax. It is estimated that the field tax will be doubled or tripled!"

Li Ping'an raised his eyebrows, never expecting that the Zhengtong Emperor would have such courage.

"Is this serious?"

"Nine times out of ten it's true."

Zhong Er's face was full of sorrow: "My colleagues in the prison are discussing how to voice their opposition. The land that our ancestors saved through frugality for generations cannot be sold at a low price!"

Ancient people were obsessed with buying land.

Tianlao was rich in oil and water. After the jailers saved their money, they went to the countryside to buy land. It has been passed down for generations, and every family has a large area of ​​fertile land.

Li Ping'an asked: "Does your family have tens of thousands of acres of land?"

Zhong Er shook his head: "How is that possible? It's only over three hundred acres."

"Then where is your family's main income?"

"Of course it's Tianlao. You only have so much money for farming..."

"Can your family's power influence the court?"

"There is no power at all..."

"Then you still make a fart sound, and you will be on duty in jail. Whoever has more land and power will oppose you."

Li Pingan analyzed the pros and cons and reminded.

"There are many obstacles to reforming the tax system. Even if it fails in the end, His Majesty can't control those wealthy families, so he can't control you?"

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