I am immortal

Chapter 127 Murderous intent is approaching

The old man was still struggling to get up, as if he must bow to the young man in front of him, but he was supported by the people around him.

I don’t know where the strength comes from.

Pulling the young Taoist along, he told the general story intermittently, his tone slightly choked with sadness, anger and discomfort.

He had been bedridden for many days, but he struggled to hold himself down for several days.

The old man felt that he had to apologize to the old friend of the old monster with a broken leg. No matter how uncomfortable it was and how painful his body and bones were, it didn't matter.

What should be done must be done. The old man has followed simple things all his life, so he feels that he has done something wrong and must apologize. After death, he should be buried in peace. The old weirdo is gone. He is with the people in the village. The friendship was not very good, but since he was buried in the village, he should be looked after by fellow villagers.

The grave was dug, the coffin was raised, and there was no peace after death.

How could he still have the nerve to see this child?

Regardless of what he was doing, he wanted to get up and bow down. The young Taoist held down the old man with his palms and found that he was using a lot of force. Just a move of Qi Wuhuo's Yuan Qi caused the old man's Yuan Jing to scatter and the Life Treasure could not be condensed, so Unable to exert force, the whole person returned to the posture of lying down peacefully, but his eyes kept crying, a sign of apology, sadness, anger and unwillingness.

The young Taoist said softly: "Treat the injury first."

His soul can be seen with just one glance at this moment.

There were no wounds on the old man's body. He was knocked to the ground, just as if he had fallen on his own.

In this case, even if you report to the police, if the other party refuses to admit it and says that the old man fell and injured himself, it will easily become a death case.

Be a veteran.

The opponent's attack and the energy that spattered on the ground were also very powerful. The old man's bones were broken, especially his spine, which made him unable to move. What an old man at this age fears most is lying down. Over time, bedsores will develop. , coupled with the dissipation of energy and spirit, perhaps a person who was originally in good spirits would die after a fall and lying down for a while.

The young Taoist stretched out his hand and pressed it on the old man's waist.

The innate Qi changes and flows.

The old man was stunned, as if he felt the changes and differences in his body, and his eyes widened.

Qi Wuhuo raised his hand and said gently: "Try it."

Next to him, there was a middle-aged man who looked more or less like the old man. When he got anxious, he wanted to yell and curse, but was stopped by his father.

The old lieutenant was confused and tried to stand up with force, and then he stood up unexpectedly. When he tried again, he was able to get down to the ground and even walk without any problems. He just lay down for a few days, so he was not strong enough and his head was a little dizzy. In addition, it seems to have returned to its original appearance, or rather, it seems to be better than its original appearance.

Everyone was in an uproar.

They all looked at this scene in disbelief.

Then he looked at the young Taoist with a gentle expression who was carrying a bamboo basket on his back.

He was speechless for a moment, he was surprised, he wanted to move forward, but he stayed where he was out of awe.

The great monk spoke and praised:

"Taoist Priest, what a good idea."

Taoist priest?

Everyone knows that ordinary monks are just called Taoists, Taoists. They often say that they met that Taoist priest today and heard that Taoist priest said something about the mountains. But the Taoist priest is not like that. He can already find a place. In mountains or cities, people who opened Taoist temples, recruited disciples, and taught the Dharma lineage were all shocked when they saw that the young man in front of them was only fifteen or sixteen years old, even the temple master.

However, at such a young age, the master said he was a Taoist priest.

Some mysterious abilities.

It seems to be quite normal.

Everyone didn't know how sick the old man was and how troublesome it was. The Taoist priest's identity was naturally recognized by them, so Qi Wuhuo and the monk helped prepare the medicine. The middle-aged man next to him helped. Thank you very much, and because I saw such a method, I felt a little embarrassed.

The monk simply asked him to take care of his father and there was no need to stay here.

The latter thanked him several times before leaving.

The great monk looked away, looked at the medicine furnace, and said: "The Taoist Pure Innate Qi is really powerful."

"A poor monk can only take care of an injury like that slowly, but he doesn't have the means of a Taoist priest."

Innate Yiqi is the product of Taoism's true practice of going against the Three and Returning to Two.

Therefore, in theory, as long as the foundation is mellow and the innate Qi is pure enough, one can transform and transform with one's own Qi.

Make a way to spread all things, and use two to produce three.

It can bring spring back to dead trees, regenerate broken bones, and perform all kinds of incredible magical powers.

It's just a thought. The other methods of controlling the wind, sword energy, and turning ice into frost are only classified as [killing foreign demons].

It's just a way to protect the Tao.

This is one aspect that cultivators must pay attention to, but it is far from the whole story.

True Taoists, when they reach the level of innate energy, if they do not open Taoist temples and teach the Dharma, most of them will just walk in the world of mortals, leaving behind various legends, such as planting beans and growing vines that can reach the sky, decapitating people and swallowing knives, laughing at the world. It is this level, the so-called strange people and strangers, who have the means.

The Buddhist method is more inclined to clarify the soul and subdue inner and outer demons.

Those who practice the Ming King Dharma, those who practice the Vajra Dharma, those who practice the Bodhisattva Dharma, and those who practice the Arhat Dharma all have their own characteristics.

If the great demon walks according to its instinct and absorbs the brilliance of the sun and the moon, it can move wildly with its strength, which is different from the Taoist innate energy.

The monk boiled the medicine and asked the old man to drink it. He also left instructions. He pulled the middle-aged man aside and gently told him how he should take care of his health, how to take the medicine, and what taboos he had in his diet and daily life. , told him one by one, while the young Taoist priest was helping the old man to recuperate, and the old man briefly told what happened that day.

Finally, he hesitated, but still said: "Is the Taoist going to find the person who did these things?"

"Taoist Priest, you may think that my words, old man, are not pleasant to listen to."

"But you are from outside the country, and you should be traveling around to cultivate. You are a god-like figure. You don't have to offend those people because of this matter. You really can't do it...Besides, old man, I believe there are still kings in this world. The law is fair, and today’s saints, sages, sages, and virtuous people are much better than the deposed prince before.”

"I will not give up on this matter. We will definitely find justice!"

Lao Li has been doing things according to the rules all his life, so he believes in justice and the law, and he has persistence in his eyes.

How could there be no fairness and royal law in this world?

How could there be no justice?

He believes this.

The young Taoist paused and replied gently: "Well, there is justice."

When he stood up to say goodbye and left with the medicine basket on his back, the monks saw each other off. The gray-clothed monk watched the young Taoist go away, then came back to his senses and took care of the patients. Qi Wuhuo looked very quiet and did not break the old man's hope. , only walked into the mortal world, but the little peacock seemed to be aware of the young Taoist's emotional fluctuations, and asked spiritually:

"Aqi Aqi, what's wrong?"

"You look like you can't eat anymore."

The young Taoist seemed to answer, but also seemed to say to himself: "Wearing black clothes, holding a sword, and having such a method."

"He is one of the secret guards of the imperial court."

"It should be the Qianlong Guard under the command of the Prince of the East Palace."

"All the commanders are eunuchs who grew up with the prince."

Sir, I want justice.

In their hands.

The little peacock felt dizzy when he heard: "Qianlong Guard, Imperial Court?"


The young Taoist replied: "Taking the hexagram of a hidden dragon in the abyss, I hope it can lie dormant like a hidden dragon, accumulating strength and waiting for the opportunity to soar into the sky, shaking the world with its sound."

The little peacock was making noises, and the young Taoist held it out with his palm and let it stand on his shoulder.

Found a more comfortable place.

He squinted his eyes.

Feeling that the wind blowing by, the young Taoist's black hair on the temples was swept back and forth was very interesting, the little peacock responded while pecking at the young Taoist's black hair.

"Oh...that's right."

"So, Ace."

The little peacock said seriously:

"Can this Qianlongwei be eaten?"

The young Taoist laughed and said gently: "Qianlongwei is an organization, not a food company. As for what they are..." Qi Wuhuo shook his head, holding a wine jar in his hand. The old man had said before that he had been with The veteran got into an argument and said that all the veteran drank was bad wine, but the veteran said that he had never drunk any good wine.

So the old village chief once asked his son to buy good wine in Zhongzhou Fucheng and take it back.

At that time, I took a jar of turbid wine from the old school captain in exchange for it.

The old village chief originally seemed to have planned to make a replacement and secretly scare the veteran, but he failed to do so. In the end, he poured the good wine into the grave, which was regarded as fulfilling his wish.

This is the wine jar where the captain with a broken leg served his wine that day.

Just now, Qi Wuhuo asked the old man's son to get it. The young Taoist found a place of water and poured the water into the wine jar. Then he moved his fingers slightly, and the water boiled up and went straight into his mouth. He closed it. With his eyes, he felt the medicinal properties hidden in the wine, and then he tapped his throat lightly with his fingers. The young Taoist opened his mouth slightly to the side, spit out the water, and scattered it again to the ground.

The young Taoist wiped the corners of his mouth:


"If Qianlongwei appears here... my guess is indeed good."

"The thief is not at ease now, so he wants to finish it off."

"...He has been drinking poisonous wine for seven years."

The young Taoist was stunned and stopped talking.

"So the flesh and blood that was able to compete with the demons back then have decayed terribly."

Did he know that what he drank was poisonous wine?

I don’t know how sad it would be to die like this.

But if he knew it was poisonous wine, he would still drink it one cup at a time.

But I feel even more sad.

The young Taoist closed his eyes, feeling that if that person were in front of him, he would draw his sword and kill him. However, the world is so vast, and he could not find the person with murderous intentions. The long sword was empty, so he had to use it in its sheath. He whistled in the middle, kept quiet for a long time, and threw the wine jar at the place responsible for cleaning in the city. The little peacock seemed to be very sharp, even the downs exploded slightly, and the whole bird seemed to swell in a circle, and said:

"Aqi Aqi, are you going to deal with that prince?"

"Don't ask about such things, little one."

The young Taoist's voice was still gentle, and his own soul recalled Huang Liang Yimeng's experience.


The current prince is not the same person as the one who took over the throne later.

The great sage, the compassionate, benevolent, virtuous and filial emperor who is now in power seems to know that there are many problems with his rise to power. He is not so upright, which has also attracted the dissatisfaction of some elders in the court, and has left many clues. After everything was dealt with cleanly, the prince, whose mother's family and wife's family both came from the five surnames and seven sects, was the knife he used to check and balance the family and wipe away the unclean ends.

Cut off aristocratic families and force talented people.

It's euphemistically called "Experiencing the Prince", but actually he used the Prince as his sword to accomplish what he wanted to do.

Finally, he pushed the prince out to calm the family's anger.

Made a deal.

The prince was deposed and the youngest son's son, that is, the emperor's grandson, was re-established as the emperor.

It not only wiped out what he had done back then, but also weakened the family, making the imperial power highly concentrated.

Oh yes.

In the end, he left his good imperial grandson, who was not famous enough, with [Master Wuhuo] who was enough to calm the situation.

Everything is in his calculations.

Apart from the weakening of the country's power, the removal of the blood of millions of mourning people, and the removal of the border gate being blocked by the demon country.

The emperor is skillful and intelligent.

But I have never looked down at the people.

The young Taoist wore it casually around his waist, and the branch soaked in the water of the Tianhe River gently outlined the ground. It is not impossible for the Qianlong Guard to leave the prince and act independently, but since there are ceremonial guards, it is obvious that the prince also Around here, the surrounding officials did not receive large-scale receptions, so the prince would not be touring the country on behalf of the emperor, and it would be a private visit.

And it’s almost New Year’s Day.

fifth year……

The young Taoist lowered his eyes.

This human emperor and saint is going to change his reign name.

The name of the year is - Shengde.

This prince should have finished his tour and come here to look for treasures to present to his father in public at the gathering at the beginning of the year. In addition, the former prince's son, the county prince, is also here. This is also What attracted the prince here.

Although I don't know why, the prince escaped from the capital, but the emperor and the prince were not willing to see him outside.

Come to think of it, in the eyes of the prince and the emperor, the captain's matter was not worth thinking about.

The young Taoist had already made up his mind to wear the branch on the side of his waist again.

The little peacock was puzzled: "Aqi, Aqi, where are you going?"

Qi Wuhuo replied: "Mingzhen Taoist Alliance."


The little peacock was confused and asked again: "Aqi Aqi, are justice and king's law delicious?"

"No, but to the old village chief and the others, it is probably as important as eating and drinking."

"Oh, that's a big deal."

The little peacock immediately understood the importance of this matter and was in awe.

Then he was a little worried and said:

"Can the old man eat enough just now? I mean, can he get the justice he wants?"

The young man replied: "...Probably not."

The little peacock felt very pitiful: "Hey, isn't that very pitiful? If I don't have anything to eat, I'm also very pitiful. If people don't have justice, it's the same as little Aceh and I don't have anything to eat."

"Where is the justice?"

The young Taoist thought for a moment and replied: "It's in the human heart."

"If the heart cannot ask for it."

"That's right on the edge of the sword."

The little peacock tilted his head and said:

"What about yours, Azhi?"

"Do you also want to ask for the king's law?"

The young Taoist replied: "I am a monk."

"Ah, so what?"

The boy's voice was gentle:

"So, there is no king's method."

"Ha, he is affectionate, lawless, and murderous. Who wants to have fun? Let's see..."

The young Taoist's soul suddenly noticed a joke, and his own spirit suddenly reminded him. He subconsciously raised his head, and happened to see a lazy man in gray clothes. The man in gray clothes was laughing loudly, holding a pot of wine in one hand, and cooperated with what he just said. His words appeared like this, and in the eyes of others, he also had the air of a master playing in the world of mortals.

So he raised his neck and drank, with the demeanor of a celebrity, and his eyes turned around.

I saw a young Taoist carrying a bamboo basket.

He was looking at himself quietly.

Then he looked at the shoulder of the young Taoist. It looked like a peacock. When he closed his eyes, his energy was like a nine-headed lion.

Then the smile on the face of the fortune teller who was previously leisurely and relaxed froze.

The body suddenly stiffened.

He looked at the young Taoist and then at the strange peacock bird.

blurt out a sentence.

grass! ! ! !

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