I am immortal

Chapter 208 The old friend is fine, the blood nourishes the holy fetus

The young Taoist came down the mountain. He first distributed the firewood to the people he had agreed to ask for, and then bought some meat and rice noodles and put them in the basket on his back. The two little guys squeezed in between the meals, whistling. After falling asleep, the young man stepped on the remnants of the sunset and walked towards his home.

What I heard was a familiar local accent, saying that my family was short-lived and had nothing important to do.

It's quite relaxed and leisurely.

As the young Taoist walked along, the road ahead gradually dimmed. The place where he lived was in a remote part of the town. The ground was very muddy. People rarely lit such extravagant things as oil lamps after nightfall. However, the young Taoist saw that from a distance A light came on, as if waiting for me.

Qi Wuhuo slowed down and saw in front of his door, a middle-aged man wearing a simple scholar's robe standing quietly, holding a lamp in his hand, illuminating the left and right, his eyes gentle, as if he had been waiting for this for a long time. The door to the courtyard was just open, but he never pushed it open and went in. He just waited quietly outside.

Qi Wuhuo said: "Mr. Su."

This is why he came to the mountains outside this town not long after he came to Zhongzhou from Jinzhou to give lectures. His lectures were so high-level that he could be called a famous person. At that time, he was only in his early thirties. At this age, he can be said to be a very talented person, and because of this, he has attracted many people to come to this mountain to study.

He also maintained a tacit attitude towards the young Taoist who secretly listened to the lectures.

Su Shengyuan looked at the young Taoist in front of him who had used the art of transformation to cover up his own strangeness. He saw that his face no longer had the weakness caused by poverty. He saw that his height had already grown taller, and he looked He is already a young man with a quiet temperament and his eyes are as deep as before. He smiled and said: "Yes."

"It seems that Wuhuo is having a good time outside, which is a good thing."

The young Taoist opened the door and said, "Mr. Su, come in and have a seat." He invited Su Shengyuan in, and as before, he caught the insects from the mountains and used their light spots to illuminate the room, making it dim. Ran Youguangsheng made tea again, and Su Shengyuan placed the lantern pole he was holding on the table, and held an iron object to press the pole to fix the lantern.

Seeing the young Taoist making fire and making tea, Su Shengyuan spoke in a gentle and unhurried tone: "Where have you been without Huo for more than a year? Do you have any insights?" The young Taoist replied: "I saw many people. I have also seen a lot of scenery, and I have definitely learned something, but I feel smaller and smaller."

Su Shengyuan asked some more questions, and took out a stack of books from his sleeves. They were all wrapped in oil paper, and he placed them gently on the table. He touched the books with his fingers and said in a gentle tone: "You are traveling abroad. The so-called study tour, hard work every day, should not have much time to read books and read classics. This is the file of last year's provincial examination, if Wuhuo has free time, you can read it."

"I have written comments on these files, you can use them as a reference."

"The exam is coming soon. If you are willing, I will report your name and place of birth."

Su Shengyuan's voice was gentle.

The young Taoist was quiet for a moment, then looked at the gentleman and replied softly:

"I don't plan to take the exam."

Su Shengyuan's movements stagnated slightly, and then he looked at the young Taoist in front of him.

It was quiet for a while, except for the crackling sound of the candle burning inside the lantern.

After being quiet for a while, Su Shengyuan saw that his expression was calm and calm, and he didn't say much. He didn't have any anger or unwillingness. He just smiled a little lonely and said, "That's it, that's fine."

"This scholar's reading cannot save the world and benefit the people, and it is useless."

"It seems that Wuhuo has gained some insights when you go out, but no matter what, remember that you still need to read. If you don't read, you can't understand yourself or others. I'll take these things away first..." He stretched out his hand. Take action, pick up these books that you have written by yourself, and put them away again.

Then he put some silver on the table, raised his hand to stop the young Taoist, and said gently: "You just came back. Winter has not passed yet. Most of the firewood prepared before the Chinese New Year in people's homes still has less than half left. You can use this silver yourself." Come and spend it first, just think of it as borrowing it from me..."

"Have a good life."

"Don't forget to read."

He put down the money, stood up, smiled gently, and said:

"It's getting late. My wife is still waiting for me at home, so I won't stay here."

"Wuhuo, sir, let's go first...

"Su Shengyuan came out, holding a lantern, and walked out of the alley step by step. He seemed to be uncomfortable with the road conditions here. He stumbled a little while walking, the lights were swaying, and his back was lonely.

The young Taoist wanted to see him off, but he stopped him, so he had to watch him leave. The aunt next door was squatting on one side with a bowl of rice.

The rice bowl contained the leftover food from the New Year. The rice was covered with vegetables, a few pieces of meat that were left over but could not bear to be thrown away, and a chicken. The rice bowl was filled with food, and he said: "Mr. Su is here to find you as expected. "

"Sir, when did he come?"

"He? He probably came here after he knew you were coming. He stood here for more than an hour."

"Why did you leave so quickly?"

The aunt ate a green onion, then gulped down her meal, and said, "Speaking of which, when you left without saying a word, the most anxious person in the town was Mr. Su. He was so anxious that he had been looking for you for several months. We also found our friends, and only then did we find out that Mr. Su seemed to have been a high official in the past, or something, a staff member or something."

"I have been searching for you in Zhongzhou for several months, but no trace of you was found. Everyone thought that you might have fallen into the mountains or been eaten by a tiger or something. Mr. Su himself was still waiting for you. At that time, he My whole body has no energy, and I always look at the place where you used to eavesdrop in a daze."

"I thought he would talk to you more about something..."

The aunt next door was very curious.

The young Taoist held a piece of silver in his hand, but it was as heavy as a thousand catties. Looking at Mr. Su's lonely figure as he left, the young Taoist knew Mr. Su's regret and loss. He also knew that he was a gentleman and would not put oneself down on others. Unfortunately, he could no longer do so. After studying, the young Taoist recalled in his mind the records he had read in the Jinzhou archives at the Mingzhen Taoist League.

The former prince's east palace was Zhan Shi Su Shengyuan.

This is the main group.

But because of the incident in Jinzhou, he advocated the impeachment of the current emperor. He was also a staunch defender of the Democratic Party. He believed that how could the people of the world be protected if one people was not protected? He strongly advocated the entry of cavalry into Jinzhou. He even thought that troops and horses should be driven directly into Jinzhou. Within the rift of the Jinzhou Demon Kingdom, only by attacking with force can the future people be protected.

If the enemy attacks me but I do not move, the enemy will become more aggressive.

Only when they become the main militant faction and show off their power through war can the country be established.

It is okay to seek peace through war.

To seek peace with peace is to put out fire by holding on to the salary.

In the Jinzhou incident, the prince changed, and the owner of the East Palace changed, and he was deposed as a direct descendant of the original prince.

Because his wife's family is from the Cui family.

To avoid death.

He was given a noble position in the Imperial Academy.

Disheartened and unwilling to be a member of the Imperial Academy, he resigned and went into seclusion, and came to a remote place in Zhongzhou to teach his disciples.

The young Taoist held the silver and chose a different path from Mr. Su, so he could not respond to Mr. Su. He was quiet for a long time, watching the light go away, and then returned to the house and took the silver. Put it gently on the table, with a plan in mind.

Su Shengyuan hopes to cultivate disciples so that there are enough young people with ideals and aspirations who can turn this turbulent era around.

But the young Taoist felt that if the top is not straight, the bottom will inevitably be distorted.

It’s just what works and what works.

But I don’t know whether the Zhou woman has arrived in the capital at this moment and whether she has given his letter to King Qin.

Qi Wuhuo thought for a long time, the lights gradually went out, and he calmed down his emotions, but he saw the little peacock and the little Yaoling hugging each other, sleeping soundly, carefree and without worries, he smiled slightly, Carrying the lamp made of caught insects, he pushed open the door, walked outside, sat in front of the stone table under the plum tree, and opened the door.

Then those little fireflies flew into the sky, and the boy opened the letter he had taken from the black bear.

With the help of the moonlight, when I read the letter from the Tiger Mountain God, my eyes caught the eye of the free and easy words, which was the style of my good friend.

‘How can I not be confused? ’

'After I left the mountain and traveled around, I realized how vast and amazing the world is. It cannot be compared to just sitting in one place and practicing Taoism. I thought that after hundreds of years of practicing Taoism, I had a good understanding of my own heart. However, when I traveled abroad, However, I found that communicating with others can bring out the aspects of myself that I had not noticed before, so I came to understand more and more who I am. ’

‘I am not alone in being quiet, I am angry, I am seeing all things and rejoicing. ’

‘What I am is the aggregation of countless selves in my memory. How can I understand it just sitting there? ’

‘So you can see the common people, you can see the heaven and the earth, you can see me’

'Actually, I had the joy and reaction when I met the common people. When I saw the heaven and the earth, I could not see the vastness of the heaven and the earth. I sighed. All I am, that's all. Walking around the world, I occasionally realize something, and I can't help but feel happy. Write it down on paper, hoping to talk to you one day'

While writing this line of text, the tall man in black attire was sitting in the quiet woods, his spear stuck upside down on the ground under the moonlight, and next to him was a man wearing his war robe. The child was saved, and the corpses of the famous demon fell around him. Under the moonlight, like a tiger after a hunt, he wrote simple and pure words quietly.

There were corpses all around.

The young Taoist read the letters from his friends under the moonlight with the help of flying fireflies.

This letter does not appear to have been completed in one go.

The following text was calm: "However, I originally planned to chat with you one day when I see you, but today I rescued the daughter of a tiger general and learned many things from her mouth, which seemed to be the same as Wu Huo's. It is related to your experience - after the death of the great sage of the Tiger Clan, the city also suffered massacres, just like Jinzhou."

The young Taoist's eyes narrowed slightly.

And the handwriting of the Tiger Mountain God is sharp.

"Actually, I've always wondered why there are monsters who practice cannibalism."

"Whenever wild beasts walk in the mountains, there are rumors in the world that wild beasts hurt and eat people. But for wild beasts, humans have too many bones and too hard and not much meat. They also have weapons, gather people to come and go, have extremely strong endurance, and can hunt. In fact, they are extremely advanced predators.”

"Just as a pack of wolves will not attack a lion, tiger or leopard unless the situation is desperate, even a ferocious tiger will avoid a bear."

"Most wild beasts will not attack humans unless they are hungry and crazy. Therefore, normal monsters are not aggressive towards humans at all. Some are even afraid of humans, just like lions and tigers, and avoid them; and if they are wild beasts If you are psychic, you will tend to spiritual fruits and elixirs, and absorb the essence of heaven and earth to transform yourself."

"Instead of wallowing in the killing."

"And sentient beings die unexpectedly, and their resentment escapes. I guess that swallowing such flesh and blood will harm the practice."

"So in Jinzhou, the demon clan actually started killing humans in large numbers. This goes against the character of the demon clan."

"I have always had this doubt. I once went to the Monster Clan city, looked through the classics, and found that these records were difficult to find. Later, I entered the Tiger Clan and saw the secret archives, and then I discovered that there were taboo spiritual schools in ancient times, and their theories Among them, it is believed that emotions are the voice of the heart, and the heart is the nature and the power of the soul. Strong emotional changes and grief belong to the agitation of the soul."

"So there is a state of mind that stimulates the people, and a breakthrough in the power of the soul that is created by swallowing the despair of the people."

"This method seemed to be routine ten thousand years ago. According to legend, it is related to the river of blood. It was the path that the first souls followed in the distant years when they saw the long river of blood in the sky and became enlightened. This group of people who practiced evil ways were originally He was purged and suppressed by the Demon Emperor, and a large number of cultivation methods with this concept as the core were burned to ashes."

"Later, the Blood River Sword Sect, which the human race also followed this killing and ruthless swordsmanship, was destroyed. Such methods gradually became taboo and gradually disappeared in this world. But eight thousand years ago, the demon emperor suddenly fell, and without the demon emperor's suppression, The great saints of the demon clan are tit for tat with each other. Even if someone is using this forbidden technique, no one will care as long as the clan of the great saint of the demon clan is not used as a blood sacrifice."

"So, the demon tribe and the human race that have lost the protection of the Great Sage have become its targets."

"Among these forbidden arts, there are countless records of killing common people and killing children for bone demons; and this seems to be consistent with the [vegetable market] you once told me - if a person wants to go out, he must send someone away Their lives were put into the vegetable market, so in order to survive, they fought with each other, used each other, and even killed each other with flesh and blood. There were definitely a few people who were desperate and crazy, which is unimaginable."

"Inciting the common people to kill each other in order to seek chaos, and even blockading a state as a furnace."

"I think one of the possibilities is to use this despair, grief and anger to temper some kind of weapon."

"A blood sacrifice is required to open the front."

"Otherwise, it's the possessed person who is practicing."

"There are only sentient beings in the world with rich joys and sorrows, and the human race is the leader among them."

"Nothing is more desolate than [people eating each other]."

"And the third possibility, which is also the biggest possibility, I found in the taboo books of the Tiger Clan."

"Based on this practice concept among the demon clan, there is a supreme secret method, which is feared by all demons, and it is for [raising the holy fetus]. There must be sadness in desperate situations, with sentient beings fighting each other crazily, and in desperate situations. What blooms below is the courage and determination of sentient beings, sacrifice, separation, and fighting to the death, all belong to this."

"What this method really cares about is not the madness of despair."

"It's the brilliance of humanity that bursts out from the desolation and despair of cannibalism."

"This is the path to [from evil to righteousness] [the transformation of yin and yang]."

"Then using the blood of the common people, the sorrow of all things, and the sighs of heaven and earth as a guide, and based on the bravery and bravery that are the most glorious among the natures of living beings, devouring foreign objects to achieve the foundation of one's own path, and forcibly set foot on the legendary path. The realm of the [Great Sage] is based on fighting with ferocious killing, and the path to becoming a saint by wearing armor without fear, is exactly the same as what you once experienced, Wuhuo."

"I'm worried that you will break through and leave Helian Mountain."

"That's why I thought of a way to get that bear to deliver the message to you quickly."

"Hopefully it's not too late."

The young Taoist looked at the letter quietly, clenching his hands subconsciously, and his heart even felt empty for a moment.

The pain and sorrow of so many people is deliberate...

It's not natural, it's not an upright fight between two races based on hatred.

But deliberate torture and killing.

And those countless people's struggles and efforts in order to survive, the courage and determination of humanity.

Just one part of a vast ritual.

that is it.

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