I am immortal

Chapter 216: The beginning of the calamity, no one knows, they know each other under the plum blosso

The simple alchemy furnace rotated violently and filled with endless flames, directly sealing Emperor Zhu Ling inside. His foundation was transformed from the innate Yuan Fire, but the flames in this alchemy furnace were particularly violent and domineering, forcibly killing him. The burning pain was unbearable. As a result of the flames, I felt the intense pain that even the concept of flame was burned. I couldn't help but roar:

"who are you!?"

"Why are you stopping me!"


"Huh? I just don't like you, Taoist. Supreme Furnace Exploder, please remember this!" The Taoist, who was wearing a mask and whose energy was hidden all over his body, took action and beat Emperor Zhu Ling to a bloody mess. As soon as the sleeves and robes were swept away, the alchemy furnace suddenly spread out, but it was transformed by the vitality, and the alchemy furnace spit out the Emperor Zhuling, holding the emperor in one hand.

The latter murmured: "You are here too, for the Northern Emperor's son!"

From what he saw, he simply angered Beidi by picking the wrong person to threaten the demon.

Xuandu said lightly: "No, it's just because I'm better than you."

"According to your logic, I'm stronger than you, so I'd like to beat you up, isn't it natural?"

And until now, Emperor Zhu Ling still believed that his mistake threatened the life of the protector of the Northern Emperor.

Xuandu didn't say anything more, and didn't bother to name himself. He just held Emperor Zhu Ling's head with his right hand, and said with a lot of irritability and impatience in his tone: "Teach you to be good, even if you are born, remember to be clear. Xingling, don’t be deceived. Xingling has entered a disaster and is being used as a wayfinder without even knowing it.”

"Damn it, you guys will die wherever you go, don't die in front of my house, you are going to cause trouble to others."

"It's so damn good!"


"Who dares..."

Zhu Ling was beaten so blind that he could only remember that the Supreme Furnace Exploder blocked him. Then the Supreme Furnace Exploder took Emperor Zhu Ling's head and threw it into the dojo of Antarctic Emperor Changsheng. The robe moved slightly, and the irritability on his body dissipated at this moment, turning into a clear and calm aura. He raised his eyes, looked at the layers of clear auspicious clouds, and said concisely:

"The second of the four emperors, the Antarctic Immortal Emperor, is here to bring you a message."

"That boy Xuanwei joined the Northern Emperor and got involved in the Taoist dispute between the Northern Emperor and the Southern Emperor and died. He deserved it."

"When this red-haired bird hit him, Pindao didn't bother to take care of him. He didn't stop him. He died as soon as he died."

"Yu Zhen, who is currently at Beidi, comes to see me. I will let him out as well."

"But you shouldn't have any plans to use this kid to test the Supreme Leader's position."

"The teacher has left heaven. You guys, please don't mess with his purity."

In the dojo of the Antarctic Immortal Emperor, the stream of light was flowing, and the surroundings were quiet for a moment. Even the birds fluttering in this vast world stopped, as if time had frozen, and then there was a brilliant and boundless stream of light, turning into a statue. The existence with unclear appearance said:

"I thought Taishang Xuanwei had fallen into your eyes, but I found it interesting to wait for the senior brother of Taishang's lineage to break the precept."

"Who would have thought that Master Xuandu would only have eyes for the Supreme Master?"

"However, Taoist Supreme Fellow has not been out for a long time, and suddenly a disciple with a name appeared under Beidi's command, which naturally attracted people's attention. If it were you, would you give it a try? Besides, Zhu Lingben I have the thought of revenge for my friend, but I just didn’t stop it, so that’s not okay, right?”

The Archmage said in a irritable and unkind tone:

"As the Four Imperial Guards, if there is no restriction, it means acquiescence. Zhu Ling understands this truth, and Pindao feels that Emperor Changsheng should understand it."

"So, Xuandu is here to give me a show of strength?"

"A show of force?"

"Ha, I planted a tree, and the wind and rain beat it to make it become a talent. Some people burned it with fire, not to destroy the tree, but to target me. It is like cutting and polishing, so that the raw jade can become a talent, and some people use it to burn it. The sharp ax and chisel will break it, not for the broken jade, but for me. You do it first, and I will come to you. It's natural."

Master Xuandu glanced at the beaten and unconscious Emperor Zhu Ling again. Knowing that the energy around him was blocked, he simply took off his mask at will, transformed into his true form, and stared coldly at the Dojo of the Antarctic Immortal Emperor in front of him. , said: "Today, Pindao will also tell you something, and I will give you the position of the Taishang lineage that you want."

"I have no interest in who wins or loses between you and Beidi, whose path is right and whose path is wrong."

"do not bother me."

"Don't even bother the teacher!"

"How about Haotian, how about the Jade Emperor, I don't even bother to care about it."

"As for Xuan Wei, by accepting the title of Dang Mo, he has already been involved in the next calamity like Tianpeng. He can die in Dao calamity, die in a fight, or even die in a calamity. He was plotted, the jade has a name, I will collect his bones, but there is only one thing..."

"But we can't die because we bear the name of Supreme Being and are used by others to test the teacher's position."

"This is the cause and effect of the master's sect, not his. He has not officially entered the sect yet. If the master's sect does not come forward to help him stop the robbery, it cannot implicate him."

"Yu, don't interfere, don't think about it."

The Antarctic Changsheng Emperor looked at the Xuandu Archmage in front of him and said with great interest:

"What Xuandu means is that even if he is the Northern Emperor's general, I cannot have thoughts or take action against him?"

Xuandu said calmly, "Of course."

"You can kill him."

"But you do it because he is the teacher's disciple, and you do it because he is an ordinary Beidi general. There are two different things."

"He died in the struggle between the Southern and Northern Emperors, but he died under your plan against the Taishang's lineage."

"If he was really just a demon, would you let Zhu Ling, a pig, provoke Beidi's general just to let him out? Of course not, you did this because you were confused about the teacher's position. You're worried that the teacher is tacitly supporting Beidi, and you think the teacher's temperament won't do that. When Xuanwei killed Donghua, you had that intention, didn't you?"

The Antarctic Immortal Emperor said calmly: "What you said is right, but not right enough."

"Restricting the people's temperament with severe punishment and laws may seem selfless, but isn't it actually the greatest selfishness?"

"What I do is for the common people."

Archmage Xuandu looked at him and understood the gravity of these words.

Not right enough means that the target is not just Beidi.

Is it the Jade Emperor?


Xuandu's eyes were dark and he did not continue talking. He stretched out a finger and said:

"Within a thousand years, in front of the true king."

"The [Yu] Antarctic Changsheng Emperor cannot attack him directly, and he cannot use him as a chess piece to test the teacher."

"That's the only way."

"The rest are all possible."

The Antarctic Immortal Emperor smiled and said:

"Xuandu, you really value the teacher the most. Does this mean that the teacher is not in very good condition?"

Master Xuandu's Qi was deep and churning, and he said lazily: "Teacher's matters are so profound that you have to test them. I don't even know. But for such matters, the disciple can do the work for the teacher and answer for him."

Master Xuandu looked at the Anji Changsheng Emperor. The two were silent for a long time. The Anji Changsheng Emperor suddenly smiled and said:

"Five hundred years."

"Five hundred years from now, I will personally kill him with a sword."

"In five hundred years, I will not take action against him personally, such as..."

Before his voice fell, Archmage Xuandu nodded, turned around and left.

It seemed that he didn't want to stay outside at all, and he didn't give the Antarctic Immortal Emperor any face. After finishing the matter, he turned around and left, without worrying whether the Antarctic Immortal Emperor would breach the contract. Such a temperament made the Antarctic Immortal Emperor feel in a daze that during these five hundred years, The gift was too generous, so I laughed and didn't care.

Glancing at Zhu Ling, the emperor, who was so burned that his soul was dazed, recovered from his injuries in an instant.

Emperor Zhuling was dazed and in severe pain, and his last impression was only a violent flame.

He looked around, hesitated, looked at the Antarctic Immortal Emperor, and saluted: "Emperor, I am..."

"You bumped into someone while refining elixir, and you just got angry."

"Huh?! There is such a person?!" Emperor Zhu Ling turned pale in shock and said, "Who is he?"

The Antarctic Immortal Emperor had a handsome face and said: "Well..."

"It's called the Supreme Furnace Lord."

Emperor Zhu Ling was hesitant and confused, then he looked ashamed and kowtowed: "Emperor Changsheng, I have caused trouble... I originally planned to threaten and capture the demon, but I never thought that the old scalper turned out to be the son of the Northern Emperor. The protector of the Way, on the contrary, angered Beidi and attracted one of the Saints of the North Pole and one of Zuo Fu and You Bi."

"Emperor Changsheng, I have caused trouble for you again."

"This time the matter is serious, you just hand me over..."

The Antarctic Changsheng Emperor looked at him with such gentleness and compassion, and said: "It doesn't matter since you are of my Antarctic lineage, I will protect you. It's just a small mistake." Emperor Zhu Ling looked ashamed, saluted heavily, and said: "I, the Immortal Emperor..."

The Antarctic Immortal Emperor smiled and said: "You are my vassal, how could I abandon you?"

"Don't worry, I will help you handle this matter."

"Just follow me to the Northern Emperor's Palace to apologize. In addition, go to the Antarctic Immortal to get some life-extending elixirs and many magic weapons for the Northern Emperor..."

Emperor Zhu Ling said: "Your Majesty..." He gritted his teeth and said: "I will take full responsibility for today's affairs!"

"I will never let the Great Emperor's name be stained by this!"

The Antarctic Changsheng Emperor smiled and said: "All living beings have the virtue of living a good life. Besides, what's wrong with you being angry because Donghua was humiliated? It's just a verbal fight. The Northern Emperor is magnanimous and follows the law. He will definitely I won’t really do anything to you because of this, wouldn’t that be contrary to my own path?”

"So, where's the crime?"

"You did a good job this time with your sincerity and sincerity."

"Let's go down and take a little rest."

"Yes! Take the order!"

Emperor Zhu Ling was grateful and went away with great shame, while Emperor Changsheng of Antarctica said to himself: "Son of the Northern Emperor, the protector of the Tao, and the protector of the Tao is related to the lineage of the Taishang. Zhu Ling, you have indeed done a good job. , Taishang’s lineage, don’t be in trouble, Taishang, Taishang..."

"Why is Taozu so extraordinary?"


In the Xuandu Temple of Zi Mansion, two children were looking at the scenery outside, while excitedly thinking about when the Archmage would come back. The child on the left said happily: "I thought the Archmage was still the same as before. The one who is lazy and refuses to go out. Is this the first time he has gone out in eight hundred years?"

The child on the right nodded vigorously: "Yes!"

"However, I didn't expect that the Archmage would value Uncle Xuanwei so much."


"Hey, doesn't this look like something from a storybook?"

"But why did the Archmage say to Lord Yuzhen Shouyuan that he would not take action to protect Xuanwei?"

This question made the brains of the two children knotted up. The Archmage's personality was the kind of person who would come to the door directly with the alchemy furnace to grab someone. He was fussy and irritable, but he never lied. If Yuqing's first disciple said such things, he would not support Xuanwei's name, but he said those strange words again and left again.

If there is a big grievance, there will always be more grievances. How can we do good by repaying grievances with virtue?

Resolving big grudges will inevitably leave resentments behind, and repaying grudges with kindness is not a good solution.

What means?

While I was thinking, I suddenly saw the auspicious clouds flowing in the sky in front of me, and then I heard that Emperor Zhuling had tied his hands and feet, and was taken by the Antarctic Changsheng Emperor to the Beidi Palace to apologize for touching the Northern Emperor's son. But it was a big event and lively. The two children rested their chins on their hands and sighed.

"The Antarctic Immortal Emperor..."

"Yes, compared to the terrifying Beidi, the Antarctic Immortal Emperor is better."

"Many of the life-extending elixirs and spiritual herbs must be provided by the Emperor Changsheng, and then there are the elixirs from our Xuandu Temple."

Just as he was talking, he suddenly heard bursts of thunder coming from behind, and there was a scent of fragrance escaping. The two children turned around, only to see Master Xuandu coming back at some point. The alchemy furnace was full of glow, The Archmage became sluggish again, and the two children asked in surprise: "Teacher, when did you come back?"

"Huh? Where's Uncle Xuanwei?"

The Archmage lazily did not answer, but just looked at the elixir furnace. The purple and gold Bagua furnace has finally completed the elixir today. It shines brightly and has a brilliant glow, but it is the [Nine-turn Golden Pill]. If a mortal takes it, it will be white immediately. When the sun rises and the three flowers gather at the top, it goes against the innate nature and can prolong life, replenish the foundation, and heal injuries. It is indispensable.

The foundation can also be reshaped.

Thirteen pills are produced in one furnace.

Master Xuandu put it into the jade porcelain vase, looked at the two lonely children, was silent for a moment, and said lightly: "Let's go, today I will go to the Jade Palace to deliver the elixir. This is for the next thirteen years. You two Come with me this time."

Both children were surprised.

Grand Master Xuandu lowered his eyes and said calmly: "In the next five hundred years, from now on, you will not be able to go out again."

"So, have fun."

The two children's faces turned bitter, and they immediately gritted their teeth and decided to have a good time and have fun that day, so they picked up a lot of things. The Archmage had his hands in his sleeves, as if he had just made an elixir, and there were many Immortals and gods recognized him and greeted him respectfully.

The one who prolongs life is the spiritual root of Antarctica and the elixir of this supreme lineage.

How can we not have a good relationship? The great mage had just finished refining the elixir, but he went to the Jade Emperor's Palace. When delivering the elixir, even he had to go through layers of bead curtains to prevent him from seeing the Jade Emperor's true face before he came out. Looking at the Jade Emperor's Palace from a distance, the brilliance of the stars in the north is flowing. After the fire sun, the eleven suns each have their own responsibilities.

Master Taishang Xuandu looked at the two children, watching the two children flying kites, and looking at the stars in the distance.

Tong'er was tired from playing. He looked at the Archmage and couldn't help but curiously asked: "Grand Mage, Uncle Xuanwei seems to have made a big name for himself. Aren't you going to teach him something?"

Xuandu said calmly: "Someone helped teach me."

"Too lazy to go."


The Archmage stood up with a puff of his sleeves, and with a look like that of a Supreme Being on his casual face, he said calmly: "Those who do it will be defeated, and those who insist will lose it. Canopy, Xuanwei, the more you gain, the more disaster you will face."

"Eight thousand years ago, the foundation of the ancient land was damaged, and now it is in catastrophe."

"Huo Dexingjun's position is easy to hold and easy to sit on...it's easy to take care of yourself."

Under the solemn and distant gaze of the Archmage, the stars aligned and many battles finally resulted in the competition for the title of Star Lord, so everyone cheered and celebrated their friends, even the losers, but everyone Looking around, the Huode Xingjun was missing, so someone laughed and said: "Hahaha, Huodexingjun should be heading to Huoyao Palace."

"Come on, let's go see the treasures from thousands of years ago!"

So all the star officials and immortal gods rushed to Huoyao Palace. The door of Huoyao Palace was opened, and many treasures inside were emitting light, all with hidden seals. They walked inside and shouted loudly: "Huodexingjun" , please come out, we are here to drink with you, hahaha."

Everyone's laughter stopped, and they saw that there was no one in the Huoyao Palace. Only a five-fire flag was inserted upside down in the palace, and the seal of Lord Huodexing was hung on the five-fire flag. On the flag, there was a faint stream of light, but the Star Lord was not seen. Everyone was shocked and could not express their surprise. They looked around and couldn't help shouting: "Where is the Star Lord Huode?"

"Where is Huodexingjun!"

"Huo Dexingjun!"

The human world——

Under the plum blossom tree, the young Taoist lay quietly and opened his eyes. After leaving the Great True Monarch Tianyou, he went to Huoyao Palace and saw the inheritance of Huoyao. After reading through it, he just read the legend of Emperor Zhuling of the South. The flag and the seal of Lord Huode Xing were placed there together. Seeing the separation between humans and gods, and knowing the true nature of heaven, the young Taoist man had peace of mind and knew his own weakness.

The Dao mind sees this world as mixed.

The separation between gods and humans...

He murmured, subconsciously looking at the girl who was born as an immortal, and then saw Yunqin sitting there, holding his chin in one hand, and the pen on his mouth, carefully motionless, because the two birds were standing there On the tips of her hair, they were communicating with each other. The girl was worried that she would alarm them, so she was cautious and her eyes were bright.

"Wuhuo Wuhuo, are you awake?"


"They're not afraid of me!"

The girl jumped for joy.

Qi Wuhuo leaned slightly against the plum blossom tree, the girl smiled brightly, so the stars in the sky went to find Mr. Huodexing after being at a loss. Then when they formally registered their names, they found that this guy was not from Doube, and If you're not from the Ministry of Fire, how did you get in? So there was a lot of fuss and clamor to find this guy who came to Doubu and had a fight and then left with a sign.

The gods have their own considerations, and the immortals have their own struggles. Each has its own way and its own principles.

There is no good or evil, no right or wrong, but choices, fights, and noises, which make people upset and confused, but the young man in the whirlpool seems to have left these, just looking at his friends under the plum tree. He laughed out loud with a serious expression of joy, but the girl looked at the young man's appearance and the tabby cat she drew on his face, and finally couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"Pfft, hahaha, Wu, Wuhu, don't, don't show such an expression at this time."

"I, I can't help it."


The young Taoist was puzzled. Yun Qin saw that the young man's face looked like a tabby cat, but he was also confused. He couldn't help it, and he laughed forward and backward. The young man was puzzled by what he meant, and suddenly realized something and raised his hand to wipe it. Wiping his face, he was stunned for a moment, then looked at the girl who was laughing so hard that she was about to burst into tears, and started laughing too.

Under the plum tree, childhood sweethearts.

In the heavenly court, someone shouted that the case should be taken.

"Who is Mr. Huodexing!"

"Where is Mr. Huo Dexing!!"


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