I am immortal

Chapter 218 The Northern Emperor is gone!

Even though Li Zhai was secretly locked in his Pipa bones and his cultivation was ruined, his ferocity and hostility were even worse than before, like a sick tiger that had never seen the light of day. He smiled coldly and said: "I hate it, of course I hate it, I wish I could." I'll strip you of your skin and bones, beat you to death, and hang you on the city gate."

The emperor walked over, looked down at his weak son sitting on the ground, and said, "You are indeed like me."

"But, Li Zhai."

"I gave birth to you and raised you."

"And you think that my power and position are all based on the blood of the people."

"Everything you have received since childhood was provided by me. Aren't they all stained by the blood of the people and so dirty?"

A trace of pain flashed in Li Zhai's eyes.

The emperor's tone was calm, his sleeves were swept away, and he sat on the luxurious bed in front of Li Zhai. He looked at his son, who was as violent as a sick tiger, and said:

"I have given you silks and satins, many treasures, fine clothes and delicacies since you were a child. I taught you your martial arts. I also taught you your art of war little by little from the military leaders of the previous generation. Li Zhai, Even though I have failed the world, I am proud that I have never failed you, right?"

"You are my son, I taught you to become a talented person, and now you are killing me."

"You and I are really not kings, ministers are not ministers, fathers are not fathers, sons are not sons."

After all, he was a person who grew up under the traditional moral concepts of Kyushu. The painful struggle in Li Zhai's heart was far more intense than it appeared on the surface. The act of killing one's relatives is the most upright and righteous act in the world. Because of this, human beings are not grass and trees. Who can do it? Being ruthless, you can move forward without any hesitation when drawing the sword, but after all, you cannot go without any pain and struggle.

The chains under the splendid uniforms, which were specially designed for military generals, trembled slightly and made a fine whistle.

The emperor was sitting on the bed, overlooking his son. There were delicate lines on the hollowed-out windows, and the sunlight was pouring in. No one had come or gone here for a long time. It was like there were pillars of light. The emperor's eyes were cold and indifferent, in this light. , said calmly: "Today should be the last time you and I see each other."

"Li Zhai, you are my son, and I don't want you to go on the road with great confusion."

"If you have anything to say, ask now."

"I won't tell any lies from now on."

Li Zhai was not surprised by what happened next. He sneered, looked at the emperor in front of him casually, and said, "I just want to know what existences you colluded with when you were doing things. The demon kingdom invaded, and the sky was blazing. Does it have anything to do with you?!"

A strong murderous intention lurked.

Even before death.

Military leaders want to know who should be killed.

The emperor did not answer directly, but asked in a cold and indifferent tone: "What will you do when you see someone killing people wantonly?"

The military leader's voice was hoarse: "Kill him!"

"What if you see someone killing an entire city?"

"Kill him!"

"What if you kill people in a state at every turn to get money?!"


"What would you do if someone stood in front of you and wanted to stand with those who killed people?"

The military leader's answer was without a doubt: "Kill!"

The emperor looked at him and after a long time, said: "...It is the choice you will make and the words you will say."

Then he said calmly: "I think so too, and do this too."

The emperor didn't wait for Li Zhai to speak, and said slowly: "There are immortals and gods who want to reach a higher realm and need assistance with scientific rituals. And all creatures in the world, not just humans, are just a part of the rituals they can perform." , there were more things like killing people at will when I was your age."

"And my father, your grandfather was killed because he fought back against them."

"Although he is alive, because his foundation is damaged, he is no longer able to bear the fate of humanity."

"At that time, I was thinking, why are all the creatures in the world so miserable? Why? I am determined to kill the immortals and gods, while your uncle is determined to sacrifice to the gods of heaven and earth to protect the world. The conflict between us becomes more and more serious. It got bigger and bigger, and finally it got to the point where it couldn’t be attached, and it broke out in Jinzhou.”

"I am not in charge of what happened in Jinzhou. How do you think I can preside over such a big thing?"

"The blazing fire and the drought were done by the God of heaven and have nothing to do with me."

"The demon tribe has the power to raise the holy fetus, and it has nothing to do with me."

"And I am just following the trend, except for the prince who wants to sacrifice heaven and earth and coexist with the immortals and gods at this time."

The Seventh Prince Li Zhai clenched his fists and roared in a low voice: "So you just let the monsters slaughter the people?!"

The emperor said coldly: "It's just a simple calculation and choice."

"How many people do you think can be saved with the participation of immortal gods and great sages? If 600,000 cavalry enter, how many people can be saved?"

"How much more will it be than now? One million, two million?"

"And after losing 600,000 cavalry, who will guard the border and who will defend the demon clan?!"

"Let me tell you another situation. I had a meeting with Xingjun Ji in the sky at that time. I know that the demon tribe's raising of the holy fetus requires courage and strength in desperate situations. Six hundred thousand iron cavalry will fight against all odds to enter. Fighting without fear of death, and when the people of Jinzhou saw the iron cavalry in despair, to what extent would these two desperate acts of bravery promote the birth of the holy fetus of the great saint of the monster race?"

"When the demon clan has another great sage raiding the border, how many people will die."

"Have you done the math?"

"In order to save Jinzhou people, even some Jinzhou people, the border people were displaced."

"Jinzhou is a human being, but the people at the border are not human beings, or are the people who died there not human beings?"

The emperor's tone was calm and cold: "Li Zhai, you are just like your uncle. Righteousness and kindness cannot be used to govern the country. What I have to face and be responsible for is the entire world, the nine states and ten regions. Weakness cannot govern the country; kindness, It will only bring greater disasters. Only under the iron blood can we have the short-term peace of the remaining eight states."

"And what I want to do is to gather the power of the entire human race to fight against the sky."

"This is the right path. The people and descendants in the future will be grateful for the determination and bravery of our generation. However, there will inevitably be some sacrifices in the process, but the world will undergo great changes, and no one will die."

He looked into Li Zhai's eyes and said calmly: "You should feel that the border generals' military supplies have never been lacking, and they are even better than before, and the world has spread that I am frivolous and have little talent. The name."

"I changed the previous capitation tax and instead divided the tax equally based on the number of acres of land. I suppressed the aristocratic families in the world and collected taxes from them. Ignoring the objections of those aristocratic families, I opened widespread imperial examinations and allowed the common people to recruit their talents. , go and see which emperor has done better than me in the past thousand years."

"You can go and read the files. If you really do, you will find that the people under my rule are better than those under the previous emperor."

"With light corvee and little tax, the people live and work in peace and contentment, and the population grows rapidly."

"As long as it takes less than ten years, the people who died in Jinzhou will be made up for, or even several times more."

"For twenty years, under the prosperous rule, it was grand and grand."

"And the holy fetus of the demon clan will not be raised. Only the human clan under the rule of the prosperous age can subdue the four directions and draw the sword against the gods in the sky. Before drawing the sword, you must hibernate and endure, just like you He did what he did to me, he lay dormant and endured, and then that shot was unexpected and shocking."

"What the emperor wants to do is not kindness, nor fairness, nor justice, nor responsibility for one person or one state. There is only one thing the emperor wants, and that is the overall prosperity of the human race." The emperor looked down at him calmly and said: "You kill I, who else can suppress those aristocratic families now? Who else can control the civil and military officials of this dynasty? "

"With the death of the emperor, you have broken the unshakable position of the imperial power. The five surnames and seven kings will fight each other for the throne."

"You have to fight, you have to fight, you need money, you have to draw blood from the people, you have to plunder the people, you have to force them to join the army, and then they fight and bleed with each other. Li Zhai, you are trying to get back those people in Jinzhou who died because of the gods. It is justice, but it will drag this era into troubled times, and let people who originally lived and worked in peace and contentment go to the battlefield and die ten times or a hundred times."

"And the decades of fighting and civil strife will exhaust the energy and spirit of my human race. If the demons move south, what will I deserve in my life?"

"How short-sighted."

"As expected, you don't have what it takes to be an emperor."

There was a kind of regret and sadness in the emperor's eyes, but it was mixed with a hundred times of indifference. It was not as complicated as a substitute could have. When he stood up and turned away, Li Zhai behind him was shaken, and the emperor pulled out He picked up his sword and looked down at Li Zhai who was shocked. Suddenly, with a movement of his wrist, a cold light slashed towards Li Zhai.

Clicking sound.

The chain on Li Zhai's wrist was chopped into pieces and fell to the ground.

The emperor looked at him and said indifferently: "The prince was deposed, the fourth son came to the throne, and the King of Qin came with a feud."

"The capital is going to be in chaos."

"You are also the son of King Qin who killed his father's enemy. King Qin still has the scornful and murderous spirit of our family in his heart. If you follow him, you will not end well. And if the world is in chaos, there must be a general to guard the border. No matter what happens here What, don’t look back.”

The emperor dropped his sword, turned around, walked step by step, and said, "This is our last meeting."

"Go back, you don't fit here."

"Go to the border, ride a fast horse, and fight as much as you want."

"Then never come back."


The emperor whispered one last sentence, then pushed the door open, and then did not close the door. There was also a token placed under the sword. Li Zhai was at a loss. The fierce general who killed relatives out of justice was shocked at this moment. He looked at the emperor far away. Go, stunned and unable to recover, and the emperor is walking in front, the loneliness in his eyes is quickly swallowed up by indifference and scorn.


In the heaven, the place where the cow lodges.

Zuo Fu Xingjun from the Ziwei Palace in the North Pole of Zhongtian came in a hurry. If Emperor Ziwei is compared to the emperor in the world, then he is the Zuo Prime Minister of Ziwei. This is how Zuo Fu Youbi is called in the world. Yes, after chatting with the two stars, Altair and Vega, their expressions changed slightly and they quickly looked for the girl.

Yun Qin tried his best and used the method taught by the uncle in black to hide from a very serious person.

Coupled with the evasion experience honed by being chased and arrested by [Danhua Fu Yingyuanjun] for many years.

What's more, Zuo Fuxingjun didn't think that just a little girl could avoid him, and he didn't even think that Yunqin would avoid him. The three Xingjuns rushed away and watched the bed spread out. The clouds, and the line of words written seriously on the white paper - [Dear mother, Yun Qin went to study, don't worry about me]

【Don't read】

Zuo Fuxingjun, Morning Glory and Weaver Girl, the three starlords looked at each other, dumbfounded.

The Antarctic Changsheng Emperor brought Zhu Ling to confess his crime.

It is also an important moment when the contemporary Northern Emperor appears in front of the public for the first time.

Northern Emperor's son.

Missing? ! !

Zhinu Su laughed angrily: "Okay, okay, good daughter, but she has great skills!"

At the same time, Yun Qin quietly circled around the Altair for several times, skillfully completing a method similar to fixing the Qi, and then the sky was high enough to let the birds fly, and the sea was wide enough to let the fish leap, happily avoiding it. ——She was in a loose mood. The Northern Emperor had been selected, and there must have been a lot of rituals. She didn't want to stand there like a wooden man.

What's more, after it's over, my mother, who is the former Northern Emperor's son, will definitely give me some advice.

Alas! ! !


Yunqin arrived at the secret base and relaxed. Suddenly he heard a noise next to him. He was stunned and subconsciously turned around. He saw Qingjun Daojun in black squatting there in the grass. He was also wearing a normal body. The two have a wonderful way of covering up, so one big and one small stared at each other with big eyes and small eyes.



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