I am immortal

Chapter 223 The Plan to Cultivate the Disciples of the Great Heavenly Lord Yuqing


The young Taoist's mind paused, and he thought of another name in an instant, but saw that this middle-aged man had a peerless appearance and an extraordinary bearing. However, before he could fully react, he directly 'forgot' the name in front of him. The particularity of young people seems to be that once they realize their identity, they will immediately lose their awareness of the concept of identity.

Then the cognition of him returned to "a mysterious and unpredictable neighbor" in a paradoxical way.

After greeting him politely, the young Taoist originally planned to go back to the house. Then, just like other neighbors brought him pots, pans, pans and vegetables, Qi Wuhuo also brought a few days of food and vegetables to visit, but After opening the door, I found that the house was just a quiet room.

The young Taoist's wooden hairpin spread out with a hint of coolness.

An idea came to mind.

Isn't the place where I live the same house that the person who guarded the mountain lived in back then? This should be the most remote place, why is there a room next to it?

Is there a yard next door to my house?

He immediately shook his head.

This courtyard is [eternal].

How could I have the idea that there is no such yard here?

Too strange.

The young Taoist politely chatted with Mr. Qingyu for a few words, put down the vegetables and rice noodles, and said politely: "I live next door, and we are all neighbors of the folks in the village. If anything happens to Mr. Qingyu in the future, you can Just call me and I will definitely come to help.”

The middle-aged man glanced at the rice, flour, grains and oils and said calmly: "I don't know how to cook."

The young Taoist was stunned, the little peacock's eyes widened, and he sent a message to Qi Wuhuo:

"Azi Azi!"

"How could someone say that they can't cook but only eat? It's so... natural!"

The young Taoist said in a gentle tone, "Then let me do it for you."


The little peacock gritted his teeth and whispered secretly.


"Hey, hey, Aqi, did you hear that?!"

"What does it mean to be okay!"

"You cook for him, cook! Shouldn't he be very grateful? Shouldn't he at least help wash the dishes?"

"How can you be so understated and take it for granted?!"

"This guy's character is so annoying!"

The young Taoist didn't pay attention to this. He just smiled and comforted the angry Qi Yuntun, and then made a simple meal.

The middle-aged man who called himself Qingyu just took one bite and put down his chopsticks.

Just this action has already made the little peacock, who cherishes food the most and thinks A Qi is the best cook in the world, blow up.

The middle-aged man glanced at Qi Wuhuo and said calmly: "Looking at your Qi, you also know how to practice?"

The young Taoist said: "I'm just getting started."

Taoist Qingyu wrote lightly: "I'm a beginner, but why am I so clueless?"

The young Taoist was neither humble nor arrogant, and said: "This junior has ordinary talents and insufficient foundation. It is already rare to win the favor of the teacher and step into the door of practice. I have not been able to obtain the true teaching in practice because I have not worked hard."

“I wonder what senior’s wisdom is?”

Taoist Qingyu raised his eyes, and an unused chopstick flew up from one side of the chopstick barrel and lightly touched the young Taoist's arm. In an instant, Qi Wuhuo felt the majestic Qi in his body suddenly stop. It was difficult to use, but the chopsticks in the Qingyu Taoist's hand were slightly raised and pointed at Qi Wulu's throat, which made him feel an incomparable terror.

Taoist Qingyu said calmly: "Qi, it's pretty good, but the other methods are just mixed."

"Relying on a little understanding and a little cleverness, I just put together combinations to meet the enemy. When I really encounter a systematic opponent, the flaws in your methods are really too big. Along the way, I just haven't met a truly amazing talent. You are such a beautiful person, you can survive safely now, but even so, your foundation is completely damaged."

"Do you think you will be so lucky next time?"

He let go of his hand, and Qi Wuhuo's Qi began to flow again.

Taoist Qingyu said calmly: "What do you think cultivation is?"

The young Taoist replied subconsciously: "Taoism is the foundation, magical power is the end, Qi is the origin, and all things are evolved."

Qingyu nodded, and then said lightly: "Then why is your body so weak?"

Qi Wuhuo said: "This junior has never practiced physical skills."

Qingyu looked at him, frowned, and asked: "All things in the world cannot come from two, two, three, and three, all things."

"Your body is only transformed by Qi."

"It's also the end of Qi."

"If you cultivate Qi, how can you not cultivate your body?"

"How can there be a distinction between body, qi, and spirit?"


As soon as he swept his sleeves and robes, he suddenly threw a book to Qi Wuhuo, and said calmly: "I hope you have passed my [trial], this thing is for you, it contains some methods of training the body, it is insignificant, and it has the effect of medicine." Liu, you can go and take a look at the way of the formation, and you will have an answer after seven days."

The young Taoist suddenly felt a doubt in his heart that 'the situation at hand is not reasonable'.

And the next moment, this doubt was suppressed by some mysterious power and became "natural" again.

He couldn't feel any malice despite the psychic powers he had gained from Liuli, the Taishang lineage medicine practitioner.

So when the young Taoist returned to his room, he had an extra volume of books and a handful of medicine bags in his hands.

This medicine was used for medicinal baths, but there were only three portions. The Qingyu Taoist asked Qi Wuhuo to use it once a day, and after three days, he would reconstitute the medicinal properties of the medicine.

The little peacock Qi Yunton was puzzled: "What a strange person, Aqi!"


The young Taoist nodded. The Qingyu Taoist was indeed very strange. He put the things in his hands on the table casually, and then meditated and refined Qi according to the previous practice methods. I don’t know why, this time he refined Qi. It feels much lighter than the previous practice, as if I have let go of the baggage I have carried for a long time, as if there is always a layer of dust in my heart.

But now, this layer of dust has finally been blown away.

Then I am myself, no longer restricted, I can feel free and do whatever I want.

After practicing Qi for one day, the results were at least 30% more effective than before.

It seems to be only 30%, but as the practice time increases in the future, this is an extremely considerable growth, and my mind feels relaxed. Compared with the previous heaviness, I feel more like a young man. The little peacock said curiously: "Aqi Aqi, why do you feel changed..."

"Have I changed? Where have I changed?"

The little peacock circled Qi Wuhuo twice in confusion, but still couldn't find the reason.

Finally, the little medicine spirit patted Qi Wuhuo's temples, spread out his arms, and drew a big circle.

Then he stamped his feet again.

After a while, the little peacock Qi Yuntun figured out the reason from his playmate and said: "Well, it said, Aqi, you seem to have become mellower and cleaner again, a bit like a well frozen in winter." It turned into ice cubes, but it was a little dirty. Now that it has rained in spring, the ice cubes have been washed clean."

“It’s clear and smooth, very beautiful.”

Qi Yuntun reluctantly finished the translation, then spread his wings, fluttered twice, and settled on the young Taoist's head.

She nuzzled him affectionately.

"But no matter what, Aqi is Aqi."

"If it gets better, it means that Aqi is happy. If Aqi is happy, I will be happy, so it is a good thing!"

The young Taoist stretched out his hand and touched Qi Yuntun's cheek, then suddenly paused.

Raising his eyes slightly, he felt a humane aura hovering several times and falling on his body. He stretched out his right hand and clasped his five fingers slightly, as if he was grasping the illusory destiny. Following this aura, the young Taoist seemed to see Arriving at the human race’s imperial city, I saw the emperor sitting on a high place and heard the announcement——

"...The King of Qin is a first-class prince..."

"Give me swords and shoes to go to the palace."

"You can enter the court without paying homage!"

The sounds and images are extremely distant, illusory and real at the same time.

And the aura of humanity gathered together and poured into Qi Wuhuo's body.

The status of the King of Qin has been improved. As the chief instructor of the Prince of Qin's Mansion, his proportion in the human luck system has also increased, and he has the feedback of his own Qi, and this Qi and Qi have been modified by the "Ziwei Emperor Qi Zhen Jing" The Qi that came out was swallowed up, making the Emperor Qi, one of the three Qi in Qi Wuhuo's body, become a little more pure, with a trace of majestic flavor.

"...To use checks and balances, send Li Zhai to the border first."

"Then drive the tiger to devour the wolf."

"Even if the family is liquidated, it will only provoke internal strife and drain domestic energy."

"Sure enough, even if there is a big difference between the dream and reality, his character remains unchanged. After all, he only has himself and the throne in his eyes. Although other things are also very important, they are just foils. It’s for fame, it’s for posthumous fame, it’s the icing on the cake…”

Qi Wuhuo remained silent, thinking in his heart that the girl from the Zhou family should have gone to the capital.

You can contact King Qin then.

The Human Emperor, the Great Sage.

The foundation formed by the murderous aura in the young Taoist's body was flowing, and traces of evil aura were rising around him. Then he closed his eyes and buried the thoughts in his heart deeply. The still water ran deep, but nothing was revealed on the surface. Yi Xiang, cleaned up the house and prepared the dishes. The young Taoist was very busy.

At the end, I looked at the scroll on the table and thought for a while. I was somewhat curious about what Qingyu Taoist said: "The body is the transformation of Qi". How can Qi be cultivated without cultivating the body? So I wiped my hands and lit up. Oil Lamp, I went to look at a technique, and after flipping through it, I discovered that what was recorded in this volume was not a technique at all, but an argument.

Rather than saying it is a specific practice method, it is better to say that it is elaborating on the differences between body, spirit and qi.

It is also believed that the acquired souls often misjudge due to their own origins and feet, thinking that Qi is Qi and body is body.

But its entity is also the transformation of Qi. If you only cultivate the Qi of breath and not the body, it is like an infinite avenue with only one end.

It is the [impairment in knowledge and vision] of beings born in the day after tomorrow.

It is also the so-called darkness under the lamp among the people.

Many of the characters are in Yunzhuan. Although they are simple, they contain countless charming information, explaining the differences and similarities between body and qi. Qi Wuzhuo originally only planned to take a look, but unknowingly, he got involved in it. , in this volume of exercises, there are many 'problem restrictions', which need to be learned and understood before can be solved.

The young Taoist thought thoughtfully, looking at the exquisite Yuan Refining Formation, and said to himself:

"The method of refining Qi is to advance seven times and nine times."

"Then if what is said here is correct, and the body is Qi, then is it possible to refine the body using the method of Qi refining?"

"Then I'll give it a try. If I take a different path from that of contemporary practitioners."

"Qi body does not use nine turns to refine the essence."

The basic narration in this volume seemed to open up new ideas. The young Taoist felt that countless thoughts were rising in his body, so he simply fetched a large bucket of water and used the art of transformation to make a bathtub. The little peacock volunteered to boil the water. Qi Wuhuo was originally very wary, but for some reason, he couldn't be wary of Qingyu Taoist, so he tried to test the medicinal properties of the packet of medicine.

He poured it into the tub, took off his clothes, and sat cross-legged in the tub wearing only his underwear.

Then try to use the Qi-refining Guan Qi method to extract the power of sealing and stopping, and achieve seven advancements and nine turns.

It was fine at first, just no different from refining Qi in the past. However, as Qi Wuhuo dispersed his three Qi, melted it into his body, and then tried to use Qi refining method to activate it again, changes took place. , in an instant, there seemed to be endless heat flowing into the body.

This is a broken foundation.

At this moment, it was like a channel through which the outside world poured into his body. In just a moment, the medicinal properties entered his body directly. A burning feeling instantly emerged in his heart, sometimes sore, sometimes numb and itchy, and even more uncomfortable. It's like a sword is attached to the body, and it seems that the body is about to be broken into pieces.

The young Taoist sat on the mourning platform with a calm mind, his eyes slightly opened, and he picked up a pen to write a talisman.

"Wan Qi returns to the clan!"

boom! ! !

Above the sky, the majestic qi gathered together, almost forming a cloud like a dragon absorbing water, and then rushed down towards this small courtyard, and with the medicinal properties as the traction, this was a majestic amount for the innate qi. Qi, the Qi involved in Wan Qi's method of returning to his sect poured into his body from the Zhoutian Acupoint.

The method of refining Qi——

Pick and refine.

Seven in.

Seal, stop.

Nine turns of refining essence!

Qi Wuhuo concentrated on it, and as the medicine penetrated into his body, his foundation and injuries quickly began to recover, and correspondingly, his body, like Qi, began to undergo some kind of transformation.

The middle-aged man raised his eyes and looked over there, and said calmly: "It's acceptable."

The voice of Emperor Houtu came to my ears:

"Yuqing, why did you move here?"

"Could it be that you want to steal the Supreme Being's disciple?"

Empress Houtu didn't care about Sanqing's identity. She swept her eyes up and down and said the words directly that even Xuandu and Tianpeng didn't dare to say. Yuqing Great Heavenly Lord just said lightly: "Of course not. .”

"There are different schools. I will not rob the Supreme Master's disciples."

"and you……"

"I'm just teaching him things."

"Three doses of elixir can make up for the damage to his foundation during the trial."

Taoist Qingyu said calmly: "He has entered my eyes and passed my test."

"Then I can't turn a blind eye."

"It is also a pleasure to see good talents and teach them, so why bother to stick to the opinions of the family."

"Besides...his foundation is too poor."

"Letting him go out to experience calamity is the same as courting death."

Taoist Qingyu spoke plainly, and when he spoke, his brows furrowed, seeming rather unhappy.

Houtu Huangdi was just surprised and asked: "What...are you going to teach him?"

The man with a face like a crown jewel and eyes like flying phoenix seemed to find this question very ridiculous, and said calmly:

"Teach him what?"

He paced, turned around, his sleeves and robe dropped, and said calmly: "Twelve personal transmissions are not allowed."

"Secret magical powers are not allowed."

"The rest are all possible."

The remaining five words are all calm and plain, making Hou Tu Huangdi only slightly moved.

The middle-aged man spoke calmly and calmly.

"If you can't pass my test, you are just an ordinary person, and you don't need to look at him again."

"But now that the trial has passed."

"Then you can't turn a blind eye."

"Want to go down the mountain? Yes, all kinds of martial arts, alchemy, talismans, eye skills, body skills, thirty-six kinds of weapons and fighting and refining methods, soaring in the clouds and mist and summoning mountains to summon spirits, weapon refining, formations, The art of controlling troops and transforming evil spirits, playing chess, calligraphy and painting, playing chess against each other, the elegant things in the world.”

“Everyone needs to know how to do it, and everyone needs to be good at it.”

"In this way, the foundation can be considered to be solid."

"Only before we can let him go down the mountain."

Taoist Qingyu walked into the courtyard, feeling the Qi spreading and rising next to him, and said lightly:

“Get your talents but don’t use them to their full potential.”

"Your Majesty, you are so arrogant."

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