I am immortal

Chapter 23 On the road to immortality, there are all corpses!

When Qi Wuhuo was about to speak, the mountain god raised his hand and said with a smile, "There's no need to make a decision in a hurry."

"Let me tell you about the power of this mountain god first. The sacrificial method says that "mountains, forests, rivers, valleys and hills, which can produce clouds, make wind and rain, and see monsters, are all called gods." However, the earth is only one lineage, and it actually does not obey the emperor's talisman. Comparatively speaking, there won't be too many restrictions, and leaving the place where you are will not have much impact, but you can't use the power of the earth's veins."

"And if you are in the mountains and rivers where you are, you can naturally possess several types of great supernatural powers."

"Can produce clouds and mist."

"For the wind and rain."

"You can use earth veins to develop escape techniques, come and go without a trace, and you can also condense incense and luck. It is a powerful magical power."

"At the same time, praying based on incense has a certain protection ability. For example, it can make some people have good luck, for example, it can make the protected person study more efficiently."

"Of course, all this is based on the normal operation of the earth's veins. The mountain gods and lands will naturally maintain the normal operation of the earth's veins and earth energy, so it is called earth. However, these are not the reasons why I hope you can be a mountain god."

The mountain god smiled and said, "I know you have a great heart."

"Cultivating the three elements of Yuan Jing, Yuan Qi and Yuan Shen, you are still at the level of refining Yuan Jing. When Yuan Jing is refined to the extreme, and then combined with Yuan Qi, you can cultivate [Xiantian Yiqi]. At that time, You can be called Taoist Master; and when the essence and vitality are combined, if you are in the earth veins, you can develop a magical power called "Earth Yuan Body Refining Heart"."

"Each sect has its own secret method. This can be regarded as a kind of secret tradition among the earth."

The Tiger Mountain God drank a glass of wine and said: "For others, the identity of the earth may be a destination that they can't get, but for you and me, it is just a place to stop and rest for the time being, and it will eventually leave. , when the time comes, you can return this identity to all living beings in this world."

When he talked about this, he looked calm, drank the wine, put down the glass, and his eyes fell on the sword placed on the table.

The palm of his hand flicked the sword, and the sword whistled slightly.

Qi Wuhuo did not make a decision immediately. When he saw the sword, he asked, "Does the first swordsman of Tantai Kingdom know the mountain god?"

The mountain god was silent for a while and said, "Yes, we are friends from more than three hundred years ago."

"I just didn't expect that his descendant would do such a thing. If he were still alive, he would have taken his head with a sword."

"You come with me."

He held the sword in his right hand, and raised the sword slightly upward. The sword was long and thin, and when he raised it, it made a clear sound. It can be imagined that if this sword must be extremely fast, the mountain god stood up and walked with the sword. , said: "At that time, I swallowed Huang Jing and opened up my spiritual wisdom. After practicing in the mountains for a hundred years, I already had an innate Qi and the means of transformation."

"He is a swordsman in the Jianghu sect in the world, and he uses his sword to enter the Tao."

"We have traveled around the world together, we have stepped on bandits in the mountains, and we have discussed Taoism with the old monk under the moon."

"Holding a sword for thirty years, I will be happy with my grudges."

"Later, he fell in love with a woman at first sight and settled down in his hometown, while I returned to the mountains. We agreed that every twenty years, when the spring flowers bloom and the river thaws, we will come back to the place where we met and bring wine with us. When we meet, recall the past, and talk about the future, the first and second time we meet are still like the past, extremely happy."

"Twenty years later, when we meet, he is already middle-aged, his cultivation has reached the innate level, and he is invincible in Hanoi."

"The sword is no longer needed."

"Another twenty years later, his wife died."

"Ten years later, the person who comes back is already an old man with gray hair on his temples."

The Tiger Mountain God drank: "He gave me his own sword code in exchange for me leaving my name on the jade book he prepared."

"I stood on the hill that day and watched him walk down the mountain step by step. I haven't seen him since."

"As of now, it has been three hundred years."

"Time is really cruel."

The mountain god stroked the sword, swept his sleeves, and smashed the dead old Taoist priest's body into pieces. Then he came to the top of the mountain and inserted the sword into the highest place on the mountain. The sound of wind blew through the sword blade, as if there was a low moan, high and low. The mountain god stood with his hands behind his back, looking at the river at the foot of the mountain. It was winter, and a layer of floating ice appeared on the river. The mountain god raised his hand, and the wine bottle in his hand tilted slightly.

Strong wine spilled on the sword's edge, but its power was still strong.

"Old friend, your sword is here with me, and your wine flask is here with me."

"People of my generation can travel the world with just one sword and one drink."

"It's a good idea to drink a bottle of wine and see the world."

The mountain god smiled and poured out the wine, then hung the flask on the hilt of the sword. Looking at the sword, it was like seeing a life-and-death friend when he was young, as if he was seeing his last face as he grew old and was about to die. Suddenly he smiled and waved his sleeves freely.

The past is past, life and death are parting.

Don't lose heart.

He turned around and walked down the mountain, muttering to himself: "When the long river of thousands of miles first freezes, the jade and jade pendants ring in varying degrees."

"Floating life is like water at the bottom of ice."

"People who flow eastward day and night don't know..."

"It's a good thing that you are buried here; when I pursue the road in the future and my life is about to end, where will I be buried?"

The mountain god and Qi Wuhuo walked down from the highest mountain top. The tall mountain god suddenly said:

"No confusion."

"How are you feeling today?"

Qi Wuhuo thought for a while and replied: "See life and death."

The mountain god smiled freely and said: "That Tantai Xuan is about to die, so he refines the Yangshou of the living person to extend his own life. He has hundreds of lives in his hands, so he is naturally walking on an evil path. But looking at his true intention, he is also seeking to To live forever and not want to die, what’s the difference between this mentality and yours and mine?”

"As long as practitioners do not change their true intentions and do not want to harm others, they may die calmly like my good friend did."

"And those who are driven by fear will fall into evil ways and die from disasters."

"Everything in the heaven and earth has its own laws of movement."

"It seems that he bumped into you today, and then died. Maybe he thought so too. He hated his bad luck until he died, but in the destiny of the world, it was not the great road of heaven and earth. , under the guise of using your hands and mine to kill him."

"Heaven and earth are constant and in constant motion."

“One drink and one peck, who can tell?”

"You and I are people who seek immortality by following the path. We will have to get used to separation in the future, or we may leave by the path and die by the path."

"A word of advice to you."

The Tiger Mountain God slightly cupped his hands and was speechless. In the end, he just smiled and sighed——

"On the road to eternal life."

"All the corpses."

"Fellow Taoist... take care of it!"


When Qi Wuhuo came down the mountain, the mountain god thought for a while and waved again. Liufeng took the black iron sword box over. The tiger mountain god raised his hand and pressed it down. Suddenly, a boundless wind blew past the sword box. Above the sword box, The stream of light suddenly brightened up, and finally became fierce, and then returned to calm, and the unstoppable howling had also stopped.

The mountain god turned over the sword box and handed it over, saying: "You should have seen it today. You have no way to protect the Tao."

"It's quite a disadvantage when you meet evil cultivators."

"Your soul is powerful. To some heretics, it is no different from a natural elixir."

"Your Yuan Qi is not in harmony with the Yuan Jing, so you cannot leave the body, but your Yuan Shen cultivation is strong, and you can control this thing."

"I erased Tantai Xuan's soul brand. You go back and slowly refine the brand inside. It will take about three years, and then it will be able to operate as you wish."

"For the purpose of protecting the road."

The mountain god smiled and said: "This is not a favor or a transaction."

"It's like you went up the mountain all night after knowing that there was a problem with my martial arts, because of the friendship of friends; I saw that your soul was strong but you didn't have the method to protect the Tao, and I also hoped to solve my friend's problem. This has nothing to do with cultivation. Because, it’s just about friendship.”

Qi Wuhuo cupped his hands and said, "That's it, thank you."

Because he had not tempered this magic weapon and had no innate energy to use his magical power, Qi Wuhuo had no choice but to carry the sword box behind his back, and then walked down the mountain step by step. Along the way, he met the watchman again, but this Once, the watchman, who used to be quite careless in the past, was stunned for a moment, then stepped out of the way and remained silent for a long time.

Qi Wuhuo was startled. Before he returned home, he heard noisy sounds.

From a distance, I saw that the alley, which was originally so narrow that even a carriage could not enter, was crowded with silk and satin.

Men and women wearing luxurious clothes stood quietly in the dilapidated small house.

When you hear the sound, turn your head.

I saw a young man in blue shirt carrying a black sword case, standing at the entrance of the alley. When the wind blew by, there was a hint of blood on his clothes, and his eyebrows were clear.

There was a commotion over there, and then they scattered their hands and shouted loudly but with uneven voices:

"Qi Xianchang is here!!"

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