I am immortal

Chapter 248 Qi Wuhuo, the great sage’s calamity

The sudden knock on the door made Xiao Pengcao's body tense up, and she remained motionless. Her eyes were wide open, staring at the door over there like a kitten with fried hair. Siyou looked gentle, He stretched out his hand and stroked Xiaopengcao's hair, then calmly stood up and went to open the door.

Standing at the door, the white-haired woman saw that the person coming was the noble gentleman who was disguised as a man and was a distinguished guest of the Blue Lion Monkey King.

His heart sank slightly, but his expression was calm. He smiled slightly and said, "It's Miss Huang Yao."

"Does the Blue Lion Great Sage want to listen to the music now?"

Huang Yao was very patient and polite towards the woman in front of him. He folded his folding fan slightly and said with a smile: "Qing Shi said that he hadn't finished fishing yet, so he took advantage of the fact that it was still early today and went to find the human race's King Qin." We went fishing together and said that no matter what, we couldn’t catch a single fish today, so that person made fun of me.”

"He didn't even think about it. Even if the terrifying Qi in him could reach the Taoist level [Heart is like still water, Yuan Shen is still shining], it would still have an invisible impact on everything around him. The fish refused to come close at all. His fishhook will be useless even if he fishes for another hundred years."

Siyou took advantage of the situation and smiled: "Then, when he really completely restrains his demeanor, wouldn't it be a step further?"

Huang Yao nodded and said, "That's true."

"Three hundred years ago, no living beings around him dared to approach him. But now that the killing energy has converged to this level, it can be seen that the realm of his soul has also been greatly improved. The Holy Path of the Emperor Realm is difficult to achieve, and it is only born innately. Forget it, those who rise step by step in the calamity of the day after tomorrow are rare in and outside the six realms. No matter the body, method, or soul, they must reach the strongest level."

"Otherwise, among all my spirits, there would not be only seven great saints, and among them, the one from the tiger clan died in battle."

"There are only six left. There are many great demon kings, but none of them have been able to break through in the past six thousand years."

"That human race, on the other hand, is able to stay with the green lion for so long and still chat and laugh, which shows that he has a good character."

"If it weren't for the Human Emperor clan, [if we didn't seek immortality], we might have a better future."

"Speaking of which, Miss Siyou, why are you opening the door? Where's that boy?" Huang Yao raised his sword eyebrows slightly, as if he was dissatisfied with the legend of the demon clan in front of him and stood up to open the door, feeling that he had lost his etiquette. Siyou said gently: "Wuhen played the harp in front of several people today, which consumed a lot of energy. He also had to play the harp during the night banquet. He closed his eyes to rest."

Siyou stood at the door and asked with a smile as if it was natural: "But, the Emperor does not seek immortality?"

Huang Yao looked at the scene in front of him of the beauty leaning against the door. He felt that he couldn't bear to break this scene and couldn't bear to enter the door now. He secretly admired that she was indeed the peerless beauty who almost caused a fight between the two great saints, but she couldn't Feeling annoyed, he smiled slightly and said, "Yes, humans are just one species of all spirits."

"But the monsters they call, or all the spirits, are many times stronger than them."

"Tens of thousands of times? It seems more than that."

"Birds, animals, plants, flowers and branches can all have spirits and become monsters. After practicing, their life span will be longer. The slight difference in numbers will become extremely exaggerated over time, let alone between one clan and ten thousand clans?"

"The human race was hundreds of times worse than them, but the human race was forced to fight against us eight thousand years ago. It was precisely because the Human Emperor at that time chose the most decisive path. He was a disciple personally taught by the Supreme Being."

"The imperial realm above the true king is also called [Refining the Void and Combining the Way]."

"If you want to [join the Tao], you need to go your own way. There are countless obstacles in this step. Although the teacher can't help, a true king can't escape."

"It's just that at that time, he chose another path and opened up the way of the Human Emperor's destiny. After him, no mortal emperor's bloodline will live forever, because what he cultivates is the purity of the self, and the way of the Human Emperor brings together all the people. The power of tens of thousands of people can become powerful for a short time, but it will confuse oneself, and ultimately destroy one's own path, and even some human emperors cannot even reincarnate."

"The human race can resist ten thousand with one force because of this choice."

Siyou was slightly surprised: "Give up immortality."

There was admiration on Huang Yao's face and he said, "I have seen that person before."

"That was an amazingly talented hero. He led the heroes of the human race to reverse the division of the human world at that time. He swept the world with a sword. He fought fiercely with the Dragon King, turned enemies into friends, and killed each other for the other's clan. As an enemy, the Dragon Emperor helped the human race to wipe out all the human-faced [human-faced] people, including human-faced flowers, human-faced owls and other evil spirits, while the human emperor killed the ancient giant whale god."

"So they made a blood alliance under the moonlight, became brothers, and drank each other's blood."

"The Dragon Emperor is also an extraordinary hero. He and the Human Emperor share their life spans equally."

"Then he invites the Jade Emperor in heaven to come down to the lower realms for a drink."

"It ends the history of the Immortal Society's involvement in disputes between many countries eight thousand years ago."

"It's just that after that, for some reason, they all fell." Huang Yao frowned slightly and said: "When the Dragon Emperor fell, the earth-shaking dragon roar could be heard, and the Human Emperor's arrows rushed into the sky like falling rain. , dragon scales and arrows brushed across the black sky, and the burst of fire lit up the 80,000-mile road."

When mentioning these ancient histories, Huang Yao's face lost the previous casualness and became solemn.

Siyou's eyes narrowed slightly.

How does she know so much about these ancient histories...

Desolate Yao...


Huang Yao smiled and said: "I have been chatting at this door for so long, and I have seen the beautiful scenery of the beauty leaning on the door. Don't Miss Siyou invite me to come in and sit down? The master of Qinyin Pavilion shouldn't be so ignorant. The temperament of etiquette.”

"Does Miss Siyou hate me so much? Or..."

"Is there something that I can't let in?"

Huang Yao smiled, with a dark golden light in his eyes.

He looked in Qi Wuhuo's direction with a half-smile.

"Yes, I don't like you!"

At this time, Xiao Pengcao's voice came over. It was extremely stubborn and attracted the attention that was about to fall on Qi Wuhuo to him. Xiao Pengcao's body was tense, his eyes were extremely alert, and Huang Yao smiled without feeling angry. Yes, after thinking about it, he took it out from his arms, and then spread his fingers.

When he smiled, his pear dimples appeared. He looked sweet and quiet, not threatening. He smiled and said:

"Would you like to come with your sister?"

“There are very delicious candies here.”

"If you come to my place, I can build you a whole palace with the best snacks and candies in the world. You can eat whatever you want and wear whatever you want. I can guarantee that, even if You have the longevity of an immortal for three thousand years. If you eat something different every day, you will never get tired of it."

"I do not want!"

Xiao Pengcao gritted his teeth and bared his teeth in a threatening manner.

But because of his weakness, Huang Yao found him very cute.

With a flick of her finger, a candy flew directly into Xiao Pengcao's mouth. The latter wanted to spit it out, but she smacked her lips. The sweet taste made her want to vomit, but she couldn't bear to do so, so Huang Yao smiled. He paused, showed a satisfied smile, and said: "This candy is made from the spiritual grass on Kunlun Mountain. Does it taste delicious? Others don't have such luxury."

"I asked my alchemist to make the elixir as delicious as candy."

"This candy can help you start refining Qi naturally."

Huang Yao stood up, stretched out his hand and pressed it on the door, smiling and saying, "I want to go in and take a look."

Siyou pressed the door with her palm and said with a smile: "Girl, this will scare Xiao Pengcao."

"I just got a little closer to her, isn't it a pity?"

Huang Yao smiled and said: "You really don't understand me, Miss Siyou." He pushed the door casually, but the door was already opened. The young violinist who was sitting there stood up, his eyebrows were peaceful and his eyes were closed. There was a trace of cinnabar between his eyebrows, and he had a calm temperament and said, "Guest, are you here to listen to the piano?"

Huang Yao looked at Qi Wuhuo and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

"So the violinist is here. I thought you had gone out."

"The little one likes my candy, do you want to give her to me? I can cure your 'blindness' disease, or help you break through your current state."

Qi Wuhuo said lightly: "No need."

"If the guest only wants to chat about this, please go back."

Huang Yao said: "Aren't you afraid that I will kill you?"

The young Taoist said: "The demon race is not a demon, can you?"

Huang Yao laughed a few times and said: "Indeed not, but the demon tribe is not a demon, so it can be seen more clearly."

"Forget it, I'm not in the mood today, Miss Siyou, you might as well consider it."

She stretched out her hand to rub Xiao Pengcao's hair, but the latter shrewdly avoided it. Xiao Pengcao hid behind Qi Wuzhuo, staring at the woman in front of him warily while chewing the so-called Kunlun Mountain material in his mouth. Candies made from Millennium Spirit Grass, Huang Yao seemed to be very patient with Xiao Pengcao and Siyou, he just smiled and left.

Before leaving, I glanced at the young Taoist priest with his eyes closed and his spirit calm.


Qi Wuhuo sensed that Huang Yao was leaving and exhaled slowly. Siyou closed the door. He turned around and saw the young Taoist gently rubbing Xiao Pengcao's messy black hair with his palms. Siyou said: " She must have guessed something, but luckily you came back in time, otherwise, I'm afraid you and I wouldn't be able to get out of here."

"Well, there is senior Lao Siyou."

Siyou smiled: "It doesn't matter."

"But what did you see?"

The young Taoist rubbed Xiao Pengcao's black hair, and his expression changed slightly after hearing this. He recalled the scenes he had just seen in the depths of the ritual, and said: "I saw it..."


At that time, the young Taoist pressed his palm on the boulder-shaped holy fetus, and ripples appeared on the holy fetus.

After a few breaths, he calmed down.

"This thing has no spirituality. The huge foundation of it is being absorbed by the green lion. I am afraid that it is just because it senses that you are from Jinzhou, so it has an instinctive reaction." Emperor Dongyue sighed with emotion, and he also looked at the huge holy thing. The fetus, the holy fetus also has feelings for Emperor Dongyue.

Emperor Dongyue felt a little bit and couldn't help but look slightly moved: "This lion..."

"This is not just a way to raise a holy fetus."

He explained: "In other words, the method of raising a holy fetus is just the last part of it. The foundation of the lion is already strong enough to break through the realm and enter the next level. But all those who can reach this step are A person with incomparable arrogance, who desires the most perfection, may have practiced Buddhism, Taoism, or even many methods of breaking through the realm.”

"The foundation is already boundless and majestic, and the method of the Holy Embryo is just a link to bring about the final qualitative change."

"This holy fetus is not only a holy fetus, but also the green lion's ten thousand years of practice."

"It's really... decisive!"

Emperor Dongyue's expression changed.

He gave up his true body and most of his soul to survive in death; and the Green Lion also reversed his Taoist foundation and entered this holy womb, in order to seek the most powerful foundation, even if he entered the weakest state.

"So, invite all the guests, even your enemies."

"It's a bluff, a trick like an empty city."

"His behavior made everyone think that the ritual was actually a trap, but they did not expect that the possibility of 'the ritual was a trap' was the biggest trap. It was able to balance and frighten all the enemies for thousands of years without even using a single blow. It is a strategy that he does not dare to act rashly, but once someone takes action, he will not hesitate to use rituals and make a move with all his strength to increase the credibility of the strategy."

"But it can disguise the weakness at this moment and the weakness of the holy embryo ritual that cannot be mobilized frequently."

"Old Lion."

Emperor Dongyue's eyes were as blazing as fire. He stared at the formation and said, "Boy, can you break this ritual?"

Qi Wuhuo turned around and saw this huge ritual using Naxumi and mustard seeds. It was a super giant formation with a radius of hundreds of miles. He felt a sense of powerlessness. This formation was so huge, complicated, and exquisitely complex. He can already be called a master of formations, and the holy fetus itself is equivalent to the foundation of the Blue Lion Great Sage. As long as the ritual is moved, he will immediately discover it.

The young Taoist said in a difficult voice: "The possibility is less than 10%."

"Even, 10% of 10%."

"I simply can't break the formation rituals at this level."

Even if they are as powerful as the Four Emperors, there are only two true emperors under each of them. For example, the head of the Tianzun Hospital is just named Tianzun. Among the great emperors under the Four Emperors, some were like Emperor Zhuling of Antarctica, or even innate beings from the Second Tribulation Era. It is extremely difficult to become a great emperor, and there are only a few of them. However, the four emperors have the [True Monarch] who points to the strongest way and can kill the emperor reversibly.

Only then can the Six Realms be controlled.

As for the original seven great saints among the demon clan, after the death of the great saint Xiaofeng, there were now six great saints.

How many of these six have the supreme foundation?

There are a few more who can stand up to the True Lord who has a strong foundation and takes the most difficult path.

The old scalper's name is the eighth sage in the mouths of the ancients, but he is actually the seventh sage among the younger generation, especially the human and dragon clan.

What Qi Wuhuo faced was a powerful man at the level of [True Lord] who pointed to the most powerful way, and had worked hard for thousands of years.

Break through the strongest ritual.

The Great Master of Xuandu and the Great True Monarch of Tianpeng were like this when they broke through.

Emperor Dongyue said: "Really, 10%, 10%, is no different from seeking death..."

"I see, but don't forget it."

"This formation is built with the earth's veins in Jinzhou! This holy fetus is the blood and soul of your compatriots!"

The burly old man's eyes were as blazing as fire: "Boy, I will use the Dongyue Seal to help you for a month. You must destroy this ritual. Everything rotates. The more promising you are, the more feedback you will receive. He wants to If you defeat the Great Sage with the strongest power, you will usher in the greatest [tribulation], and all things are in the rotation of this great road."

"So it seems that you and I are the Blue Lions who have broken through the Great Sage's [Human Tribulation] and are going to break his formation!"

"For a month, you'd better come here for a while every day without being discovered."

"I feel that someone has gone to where your Qi is. I'm afraid it's in danger. I'll send you back now!"

Previous experiences reappeared before my eyes.

At this moment, facing Siyou, the young Taoist's eyes were calm and his lips were still silent, but he said with boundless heaviness:

"I see the possibility of revenge."

"I am his calamity!"


In the Qinyin Pavilion, seeing the sky getting late and the sun gradually setting, Su You and other people in the Qinyin Pavilion were already a little worried. Such a big thing happened today, and there were not many guests in the pavilion. The monk closed his eyes and meditated, and the gray-clothed monk The husband, however, ate voraciously. It seemed that after being away from a certain guy, his stomach no longer hurt and his knees were no longer weak. He ate deliciously and had a good appetite.

After eating another large plate, Su You asked worriedly: "Is something going to happen to them?"

Mr. Hui Yi touched his mouth and said, "Nothing dangerous, just be careful and it's okay. I 'hear' that his breath is still stable."

"You can be assured."

"But you'd better be careful about the drunk Taoist priest down there..."

Su You was stunned: "Drunk Taoist priest?"

"Yes, a guy who likes to go to flower houses to look for beauties, but he still has a pure and masculine body."


There was a burst of shouting from below, and soon someone seemed to be there. The voice was clear, but he was murmuring drunkenly:

"Beauty, where is the beauty playing the piano?"

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