I am immortal

Chapter 266 Okay, okay, I will never leave you

Qi Wuhuo bid farewell to Beidi. He chose to protect the seal of Dongyue by himself, crossed the demon clan, and went to the human world. He sent this seal back to the land of Houtu Emperor, which was severely injured eight thousand years ago and has not yet recovered. After killing the Soaring Snake General at one level, Qi Wuhuo's body was approaching its limit.

If it were not for the ancestral Qi of the Yuan Dynasty, which is endless, the Qi of the earth would be able to continuously nourish itself by relying on the power of the earth's veins.

With the extremely tyrannical Yuan Qi explosion just now, Qi Wuhuo had already run out of gas.

But it's a little strange. At this moment, he has clearly reached his limit, but the murderous fighting spirit that he had previously fought to the extreme still filled his heart and refused to let go. Qi Wuzhuo walked in a hurry for a long time, and the more he became more and more The faster you run, the more you can feel your own fighting spirit and murderous intent rising in your body.

At this moment, he still had to use the technique that Yun Qin had learned from Dao Lord to conceal the secrets of energy and heaven.

The Qi of oneself becomes more and more agitated within.

and cannot be distributed outside.

As a result, it became more and more suppressed, more majestic, and more and more roiling. The young Taoist felt that his body was blazing, like a ball of fire in his Dantian. This flame followed his own energy and traveled among the bones around him, as if to burn his soul. As if all the energy was burned out, finally the Qi converged and surged, and reached its peak of stillness and movement. Qi Wuhuo paused in his steps, instinctively restraining the Qi around his body, and his face turned red.

murderous look--

Qi Wuhuo's own Kung Fu is the integration of Ziwei Emperor Qi Zhenjing, Yuan Shizu Qi, and the Qi of the Earth.

Seeing these three avenues and understanding them, no one has done it before. Who would have thought that the extremely cold murderous aura can be so domineering and fierce. Qi Wuhuo looked around, but found no trace of the enemy, and knew in his heart that he needed to find a place. , so that you can regulate your own Qi to avoid damaging the root.

However, this place is a country of monsters, and neither the mountains nor the forests can be said to be completely safe.

Even though Qi Wuhuo was well versed in the methods of masking the aura and blinding the eyes, and had already sealed the holy fetus with the Buddhist Fetus Tibetan Realm Mandala Formation, it was still not safe enough. He looked around and finally saw a forest. , not by escaping from the ground, but by using the magical power of entering the earth, stepping into the ground here.

The order given to him by the Empress Yuanying Yuanjun allowed him to breathe under the very deep earth.

Qi Wuhuo felt briefly safe.

While maintaining Dao Lord's method of concealing Qi, he forcibly mobilized and controlled his Qi, trying to calm down his body, breaking rituals, seizing the Holy Embryo, charging all the way, killing powerful enemies, and Even a person with extraordinary toughness has reached his limit at this moment despite the changes in his body.

Qi Wuhuo fell into a deep sleep unconsciously in this earth.

The foundation of a Taoist sect reached its limit during the battle. At this moment, his soul was in the cauldron. When he visualized the cauldron, he could see that one side of the cauldron had lighted up slightly, and his soul had become quiet. Gradually, Qi Wuhuo The breath gradually disappeared, but the breath disappeared, and the vitality remained. In the end, at a deeper level than the breath, the movement and stillness of the body, the so-called "breath of all things", also gradually calmed down under the earth.

Movement and stillness rotate, yin and yang are the ultimate.

While the young Taoist was sleeping deeply, he seemed to see two forces.

Two completely different forces!

It is vast and vast, yet powerful and upright, dignified and upright.

It's cool and cold, silent and vast, encompassing all things.

One seems to be yang, the heavy Tao, held in the left palm; the other seems to be yin, sharper than the sword, transformed into the right hand.

One is Yuqing!

One is the highest purity!

Qi Wuhuo felt that this power was becoming more and more tyrannical, and he could not bear the pressure. The experience of turning the sky with his left hand and robbing the sword with his right hand came to mind again. The two surrounded him, flowing rapidly, and it seemed that he was absolutely unable to challenge it. It seems that the rule of power and position is absolutely irreversible, but when Qi Wuhuo's mind changes, the yin and yang reverses!

Yu Qing Shang Qing, there is no difference between the two schools of magic.

And I am in it, rotating and changing, and its mystery is endless.

Qi Wuhuo was suddenly enlightened by the sleeping Yuanshen: "The Tao of Yuqing Yuanshi is the beginning of everything, and the Jiejian Hegemony is the end of all laws and principles, which is actually equivalent to the beginning of Tao. and end, then their own paths are actually the same and consistent."

"It's like a road. Is this the intersection where this road begins? No."

"Is this the intersection where this road ends? Nope."

"Others see it from the side, so they think the way of Yuqing is like the way of Shangqing."

"That's not them..."

"It's them in the eyes of the disciples."

"Actually, all three realms have the same ear."

boom! ! ! !

The moment the cognition changes, it triggers changes in the soul and mind.

Therefore, the martial body and supernatural powers in the body no longer have any distinction between the left hand and the right hand, the Tribulation Sword. The right hand can be the Tribulation Sword and the Tribulation Sword. The three religions are originally one thing, so why bother to separate you? I, the young Taoist lay on his side under the earth, his eyebrows were peaceful, and he suddenly took a long breath, and his breath of life suddenly returned to complete tranquility.

Wisps of blue aura as clear as the sky escaped from the young Taoist like mist. Behind him, just above his body, it transformed into the appearance of a Taoist with a clear face and head. Wearing a jade crown, it is as generous as a god, but also has energy, which is like the immortal Yang Shen.

Wonderful location!

The young Taoist fell asleep during such an extremely dangerous and exhausting short rest, but it was an unprecedented sleep.

The Great Dao is like this, and all things are like this. The opposite is the movement of the Dao, and the weak is the use of the Dao.

On the contrary, it goes back and forth, the movement and stillness are like this, the yin and yang are like this, so you can get the most peaceful sleep in the most intense fighting.

When in the deepest part of his consciousness, when his understanding of the Tao of Shangqing Yuqing was transformed, causing the yin and yang to rotate, and finally turned into chaos, Qi Wuhuo was suddenly startled. In the deepest part of this self-dream, I see a back figure, a back figure that can only be seen in the deepest part of the true spirit when I realize that all things are Tao and the Three Pure Ones are not outside it.

His hair is white, tied with a wooden hairpin, and he is dressed peacefully in a Taoist robe.

It's remote, it's high, it's immeasurable.

It was an old man with white hair, who seemed to be walking on an endless road, and could only vaguely see his back. In the dream, the young Taoist took steps to catch up step by step, but no matter how hard he Despite his efforts, he never got closer to the white-haired old man.

He walked quickly, while the old man walked calmly, keeping the same distance.

He is galloping, but the old man is walking peacefully; he is running wildly, but the old man is still walking peacefully.

I don't know how long it took for the young Taoist to feel tired, but suddenly when he raised his head, he saw the old man in front of him, with a compassionate face, gentle eyes, and white hair like frost and snow, looking at him right in front of his eyes, so Qi Wuhuo sorted himself out He held his clothes slightly and said, "Teacher."

"Are you not confused..."

"Have you seen the direction of Tao with your vision?"

The old man seemed to be sighing.

Somewhat gratifying and even more incredible.

Qi Wuhuo dreamed of his teacher and replied: "It's just because I got Fantian and Jiejian, and I got a glimpse of it with the help of the magical powers of the two Taoist ancestors, that's all."

"That's it, that's all...?"

But the old man's hand stroking his beard paused.

He looked at the young Taoist, as if he was in a dream and was speechless for a moment.

He didn't say anything for a long time.

The young Taoist just waited quietly, while the old man in the dream looked at his disciple, suddenly smiled and sighed, slowed down his pace and waved, letting the young man come to his side, and then motioned for him to walk side by side with him for a while, watching The surroundings are vast, but the road ahead is endless. He asked gently:

"Wuhuo, Wuhuo."

"Have you ever had a moment of relaxation in your spiritual practice?"

The young Taoist replied: "No."


The old man stroked his beard, asked his disciples with a smile, and said with a leisurely smile:

"Then I'm going to give you a test."

"[Zai Ying Po hugs one, can we be inseparable]?"

Qi Wuhuo replied: "[Yes]."

The old man continued to ask with a smile:

"[Can you be as gentle as a baby if you specialize in Qi and become gentle?]"

The young Taoist still replied in his dream:


So the old man laughed, stroked his shoulder and walked away, saying: "The best!"

The chaotic, yin-yang dream suddenly shattered.

He opened his eyes, and when his own consciousness condensed, the different scenes behind him turned into pure Qi Shen and fell into the Qi cauldron. At this moment, the Yuan Shen began to merge with Qi. It means that his soul has partially merged with Qi, and it means that his life has begun to move towards a realm beyond the world——

The practice of three flowers gathering on the top of the head·Four positive passes.

It's settled, it's done.

The four right gates are called sympathy, which means the connection between heaven and earth; matchmaking, which is the combination of the five elements; tranquility, which is the tranquility of my soul; breath concentration, which is the change of breath. Others who practice Taoism are all searching up and down, suffering. After cultivating endlessly, I was extremely happy to get one of them. They each searched for secret books of magic weapons and treasures from heaven, materials and earth in order to perfect one of the four righteousnesses, raise the Yang God, and gather the three flowers at the top.

Taishang Xuanwei.

Already got half of it.

Take its true meaning!


After Qi Wuhuo opened his eyes, he saw the environment around him in the earth. He didn't know how long he had been in seclusion this time. He just knew that his Qi had been completely restrained and peace had been restored. Moreover, Shen and Qi had begun to merge, and Most of his injuries began to recover thanks to the technique he created under the guidance of Taoist Qingyu.

Taoist Qingyu all expressed slight approval of his physique.

It seems to be in his mouth.

Being able to have this kind of physical strength and resilience is just barely enough, not bad.

But even though the senior was not satisfied with Qi Wuhuo's body strength, he showed extremely strong endurance at this time. Qi Wuhuo felt that now, even if he met General Soaring Snake and the others again, The siege of three people will not fall into the previous predicament.

It's enough to kill it quickly and then escape through it.

Qi Wuhuo was leaning against the rock under the earth alone, his mind was quiet, and his fingers were randomly sketching something in this space. He didn't want to write anything deliberately, but his mind was still sinking, recalling this period of time. With his experience, the young Taoist almost knew the current situation.

The ten palaces of Yama barely restrained the boundaries of life and death, but the five ghost emperors were still ready to move.

The demon clan is becoming more and more powerful, but the human emperor is alone.

The four royal gods are not compatible.

If the Buddha does not come out, the thirteen branches of Buddhism will fight among themselves.

Finally, the young Taoist raised his hand, looked at these words, looked at all the changes he had personally witnessed during this period, and thought to himself, no matter right or wrong, no matter the position, if he could infer the changes in the situation more directly, what would be the outcome? What kind of changes would make the current world like this? The young Taoist reasoned in his mind, and finally wrote four words with his fingers.

[The Jade Emperor is ill].

He raised his finger and looked at the four words he had written. The Jade Emperor was ill. At least, the reincarnation of Haotian, who once suppressed the second tribulation with force and established the current order of heaven and earth, had lost his control over the immortals and Buddhas all over the sky. The tyrannical oppression, otherwise, the current situation would never be like this.

Everything will change, order will be lost, and the six realms of the world and countless people will be affected by this.

It is for measuring calamity.

When Qi Wuhuo was about to write down the words "Liang Jie", a powerful spiritual reminder made him wave his hand and erase all the terms "Liang Jie" and "Jade Emperor", and then he concentrated his mind and spirit with all his strength. It wasn't until a long time later that I slowly relaxed.

He is completely different from the familiar Mr. Gray.

You will never go against your own soul.

The young Taoist looked a little tired, sitting in this deep, dark and dead place, alone.

All he could hear in his ears was his own breathing which was getting slower and slower.

It seemed that the previous dream was about the teacher again, but when he opened his eyes, he couldn't see anything, and there were no familiar voices or little guys around him. It seemed that because he had an insight into the drowsiness of this era, the young Taoist seemed to feel something strange again. He was slightly lonely, but this loneliness was quickly broken by his Taoist heart. He lowered his eyes and let his hair hang down slightly.

But at this time, there was a sudden persistence, and the stubborn stream of mana quickly locked onto Qi Wuhuo.

Qi Wuhuo's eyes opened slightly: "Hmm?! Found..."

The magic stream fell quickly, and finally changed under the guidance of the young Taoist.

A voice rang out: "No confusion, no confusion!!!!"

The flow of mana was like light and dust. The young Taoist saw the cold-faced girl in front of him but with warm facial features looking at him with wide eyes: "Hey, hey, hey! Where has Wuhuo been for more than a month!!!"

"I can't even find you!"

Qi Wuhuo was shocked. He was a little helpless for a moment as he watched this beautiful girl appear from the sky like a robber and break his life. Yunqin looked around with wide eyes and said doubtfully: "Little guys What? Why are you the only one left?"

The young Taoist replied: "They are not here with me now."

"Ah, that's it."

Yun Qin felt a little regretful: "I also want to see the little Yaoling dance."

The young Taoist smiled gently: "It's a pity. Next time, I will find it and let it dance for you."

Yun Qin looked at the young Taoist over there and said, "Wuhuo Wuhuo, are you okay now?"

Qi Wuhuo didn't want to make her worry, so he covered up his situation and just said with a gentle smile: "It's nothing, you ask me now... In fact, all living beings will naturally have their own choices when they come to this world. No Who will always be with whom, whether it is parents, children, or friends, this is the case."

The girl looked at Qi Wuzhu in front of her and asked doubtfully: "Wuzhu, do you feel a little uncomfortable in your heart?"

"You probably don't like separation."

Qi Wuhuo was stunned. He didn't notice this. He just shook his head and said with a smile:


Yunqin's eyes widened and he said, "Really?"

Qi Wuhuo looked at his palms, but when Yun Qin lifted him up, he still felt a little calm after all. Everyone would leave. He lowered his eyes, and there seemed to be familiar people around him. The master left, the teacher left, and he also left that town, traveling all the way, making friends along the way, and parting ways along the way.

So I was left alone, facing the world alone. This was forever. Qi Wuzhuo quietly smiled and said:

"It's been like this from beginning to end."

Yun Qin looked at him, looked at the Supreme Master Xuanwei of this sect, and said seriously: "You are obviously aggrieved when you look like this. Why are your parents suffering from such disasters? Why are your teachers leaving you? Why are your friends so wronged? I will leave you, you are obviously very aggrieved."

Qi Wuhuo subconsciously retorted: "I don't. Everyone has their own choices and choices."

"It's impossible for me to have that kind of grievance... isn't that using each other's feelings to kidnap other people?"

"They don't belong to me!"

The young Taoist subconsciously raised his voice and became more decisive. Yun Qin looked at him with wide eyes, and then said: "Hey! Wuhu, are you angry? You are obviously very aggrieved, as if everything is leaving you. , you look like you've been 'thrown away'!"

"Why do you have to be so reasonable and understand things!"

The young Taoist realized that his tone had become louder and harder, and he retorted so hard to his friend's persuasion, almost like a quarrel. He didn't know what to say, but for some reason, the sound of Jinzhou's Escape Alone rang in his ears. It rained all the time, and when I stumbled into the town, an eight or nine-year-old child was trying to build a house by himself.

The house could not be repaired well, so I watched everyone leave, huddled in the leaky house and listened to the constant rain.

He suddenly discovered that in terms of the importance he attached to these relationships, he seemed to still be the child who escaped from Jinzhou alone.

The young Taoist looked a little sad. Yun Qin glanced at him quietly, and finally said with some embarrassment:

"Okay, I was wrong. You are not aggrieved, Wuhuo. You are not aggrieved."

"No one has left you behind. Just like you said, they, Wonton, Xiao Yaoling, and other teachers, parents, and friends are not yours. It is natural for parting to happen, so don't It’s considered abandonment.”

She saw the young Taoist showing that quiet temperament for the first time, and some girls who were not so delicate became a little troubled. She pinched her hair at the temples, and then used her magical power to gather the stars and reveal her figure. Come, grab the young Taoist's wrist with cold and delicate fingers, and then the girl deliberately sounded like you have made a lot of money:

"Okay, okay, it doesn't matter. Don't be so unhappy."

"None of them are yours."

"But I'm yours, I'm yours, is that okay?!"

"No matter what, no matter who leaves, I will never leave you!"

"Okay?! Really!"

The girl's metamorphosis suddenly sat in front of the young Taoist, looking at the wide-eyed young man, holding her chin in her hands: "Speaking of which, Wuhuo, where are you? Do you want me to sneak down and travel with you for a while?"

"It seems interesting!"

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