I am immortal

Chapter 273 Where is the Northern Emperor?


Qi Wuhuo almost thought that he had heard wrong for a moment. He looked at the arrogant Northern Ghost Emperor in front of him. The young Taoist didn't know for a moment whether he was really brave and brave and wanted to let him go, or whether he was deliberately setting up a trap. There was a reason to attack him, but no matter which reason it was, Qi Wuzhuo knew that he could never leave.

Even if the Northern Ghost Emperor sincerely lets him go.

But the other ghost emperors from all directions may not be so kind.

Besides, even if I run, how far can I go by myself?

With the power of the Ghost Emperor, unless he has been shrinking in the heaven and never come out, otherwise, he will be dragged down to the underworld by the Ghost Emperor anywhere in the world. This is an unavoidable difficulty, and he has to do it. The only way to survive is to stay steady, so the young Taoist just smiled calmly and said: "The Ghost Emperor is joking."

"Pindao is the envoy of the Northern Emperor and has the Northern Emperor's methods."

"We are waiting for it to be revealed in ten days."

"What does it mean if you leave now?"

The Northern Ghost Emperor looked at him and sighed sadly, then turned around and sat down next to Qi Wuhuo. There was such a bang that the young Taoist felt his body shake several times. The Northern Ghost Emperor After feeling depressed for a long time, he said: "Then, in ten days, when you reveal your identity as Beidi, remember to stand next to me."

"Don't go too far."

"Especially don't get close to the boss and the most beautiful guy."

His expression was extremely complicated, and he let out a long sigh, but he refused to say anything else. He just raised the huge wine jar, raised his neck and took a big gulp of wine. The extremely tall Ghost Emperor felt a bit decadent at this moment. He didn't want to There was a conflict with Beidi, whom he admired, but the brothers also experienced life and death, and in the end they just sighed:

"...Then if you don't leave, I...well, I won't leave until you leave."

He looked at the little one next to him, and with a sense of compensation, he said, "What do you need?"

"Is it cold in here? Are you hungry? Do you want me to get you some quilts or something?"

Qi Wuhuo was thoughtful about the sudden enthusiasm of the Northern Ghost Emperor.

Immediately he pointed to the wine jar in the hands of the Northern Ghost Emperor and said with a smile: "The Huangquan wine I drank today is very delicious."

"Sitting here is getting boring. Can you give me some more?"

The Northern Ghost Emperor did not hesitate and said happily: "Okay!"

"Wait for me here for a moment."

After saying that, the Northern Ghost Emperor raised the wine jar in his hand and drank all the wine in a big gulp. The wine was turbid and the aroma was not mellow enough. There is no doubt that after being sealed for ten thousand years, the wine in Fengdu City All the good wine has been drained by these ghosts and gods, and what is left is just dirty wine that even ordinary people in this world would not be willing to drink.

Qi Wuhuo closed his eyes and waited, feeling a little hesitant in his heart.

Could it be that this Northern Ghost Emperor is really well-intentioned?

Suddenly, he felt that the vitality of this place was getting colder, and the Beiyin Emperor's palace was pushed away again. The young Taoist slowly opened his eyes, and what he saw was not the rough and heroic Northern Ghost Emperor, but an extremely weak and beautiful one. The woman has black hair like a waterfall, bright eyes, a little red lips, a beauty mark in the corner of her eyes, a graceful figure, and a shy and timid figure.

Qi Wuhuo's back instinctively felt cold.

But I don’t know why I felt ‘heartbeat’ and ‘fascination’.

It is a kind of graceful danger, a crisis that is enough to make people die in the extreme beauty and heartbeat.

The Southern Ghost Emperor!

At this moment, there was an aura in the Qin of Killing the Buddha and Killing the Emperor. Qi Wuhuo recovered from the stiff state of his body. The aura of the Blood River Sword was aroused, and the Dongyue Seal also moved accordingly. At this time, a roar was suddenly heard, and the entire Beiyin Emperor's Hall shook several times, and immediately a huge wine jar flew towards this side.

"Third brother, what are you going to do!!!"


The Southern Ghost Emperor retreated in an instant, avoiding a punch that contained terrifying power, and this punch seemed to penetrate the space. In an instant, he appeared here. The two Ghost Emperors separated immediately after the confrontation. The Southern Ghost Emperor was still bright and charming, and The Northern Ghost Emperor appeared in front of Qi Wuhuo, his eyes were about to burst, his beard and hair were all spread out, and his violent arrogance rose, making the surrounding space faintly shake.

The Southern Ghost Emperor raised his eyes and said, "Lao Wu, what are you doing..."

The Northern Ghost Emperor put down the wine jar in his hand and said: "I am here to protect the Northern Emperor's envoy."

The Southern Ghost Emperor smiled like a flower: "Guard...?"

"Sister, I was originally here to protect him, but now that my brother is here, it seems that my sister is a bit redundant. Your Majesty, it's a pity, it's a pity. Sister, I still want to have some thoughtful words with you in the night. As for me, it seems that we don’t have this fate.”

The Southern Ghost Emperor smiled, his eyes sparkling, and his beauty and appearance were definitely the first that Qi Wuhuo had ever seen.


But I don’t know why, at this time, the young Taoist’s ears always ring with the laughter full of vitality, and his own Taoist heart is also extremely pure, so the figure in front of him is so graceful and graceful that even he can instinctively produce the spirit of liveliness. The undulating beauty no longer seemed so powerful, and the addiction in his eyes only returned to clarity in an instant.

The Southern Ghost Emperor was surprised and immediately smiled:

"The Taoist priest has a good heart."

"Are you a good-natured person? Or do you already have a sweetheart?"

The young Taoist said calmly: "I have never had a sweetheart."

"But when it comes to appearance, my friend is not inferior to you."

"That way, I won't be tempted."

The Southern Ghost Emperor smiled, but he was slightly surprised. There was no murderous intention at all. The smile dissipated and left, like a dream, but the murderous intention hidden in the misty beauty took a long time to disperse. , until this moment, the furious Northern Ghost Emperor sighed and sat down on the ground, his face full of decadence.

The eldest brother will definitely know what he has done, and he will feel countless guilt in his heart.

But he also surrendered to Beidi. Even though he was the most murderous evil god before this, now that he has surrendered, he is not willing to commit another act of betrayal. When the two conflict, it is difficult for him to do both. Able to be depressed and use wine to soothe one's sorrows to escape such painful obsessions.

After a long time, he pushed the wine jar in his hand towards Qi Wuhuo.

For Qi Wuhuo, that was almost an entire water tank!

The kind that is enough for him to soak in and swim a few laps in.

The Northern Ghost Emperor said: "Drink... Huangquan wine."

Qi Wuhuo asked: "Is it so many?"

The Northern Ghost Emperor shook his head and said, "It's all here."

Then he smiled bitterly and said: "I originally wanted to bring you a few small jars, but who knew that the third sister would come just after I left the house, so I had to come over in a hurry. It's good, I brought them all for you!" He scratched his head vigorously, and then yelled a few times unwillingly.

Immediately, he slammed his fist on the ground, turned his head in another direction, stretched out his hand and pushed the large vat of wine towards Qi Wuhuo:

"I always say that if you kill the whole family, you won't miss an ant!"

“I’ll give you wine when I say I’ll give you wine!”

"Now that I've brought it over, these, these..."

He gritted his teeth, with a hint of irritation and aggrievedness in his tone, and said, "These are all yours!"

"I will stay here for these ten days."

The young Taoist looked at the Huangquan wine filled with huge energy, and estimated that even the real Three Flowers Gathering Immortal would be drunk to death in this jar of wine, and he would never be able to finish it, so he smiled and said: "Then , let’s drink together? I can’t drink so much myself.”

A hint of greed and ecstasy appeared on the Northern Ghost Emperor's face.

For thousands of years, all the wine in this city has been drained, and now he can only drink turbid wine. This Huangquan wine is his most precious thing. Now he thought he couldn't drink even a drop, but he didn't want to have such a sudden turn of events. Lit up and said loudly: "You, you are serious!"

Qi Wuhuo said, "It was originally yours."

After thinking for a while, he stretched out his hand and flicked the jade pendant. This jade pendant was also exchanged for him in the underworld, so it can actually be used in the underworld. A stream of light flashed, and a bunch of delicacies appeared on the ground, including roast chicken. , roasted goose, roasted white, and various kinds of snacks, exuding a faint aroma, which made the Ghost Emperor's eyes widen after being sealed for ten thousand years.

These were originally prepared for peacocks, but now they are just right.

The young Taoist extended his hand and invited: "Let's drink together."

"Ha, hahaha, this, how can this be so embarrassing?"

"This is really, really unreasonable..."

As the Northern Ghost Emperor spoke, he swallowed his saliva, then stretched out his arm to wipe the corners of his mouth. With an angry shout, the tall and ferocious Ghost Emperor transformed into a big man, smaller than Qi Wuzhuo, and then grew bigger and bigger. It gets smaller and smaller, until it only looks like a little mosquito, but it still looks like itself.

Jump up, lie down on the chicken, take a big bite, and eat it to your heart's content.

"There are really too few of these things. Now that they are smaller, we can eat more!"

The Northern Ghost Emperor explained.

Then he opened his mouth, and the Huangquan wine was sucked into his mouth like a tornado. He swallowed it in big gulps. The young Taoist also drank the Huangquan wine. The soul at the entrance was faintly shaken. The Northern Ghost Emperor laughed loudly: "Your Majesty, you are so cultivated. , it is not possible to drink like this, you must know how to resolve the power of the underworld, otherwise, you will have to drink slowly after a few sips, and you will not be able to get the taste of this beautiful wine."

Qi Wuhuo asked: "The power to resolve the underworld?"

The Northern Ghost Emperor burped and said, "This is not difficult, hahaha. I'll teach you how to resolve it."

The little man he transformed into carried a chicken leg that was even bigger than himself, biting into it, and told him a trick that could contain the power of the underworld. After listening to it a few times, Qi Wuhuo learned it, so You can also drink heavily without worrying about being corroded by the power of the underworld.

The Northern Ghost Emperor said again: "Your Majesty, please eat slowly!"

"Eat slowly!"

"You take that big sip, don't you feel bad?!"

Qi Wuhuo looked at the Northern Ghost Emperor who had turned into a little man and said: "I don't eat very fast." The latter said: "It's not fast, but your head is too big. Make it smaller. If you are smaller, you can taste more. A chicken leg is like a mountain, a piece of roast meat is like a field, and a glass of wine is like the sea. Only in this way can you enjoy your meal!"


"I have a method to make you smaller. Come and try it."

The Northern Ghost Emperor happily told a method called [Big and Small Ruyi], which had some similarities with the ever-changing changes of Qi, the first ancestor of the Yuan Dynasty. The young Taoist kept it in mind, and then pretended not to understand it several times, and then transformed into a small one. , what I saw was completely different for a moment, and the soul was more condensed. It was quite enjoyable to drink wine and eat meat with the Northern Ghost Emperor.

When the current situation was mentioned during the chat, he also sighed. The Northern Ghost Emperor suddenly felt sad and said:

"Hey, it's a pity. Such fine wine and food could be seen everywhere thousands of years ago, but now, we have to rely on you to eat them. Why did Beidi seal us here? It's a pity, It’s a shame, I still want to fight under Beidi and compete with the heroes of the world.”

"Could it be that all the evil gods and evil spirits in the world have been captured and imprisoned here?"

"The boundary between life and death in the world has been clearly defined, so there is no need for me to wait?"

When the young Taoist recalled the Northern Emperor, he could not identify the happiness, anger, and purpose of that existence, and said:

"Who can know?"

"Hahahaha, you're right. Who can know what Beidi is thinking?"

"Drink, drink!"

The Northern Ghost Emperor put his arm around the young Taoist's shoulders, drank heavily, and talked about the long experience of the entire Fengdu City. He also mentioned the differences between the seventy-two chief ministers, and said that in those days, black and white were impermanent, and the top ten kings of hell were all seven. Twelve divisions are in charge, so of the seventy-two divisions, only the original sixty are from that year.

The remaining twelve were added later.

Some of them are ghosts from that time ten thousand years ago.

Then he talked about the stories of the seventy-two chief ministers. Finally, the Northern Ghost Emperor patted Qi Wuhuo on the shoulder and said with a hint of drunkenness: "Your Majesty, you must be your envoy. If you are an envoy, after ten days, I will risk my life to save your life. Although I will not fight with my eldest brother and the others, there is no harm in sending you out with my life. You can naturally go to find Lord Bei."

"But if you are not the envoy... I can only take action against you personally."

The young Taoist said: "I am the envoy."

"After ten days, he will naturally be fine."

The Northern Ghost Emperor laughed, but there was a sense of dejection and helplessness in his laughter. He suddenly raised his neck and laughed: "Okay!"

"If you can really do it, I'll give you a good thing!"

"Just, just..."

He looked around and said cheerfully: "If you like Huangquan wine, then I will give you the spring water I found at the core of Huangquan. They all said that I am still a thousand feet away from Huangquan. It's ridiculous. I Of course it’s closer to the deeper place, so all my wines are brewed from that spring water, and I can heal you even if your soul is gone!”

The core spring of Huangquan.

The young Taoist was surprised.

But the Northern Ghost Emperor was bold and bold, and it was obvious that he started talking big words after getting drunk.

Qi Wuhuo said, "You drank too much."

The Northern Ghost Emperor said loudly: "Did I drink too much? Hahaha, nonsense! I, I didn't drink too much!"

"You don't believe me, do you think I'm bragging?!"

"Okay! I'll show it to you today. Come on, let's write down the post now. If you really succeed, I won't give you the Heart of Hell. This is me!" The Northern Ghost Emperor gestured with his little finger and became angry. Rushing, he took Qi Wuzhuo and ran to find a jade stone and wrote a message as evidence, saying that as long as Qi Wuzhuo was fine, he would give away his treasure.

When Qi Wuhuo refused to agree, the Northern Ghost Emperor felt that he was looking down on him.

Seeing both sides leaving their seals, the Northern Ghost Emperor was satisfied. He swayed, hugged the wine jar, and fell asleep soundly. His shouts were like thunder, but the young Taoist's mind was clear. The two of them The Huangquan wine they drank was actually about the same. The reason why those with weak cultivation levels had nothing to do but those with high cultivation levels got drunk.

Qi Wuzhuo had lost his drunkenness, but the Northern Ghost Emperor took the initiative to seek drunkenness.

To make a great emperor so drunk, you know how depressed and decadent his heart is.

‘The heart of the underworld...’

The young Taoist was thoughtful, and suddenly thought of the dragon deep in the demon clan's forbidden land, and the immortal divine will remaining on the dragon. What would happen if the heart of hell was poured onto the dragon's body? Will he revive, or will he briefly condense his soul?

Immediately he closed his eyes, relying on the powerful medicinal power of Huangquan wine, and began to continue to deduce Beidi's magical power.

The Yuan Shen is constantly being impacted, and then restored with the help of Huangquan wine. After the restoration, the Yuan Shen's tenacity will be slightly stronger than before. Soon, the effectiveness of the Huangquan wine previously consumed will be reduced. After all the energy was exhausted, the young Taoist was extremely close to the divine core of Beidi's move, but he still could not go any further.

This step is the gateway, otherwise it will be polished bit by bit by the water of time.

Or else just take the risk.

Finally thinking of the Southern Ghost Emperor who came with murderous intentions towards him, and of the Central Ghost Emperor who was already rebellious, Qi Wuhuo made up his mind, and without any hesitation.

Choose to take risks.

He 'stands' in the same position as Beidi among the souls.

In this divine realization, he replaced Beidi!

As a result, he finally felt the reality of the majestic star power hovering in the palm of his hand, and felt the vastness, sternness, arrogance and calmness that Beidi possessed in his eyes.

【Control the Stars】

This is the real power and power that controls the stars!

Qi Wuhuo touched the deepest part of this charm, and countless insights came to his mind in an instant!

At this moment, along with the realization, there was also a tearing pain.

He was once again overwhelmed by the majestic power of God's will, and seemed to be crushed!

The young Taoist opened his eyes suddenly and felt the tearing pain of his soul. He didn't care about anything else and opened his mouth directly. The remaining half of the bottle of Huangquan wine suddenly rolled up and turned into a tornado by the young man. The Taoist swallowed it into his belly and forcibly maintained the process of enlightenment.

So 'Qi Wuhuo', who was about to be torn apart in his soul realization, maintained his body shape.

Forcibly control and perceive the flow of stars.

The huge stars converged and collapsed in the palm of my hand!

Its changes are vast, profound and mysterious.

Qi Wu confused his soul and was immersed in it unconsciously.


After Beidi left the demon clan, he traveled around the nine heavens before returning to heaven.

Returning to Zhongtian Beiji Ziwei Palace, just at this moment, Beidi's huge and powerful Yuanshen naturally swept across the entire Tiangong, but he was slightly startled, and his cold and boundless eyes showed a moment of astonishment. God instantly retreated and locked himself in the Ox Constellation. He did not find the lazy little girl, but only found a post.

[Dear father, mother, uncle Niu]

【I'm going to study! 】

【do not worry about me! 】

Beidi showed a slight look of astonishment:


The Northern Emperor is missing?

Just in the blink of an eye, without paying attention, he slipped out of bounds?

Where has she gone? !

Who did she go to? !

Beidi's vast and boundless consciousness instantly began to search.

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