I am immortal

Chapter 277 How arrogant!

Lord Shangqing Daodao looked at the leader of the four emperors suspiciously, and then did not answer directly, but said lazily:

"His apprenticeship?"

"I don't know and I don't care."

"In the end, he will be my disciple anyway!"

Beidi stood with his hands behind his back and said in a calm tone: "Oh? So confident."

There was a sense of pride in Shangqing Daodaojun's eyes, and he said calmly: "If it doesn't work, then I have to come and compete to see if my sword skills can 'take' this disciple away from his teacher." Come here! Humph, naturally it is not to use the sword of killing and plundering by force, but to use the sword of Tao to discuss Tao."

"The sword carries the way, and the sword tells the way."

"If his teacher still has some discernment and some desire to wish his disciples good boxing."

"You should let him become my master!"

Lord Shangqing Daodao is almost about to give this line: "Consider your own conduct, don't mislead other people's disciples", "If you are wise, don't force me to take action, send this good disciple up quickly, I will teach you well". It's written on his face.

Full of confidence!

Beidi paused and thought about what Shang Qing had said about his past. He did not mention the young Taoist's inheritance, but said in a calm tone, seemingly with a slight interest: "So, that's it... "

"On the Tao?"

"If there is such a thing, how about I be the judge?"

Lord Shangqing Daodao was greatly surprised, and immediately put his palms on his hands and smiled: "The origin of the innate stars, the ancestor of the First Tribulation Era, Qi Yixiu, you who almost became the Fourth Qing Dynasty back then, and now the leader of the Four Imperial Guards, as this event There is not the slightest problem with the ruling on Taoism.”

"It's just that Beidi, you have never been interested in these things. Why are you suddenly willing to get involved today?"

"This so-called discussion will actually not be controversial."

"Perhaps, when his teacher sees my name, he will hurriedly bow and salute, urging this kid Qi Wulu to pour tea and wine and come to worship me as his teacher."

Lord Dao is sitting cross-legged in the void. The handsome Taoist's elbow is supporting his knee, and his palm is supporting his chin. The hairpin is lazily hanging, and two strands of hair are hanging down on the temples. His left hand is as white as jade, holding a jade Ruyi, gently The knocking subsided, a pair of red phoenix eyes narrowed, imagining the scene of the future, and the smile on the corner of the mouth could not stop.

Beidi immediately gave up his plan to tell him the young Taoist's true identity and just said calmly:

"Shangqing is so arrogant."

"Arrogant? How about I be arrogant?"

Lord Dao said lazily: "Besides, since you are a Taoist, shouldn't you respect me at all?"

"That kid is from the human race, not an innate creature like you."

"He is a human race, and he practices Taoism. He wears Taoist robes and has a Taoist bun. Doesn't he worship the Taoist ancestor?"

"Then isn't he considered a disciple of Dao Ancestor?"

Beidi said calmly: "This sentence is quite good."

"Hahaha, you think so too, don't you?"

So Shangqing Daojun touched his palms and smiled and said, "This is the best. He not only practices Taoism, but also worships Taoist ancestors."

"Am I not the Taoist?"

"If he worships me, what's wrong with that?"

"Since he can be regarded as a disciple of Dao Ancestor, and I am Dao Ancestor."

"So, isn't he my disciple?!"

"It's wonderful! It's wonderful!"

Although Beidi is good at killing, he has always had a quiet personality. He likes order and gets along best with Yuqing. They can also drink tea and discuss chess with the Supreme Being, but this indulgent and arrogant Shangqing really cannot be discussed together. I don’t know how many times we had discussed it in the past, but I didn’t want to pay attention to such fallacy. I shook my head and walked away, and just said lightly:

"When you go to fight against Qi Wuhuo's 'teacher' someday, remember to invite me."

Shangqing laughed and agreed.

Beidi lowered his eyes, and the clouds in the mirror dispersed. He saw the girl in the world of mortals. He saw her holding the freshly baked snacks with a bright smile on her face. Beidi stretched out his hand and lowered it. Layers of complicated sleeves and robes, fingers pressed against the mirror, ripples appearing on the mirror surface.

As long as he is willing, he only needs to raise his hand, the space will be cut instantly, and Yun Qin will appear here immediately.

Then, with a confused face, he held the sesame cake and looked at the current environment blankly.

Seeing Beidi and Daozu, they would probably choke with fear.


After that, I will probably take a bite of hot sesame pancakes freshly baked from the oven to calm down my shock.

Beidi had a glimpse of what happened next.

However, looking at the pure joy and joy on the girl's face, it seemed that she saw the figure from a very far away time ago, and the young Taoist priest who was tough-minded yet fierce and murderous was very similar to his young self. Rather than saying that they resemble Weaver Girl and Yun Zhiyi, they look more like themselves when they were younger.

If the self of that era saw the current Beidi, would he be delighted, or would he draw his sword?

It seemed that it was because of the nostalgia for his youth and to make up for some things that he had regretted. In the end, after the fall of Haotian and the two long years of the Jade Emperor's calamity, this man suppressed the six people with boundless killing spree. In the world, the God of War who maintains order raised his finger and did not bring the girl back.

This precious mirror that illuminates the six realms turns into a stream of light and flies into the sleeves and robes.


Beidi's voice was still ethereal and cold, but in the deepest part, there seemed to be a trace of warmth:

"That's all..."

"Let them be."

Lord Shangqing Daodao sits cross-legged in the void, smiling but not smiling.

Beidi turned his back to him, seeming to be asking about Shangqing, and also seemed to be asking himself, saying:

"Shangqing, what is right may not necessarily be good, right?"

Shangqing put his hands on his hands and said with a smile: "So, you also know that the path arranged by your elders and the end point of this road; and the person that the younger generation wants to become, are two completely different things?"

Beidi was noncommittal.

And Yu Ruyi in the palm of Lord Shangqing Dao pointed at the Beidi and said: "All living beings seek Tao and practice Tao. You and Yu Qing have extremely high vision and can see extremely distant roads, which can make the path of Taoism for younger generations smoother." , being able to go to higher places, I know, this is what is right in your eyes, but I have a problem - "

Shangqing Daodaojun's smile faded and his eyes became clear: "Why do you need to cultivate to the highest level in cultivating Taoism?"

"Practice the Tao and seek freedom."

"When one reaches the highest level of cultivation, is he free and happy?"

Beidi said calmly: "What are the different opinions of Shangqing?"

Shangqing Daodaojun smiled and sighed, and asked plainly, but it seemed to have a deafening voice:

"Is Beidi ever free and happy?"

Beidi, who was burdened with boundless killings and had countless enemies, who once had everything and almost lost everything, did not answer.

Shangqing Daodaojun’s voice was gentle and calm:

"When practicing Taoism, don't forget why you practice and why you set out. If you forget this, there is something wrong with the practice itself, and you just practice Taoism as if you are being coerced by the general trend."

Beidi remained silent for a long time, and finally rolled his sleeves.

As if he wanted to brush away the images that appeared in his mind when he looked in the mirror, he said lightly:

"Sure enough, it's a question you can tell."

"The Taoist ancestor of the Shangqing Dynasty."

"Of course, who can say which is the final correct path?"

In the end, Beidi left. Lord Shangqing Daodao looked down, looked away and said to himself: "The Ghost Emperor of the Five Directions is not easy to deal with. You are brave enough to avoid the calamity of life and death. If your luck is good enough, you have to take care of yourself whatever happens next."


Qi Wuhuo went to the mansion in the center of the entire Fengdu Ghost City.

It is said to be a palace, but in fact the scale is not slightly worse than that of the former Beiyin Emperor's palace. The young man walked into it calmly and immediately drank and chatted with the Northern Ghost Emperor. All the ghosts and gods saw that his expression was calm and his words and deeds were calm. , all have their own style, and there is absolutely no fear.

The seventy-two chief ministers all came forward to salute and apologize for the previous disrespect.

The young Taoist spoke calmly and laughed off the previous events without taking them to heart.

So the Seventy-Two Chief Masters breathed a sigh of relief, and also had two or three points of gratitude hidden in their hearts. They respected the Northern Emperor's envoy even more. After drinking some wine, the young Taoist stretched out his hand again, After all the ghosts and gods were asked to leave, the singing and dancing had ended, the drinking was extremely intense, and the cups and plates were in a mess, then he stood up, carried the magic weapon on his back, and walked back calmly.

After a slight pause in his steps, the young Taoist turned sideways and looked at the central ghost emperor who was very far away. He stretched out his hand to invite and said:

"Would you like to share a drink?"

Zhou Qi replied: "There are changes in Fengdu City today, and there are still many things that I need to deal with. Your Majesty is also frightened today. Please rest. You will have time to drink in the future, and you will definitely apologize then." The young man. The Taoist nodded slightly, and then smiled regretfully, but without saying anything, he turned around and walked into the mansion.

Put down the weapon and the sound of the piano will sound automatically.

Naturally, there will be a strong aura covering the left and right.

The young Taoist had just breathed out a little at this moment, his face turned pale. The huge pressure he had been under just now was like stepping on a tightrope. If he accidentally fell, he would die. Qi Wuhuo pressed the piano His palms trembled slightly, he closed his eyes and concentrated, using the sword in his heart to cut off all the fears, worries, fatigue, and worries.

After a long time, Qi Wuhuo opened his eyes and his mood calmed down again.

In this way, the five ghost emperors were temporarily suppressed.

In other words, it is the other four ghost emperors including the central ghost emperor Zhou Qi.

But Qi Wuhuo was not naive enough to think that his suppression this time would end it once and for all. A hero with such a cold personality must be cold and suspicious. He could probably keep him quiet for a while by suppressing him once, but this suppression was ultimately a matter of using force. Rather than one's own strength, there is an essential difference between the two.

The longer they get along, the easier it is for their flaws to be discovered, and when their flaws are discovered, it will be their own death.

There is only one way to control such a great emperor.

That is to always be better than him!

Suppress him forever!

In this way, the central ghost emperor will always understand the situation clearly and will be extremely respectful and surrendered; and once he reveals his weakness or flaws, the opponent's backlash will follow, extremely quickly.

Qi Wuhuo knew that it was Beidi they feared, not himself.

I am here, after all, like a sheep among wolves. The longer the time goes by, the easier it will be for loopholes to appear, and the more dangerous it will be.

However, at this time, we need to be calm and avoid being impatient.

Qi Wuhuo poured himself a cup of tea, drank it gently, and felt the cold liquid dispersing, his eyes calm.

He wants to leave here and return to the earth.

However, you cannot ask to leave personally.

He must let the Central Ghost Emperor beg him to leave. Only in this way can he be safe.

as well as……

That Nan Qingzi.

There are also dragon corpses.

The calamity eight thousand years ago.

Qi Wuhuo finally closed his eyes. He was extremely tired, but he could not relax completely. He stroked the piano gently with his palms and felt the coldness of the sound. His mind gradually calmed down and he calmed down. The young Taoist did not dare to lie down and sleep. The guqin fell into a peaceful sleep leaning against this thick and silent copper pillar.

Another day of difficulties, another day of life and death, another day of calamity.

Another day.

I'm alive.


In the human world, the human race is in a city quite close to the demon race.

This place is near the demon kingdom of several demon clans that have good relations with the human race. It is a buffer place between the two races in the conventional sense. The city itself has the characteristics of the two races. On the not very wide road, you can see the two races. The creatures of the tribe walk on the road openly and openly. The people who have lived here for generations do not have much fear towards those creatures who are a little different from themselves.

A slightly lean man held a willow branch in his mouth, neatly packed up the freshly baked snacks and handed them over. He said with a smile: "Okay, little girl, the sesame cake you asked for is ready."

"Ah! Okay, thank you!"

It was rare for a lean man to see such a good-looking and quirky girl, so he smiled and said, "Thank you for what?"

"Eat and see, what do you think?"

The girl held the freshly baked sesame cake and took a bite. Then she rolled her eyes with satisfaction and said, "It's sweet, fragrant and waxy, and the outer skin is crispy. It's really delicious. Compared with the Zhongzhou sesame cake Wuhu gave me before." The cake has a different flavor!”

The lean man was surprised and said with a smile: "Oh, you are still an expert."

"The so-called land and water are the same as the people. We are close to the Demon Kingdom, and the sesame seeds grown here also have a special flavor. The water quality is also very different from Zhongzhou. The sesame cakes made here will certainly taste different. Compared with Zhongzhou, the sesame seeds grown here have a different flavor. It’s bigger and the sesame cake is more fragrant and rich.”

The girl nodded with satisfaction and said, "Uncle, please give me another one."

She came here looking for Qi Wuhuo all the way, but she died between the boundaries of the demon country and the human country. The girl walked around for a long time. Although she was tired, she was also a little greedy. She just sat down to rest here and tidied up a little. After thinking for a while, he thought about where Qi Wuhuo might go, and saw that the sesame cake was getting cold, so he planned to finish it.

Suddenly the girl stiffened.

Alas? ! ! !

The man who was making sesame cakes suddenly noticed that the girl in front of him, who was wearing a green shirt and dressed as a little knight errant, suddenly raised her head and raised her eyebrows, making her eyes seem to grow bigger, from almond eyes to round ones. His eyes were dark and bright, and he held sesame cakes in his small hands and looked around with great vigilance. It reminded him of those vigilant little cats holding small fish and fried fur.

The girl felt her hair standing on end.

Um? ?

Why, how could I feel as if I was being stared at by Beidi's great-grandfather? I could hardly breathe.

After a long time, this strange feeling disappeared.

The girl's raised eyebrows calmed down, becoming harmless and gentle, and she breathed a long sigh of relief.

Huh... It's probably an illusion. I'm not as important as the Northern Emperor. Even if I slip down, I won't attract the Northern Emperor, the leader of the four emperors, to come over in person.

Not to the point of not to the point of...

First, take a bite of the freshly baked sesame pancake to calm down your shock.

Oops! Choked!

The girl held her breath, swallowed the piece of sesame cake, took a long breath, and then suddenly heard someone whispering in the background, and the name happened to be mentioned. The girl's eyes widened, and it just appeared in an instant. He stood in front of that group of people and shocked them all. The leader among them was a sword-wielding woman with extremely cold facial features and a hint of cinnabar on her eyebrows.

Cui Yuanzhen looked at the girl who suddenly appeared in front of him and said in shock: "You are..."

Yun Qin's eyes were shining brightly as he said, "You just said -"

"Qi Wuhuo?!!"

"Do you know where he is?"

"Can you tell me?!"

"I'll treat you to sesame pancakes!"

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