I am immortal

Chapter 282 The lineage of Taishang should be the supreme, the highest, the most elegant!


This name brought Qi Wuhuo's memory back to the past, when the teacher took him through the world and saw the choices and destinations of his brothers and sisters. In the end, the teacher told him about many avenues, and that Brother Xuanzhen was the only one. A disciple who practiced the most superior path and eventually fell.

And if it is Senior Brother Xuanzhen, he is the Human Emperor who was so heroic eight thousand years ago.

Open up the way for the destiny of the human emperor, and invite the heavens to drink together during the troubled times of the countries all over the world!

Ripples swept through Qi Wuhuo's eyes. He kept his expression calm, raised his eyes and glanced at Nan Qingzi, saying: "But why did the Ghost Emperor go to the human world and meet the Human Emperor and the Demon Emperor? The reason for this, I want to know too."

The Southern Ghost Emperor replied with a quiet voice:

"...It's not a big deal."

"It's just that I also want the highest way, and I only follow the innate and Yin body. After all, I still can't see the more distant road. How can I be trapped in this Yin God from beginning to end? At that time, the Seventy-two Divisions of Fengdu City were still functioning well. "The great calamity has not yet begun, so I thought that there would be nothing in Fengdu City without me, so I went to the Samsara Terrace to look for Po Meng."

"I want to try drinking Meng Po soup to seal off my memory, leaving only my own nature unchanged."

"Then I want to be reincarnated as a human being, and I want to get a glimpse of the secrets of the changes of yin and yang through such reincarnations. If I die because of this and die in pursuit of the Tao, there is no regret."

When this matter was brought up, the Southern Ghost Emperor looked calm.

But immediately his expression became a little dark, and he said: "However, perhaps it was the decision on this matter that led to the demon riot in Fengdu City and the Yin and Yang chaos. If I had not experienced the tribulation at that time, In reincarnation, maybe the future Fengdu will not be like this."

"At that time, Po Meng spent her whole life trying to block my true spirit."

"It's just that she has never used medicine on a creature of my level, so she used all her methods to make me completely fall into the mystery of the womb and no longer remember myself. After all, I am an innate pure yin body, and I will be reincarnated. There is no way it can neutralize the ultimate Yin in my soul. In that life, I had no congenital veins, my soul was dead, I couldn’t practice cultivation, it was difficult to cure with medicine and stone, and I couldn’t live past the age of twenty at most.”

"My parents in that life were very good to me, really very good."

"They protect me very well and hope that I can live the best life in the world at least while I'm alive. They take great care in eating and dressing, but they rarely let me leave home because they are worried about my health. , Later, when I was sixteen years old, I learned about the illnesses of my soul and body, and I thought that in the last four years, I still want to go outside and see."

"Even if you die outside?"

"That era was an era of disputes among kingdoms and kings vying for supremacy. There were many killings and blood feuds between different kingdoms. Traveling outside was different from your current era. It was extremely dangerous. At that time, I didn't care about these at all. In my heart Everyone seemed to be caught up in the idea of ​​venturing outside, so I sneaked out."

Nan Qingzi stood quietly, suddenly smiled and said:

"Thinking about it later, it was really stupid."

"Oh, in that era, you can imagine what kind of dangers a rich and good-looking young lady from a wealthy family would encounter, right?"

"I just met Xuanzhen at that time."

The young Taoist listened quietly, and from Nan Qingzi's mouth, he heard another side of Senior Brother Xuanzhen. He loved to laugh and eat. When he laughed, his eyes were as bright as stars. His sword skills were sharp and decisive, and his marksmanship was domineering, but extremely powerful. He is so bold that when he is drunk, he invites all things in the world to drink together.

Along the way, he saw the disputes in this troubled world and felt the suffering of the people, so he drew his sword and fought.

In the end, after going through a more magnificent battle than the words lightly recorded in the history books of this era, the great cause of today was opened up, to bring the conflicting countries together and erase the differences in words. As a result, the human conflict that lasted for a very long time ended under his command.

Befriend the Dragon King, kill Kunpeng, invite the Emperor of Heaven to drink together, and establish the separation between humans and gods.

His achievements are as brilliant as fire, and no one can disobey them.

Therefore, he is respected as the "Human Emperor".

It means that the person with the greatest courage in the world is as brilliant as fire!

The Nan Qingzi smiled and said: "I don't know these stories. I died long before he actually embarked on the road of conquest. You ask me how I died?" She After being quiet for a while, he just shook his head. When he mentioned Xuan Zhen, the beauty on the Ghost Emperor's face disappeared, leaving only a breath like clear lotus in the water, and said:

"I do not want to say."

"Anyway, it's just a very common story."

The young Taoist looked at the flow of the underworld and said, "Ghost Emperor, have you ever missed him?"

The Southern Ghost Emperor said lightly: "After that life, I fell into a deep sleep for a long time due to the impact of reincarnation and Po Meng's methods. When I woke up, he was already the Human Emperor, and they are all people seeking the Tao. The short experience of that life, For me, it was only a mere twenty years, and the years I spent with him were only four."

"Four years is too short compared to my long life."

"Would anyone remember someone for a whole life just because of half a day?"

"When I left him, I was still the Ghost Emperor of the South. Although it cannot be called the supreme power, it was still a realm that thousands of creatures could not step into. And when he left me, he was also a brilliant and unparalleled person in the world, wielding a sword and looking down at the world. There are heroes who have no equal, there are countless beauties in the world, and I am just a passerby."

Qi Wuhuo recalled what he knew about the experience of the Human Emperor. It was a great undertaking that even if a person with history could go through it again, he thought for a while and said: "The Human Emperor, Xuan Zhen, have you ever mentioned him? Teacher?"

Nan Qingzi asked: "Is his teacher the old man with a gentle temperament?"

The Southern Ghost Emperor seemed to still remember such an old man, but no longer remembered the old man's name or anything. He just replied: "They broke up. Xuanzhen refuted his teacher, and then chose to leave the school and abandoned his teacher." The sect’s unique title, but I don’t remember what those two words are.”

The young Taoist was slightly startled.

He gave up?

Could it be that the person who gave up was called Taishang Xuanzhen?

Qi Wuhuo asked subconsciously: "Why?"

Nan Qingzi recalled what happened that day and said: "Because of a discussion..."

Along with Nan Qingzi's description, Qi Wuhuo seemed to see the scene of that day. One year after the wedding, his wife's body gradually became weak, and when the world was in chaos, the old man happily came to visit Xuanzhen and his wife, and The Taoist's discussion, that day after Xuanzhen entertained the teacher for a meal, he brought up spiritual practice.

Xuanzhen's Taoism has gradually become more and more profound.

But his confusion grew.

He asked the teacher: "The way of a teacher is indeed profound, subtle and unparalleled, but is it particularly difficult to get started?"

"If you don't have superior abilities, it's difficult to practice. It doesn't seem like a great way."

The old man caught a glimpse of his disciple's choice, so he just stroked his beard and asked, "Try to tell me something."

The Taoist's back was straight and he said: "The Dao lies ahead. If people cannot walk it, it is not the Dao. Only those with extraordinary talents can cultivate this Dao, and only those with great talent can enter it. However, most of the creatures in the world have no Dao charm, and there are gods above. , there are evil spirits below, and people can't protect themselves while walking among them. This way is only high and not close to others. This is right and wrong."

"The Tao is supposed to accommodate all people, but the way of the teacher is only practiced by those with high moral standards."

"It's right and wrong!"

Qi Wuhuo could feel the weight and sharpness of these words. He closed his eyes, and his surroundings seemed to turn into the courtyard. It was as if he could hear the chirping of birds, smell the fragrance of flowers, and there was an ink-colored table in front of him. The Taoist and the old man sat opposite each other. The young Taoist refuted the teacher's teachings one by one, and then said:

"The teacher's way is naturally very high, but it is not my way after all."

He took out the Order of Supreme Xuanzhen, held the token in both hands, and placed it in front of the teacher.

Then, under the compassionate and regretful eyes of the old man, he knelt on the ground, kowtowed heavily, and then said word by word:

"Disciples cannot practice the supreme way."

"Return the name of the Supreme Being."

Immediately he stood up and flicked his sleeves. When he stood up, the energy suddenly changed like a vast ocean. The three flowers broke into pieces. The Yuan Qi spread out and turned into majestic vitality. It fed back to the world again. The sleeves of the Taoist robe rolled up like waves. The foundation of his body was like a wave. Just when you get up, they will all be destroyed by themselves!

Abandon the supreme way and the supreme name.

The hairpin was gently put down and turned into secular clothes again.

"The way I seek is to allow the common people to live within themselves. The immortals and gods can do whatever they want and the people are lonely. The only problem is that the immortals and gods are powerful but the people have no chance. The immortals and gods have swords but the people have no swords. The aristocratic family is powerful but oppresses the people. The people have no swords and cannot resist. , I want to open a path for my disciples, so that there is no need for basic skills or talent to practice, but only those who have the right heart and perseverance can practice it."

"It's Qi, it's luck!"

"The so-called great road exists only in the common people!"

The young Taoist 'looked' at this scene, and suddenly recalled that time, when the teacher touched his senior brother's tombstone, with a complex and sad look on his face, as if he was sighing with emotion -

'But it is precisely because of this that I will not leave any escape route for myself. I will have no worries or fears and only seek the avenue. ’

‘Don’t leave any room for others or yourself. ’

The young Taoist said slowly: "Did he succeed?"

In fact, there is no need to say this sentence, because in this era, the way of practice he opened up has not really become popular. From this point of view, he has failed; but the immortals can no longer be as good as they have been for eight thousand years. In the past and even in the previous tribulations, there was the same wanton behavior. In the human kingdom, there were no longer battles every year, but they seemed to be successful.

Nan Qingzi replied: "I don't know."

"It's just that the scroll of luck seems not to be completely completed yet."

"The time left for him in that era was, after all, too short."

Qi Wuhuo said, "Do you know the inside story of the final battle?"

The Southern Ghost Emperor saw the young Taoist pensive, so he rolled out a mirror from his sleeves.

But it is the same as the Northern Mirror, except that the size is slightly different.

"Back then, he invited Lord Dao to cast fifteen mirrors, one of which is in my hands."

"What happened back then can be glimpsed." The Southern Ghost Emperor's sleeves brushed against the mirror, causing ripples to appear on the mirror. Then, the young Taoist caught a glimpse of what happened back then - he saw the world between heaven and earth. It was a vast expanse, the sky was extremely low, and the earth was shaking. I saw that there were wars again in the world, and there were fights and killings everywhere.

I saw Xuanzhen holding a sword and looking in this direction.

The Southern Ghost Emperor whispered: "When I woke up, it was already too late. I left Fengdu City, and I even didn't hesitate to quarrel with my eldest brother and the others. I even ignored the obvious chaos in Fengdu City and rushed there. I I want him to 'survive', even as a Yin God."

"But he still rejected me in the end, so it shows that he doesn't really care about me..."

"Perhaps, I just care about his [Dao]."

Endless fighting, endless battles, the original human emperor holding a sword has been covered with bruises and has reached the end of the road, and his wife, whom he knew and loved when they were young, longs for him to stop fighting, stop fighting, and retain the last of his consciousness. , you can also gain immortality by going to the underworld.

The Human Emperor, whose temples had turned white, seemed gentle. He shook his head, laughed, and then tightened his grip on the sword.

He glanced past his wife and looked in the distant direction, seeing the human city and the briefly gathered countries. Finally, he raised his sword and was unwilling to stop here. The enemy he faced was difficult to defeat. The mirror reflected it, and he finally took hold of the sword and stood up alone.

[Encountering tribulations of swords and weapons, tribulations of thunder and fire, and tribulations of inner demons, breaking through forty-nine tribulations in a row]

Xuanzhen rose into the sky, took a step, stood between heaven and earth and suddenly chanted:

"Seeking truth!"

Seeking unification in the world!

The sound was like thunder, causing the clouds to move like tidal waves, the wind to swirl, and the battle flags to dance noisily and fiercely like fire.

After taking the second step out, Qiong Yu was shocked and shouted again: "Cultivation!"

There is great potential for cultivating common people!

Finally, the sword flew out from his palm and turned into an endless brilliant rainbow light rising into the sky. He laughed loudly: "Prove the Dao!!!"

Prove that I am a man of grace in this world, and my talent among the common people is not inferior to that of heaven!

These three long roars were each more calm than the last, and each was more determined than the last. They shocked the whole country and made everything respond. The one who was called "The Glory of the World is Like Fire" fought with a sword, and finally fell and fell. At that time, I didn’t look back.

Qi Wuhuo closed his eyes, and all he could see was the image of his senior brother laughing loudly above the human world.

Combined with the teacher's calm crooning.

Each sound struck the young Taoist's heart.

"I have overcome forty-nine catastrophes in a row, but in the end I am unable to do it, so I don't choose to leave my soul and follow the path of the Yin God."

"Have no distracting thoughts, leave no room for others or yourself, and fight with all your strength."

"Dead before it was accomplished."

"Three days before the army was released, he prayed for the Tao, practiced the Tao, realized the Tao, laughed loudly, and then died and disappeared into thin air."

"In this life of practice, I have met famous teachers, made great friends, loved relatives, loved Taoists, and indulged myself in heaven and earth!"

Taishang Xuanzhen.

Those who are prosperous in the world and whose spirit is as bright as fire.

Eight thousand years ago, Wushuang was the most romantic.

Xuan Zhen’s affairs are all mentioned in Chapter 55 of Volume One.

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