I am immortal

Chapter 317 Eight Thousand Years of Jade Emperor, Eight Thousand Years of Disaster

Di Ting's heart twitched. He raised his head stiffly and scanned the fierce gods whose names had been preserved in history bit by bit. He looked at these ghosts and gods, including some of his old acquaintances, across from him. A few ghosts who had a problem with Di Ting smiled inexplicably.

The corners of Diting's mouth twitched.

For a while, my mind couldn't move.

How much will I agree with you for?

The young Taoist stepped into the Buddhist hall, his eyes were calm, his hair was tied with a wooden hairpin, and his Taoist robe was clean. He no longer had the arrogance of climbing to the sky on chains to fight and kill the Ghost Emperor. He no longer had the dark robes that rolled up and swept the world. His calmness was just the clarity of a Taoist, and he smiled and said: "Sir and Pindao agreed on seven Yin gods."

"Now how about paying back tenfold?"

Listen carefully: “…………”

Cardiac arrest!

This wilted bad boy’s calf nose really brought up this matter!

What does this calf nose want to do? Want to sell me?

Di Ting looked at Qi Wuhuo with vigilance and suspicion, and finally swept away these ghosts. He still sat down on the futon helplessly, waved his hands, and said: "Okay, okay, okay, you have completed these things, and it is still ten times better." It’s so outrageous, I have nothing to say, is that okay if I have nothing to say?”

"I'll help you ten times. How about it? I won't say anymore."

Then Di Ting clearly saw that the young Taoist was startled.

Immediately, Di Ting also realized something.

fell into silence.

"Although it was just an accident, I still want to ask, was it a favor that you wanted in the first place?"

When Qi Wuhuo thought about it, Di Ting had already heard the answer. He raised his hand to stop him, twitched the corner of his mouth and said:

"Stop, stop, stop, that's it, stop talking!"

"Ten times, just ten times!"

"I'm willing to admit defeat!"

His eyes swept over the seventy-two divisions who were more like ghosts and evil spirits than righteous gods. He really couldn't afford to disgrace this man. The young Taoist was slightly startled, knowing that this gentleman in gray clothes had always been tough-talking, even if When they met in the human world, it was him who had already sealed his memory, and this would not change.

Di Ting has always been good at defeating others, even if the whole beast was burned to ashes, his mouth is still tough.

Immediately he followed the trend and said with a smile: "Then, I'll thank you for your help."

Turning slightly sideways, he looked at the seventy-two division guards who were waiting outside the entire Buddhist hall and said:

"Reward the good and punish the evil. Once again, you choose the thirty strongest ones to follow me."

"Go back to the human world."

"Yes, Mr. Fu!"

Rewarding the good and punishing the evil was a natural response, but Listening raised his eyes to look at the ghosts and gods of the Yin Division, and then looked at Qi Wuhuo, reluctantly inviting Qi Wuhuo to sit down, and while waiting for the Yin Division to prepare, he poured a cup of tea for him He sat cross-legged in front of the desk, slightly confused, and said, "Since you have seventy-two divisions, why don't you take them all with you?"

Qi Wuhuo shook his head and said: "Not to mention how much sustenance can be accommodated in Destroying Buddhas and Killing Emperors, there are only thirty mountains in the human world that can make the earth temporarily inhabit."

"Besides, sir, you also said that there are a total of seventy-two earthly immortal demon kings and thirty-six demon masters."

"There are millions of troops. In this situation, the more people there are, the easier it is to be involved. Didn't you also say that this is the ancient demon court formation that killed Daomen Tianzun in ancient times? In such an formation Among them, the difference between the thirty ghosts and gods and the seventy-two earthly immortals, ghosts and gods is not that big."

“Sometimes, more people are not always better.”

"Besides, Tianzun will perish under such a formation, not to mention me. It is impossible for me to really kill millions of monsters. The purpose is to break the blockade and help Empress Houtu defeat Gou Chen."

Di Ting looked at the young Taoist who was waiting for the ghosts and gods to prepare.

The latter is very sober, even now he is still very sober.

Never be dazzled by strength and personality, and no longer remember who you are.

Di Ting sighed, with such a character, even if he didn't guide him, he would still meet the Supreme Leader. No... maybe he would be known by the other two in advance? That's all, it's done anyway, those two can just let go of their own grievances! While his thoughts were rising and falling, he smiled with a half-joking tone:

"It's a pity. If you really contained so much Yin Shen power and became the Lord of Taishan Palace, this matter would not be so difficult, right, Lord of Taishan Palace?"

Qi Wuhuo asked, "Who are you calling, sir?"

Di Tingxiao asked, "Aren't you the prince of the mansion?"

"I see that the chief envoys of the Seventy-Two Divisions all call you that."

The young Taoist said: "Their title refers to me, which seems to be different from the title you just pointed to, sir."

"I am not the Taishan Mansion Lord who ascended to the sky as you said. To me, it is just a sword called Taishan Mansion Lord. I can break it or abandon it."

"And the sharpness of the sword does not mean my own strength."

Di Ting was a little surprised and wanted to laugh and laugh at this guy. Wouldn't it be nice if he could use it? What are you doing with so much emphasis? Do you still want to be a Taoist ancestor? But when his eyes fell on Qi Wuhuo, he was slightly startled, and suddenly realized that this young Taoist was here in his real body this time. The body of a creature in the upper world would only be continuously weakened in the underworld.

Some immortals and gods cannot live freely in the underworld.

What's more, Qi Wuzhuo was like this. When he breathed, he was breathing in the ghostly energy of the underworld and drank the tea of ​​the soul.

His eyes are calm, his Qi is light, and he is still the upright and peaceful Taoist sect.

! ! !

Di Ting noticed the changes taking place in Qi Wuhuo's body, and stood up suddenly. There was a hint of disbelief in his tone, and the tone of his voice rose several degrees, knocking over the tables and chairs. This showed the huge shock in Di Ting's heart, and held down his hands. The table was approaching Qi Wuhuo, and he said:

"F*ck, no...is this?? Yin and Yang are not ambiguous?!"

"You, have you broken through?"

If you get close, you can feel it.

In the young Taoist's body, Qi no longer distinguishes Yin and Yang.

Qi walks away from Xuanming, walks into Zhongzheng, and returns to purity.

Even though he is in the netherworld of the underworld, he is still walking in the world of the sun, but this is not the effect of Taoism.

Di Ting looked at Qi Wuhuo in front of him and said word by word:

"The soul of Tao shines silently, the body of Buddha does not leak out, and the yin and yang of innate things are not ambiguous?!"

"There are four righteousnesses: calmness and calmness."

"you you……"

"Wouldn't it be possible to get all of them by leaving only two out of four?"

Di Ting's tone was slightly shocked.

All the way.

This is the foundation of the Three Pure Ones and Four Imperial Levels!

The old bald Ksitigarbha and the monk Ran Deng are not at this level.

Qi Wuhuo shook his head: "No."

Di Ting breathed a sigh of relief.

I saw the young Taoist hold out a finger and said, "There is only one righteousness left."

"When the earth cuts down the sky, it is called Tai."

"Therefore, the communion between heaven and earth has been achieved."

Di Ting was speechless and lost her mind. After a long time, it was really a pity.

Couldn't help but sigh. Said: "That's why it's a pity that you have broken the foundation of this great Immortal Dao. When your own cultivation reaches the limit of the True Lord, if you still want to become the Lord of Taishan Mansion, you may only be able to get someone like the Central Ghost Emperor Zhou Qi." , or someone like Antarctic Emperor Zhuling."

Qi Wuhuo did not answer, but quietly replied: "That will have to wait until the day I get there."

Di Ting asked: "Where are the two ghost emperors who are facing you?"

Qi Wuhuo said: "We are suppressing the other two... They cannot leave Fengdu City, otherwise, the Yin Division will be in chaos."

Diting sighed with emotion: "Indeed... the entire Yinsi Fengdu is also in a mess."

"Even if those two are disappointed with Zhou Qi, they won't be convinced by you."

"The power of the ritual has been completely exhausted. Otherwise, you can suppress or kill them." While talking, all the ghosts and gods had also come out and selected thirty people who had followed Beidi in the world in the past years. The Yin God of the martial arts faction who galloped around, captured all the evil gods and ghosts, imprisoned them, and suppressed them.

The young Taoist stood up, his sleeves and robes hanging down, holding the Blood River Sword in one hand.

Now this Blood River Sword is not convinced at all.

Step on the chain to ascend to the sky, kill the ghost emperor, control the four emperors, and use the sword to guide the pole.

Now Xuehe wanted to use his own body to initiate this Taoist, thinking that as long as he could taste a drop of [immortality] blood.

He exploded and died on the spot, making him laugh out loud.

The young Taoist priest had black hair and a clean Taoist robe. He said gently:

"Then, Mr. Youlao, you pointed out the path for the million-strong army."

"For the sake of poor people, point out the 'glimmer of hope'."

Thirty ghosts and gods from the underworld reward good and punish evil. Following the death of the young Taoist, they will fight against more than three times the same realm of strong men, including even an ancient bloodline true king who is a realm greater than themselves. This is not A simple task, even fatal, but listening behind the scenes is the only possibility for them to win.

An army of millions is vast and majestic, but the more so, the more likely it is that mistakes will occur.

And by listening to the suffering of the Four Noble Truths, you can find this flaw with incomparable accuracy!

Let them fulfill their true combat purpose.

Di Ting lowered his eyes and sensed that the situation would be completely transformed after the young man in front of him completed his own judgment - adding thirty top mountains of the demon clan, and adding the earth veins within them, and incorporating the support of the Taishan Mountain System, Hou Tu could quickly defeat Gou. Chen, then this catastrophe will be eliminated. This is the value of top counselors and bravery to reverse the situation.

However, now this young Taoist is only assisting Bei Bei and Hou Tu.

Is there a day in the future when he will participate in these events as a more direct role? Diting sighed and said: "Unfortunately, if Bai Ze was here, he might be able to see these in advance..."

The world has undergone great changes.

The Taoist enters the human world.


In the Lingxiao Palace, the Jade Emperor had taken the elixir, but still needed to rest. Now, he had several murderous thoughts. Even if Master Xuandu arrived at the first time, the Jade Emperor still changed. Extremely weak and pale, Xuandu calculated the gap between the last Jade Emperor's consciousness and the loss of memory and now, and his expression gradually darkened.

He took the elixir again, but suddenly, the drum was struck!

The roaring sound passed back and forth, constantly beating.

Archmage Xuandu turned around and looked at the direction of the sound with cold eyes. He raised his palm, but was held down by the Jade Emperor. Xuandu turned around, saw the Jade Emperor and shook his head. The young Jade Emperor said with a gentle voice: "Haotian Among the rules that have been established before, there is a rule that when encountering great twists and turns, the heavenly drum is beaten and the emperor opens the court."

"Of course, this also requires paying a certain price to prove that small things cannot disturb the Tiangu."

"Since we want to maintain this order, we cannot violate the agreement we made."

"Sir, don't worry about me."

"I can still hold on for a while, at least not until my memory is lost."

Xuandu slowly closed his hand, and the young Jade Emperor smiled, took the elixir, and stepped forward. The Lingxiao Palace opened again, and the immortals came. The Jade Emperor's eyes were peaceful, and the immortals were standing there. The Jade Emperor said lightly: "Who plays the drums?"

When he saw the Supreme Judiciary striding towards him with majestic momentum, he walked out of the queue, bowed his hands and said solemnly:

"Yes, minister."

"What's the matter, sir?"

The Judicial Heavenly Lord held up his hands, his brows were sharp, and he said in a calm tone: "Now the Yinsi Youming is the Lord of the Ten Palaces, which is what the Yuqing Heavenly Lord promised, and Fengdu City is the sin city used to imprison many ghosts of the Yinsi in the past years. And among them, the five ghost emperors are all evil, and now the central ghost emperor Zhou Qi has gone to defect to the Antarctic Emperor Changsheng. Sir, please investigate Antarctica!"

Many immortals and gods said in unison: "Please investigate Antarctica."

The Antarctic is the emperor, the ultimate between the whole world.

How can the Jade Emperor suppress Antarctica now?

The young Jade Emperor was angry in his heart and knew that the other party was deliberately trying to provoke the calmed conflict. However, due to lack of strength at the moment, he still just suppressed the murderous intention and said calmly: "I accept this matter."

The Judiciary Heavenly Lord raised his eyes slightly.

The young Jade Emperor said calmly: "Everything has been handed over to the Northern Emperor with full authority. You can go and discuss with the Northern Emperor."

Then the Judicial Heavenly Lord paused slightly and said slowly: "My lord, I understand."

The Jade Emperor said calmly: "If there is nothing else..."

The Judicial Heavenly Lord said: "My lord, there is one more thing."

"Since Fengdu is a sinful city, all the ghost emperors of Fengdu are sinners, and they were personally suppressed by the North Pole Emperor Ziwei. Due to the current seal of the orthodox ten halls of Yama in the underworld, there is now a person who calls himself the Lord of Taishan Prefecture, and actually escapes from Fengdu. , climbed to Tianque, and even took action against the Antarctic Immortal Emperor, I—"

"Please kill Taishan!"

"Destroy Fengdu!"

There was silence, and those neutral gods no longer knew what the Judiciary Heavenly Lord was going to do, but some felt that the Taishan Mansion Lord seemed to appear to solve the calamity, and who felt that no matter what his purpose was, he would eventually Coming from the city of Fengdu, which was abandoned by the Northern Emperor, and now the Yin Chief is a sinner, after all, it seems that the Judiciary Heavenly Lord's suggestion is all right.

God was silent.

One-third of the immortal gods were forced to stand up and say:

"Please kill Taishan and destroy Fengdu!"

The voice was quiet and majestic, the Jade Emperor's hands tightened the sleeves of his robe, and then, he suddenly laughed.

The young Jade Emperor, who had taken a step back, released his hands, swept his eyes across the many immortals, stood up slowly, and said:

"The Lord of Taishan Mansion is the righteous God of the Netherworld whom I recognize."

"Wait, what are you going to do?"

The atmosphere was a bit dead. It seemed that no one would have expected that the Jade Emperor would actually conflict with Judiciary Heavenly Lord on such a matter. In such silence, Judiciary Heavenly Lord was a little shocked in his eyes. He took half a step forward and said calmly: " I haven’t asked when yet, why don’t I know?”

"What kind of righteous god is he, but he is not subject to the laws of our Tianshu Academy?!"

The Jade Emperor's sleeves and robe were swept away.

Stir up mana!

In the void, layers of light and ripples appeared in the mighty heavenly book. Endless light and energy rose. The auspicious clouds scattered. The extremely powerful sense of oppression made all the gods shudder. The Jade Emperor slowly stood up and lowered his eyes to look at the judicial officer. Tianzun said calmly: "Justice, kneel down."

One after another, the eyes looked towards the Judicial Heavenly Lord.

Seeing the Haotian Jade Scroll, the immortals and gods all knelt down and worshiped!

So the Judicial Heavenly Lord slowly knelt on the clouds, slowly lowered his head and lowered his hands, without struggling or resisting. The Jade Emperor's eyes flashed with a glimmer of light. He raised his hand and scanned it with his fingers. The Book of Heaven unfolded, and all the divisions in the heaven were reached in one breath. Among them, the most majestic one is the Tianshu Court, and the killer is the Exorcist Court. He wrote a line of text on the side of the Judicial Heavenly Lord in the Tianshu Court.

Mr. Taishan Mansion.

The jade color flashed by, it didn't mean anything, it had only one meaning.


Haotian recognized the righteousness of Lord Taishan.

No criticism is allowed in the heaven!

And his title is also in charge of the laws of life and death in the underworld, Netherworld, and is on the same level as the judiciary of the Tianshu Court!

Anyone who attacks the King of Taishan Mansion is regarded as provoking the Emperor of Heaven!

! ! !

The Judiciary Heavenly Lord clenched his hands and palms suddenly, with murderous intent in his eyes, but in the end he said nothing. This is the orthodoxy of the Jade Emperor, the oppression of Haotian's reincarnation. The Jade Emperor's five fingers clenched together, and the jade scroll of the Heavenly Book suddenly closed and was held in the palm of his hand. Among them, the Jade Emperor said indifferently: "Please wait, please step back."

The immortals stood up, paid their respects and retreated step by step.

Judicial Heavenly Lord looked tense and turned around and strode away. The Jade Emperor's voice sounded calmly: "Justice."

His voice was ethereal and flat:

"Beat the heavenly drum in vain, and there is no big deal. Go and receive a hundred divine whips yourself."

Judicial Heavenly Lord's movements stagnated.

Then he said slowly: "My lord, take your orders!"

Sweeping his sleeves and robes, he strode away and went straight to the place where the divine whip was struck. The immortals seemed to have rarely seen the Jade Emperor so powerful and angry, suppressing the justice, and couldn't help but feel a little more awe in their hearts. After bowing and leaving, the Lingxiao Palace gradually became empty. Master Xuandu appeared, silently and in a calm tone:

"You shouldn't be angry, you shouldn't have murderous intentions, you shouldn't issue orders..."

"You shouldn't touch the heavenly book, you shouldn't touch the seal."

He walked up step by step, and finally waved his sleeves to sweep away the hidden magic door. The clouds dispersed, and blood flowed from the corners of the young Jade Emperor's mouth. He forced a smile: "Ahem, cough, cough..."

"Tell me, sir, it's a joke."

"It's just that I can't give in anymore."

"I can do nothing about the death of True Lord Judiciary, and I cannot explain to Hou Tu the matter of Gouchen."

"I can't even check and balance the North and South Pole."

"Taita stopped the biggest calamity crisis. I can't give in even at this time."

"But fortunately, I have written it down for Mr. Taishan Mansion. In this case, the immortals in heaven will not have any influence or obstruction on him. He can at least grow up freely for a period of time. Ha... Sir, what did you do before?" With such a big reaction, I guess Lord Taishan hasn’t grown up in strength yet, right?”

"This is my thanks. I hope I can provide him with some insignificant help in integrating Netherworld."

"Your reaction is so big, let me guess, is he your junior brother who is hiding and no one knows?"

The young man sat on the high seat and asked softly, with blood drying at the corner of his mouth.

In front is a handsome Taoist with long sleeves hanging down.

The young Jade Emperor asked: "What's his name?"

Taoist Qingjun took a deep breath and replied:

"He is my junior brother. His Taoist name is Taishang Xuanwei. His real name is Qi Wulu."

"People from Jinzhou."


The young Jade Emperor's eyes slowly closed, uncontrollably closed, and in his eyes was the look of the young Mansion Lord coming from the air.

I remember this name in my heart.

Taoist Qingjun, who seemed to be very far away in front of his eyes, said: "Your Majesty, are you sleepy?"

"Well...Sir, I'll take a nap, don't worry."

"[I] will wake up again."


"However, there is a question I really want to know. How did I start to lose my memory in the past?"

Master Xuandu replied softly: "You used your own soul to prevent disaster for the common people."

"Having blocked the catastrophe of erasing the Human Emperor and killing the Dragon Emperor, eight thousand years ago, the common people actually did not suffer much."

"That's right."

"It's a death worthy of the Jade Emperor."

"Unfortunately, I don't even remember what sir said."

"Don't remember at all."

The Jade Emperor smiled and then slowly closed his eyes.

Grand Master Xuandu looked at him and felt that this period of consciousness fluctuated violently, then shattered and disappeared.

The palm suddenly fell, and there was no sound again.

Archmage Xuandu staggered half a step, his eyes full of sadness.

But with time.

Haotian's immortal body gave birth to a new consciousness.

【A dream】

[A dream where everything is blank, a boundless dream, I don’t remember who is who, I don’t remember who I am]

[Don’t remember the past, don’t remember the future]

[I just know it’s time to wake up]

A long time passed, and it seemed like just a moment. The young man in the Lingxiao Palace slowly opened his eyes. His eyes were clear and clear, without any pollution. The hall was surrounded by darkness, and in front of him was a Taoist priest. The man's sleeves were swaying, and there seemed to be a strong emotion in his eyes that couldn't be resolved. Is it sadness or pity?

The young man on the throne said curiously:

"who are you?"

He became like a boy of twelve or thirteen years old, unable to put his feet on the ground and swaying.

The Xuandu Archmage in front of him smiled, and the sadness in his eyes dissipated. He smiled warmly and cupped his hands slightly, holding a whisk in his hands. His black hair was tied in a hairpin, and his sleeves and robes were pure and comfortable.

Just like countless encounters and reunions in the past eight thousand years, he said:

"Pindao Xuandu."

"I am ordered by my master to make elixirs for His Majesty."

"Oh, Master Xuandu!"

The young Jade Emperor nodded, and Master Xuandu said gently: "Do you still remember me?"

The young man was confused, his tone was natural, and he said curiously:

"Have I met Master Xuandu before?"

Archmage Xuandu was silent for a while, and just smiled naturally and said: "It shouldn't be possible."

"It's just that you and my old friend are very similar..."

"Ah, really?"

"Yes, but if you look closely, you are not him."

Archmage Xuandu said: "Does your Majesty remember anything?"

The Jade Emperor frowned and thought for a long time, then suddenly his eyes lit up, his smile was bright and innocent, and he said: "Yes!"

"Very clear!"

He was now smaller than before, and his feet could not even touch the ground. He swayed for a moment, then jumped down, spread his arms, and his eyes were bright. Xuandu seemed to have seen the past eight thousand and six hundred generations, losing his memory and losing himself. , who lost his magical powers, and who were completely different from each other who checked and balanced the gods and Buddhas in the sky, as if the Jade Emperors from generation to generation were all here.

But those friends are gone, and only the immature boy is left saying:

"I want to suppress the heaven and guard the six realms."

"Even if it costs me my life!"

"We must also protect the common people!"

Master Xuandu lost his mind.

Eight thousand years of calamity and more than six hundred generations of Jade Emperors.

All so.

Presented at three o'clock

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