I am immortal

Chapter 39 Please listen carefully

Qi Wuhuo walked out of the wooden door, walking briskly towards the back mountain. As he passed the main road of the town, he heard noisy sounds in the distance, like the sound of moving wood and the sound of many people walking around. , this sound has been coming for a long time, at least more than a month.

Qi Wuhuo was not interested in these things and did not take the initiative to inquire.

And when those people were doing these things, they seemed to avoid Qi Wulu.

Qi Wuhuo withdrew his gaze. Although he was somewhat curious about why he had to rush to work in the middle of winter and when the New Year was approaching, he didn't pay much attention to it. Now that he was walking briskly and being familiar with the road, he quickly reached the foot of the mountain. A few more snows fell in the middle of the day, and most people began to be busy with New Year's Eve matters. Few people went up the mountain, which made it look particularly peaceful.

All the way to the platform in the mountain, the place where the Tiger Mountain God used to lecture on Taoism was now packed with people.

There are spiritual birds and beasts, flying cranes have fallen, tigers are lying down, and green snakes are entrenched.

Tao Taigongan was sitting on the stone, turning his head and chatting with a plump woman; Luo Yizhen smiled and looked down at a scribe playing the piano. The short stature of Shen Hongxue was the most free and easy, sitting cross-legged on the snow, with his clothes open and exposed. He was drinking wine with his neck raised, and under the green pines, there was a girl playing the piano, and a scholar in blue shirt playing the transverse flute. Qi Wuhuo took a quick look and saw that there were more than twenty people in the group of beasts, all of whom were extraordinary in appearance and extraordinary in appearance.

It seems that this place is not in the mountains, but a wonderful land of the Immortal Family.

Tao Taigong was smiling and talking to others. He suddenly felt a change in his breath and stopped talking. He turned around and saw the young man, stroking his beard and smiling:

"Hahaha, the rightful owner is here."

The flute player put down the instrument in his hand and smiled elegantly; the girl played the piano slightly slowly, her apricot eyes shining.

The wind blows loose.

Everyone was quiet for a moment, and on one side, as if a group of wise men were meeting, with outstanding demeanor and smiling eyes, they saw a young man in blue shirt walking towards him.

A familiar spirit beast recognized him and wanted to come over, but was held down by two Dharma Protector Generals. Only then did he realize that this was not an ordinary day.

The two god generals stood solemnly, wearing armor. Even these visitors who looked quite otherworldly also stood up, cupped their hands slightly, or smiled at the corners of their mouths, or looked solemn, or held a wine jar in one hand, free and easy, or The smile was clear, and the beauty in the world was extremely beautiful; but they all bowed to the young man in blue shirt in front of them and said with a smile:

"I have met the Helian Mountain God."

No matter how slight the sound is, so many gatherings are moving.

What's more, the people present at this moment are not ordinary people.

If others saw it, they might get upset.

Qi Wuhuo guessed that these must be the mountain gods of many surrounding mountains and rivers, and came to see who the new mountain god of Helian Mountain was.

Immediately, he returned the courtesy slightly, and then, using the etiquette of the host's family, he stretched out his right hand in a false invitation, and said in a clear and gentle voice: "Everyone, please."

Some of the mountain gods also looked slightly surprised. They had never thought that this man, who looked so young, did not show any timidity when facing people like himself, but actually felt a little better in his heart. It seemed that the tiger was looking for a successor. , and they were not those without skills. The smiles on their faces immediately became thicker. There were also other mountain gods with a look of consideration in their eyes.

Tao Taigong stroked his beard and laughed, saying: "Come on, come on, my little friend, come here."

"These are our mountain gods who are thousands of miles away. They are good friends. Since you have become a mountain god, you must have contact with them."

"Let me introduce to you. This is the mountain god of Chengdu Mountain. She is called Siniang. She is beautiful and most free and easy. You..."

The plump and beautiful woman smiled and said, "What did you say to the old man?"

"Ah, the mountain god didn't like to turn into a human form before, but now he has changed into a handsome child, but it is much more pleasing to the eye."

"Are you calling me Wu Huo? Come on, let me kiss you..."

The two Dharma Protector Generals looked solemn, spread out their beards and hair, stepped forward and said: "Guests, please don't be rude!"

Although they were somewhat disappointed and worried about Qi Wuhuo's young appearance.

I feel that he may not be able to assume the position of mountain god.

But since he is already the mountain god here, it is better to protect him. Being suppressed in front of someone like this, talking about sister and brother, ordinary people may not care, but when the mountain god meets like this for the first time, it is the so-called show of power and soft nails. The most majestic mountain god of sixteen mountains is treated as a child's joke, how can it be like this!

As her thoughts moved, she had already raised the weapons used in the ceremonial guard and crossed them, not to attack, but to block. However, the plump beauty just moved forward lightly and passed directly in front of the two guardian gods and appeared directly. Behind him, he didn’t even pause in his movements.

This is a clever use of the Earth Escape Technique.

The fragrance of his clothes was fluttering in the wind, and with a smile on his lips, he reached out and hugged the young man in blue shirt, trying to hold him in his arms.

Nephrite has a warm fragrance and is naturally beautiful.

But it was all in vain.

The woman was startled.

However, the expressions of the other mountain gods changed slightly, and their drinking movements stopped. They could see clearly that just when the woman moved forward, Qi Wuhuo just took a step forward, just like the woman had passed through that place before. The two guardian generals appeared in front of Siniang and behind her in an understated manner. At this moment, their backs were turned to her, and the hem of their blue shirts fell down.

He helped the two guardian gods to their feet.

Si Niang was surprised and immediately laughed hard: "I didn't expect that."

"That big tiger takes very good care of Wuhuo. He even taught you such methods."

Qi Wuhuo shook his head and said, "We are just friends discussing Tao."

Siniang smiled and said: "Brother lied."

"This is a method used by mountain gods and earthly creatures. No one can use it without anyone teaching it."

Qi Wuhuo said: "If you say it was a teaching, someone did teach it."

Siniang laughed and glanced at Tao Taigong with her eyes: "It seems that he is Mr. Tao Taigong?"

The old man shook his head in confusion.

Siniang smiled and asked, "If it's not you, then who is it?"

Qi Wuhuo shook his head and said in a calm voice:

"Didn't you teach me just now?"

Si Niang was startled, then smiled broadly: "Brother is really good at building relationships. When will sister teach you..."

Her smile suddenly froze slightly, and the breathing of the surrounding mountain gods froze slightly.

Just now? ! !

This woman who looked as beautiful as a flower didn't know what to say for a moment. When she was absent-minded, the gorgeous feeling had dissipated a lot. She looked at the young man over there who had not yet tied her crown, and took a slight breath. As if he couldn't believe it: "You just watched it once..."

Qi Wuhuo replied: "Once is enough."

He thought for a while and replied calmly: "The method of earth is Tao; the ability of escaping from earth is art."

"The way is difficult, but the technique is easy."

"Now that I have understood the Tao, the so-called magic should be the fruit that grows on the trees and can be picked by raising your hand."

This is what the old man told him on the first day.

Tao Taigong sighed.

In the Taishang lineage, the most important thing is mind, followed by understanding.

But this is also very frustrating.

Qi Wuhuo once had a dream in Huangliang, and he can see it now.

Many mountain gods are still a little unconvinced by him.

Then he remembered that when Tantai Xuan met his good friend, he once said that he was the head of the mountain gods of the 16 nearby mountains. It seemed that it was normal for them to be unconvinced, but...

[Don’t lose your reputation]

He looked at the plump and beautiful woman, lowered his eyes and raised his hands, saying:

"Chengdu Mountain God, please sit down."

The woman sighed and saw the clear eyes of the young man in front of her, his tranquility and gentleness, so she returned the greeting, dispelling the frivolous and age-joking temperament, and said seriously:

"God of Helian Mountain, I was rude just now after drinking, don't blame me."

"It doesn't matter."

The boy in blue shirt moved forward step by step, his hair twitching slightly.

He used the clever technique that the woman used.

Every step I took was a little dry at the beginning, but it didn't feel natural when I took it. At the end, it was light and calm.

After all, this is the mountain where he is, and he also has the realm of innate energy here.

Three steps later, we have reached the place where the Tiger Mountain God was lying.

In these three steps, the expressions of the mountain gods have changed from politeness on the surface to seriousness, until finally, even the one who was half-lying and drinking had sat up straight, straightened his clothes, and sat upright.

Qi Wuhuo stood still.

Do you want to teach the Dharma in front of so many mountain gods?

The boy in blue shirt took a slight breath.

Let your expression look calm and calm like an old man at home.

The sword box on his back was untied and fell to the side.

The sword roared.

Turning around, the hem of his clothes moved slightly.

The boy in blue shirt held the black iron sword box with one hand and held it behind his back with the other. He had black hair and black eyes, and a calm and clean temperament. Looking at the many mountain gods who were already sitting, he felt an indescribable calmness, and then said:

"Today, I will preach."

"Please—please listen."

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