I am immortal

Chapter 448: Create the world, holding a talisman and an ax! (Third update, please give me a monthly

Shangqing Lingbao Tianzun looked at the young Taoist and said calmly: "With this wisdom, I will never choose the way of one world and one world, and will not follow the world of Taiyi and ten directions, the road of earth, water, wind and fire, and the stars and everything." , is indeed another possibility, but if it is just this group of stars, it is not enough."

"In other words, it has never transcended the scope of the Three Thousand Worlds."

The Supreme Being caressed his beard and said with a smile: "Then let's see what kind of Tao and fruit our disciples can achieve."

The other two Taoist ancestors all praised their kindness and stood in their respective positions. They had lost their usual normal appearance of laughing, cursing and indulging in indulgence.

The expression may be gentle and tranquil, or may contain a lot, or may be carefree and calm, each of which is like the manifestation of Taoist rhyme, or the incarnation of the Tao. They all hold whisks in their hands. With a sweep of the whisk, the world in front of them stabilizes, and the three breaths soar to the sky, but they are natural. Calmly, with great power, suppressed the movement of his disciple's breakthrough.

The three Taoist ancestors held magic weapons in their hands, the golden light changed, and said to themselves: "All the heavens are in chaos."

"My path is prosperous and prosperous."

The fly whisk swept across, and in the void, all dharmas condensed and turned into an immeasurable array, suppressing cause and effect, the past, and the future in order to cover up others' awareness. But Wei Ting felt that for some reason, he didn't seem to sleep well last night. , my forehead ached in waves, as if three hundred strong men were dancing on my forehead.

Next, Daozu’s house is also strange.

Even though Qi Wuhuo cut down trees and built it himself, it is the Taoist ancestor who lives here after all. Everyday he breathes and breathes in, and the divine light sweeps across, all are great opportunities. Even the fish in the water have to give birth. Long Xu came, but inside his house, the pillars were cracked and there were many cracks.

"That's weird...could it be eaten by insects?"

Di Ting stepped out of the yard, raised her head and saw the scene of golden light flowing, her expression froze.

Before his footsteps even fell, he turned around in a very standard way and walked into the house without stopping.

"Ah, I just remembered that the bald Ksitigarbha in the dream wanted to tell me something. He said he wanted to return to secular life."

"I'll go back and continue dreaming and talk to him."

There was such a huge momentum outside that even the green-shirted weapon spirit planned to leave, but his footsteps suddenly moved slightly. He looked at the little medicine spirit who was holding his calf and hammering his calf crazily with two big bags of tears in his eyes, and said: "Okay, okay, don't knock me. I just ate all the fruits you found before winter. What's that?"

"You have to think about it carefully. Could it be that you collected so many fruits and buried them all over the mountains and fields just to dig them out and eat them one day?! Think about it carefully, how could you So superficial?!”

"Too superficial!"

"You have a boy named Qi Wuluo to support you. That boy is also the disciple of the Supreme Court. If you change it to someone who likes to show off, he must be accompanied by an immortal official when he comes in and out, and Xingjun must open the way for going out. What you want is The delicacies of the North Sea, or the delicacies of the Antarctic, will be delivered to you in an instant, very fresh."

"In that case, why are you hiding these?!"

The spirit of Qing Shiqi is full of emotion and emotion.

The little Yaoling was stunned for a moment, and was forced into a ditch by this guy, and he subconsciously said:

"What is it?"

The green-shirted weapon spirit smiled and said: "Of course it's for -"


He said with great sincerity: "For the sake of burying the fulfillment and happiness of searching for these fruits before, and for the happiness of burying them and thinking about digging them out in the future, right? Aren't these more valuable than these wild fruits in the mountains? Is it precious?”

"Although I have eaten your fruit, you have gained happiness!"

"Not only should you not resent me, but you should also thank me."

Xiao Yaoling was brought into the ditch, spread out his hands, looked at his little hands, and murmured: "Happy? Thank you?"

A moment of confusion.

Immediately, he caught a glimpse of a smile on the corner of the young man in green shirt, and finally crawled out of the ditch. He was so angry that he held his hands, milky-white, with an afterimage, and tried his best to attack the calf of the young man in green shirt.

Boo hoo hoo——

call out!


It even created an afterimage! With a trace of Qi of Aoki's thunder!

Therefore, it is very comfortable to play Qing Shi Qi Ling.

Di Ting just rolled her eyes, turned sideways, covered her ears with pillows, and muttered in her heart - I told you before, stay away from the guy with such a face, stay away, just don't Listen, but don’t listen!

Ever since Emperor Wa left, Fuxi seemed to have no reason to cheat people.

It's the kind that would kick a dog into a ditch if it passed by.

Ask for a reason?

I'm happy!

That's the only reason.

A monster that is unpredictable, unpredictable, illogical but has a bigger plan.

Di Ting rolled her eyes, and the little Yaoling who was punching out one after another was lifted up by the collar of the green-shirted young man. Even though it was suspended in the air, his eyes widened and he attacked with angrily, hitting Qing Qing. There was no way for the young man in a shirt to have even the slightest wrinkle or ripple on his face.

"Okay, okay, it was my fault for eating your food. Can I compensate you?"

The young man in green shirt smiled helplessly, but at this moment, his eyes suddenly moved slightly. His appearance did not change, but his eyes shrank inward. Two dark golden vertical pupils appeared in the brown eyes that were always smiling. They turned slightly and fell. In Xiao Yaoling's body, his facial features remain unchanged, but his temperament is different.

A kind of creepy feeling, an indescribable splendor and majesty, and the self-respect and indifference that can silence people just by lowering their eyes. In an instant, the little Yaoling who was originally fighting in anger and 'revenge' can be silenced. The body paused slightly, the speed of the fist became slower and slower, and he became more and more hesitant. In the end, the fist was just a small fist touching the cheek of the young man in green shirt.

The young man in green shirt laughed.

With a sunny and warm charm, the fear that trembled in Xiao Yaoling's heart was calmed down. Immediately, the young man in green took the little guy's palm and lifted him up directly, turned around and looked at the Sanqing seal over there, The golden vertical pupils change slightly, and the position under the feet changes in an instant, from the two rituals, the four images, the eight trigrams, the internal and external, the innate, the acquired, to the thirty-two hexagrams and the seventy-two hexagrams, stretching to infinity.

Spread heaven and earth.

"Oh? What a great opportunity, little guy."

"Should I become a saint and become an ancestor, have my own path, and eventually be as powerful as a great warrior, and have my own dojo and choices? Or should I be an innate immortal with enlightened spiritual intelligence, only trapped at the level of a true king of immortality? One of them A split chasm, each direction leads to a different fate, but today is the biggest one."

Xiao Yaoling was carried high up and down, his arms and short legs hanging down. He was so confused that a question mark almost appeared on his head. He tilted his head:


Did you hit your calf so hard that your calf cramped, and your brain got worse as a result? !

Xiao Yaoling thought for a while, then reached out and dug through his arms, and took out a very big fruit. Although his face was full of reluctance, he still handed it over with force.

The young man in green shirt was surprised, then smiled warmly:

"Eating your seventy-two fruits will give you the opportunity to be the leader of the seventy-two caves of heaven and earth."

"If I eat you again, I will give you the only chance."

He raised his eyes and looked at the distant sky, smiling slightly. His smile was as gentle as jade, but his vertical pupils were quiet and cold. He said softly: "Don't worry now, there will be a chance later."


But it was said that before, Qi Wuhuo held his breath and concentrated, sitting cross-legged, gradually reaching a state of forgetfulness, only breathing, only the soul, only this nature and life, in a trance, in the dark, not knowing the external objects. During the transformation, only the Taiyi Gong body is included, while the five directions and five qi gradually enter the body.

The five types of treasures were all transformed into the five types of ultimate Qi, surrounding the body of Qi Wuhuo who was currently controlling the Taiyi Kung Fu body.

Metal, wood, water, fire and earth.

The Five Elements and Five Qi, flowing and changing, will never end. This is the most basic breath that makes up all things in the outside world, and it is also the basis for building the world. The young Taoist can faintly sense the activity of this power. He was taught by the Taoist ancestors of the Sanqing Dynasty and also knew many secrets. , he naturally knows the method of gathering the five qi to open up the inner scene.

Ordinary cultivators do not know the secrets and do not know the true transmission of Da Luo. The energy of the earth is below, carrying all things, and the water flow is above it, which is combined with the fire. The flow and arrangement of Qi show its own path, so that one can obtain the corresponding supernatural powers of the five elements and five Qi.

In fact, it is just the way of the inner world, presented to the outside.

It is said to be the Dharma, but in fact it is the Tao.

However, the True Biography of the Three Pure Ones, with the title of Daluo rather than Taiyi Sanshu, knows that it is no longer right to use the method of opening up the path of earth, water, wind, and fire to re-establish order, evolve an inner world, and explain one's own way. With the Five Elements and Five Qi magical powers, the young Taoist naturally followed this path.

Water and fire collide, ridges and ridges intersect, the flow of water and vapor changes into Qi, and the flow of Qi becomes wind.

The wind rises at the end of Qingping, rises along the long trees, and sweeps the flowing fire with great force.

Earth, water, wind and fire surround the body, break it with Geng metal and fix it.

As the earth, water, wind and fire spread out, the world spread out.

But when it came to this step, Qi Wuhuo's movements suddenly stagnated. For some reason, he couldn't do anything. In the outside world, Taishang, Yuqing, and Shangqing were all not surprised. Daojun Shangqing was indifferent. Said: "This Su Hui is both good and bad. He knows too much, but he restrains his steps to see if he can figure it out and get out."

Yuqing Yuanshi Tianzun lowered his eyes slightly, his expression calm and peaceful.

The Supreme Being is gentle and calm.

The young man in green shirt below was holding the little medicinal spirit and said calmly: "Be prepared."

Xiao Yaoling was stunned, and then he clasped his hands to cheer himself up, making a gesture of lifting a heavy object, showing that he was very powerful and ready, which made the young man in green shirt couldn't help but smile. When he smiled, he was gentle. Soft, like the morning sun, Xiao Yaoling was puzzled and said: "But, what do you mean?"

"It's a chance. It's yours, and it's also the little guy's."

Xiao Yaoling was confused and asked: "When?"

The young man replied: "After some time."

So Xiao Yaoling opened his eyes wide and said curiously: "Huh? What's going to happen in the future?"

"how do you know?!"

"Can you see the future?"

Separated by a wall, Di Ting's face was expressionless, wanting to run away immediately, but his spirit was so strong that both Sanqing's conversation and the smile of the young man in green echoed in his ears with unparalleled clarity.

The young man in green shirt answered all questions and replied with a smile: "Of course not. Since things in the future are in the future, they have not happened yet. Since they have not happened, they have their own opportunities to change."

"I can't wait to speculate on divination. Just like an experienced farmer in the world, when he sees the clouds on the sky getting thicker, he will guess that it will rain today, and he will wear a raincoat to avoid getting caught in the rain; and when he sees the meat bought at home, he will guess whether it will rain. When guests come, you have to eat less today and wait for delicious food."

"It's just a basic prediction, just to seek good luck and avoid bad luck."

"Nothing different."

Xiao Yaoling was suddenly enlightened and said in a milky voice: "So you actually saw that it was going to rain in the future?"

The young man in green shirt smiled: "Yes, it's just that I may be a little different from them."

Xiao Yaoling was curious: "What's different?"

The young man in green shirt said with a gentle voice: "To use the metaphor of rain, ordinary Tuizhan saw the rain clouds, so he wore a raincoat."

Xiao Yaoling nodded, as if he suddenly understood, he clapped loudly and said:

"Can you see the rain?!"

"No... if we say this world is a continuous, never-ending heavy rain since ancient times."

The young man in green shirt smiled. Although he smiled, his eyes were dull:

"I could just see every drop of water."

"That's all."

See every trace of water...

Just this sentence.

Listening to and fro was frozen.

Finally, Tingting sighed and looked at the wooden pile over there.

Touched his head.

Looked at the cracks on the wooden pile.

He may know...

Where did this crack come from?

Since ancient times, those who are in great catastrophe must be in the whirlpool. If you step on it rashly, you will be in danger of death.

Listen carefully and look up to the sky.

Ksitigarbha—! ! !

Take me away!

Boom! ! ! !


The Supreme Lord lowered his eyes and looked at the young Taoist with his eyes closed. He saw that the Five Elements and Five Qi had turned into earth, water, wind and fire, and Gengjin was holding it in his hand, wanting to open up a new world. But at this moment, instead, the movement He stood still, as if he couldn't accept that the opening up of the world was spreading in all directions, and frowned.

The Supreme Being caressed his beard and said, "Su Hui, Wuzhuo, Wuzhuo, can you figure it out?"

Just like those poems, just like the truths he knew vaguely when he was young, there is a faint imprint, an instinct hidden in the deepest part of his body and soul that makes him think that the source of the world should be a point, and then shatter and explode.

The stars and all things are constantly pouring out, and the world is erupting.

Therefore, the first step to open up the interior world should be this step.

Not expansion!

It's compression, it's collapse!

However, that concept is just like the word "Tao", full of all kinds of incomprehensible and mysterious problems. It is, knowing that it is right to do so, but how to collapse to the limit? But if it collapses to the limit, how will it be shattered?

If the collapse of earth, water, wind and fire reaches its extreme, it will be so extreme that it can spread out and transform into the world in an instant after it explodes.

Then it must be broken by another force.

What is this force and how to do it?

Su Hui couldn't answer.

So the young Taoist, in the deepest part of his soul, in the deepest part of his soul, in the deepest place of deep silence, didn’t know how to move forward. When he raised his head, he couldn’t see the way forward. There was no sky, no sun, and there was a feeling under his feet There were ripples in circles. The young Taoist sat cross-legged and thought about this problem. He didn't know how long it had passed. It might have been as long as the fall of a star, or it might have been just a short moment. Suddenly, a voice sounded with laughter, and he Come later, take your time and catch up slowly.

This voice is old, gentle and calm:

"It is the Tao, it is the One."

"One thing can lead to all things, right?"

It was the old man's teaching in the past, but now he suddenly remembered it, and the vague impression in Su Hui rose up and turned into words.

[All things collapse to the limit, to a point that is unknowable and unfathomable to ordinary people, and then collapse and explode]

There seemed to be a cold and calm voice answering: "No sect is supreme, before all things, before chaos."

"For Yuan."

"In times of chaos, yin and yang are not judged."

"For the beginning."

How to break it?

The voice of the black-clad Daojun sounded in the past:

‘What I do with my sword, the so-called practice of magical powers, is all about doing incredible things with my mind. ’

‘Do you know? ’

The young Taoist raised his eyes slightly, and in the deepest part of his mind, he seemed to be able to see the narrations of the three teachers. He lowered his eyes slightly, and had some understanding of how everything collapsed a little and then exploded, turning into stars and everything. In the end, it was the same as the scene of the creation of the world that he had seen with his own eyes. Get in touch.

And it seems to be consistent. The young Taoist lowered his eyes and murmured:

"Before all things, there is chaos."

"Earth, water, wind and fire disperse into heaven and earth, and gather into chaos."

Around the young Taoist, the Five Elements and Five Qi suddenly collapsed towards the inside. He slowly stretched out his hand, and in the palm of his hand there was a force that kept collapsing and slowly circling. It was dark and deep. In the end, this force tried to return to the state before chaos. It was also in The young Taoist's Taiyi Gong body was compressed to the extreme by the power of [One].

In this process, many traces of Taiyi Gongti's Dao Yun were also mixed into it.

Finally a point is reached.

The young Taoist ‘opened his eyes’.

He seemed to see before the universe, before seeing chaos. He seemed to be boundless and vast, and the world was so small. He was as big as the world, and he was also as small as the world. Then he slightly raised his palm.

[Holding the Opening Heavenly Talisman].

This body is like a sword and also like the Tao.

This palm is like a [talisman].

Also like [axe]!

Pause for a breath, one breath is like a hundred years, and a hundred years will turn around.

Slash forward!

The third update, it’s time for the double monthly pass to end soon. Please give me a wave of monthly passes. Hold your fists in your hands.

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