I am immortal

Chapter 518: All heroes in the world, as brilliant as splendor, can be on this list.

The time to start this god-conferring ritual may not be long, but it is not short at all.

However, no names appeared on the list of gods. The Taoist was relaxed and idle, thinking that there could be no problems with this ritual. The reason why it was so slow was probably because the human world was vast after all. Although the power of the great formation was mysterious, it was impossible to go deep into it. Getting to each of these places is not easy and takes time.

Now that I have gained something, I am not in a hurry. The old cow outside is shouting for dinner.

Qi Wuhuo didn't care or think about this matter, as if it was not something extraordinary.

When he came out, he saw that Mingxin was still thinking hard, so he stretched out his hand and patted the little Taoist priest Mingxin's head.

The little Taoist priest was startled.

Qi Wuhuo sat next to him and said gently:

"So, your friend no longer feels like the new friend you just met, what do you do?"

The little Taoist priest thought for a while and said, "I'm thinking of doing something..."

"Perhaps it's just a change. Just like what Uncle Shi said, people will always change. As long as the heart is still there, no matter how the outside changes, it will only be on the outside. Just like when a person wears clothes, no matter whether they change No matter how many pieces of clothing you buy, they still belong to the same person.”

"Identity, status, it's just the outer clothes, I am the only one."

Qi Wuhuo nodded.

Dinner is a meal cooked by Lao Qingniu.

It's quite hearty, but there's no beef.

The fact that Taoist disciples don't eat beef is somewhat related to the existence of this old green cow.

After the meal, the little Taoist priest Mingxin packed up his things and left. The sky gradually darkened a little earlier. People were walking in a hurry to avoid the cold. Qi Wuhuo's eyes were slightly lowered, and his spiritual thoughts had risen to the sky, like Zhu Lian. At this moment, Qi Shi still had the courage to shake the sky. He opened his eyes and looked at the man in the sky, but he found it.

The Taoist's eyes were originally closed, but now his golden eyes slowly opened a little.

Qi Wuhuo's eyes fell on the secondary volume of the Book of Heaven.

I saw that name - [Cheng Shuisheng].

Shuisheng, this is a very standard name for Kyushu people. Qi Wuzhuo felt a little bit with the magic weapon in his hand, and his fingers gently fell on this name. The name rippled, and a word appeared in front of Qi Wuzhuo's eyes. Each picture represents the life of this [Cheng Shuisheng].

Young and brave, possessing brute strength, he once stayed in a haunted building at night, but the people refused to listen.

There was a beautiful female ghost at night, but she ran away after three snorts.

People could only hear the sound of knives, and the next day a fox and a weasel fell dead at the door. Everyone was shocked and couldn't look up when they saw their eyebrows flying.

At the age of eighteen, he joined the army due to his bravery.

He once fought against other countries.

He spent 18 years of his life fighting against the invasion of the Demon Emperor at the border. Later, due to a battle, he rushed into the Demon Clan's territory to guerrilla alone. He killed dozens of enemies and cut off an arm. The flesh and bones were not separated, so he used the knife to himself. And Zhan rescued the people who were robbed at the border, and was promoted through meritorious service. He became a school captain and was in charge of logistics.

Later, because of a dispute with his superior, he was whipped and resigned. He returned to his village without a wife and children. He spent all his wealth, built roads and bridges, and established a private school. He was eighty-one years old. On his way back to his hometown, he was alone. He killed a wild wolf with his arms. He was overjoyed when he heard that the mighty king Li Zhai was leading his army to whip the world.

Later, I heard the scholar talking about the great victory between the human race and the monster race, and heard the name of the army he had been in.

He laughed three times and died suddenly.

With meritorious deeds and humane luck, although he could not carry enough incense luck, he was still qualified to be at the bottom of this list. Only then did Qi Wuhuo realize that when he first set up this list, The target is the gods and immortals, but the fate of humanity is majestic, with such a vast area and so many heroes.

There are definitely not a few people who satisfy the list of gods, but do not have the luck to be able to compete with the gods in the sky.

But at this time, Qi Wuhuo thought seriously about how such a great person could become a god.

The Taoist's consciousness was withdrawn.

Qi Wuhuo thought about it for a while, then returned to the quiet room, took out a pen and paper, dipped it in ink, and wrote on it: "The Empress of the Land of the Empress will kiss her."

"I sent a message earlier that the Empress Wa was aware of the empress's good intentions and agreed to meet Empress Tu Tu again someday."

During this period of time, Qi Wuhuo would write letters to Empress Houtu Emperor Dizhi basically every month.

Not to mention that the empress basically regards this Taoist as her junior.

Just saying that the relationship between Empress Houtu and Empress Wa is already very good. They have been good friends since ancient times. Knowing that Empress Wa has partially recovered and can appear in the human world in an incarnation for a period of time every day, I am naturally extremely happy. Have been here several times in incarnation.

Because the Empress Houtian was responsible for regulating and suppressing the earth's lineage, she could not often come to the human world, a place where luck was strong but fragile. Therefore, before she left last time, she gave many instructions to this person to write letters frequently to inform Emperor Wa of the news.

Qi Wuhuo exchanged a few words with each other, then wrote a letter and put forward his own inquiry. He mentioned the plan of becoming a god in the human world to Empress Houtu, and then asked: "Empress, what I considered before is something like this. The gods in the sky set the throne of incense and fire in the world, but the human world is vast, the years are vast, and heroes are endless. Even in a small space, there are heroes."

"Although there are many gods in the sky, there are also inappropriate places. Moreover, these heroes on earth are all attached to their homeland."

"I would like to ask the empress, whether the destiny of humanity can be connected with the law of earth veins. Apart from the gods of mountains and water and the conventional land, is there a 'land' that regulates the affairs of the people in villages and towns? According to human parlance, or is it the 'Earth God'? ''Land woman'..."

"I'm afraid the method of sealing is different from that of the gods. I don't know enough about these. I'm worried that if I use the seals of the gods' lineage, there will be more problems."

"Please give me some advice."

Qi Wuhuo wrote and then lightly knocked on the table, so the little medicine spirit appeared and helped the young Taoist to send the letter. Qi Wuhuo's current incarnation is consistent with the fate of the world, so it is difficult to escape. He fell to the ground, and he got the little medicinal spirit pointed out by the empress of Queen Earth, and he was extremely fast when escaping to the ground.

Young Taoists sometimes feel that.

If this little medicine spirit has another adventure in the future and has an epiphany, he can gain the benefit of this earth-escaping technique.

It’s really amazing.

Even if there is anyone who can travel at a speed of one hundred and eight thousand miles.

As long as you're still on this earth.

I am afraid that I will be intercepted by this little medicine spirit.

The little Yaoling gnawed on a fruit, jumped back with the letter in his arms, landed on the ground, and disappeared silently.

Qi Wuhuo thought about it and wrote another letter.

This letter was written by Yinsi Youming, Ten Palaces of Hell. This letter was written more towards conversation. First he apologized politely, saying that he had left a soul behind, and then concealed the truth about the matter of conferring a god, and asked the Yinsi Netherworld, can we join forces? Most of them are in the Chenghuang Temple in the human world. It is not like in the past. This Yinsi City God is only found in the capital city of Dazhou.

Now the human world is cut off from contact with the heavenly world.

Although he got the opportunity and time, he also lost the many natural aids of Lei Department, Thunder to ward off evil, and Star Suppression. During this period of time, Qi Wuhuo has vaguely sensed the changes in yin and yang. It is not yet known whether it is a natural change or something. The actions of various forces in the heavenly world, such as Tianshu Yuan, which are not pleasing to the human world, have led to such rapid changes.

The changes of Qi circulate in the six realms.

Immortals and gods are not allowed to enter the human world for the time being.

However, it is inevitable that their magical powers and magical methods will affect the flow of Qi and then subtly influence the world.

Qi Wuhuo didn't feel that he could really sit back and relax with just one formation.

After doing these two things, the Taoist's spiritual consciousness came into contact with the consciousness of Cheng Shuisheng. The latter passed away laughing without any resentment. He even felt that he was satisfied with this life and it was time to leave. The only thing he couldn't let go of was... The hometown where he was born and raised is also where he was buried.

He just lay there for a long time, but he didn't necessarily see the legendary ghost coming to lock him up. When he was confused, he heard a call, saying: "Old sir, old sir?"

Cheng Shuisheng opened his eyes and didn't see the underworld that was said to scare children.

Instead, he saw a Taoist priest sitting cross-legged in the sky.

The old man asked suspiciously: "Who are you? I'm not dead, old man?"

The Taoist replied: "It is true that he has passed away."

"Huh? After death, isn't it time to go to the underworld?"

"That's true. It's just that Pindao has another option to ask you..."

The Taoist smiled, used his magical power, and gained the old man's trust, and then asked him if he would be willing to transform into a [god] to protect his hometown. The old man was surprised at first, then agreed without hesitation, and then asked curiously: "What kind of god is it?"

Qi Wuhuo said: "Actually, it's not a good position."

"It's just a matter of continuing to protect the peace and prosperity of the world."

"There is no opportunity to dominate. People will just offer some incense, melons and fruits, and you won't live too long. When people forget you, the incense will be gone, and your body of destiny will also disappear. At that time, , maybe he will return to reincarnation again."

"The only good thing is..."

Qi Wuhuo's voice paused and he said, "Perhaps, I can only let you see the world for another hundred or two hundred years."

This old man who fought in all directions couldn’t help laughing loudly:


"Hahaha, isn't it the greatest reward to be able to watch the world of peace for one or two hundred more years?"

"I fought in all directions, slashing people until my knife was sharpened. Didn't I just hope that these people could live a better life? I thought it was too little to watch them for more than ten years. But now, suddenly The extra one or two hundred years, hahahaha, it’s not a loss, it’s not a loss!”

"But, Taoist Priest, what kind of position does this so-called [God] want to give?"

"What position..."

Qi Wuhuo paused and replied, "I'm still waiting, too."

Either a small piece of land, or an underworld.

If it really doesn't work, then he is the protector of the human world.

This world is vast, and this person is not the only one who meets him once in all eternity, he can be regarded as a god.

It's true, it exceeded expectations.

While waiting, several names suddenly appeared on the list of gods.

All are similar situations.

This is probably because before, this ritual of conferring gods was still trying to match the destiny of the human world, just like gathering momentum before launching a move in a confrontation. But now that the momentum has been gathered, it naturally takes all the souls that meet the minimum requirements of the list of conferred gods in one go. The photo is here and it’s on the list.

Many of them are similar to the old man, or they are generals who protected a party during their lifetime, or they are gentlemen who have taught many disciples, or they are old men who saved many people in disaster years but lived in poverty themselves.

There are people who work hard, there are people who work hard, there are people who pray for the people, and there are people who sacrifice themselves to seek the law.

On the list of gods, the light shines brightly.

The names are densely packed, and each person's experience is a legend, with the shining point of humanity. Although they do not have the power of immortals, they all lived their lives without guilt.

This is just the beginning.

Qi Wuhuo sighed.

Although at the beginning, I felt that people who have made great contributions to the world and the human race are the threshold for entry into the list, and there should be quite a few.

But I never thought there were so many people.

I have no regrets in this life, I have been on this list all the way.

The Taoist suddenly felt that if he held this list and ascended to Tianque again, Zhang Xiaoyu would be eclipsed.

Even though the edict has not yet been sealed, the [Ghost Qi] in the body is already being felt and is stirring.

It was just at this time that the Taoist suddenly saw several names appear together, all of them were strong men in the army. Looking at their experiences, they all joined the army since childhood, had faced off against the demon clan, participated in several previous catastrophes, and even... A member of the Xuanjia Army.

'He joined the army at a young age and was brave. He turned around during the Jinzhou disaster and led his troops to attack thousands of miles to fight against the demon clan... He accompanied King Weiwu to conquer the Qiu Long Kingdom and died in the battle under the Taoist Xuantong. ’

"When I was young, I wandered around, working as a knight-errant, and being impressed by Li Zhai..."

‘Follow King Mighty to conquer Qiu Long Kingdom, and die in battle under Taoist Xuantong! ’

‘Studying at a young age, he gave up literature and followed martial arts... he followed King Weiwu to conquer the Qiu Long Kingdom, and died in the battle under the Taoist Xuantong. ’

The names of the powerful generals in the army were all those who had fought for the country and fought for the human race against the demon race. However, their experience was finally cut off when they went on the expedition with King Mighty. Qi Wuhuo couldn't help but be slightly startled and frowned:

What happened to King Mighty?

Qiu Longguo...

That was the place where senior brother Yu Yangzi, who had been expelled from the school by his teacher, was seen before.


The letter Qi Wuzhuo had previously written to Yinsi Youming was burned in a special way and turned into a plume of green smoke, falling to Yinsi Youming. This matter was not attributed to Qi Wuzhuo's acquaintance [Zhenjun Yinde Dingxiu], but It fell into the hands of another person, Taisu Miaoguang Zhenjun.

He flipped through the letter from the human Taoist and paused.

I really feel the sincerity of this Taoist, and I also know that what this Taoist said is actually a good thing for the world; the construction of the Yin Si City God Temple is also good for the Yin Si Youming who is unable to take care of the ghosts of the six realms at the moment and has to rely on the Yin De system. Cooperation is a matter of mutual benefit.

All you need to do is agree and nod.

But his gaze shifted, but he subconsciously looked at the jade slip next to him.

This jade slip comes from heaven.

Signed by——

Tianshu Courtyard.

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