I am immortal

Chapter 550: The world is auspicious, it’s time to open a forum to teach the Dharma and spread the D

More than ten years ago, the 'seed' planted by Qi Wuhuo has experienced more than ten spring and autumn cycles, and its charm has spread throughout the world, causing the world to evolve in these more than ten years. A transformation in the way of spiritual practice has brought an era where everyone can practice spiritual practice.

Like the flow of yin and yang.

Because of this seed, this world has opened up a mighty world.

And this Taoist has been preaching for more than ten years, and the direction of this mighty king's military front has made this world's destiny majestic. The feedback has also allowed this seed to break out of the ground.

This movement is really very weak.

Under the Jimen, there are nine stone tablets. People come and go in an endless stream. They are all looking at the stone tablet, concentrating on it, forgetting both things and me. The movement around them seems to be ignored, and they are intoxicated. However, even here, Even with such intense concentration, he was unable to detect the slightest change.

The first person to discover these changes was the scholar in green shirt.

Fuxi's huge spiritual thoughts shrouded the human world where Emperor Wa was at all times.

Especially after the young man named Qiu appeared, Fuxi's spiritual consciousness and concentration had been raised to the limit. In order to cover up the movements in the world, he even took the initiative to cover up the changes in the air movement and the stream of the sun. .

Under such circumstances, although the sound of the seeds sprouting was weak, it was like thunder in his ears!

Fuxi's eyes were instantly pulled back from Qiu, who had never reached the sky in one step.

Then at the next moment, he immediately fell in front of the Nine Monuments under Jimen, where people were coming and going.

In his eyes, the concept and ripples of Tao became clearly visible in an instant. The human world turned into soil, and the human world was used to irrigate it. The roots have spread to every corner of the human world, and the destiny of humanity and the power of earth veins Together, and then, the gap breaks open!

A bud stretches out.

It exudes a trace of the origin of the great avenue, the highest realm.

This breath was very clear and clear to Fuxi, and he murmured: "This is..."

"The energy of control."

This is Yu’s state of mind.

It was the aura planted by Qi Wuzhuo more than ten years ago.

The rhyme of the Dao that can make the Dao clear and unfold before your eyes is the mysterious power that even the Supreme Court of Justice of the Tianshu Yuan longs for. It is the supreme treasure. Fuxi believes that what Qi Wuhuo did back then was extremely stupid. reason.

And now, something that would have been impossible has happened.

The seeds sprouted.

Fuxi had to admit that he seemed to have a one-in-a-million chance, so he was slightly wrong.

Even if the possibility is one in ten million, it is not impossible after all.

This ancient god who has gone through countless years, and whose existence and accompanying the human world and the human race is almost as long as the history of the human race itself, suddenly has a trance. He is the snake of origin, and also the god of destruction. His own existence Just immortal.

For him, time has no meaning.

Everything is like an illusion.

But at this moment, Emperor Taichi felt the flow of time.

There was a trace of surprise and gentleness on his face, and he was even in a trance. He seemed to see a road in front of him, which was the road of time. Since ancient times, he was wearing animal skin robes, holding a spear and laughing, step by step. As time goes by, each generation is just a figure on this road, and those figures are all old friends.

It turns out that Wa’s children have also grown to this level?

The aura of the Taoist next to him changed in an instant, becoming majestic and deep. Fuxi turned sideways and looked at Qi Wuhuo, with a trace of strange color appearing in his eyes. The aura of Yu had not dissipated, but had taken root.

This is even better than the state it was in more than ten years ago!

The Tao Yun that Qi Wuhuo obtained more than ten years ago was not very powerful.

It's just a ray of imperial status.

It is absolutely impossible to maintain this ray of Taoist charm!

As long as you comprehend, there will inevitably be consumption, and this tree without roots and water without destiny, even with Qi Wuhuo's understanding and Taoist heart, can only comprehend for about ten years before it completely dissipates, but It’s different now!

Now, it has taken root in the world and grown in the world of mortals!

Fuxi was almost certain that this ray of imperial aura and insight was still very weak, just a wisp.

But it’s already——

Life goes on!

This characteristic is enough to compare with the normal Yu!

In other words, as long as Qi Wuhuo doesn't waste his time, every time he understands a little bit, it will be enough for him to continue to understand.

Even if you are a bit cruel and independent in your heart...

The man in green shirt thought that the best way to make use of this sprout was to pick it off immediately and incorporate it into his inner world.

Then let this breath stay in this body forever.

By plundering in this way, you can often realize the charm of this supreme opportunity.

The true state in that state is naturally very different from that of Yu, but if we just look at the performance of Yu's Qi [maintaining it, endlessly], Qi Wuhuo at that time looked like it from the outside. A Royal Lord!

In that case, if you continue to practice and continue to make breakthroughs, it will definitely be a different situation.

But Fuxi never spoke.

He had already lost the bet before.

He couldn't see clearly the Taoist in front of him now.

In other words, Fuxi knew that his path was to plunder the common people, but this Taoist would never choose such a path. Qi Wuhuo put down the green bamboo in his hand, looked at Fuxi, and said, "It's him See me, it’s me who sees him.”

"His destiny has come."

"My word has come."

The man in green shirt put his hands on his hands and said with a smile: "So, what is your path?"

He is really curious.

Qi Wuhuo replied: "I'll come and show it to you."

The man in black robe paced and took a step forward.

As a result, this body's energy began to rise steadily towards a higher level.

Not hurriedly, neither urgent nor slow, coming slowly, like sunshine and rain, like the spring breeze blowing on his face, naturally, step by step, he walked towards the world of mortals, towards the nine stone tablets, and this natural movement had already stirred up the world. The majestic destiny of the world.

The man in green shirt looked at the sky and seemed to see the gods above the nine heavens.

He suddenly smiled and said, "That's it, that's all."

"Let me use your fishing rod."

Fuxi stretched out his hand, and the fishing rod made of green bamboo fell directly into his hand. The man in green shirt looked at the fishing rod, which was as straight as a bamboo in the south mountain. He looked at the fishing line. The hook was straight and there was no bait on it, so He raised his eyes and said: "If you catch a fish, it will become a hill, and it will bring prosperity to the world in the spring and autumn."

"That's what I deserve."

"Catch these gods and Buddhas all over the sky."

"Great emperors from all walks of life!"

The destiny of the human world is like a whirlpool, rising majestically. Above the nine heavens, the gods are dumbfounded. They have all seen the huge changes in the destiny of the human world. At this moment, most of the countries in the world have been unified, and the coverage of the destiny is extremely broad and far away. , winding and stretching for thousands of miles.

At this moment, it began to slowly collapse and converge towards the center point.

Such movement.

Coupled with what Fuxi had done previously, he covered the sun and blocked the Qi.

Naturally, the attention of all the gods in Tianjie fell on Fuxi.

"Such a change must have been caused by Fuxi!"


"Other than the notorious but extraordinary [Emperor Tai Chi], who else can do this?!"

"What's more, he just covered up the bright sun before."

"It must be him!"

"Hiss——, once such a huge destiny in the world is activated, it will definitely be earth-shattering. No, no, we absolutely cannot let Fuxi really do this. Even if there is no way to stop it, at least we have to watch it. Him, see what he is doing!”

Because of Fuxi's name, and because of Fuxi's previous actions, at this moment, almost all the gods and gods focused their attention on Emperor Xi. Countless magic weapons were inspired, and countless magical powers were activated. One by one, the gods——

Even including the Jade Emperor.

Including the Arctic Emperor Ziwei and the Antarctic Emperor Changsheng.

As a result, Master Xuandu and Taiyi lost their attention in rescuing Ku Tianzun.

Go find Fuxi.

They quickly spotted the man's figure.

Fuxi was dressed in a green shirt and had a free and easy expression. He was walking towards the outside of the city with a fishing rod in his hand. His expression was calm. The fishing rod was hanging with red dust as a thread and a straight hook as bait. It was obvious and extraordinary. He walked and sang:

"Fateless one, take the bait!"

The sound seemed to follow the change of Qi, and the heavenly secrets flowed straight into the sky.

Such a style, such a leisurely manner.

"It must be him!"

"What on earth is he going to do?!"

"Xihuang...he only uses a straight hook when fishing. What is he trying to do?!"

The Antarctic Immortal Emperor frowned slightly: "Fuxi is very cunning and calculating, and every step he takes is definitely not without aim."

“I love the most important things put into simple actions.”

"He laughs and curses in the six realms, so don't underestimate him."

"You must pay attention to every move he makes!"

The Judicial Grand Master of Tianshu Court said: "Fuxi..., he is just an ancient emperor and has been seriously injured."

"I can definitely replace it!"

But despite this, he was still extremely solemn and attached great importance to it. Almost all of his attention fell on Fuxi. He pressed the sword in his hand with both hands and Er whispered: "[Fate-bearer, take the bait] !”

"This is a provocation to us!"

"Such a great world, such a destiny, so majestic!"

"How can we bear the burden to those who are not from heaven? How can we bear to those who are not immortals and gods!"

"Who else would it be than me!"

The same is naturally true for the Jade Emperor.

Fuxi's name was so great that it attracted the attention of all the gods and goddesses at this moment, forcing all the gods to acquiesce in taking measures to observe the human world. Above the nine heavens, the gods and gods stood, or Zhang Muyuan Looking out, either taking out many magic weapons, or stepping on auspicious clouds, raising his right hand to cover his eyes.

Only the Northern Emperor is different.

A pair of wonderful eyes seemed to take this opportunity to roam the world, looking for another figure.

The wind and clouds are surging, and the mortal world is billowing.

There are three people.

Young people enter the mortal world and go away.

The green shirt attracts a lot of attention and sight, and endures countless predictions and calculations.

Even various magical powers hoping to interfere with his state.

With his back to Fuxi in green shirt, a man in black robe walked step by step into the world of mortals. His expression was calm and peaceful, his eyes were gentle, as if he had completely melted into this world of mortals. Over the past ten years, people have known him The Taoist preaching in front of the nine stone tablets greeted everyone with a smile.

The Taoists also responded gently.

He walked out step by step, the distance of each step was the same. He seemed to be in this mortal world, but seemed to be separated from it. Finally, he walked through Jimen and walked to the nine stone tablets. Everyone around him recognized this. The generals and Taoist priests all got out of the way.

Therefore, although there are many people here, the road is narrow.

Qi Wuhuo walked all the way to the nine stone monuments. He lowered his eyes and saw the words in front of the nine stone monuments and the blooming buds. A fresh air rose up and circulated in the world. Let Qi Wuhuo's spiritual platform be empty and clear.

At this time, the Taoist instinct seemed to be urging him.


Swallow the air of the great road that all living beings crave into your mouth, swallow it in your belly, and even accommodate the inner world.

This is the instinct of living things!

It is the desire of all ascetics to realize the highest level of the Tao.

But the Taoist just lowered his eyes, smiled, and looked away.

Following the practitioner's instinct is not desire, that is me.

And the one who wins by himself is called strong.

The Taoist sat cross-legged in front of the nine stone tablets.

People have been familiar with this scene more than ten years ago.

They laughed and said hello: "Today, Mr. Taoist lectures on Taoism much earlier than in the past." Although this Taoist only preached the most basic Taoism, his attainments in narrating Taoism were recognized as extremely high.

‘It’s as if this Taoist scripture was written by him! ’

Someone commented this way.

Every time I listen to him talk about Taoism, I will have a completely different and new understanding than before.

When they found out that this Taoist was going to talk, everyone calmed down their previous expressions, sat down cross-legged, and listened carefully.

The Taoist glanced over the green bud, the spiritual platform was brightly lit, his expression was gentle, and he spoke about Taoism.

People were fascinated to hear it.

Don't know how time will pass.

The sights of the immortals and gods in the sky turned away from this man and traced Fu Xi away.


Ximen Dachong was also among those who listened to the sermon. He felt that under the Master's narration, his understanding of the Tao was getting deeper and deeper. He just felt regretful because the last part of the Master's narration was about to come. This feeling of being immersed in the Taoist rhyme, but suddenly stopped, is really not good.

The Taoist talked about the last part of practicing breathing.

Already, people began to slowly open their eyes, preparing to stand up and salute.

The Taoist's voice paused.

Stop immediately and continue telling!

Everyone who heard the sermon looked slightly shocked, and then their hearts moved slightly. They instinctively felt a sense of solemnity. They came forward to listen. The Taoist had a gentle voice and began to preach. The first sentence was already the beginning of a magnificent chapter - —

"My nature is born"

"Receiving this contains the original nature, and it is clear that Taiyichu is the beginning. The root is simple, and the whole thing is in Xuanxu."

The Way of the One!

The mysterious way!

The fundamental road!

Humanity's luck moved because of this. The green buds around the Taoist shook and began to grow. The luck was majestic and suddenly rioted, like a rock shattering the sky, soaring into the sky. All the immortals and gods reacted in an instant, and they all changed their colors -

"The qi is moving, how could this happen?!"

"Not Fuxi?!!"

"How is it possible, besides Fuxi, who else could trigger such a huge wave of luck?!"

The man in green shirt turned around.

Break the fishing rod, raise your hand and point at the immortals in the sky, and laugh!

All eyes were stagnant.

Immediately, he suddenly turned around and looked at the world, the city, and those who were listening to the sermon. He saw nine stone tablets——

See that black-robed Taoist!

Seeing Zhenwu swaying demons, seeing Taishang Xuanwei.

See you all without confusion!

Treat me as a god!

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