I am immortal

Chapter 566 The human beings block the group of immortals!

With the end of the Jedi Heavenly Tong Formation that enveloped the human world, all the immortals and gods in the heaven cast their gazes - the sealing formation in the human world was over, and the fate of the human world could be affected at any time by the crusade against Emperor Fu Xixi. The situation was reversed, and the crisis of people's lives was gone.

Therefore, the Jade Emperor's edict has naturally lost its original effectiveness.

What was originally thought to be a three-hundred-year seal ended in just sixty years. All the immortals and gods all fell together. On the sky, it was like a group of immortals, magnificent and magnificent. This was unparalleled since ancient times. Power represents the sky that has always been high.

The Jade Emperor Zhang Xiaoyu raised the seal and followed his instinct to stop the immortals.

No matter how much he tolerates, he maintains the balance of the forces in the heaven, but the matter has stopped here. This is no longer a question of tolerance or not. No matter how Zhang Xiaoyu tries, he can already see that these immortals intend to reduce Drop the upper limit of the human world.

It’s time to kill Qi Shu!

Go and kill your luck!

Since ancient times, the mercy of the gods in the sky has been a kind of compassion from above. It is the charity-like compassion of the gods towards many living beings in the world. This is based on a basic premise, that is, the living beings in the world must crawl and kneel below. In front of the statue of the immortal god, he then offered his devotion.

Immortals have great power. If the common people in the world also have such power and future possibilities and become powerful, it is naturally impossible to kneel down and worship them.

And among them there are those who have ascended from the human world.

But he rushed the fastest and rushed to the front!

Looking into their hearts, it is because of the great changes in the human world that the sect they came from has gradually weakened, which is the great hatred that destroyed their inheritance; secondly, they are unwilling to accept it, they are angry in their hearts, and they even have feelings in their hearts. Killing intent and anger as blazing as fire and poison.

Why? !

Why do you have such an opportunity in this era? Back then, I was extremely talented, practiced breathing and breathing, and finally achieved something. I cultivated to the realm of real people. I traveled to famous mountains and rivers, all over the world, saw many things in the world, received the Talisman Edict of the Immortal Emperor, and then I ascended to immortality. .

How much suffering and practice!

Why are you better than me now? You actually want to be equal to us immortals even if you don't practice or ascend? ! Then wouldn’t our cultivation be in vain, and the Emperor’s talisman edict be in vain? !

Why? !

Sometimes, the members of the same clan who have left will be more ruthless and direct than other enemies. The Jade Emperor is sitting in the Lingxiao Palace, watching the scene in the sky where the immortals turn into light and go to the human world. His right hand has been raised, The five fingers are white, and a seal appears faintly in the palm, spinning slowly.

Want to intercept? ! Although the human world has undergone great changes, it has only developed for a short period of time.

These immortals and gods have all experienced an extremely long time, ranging from hundreds of years to thousands of years. They traveled to Beihai and Mu Cangwu. But judging from the length of time they have experienced, the human world is definitely in danger. and disadvantaged.

But the Jade Emperor finally slowly retracted his palm.

However, if I still take action and protect them...

Zhang Xiaoyu's eyes flashed before Qi Wuhuo's appearance.

Determination flashed through him.

He also dodged the white-haired and majestic Human Emperor Li Weifeng.

In the end, the Jade Emperor did not take action.

Heroes have cherished heroes since ancient times. If he takes action at this moment, he does not believe Qi Wuhuo, but it is equivalent to killing the man who is willing to die and cut off his immortality, but also forges the destiny of the gods and all the schools of thought in the world. Li Weifeng's efforts to break it were an insult to Li Weifeng.

"I, believe in the Human Emperor..."

And in the Dizhi Palace, the Empress of Houtu Emperor Dizhi, who was watching the scene that was about to erupt on Mount Tai, did not intervene. She crossed thousands of mountains and rivers and watched the scene on the top of the mountain. Next to her was the expression of Lord Yuanying Yuanjun. Somewhat sluggish, he said: "My Lady, there are big changes on Mount Tai. The immortals and gods in the sky will definitely not want to see the world change for the better. This time, even though it won't bring about the top combat power, there will still be a large number of immortals."

"I'm afraid the human world can't resist it."

Empress Houtu's eyes were worried, but she still didn't take action.

She said softly: "Prestige and state of mind are both created."

"Even if our intervention is just to help, just to assist, even if we only provide a little help, it will immediately greatly reduce the weight of this battle. Even if this battle is won, it will be considered to be relying on our mountain gods. Our strength prevails."

Yuanying Yuanjun was speechless and unable to refute.

She could actually imagine this scene.

This is inevitable.

The human race is weak while the heaven and earth are strong. If the earth intervenes, the end of this battle may be considered to be another dispute between the earth and the immortal gods above the sky. The human world is just like the previous battle between the demon clan, it is just an auxiliary. Just an insignificant footnote, just a vassal of heaven or earth.

"You can only rely on yourself."

"Only relying on your own majesty can create an unparalleled heart."

"Even if the level of combat power in this battle does not ultimately involve the level of an emperor or even a true king, it still has to prove the power and future of the human world."

"This is what they long for, right?"

The Empress of Houtu Emperor spoke in a low voice, as if she saw a human race she had seen before again. She did not take action, but this time, even the people on Mount Tai died in the battle, even if they died in the battle. There was only one person left, and she couldn't take action.

This is also compassion.

The sky lowered its eyes and the earth watched. The Queen of the Earth Queen looked calm. The palms of the Jade Emperor Zhang Xiaoyu had already been clenched tightly. It seemed that they had bet on the future confrontation between the human world and even the six realms. Time seemed to slow down. The escaping light from the immortals and gods falls, and the destiny of the human world rises.

The perception of time is stretched and becomes slow and dull.

The two sides got closer and made contact little by little.


Destroy everything! ! !

boom! ! !

The sharp edge of the immortal god almost instantly——


The Gangqi of Tao was shattered in front of human luck, annihilated and turned into dust, and immediately, the boundless majestic luck directly bombarded the immortal gods, and they all fell down. The immortal family's luck was shattered and scattered like It spread out like light and dust, and for a moment, it was as brilliant and magnificent as clouds!

Beautiful and desperate.

There was silence, only blood spilled.

The Jade Emperor's expression froze, and the Justice Supreme's pupils shrank.

Hou Tuhuang just let go of his palms that were joined together.

She breathed a sigh of relief, loosened her palms, and her fingers, which had been tense just now, left traces. After the endless silence, time seemed to start flowing again. The immortals and gods, whether they were participating in the war or watching, were all My scalp was numb, and I almost blurted out in disbelief——

Is this the human race? ! Is this the weak person?

How can it be? ! !

How can it be!

How can these guys in the human world who have only practiced cultivation for a few decades become stronger and purer than us who have practiced for hundreds of years? ! Could it be that in the past few decades, their growth has been stronger than ours? Could it be that their time is more quality and heavier than the time I have been waiting for? !

How can it be? !


Great dish!

The people in the world were confused for a moment.

That's it?

Why is it just like this? !

Among them, the grumpy one wanted to jump. He pointed his fingers like swords, pointed at the sky and cursed loudly: "It's about discussing the Tao. We all ate and slept, and tried our best to prepare. We even discussed the Tao with each other in order to achieve perfection." As for the most complete and perfect state, why are you the one confronting us? It's you!"

"I bother!"

"Like a goose, you can't fight, you can't fight!"

His face was red and his fists were clenched, obviously dissatisfied and extremely angry!

This is the term "cai goose" in his hometown. His hometown has a tradition of fighting goose. Cai goose is a waste that can only cook.

After Fu Ziqiu left nine years ago, the various schools of thought frantically began to sharpen and prepare.

They thought there would be another seventeen-year appointment.

They thought that the Master under the stone tablet would never leave them.

So of course - for the past nine years, their imaginary enemy has been that man!

That unrivaled saint in the world! Fuziqiu!

With the saint as the imaginary enemy, they continued to practice and improve their understanding of the Tao. Among the hundreds of schools of thought, only Douqiu, who established the sect first, in this era, they followed the saint's crazy and terrifying fighting power.

They all grew up in the earliest times. More than sixty years ago, or seventy or eighty years ago, people worshiped gods and immortals at that time. People at that time were vassals of the immortals and gods. Everyone thought that there were two gods and immortals. The words have incomparable weight, and I have a natural respect for the immortals and gods in my heart.

How can you be disrespectful?

This one is an immortal!

The immortal who dines in the wind and drinks the dew, and travels towards the North Sea at dusk!

That's a god!

It is an innate god!

They are high above, come and go without a trace, have vast magical powers, and are invincible. But this time after they personally confronted the immortals and gods, when they struck a move with the same force as Confucius Qiu and then let the immortals fly away, they suddenly felt a sense of Strange feeling.

This feeling is indescribable and unclear, but it lingers in my heart and never dissipates.

Let them subconsciously compare the immortals and gods they face with the most powerful opponents they have ever faced.

Then a figure seemed to appear in front of almost all the disciples, tall and firm, walking forward step by step, as if it would never hesitate, as if it would always be so firm, as high as a mountain, as far as water, as broad as the sky!

They all reached the same standard conclusion at the same time.

Compared with nine years ago, when Qiubi was fifty-one years old.

These gods and gods are really——


A sense of enlightenment appeared in Zhuzi's eyes, and something that existed in his heart due to his youth, like a cage, like a blockade, began to collapse, and something that had almost become a subconscious cognition began to shatter. .

Immortal God, so?

That's it?

Could it be that all their time was spent on being free? Could it be that for hundreds of years, they just watched the clouds, the wind blowing in, and the rain falling? Instead of seizing the time to find your own path, instead of asking teachers for advice, discussing with fellow Taoists, and challenging insurmountable peaks in your short life.

Immortals and gods, if you dare to come to this human world just because of this, how arrogant you are!

I waited for a period of sixty years, but it was sixty years under the Nine Monuments!

But sixty years of listening to the sermon before the Master!

However, after being constantly ravaged and rubbed by Qiu of every age group, he struggled to get up and continued to stagger after the distant figure, unwilling to give up, stumbling over the past sixty years!

The state of the various schools of thought has become blazing.

And here is the place where Jiuding meets to enshrine the Zen, where the Emperor of Humanity cuts off the Immortal. It is a place that has never existed in the past, or even in the future. It is a place where Qi is boundless and prosperous. Although the disciples in the world do not directly practice Human Dao Qi. Luck, but under the cover of the Nine Cauldrons, they can control human luck and increase combat power.

The immortals and gods were very frightened and angry.

A certain understanding in their hearts was also broken.

Human race? ! Is this the human race? !

The human race is so strong? !

Even the ancient human race, who are strong in body and talent, do not have this kind of will.

These guys...

The immortals whose cognition had just been broken were speechless for a moment.

He just subconsciously said: "You guys, we are really from the human race!!"

"No, it's absolutely impossible!"

They looked at the hundreds of human families in front of them, their eyes filled with confusion and even a sense of caution.

They actually stopped stepping into the human world, eager to cut off their luck and cultivate themselves!


Easy to attack and defend!

The next moment, all the scholars have taken half a step forward. The destiny of humanity suddenly flows. With them as the core, it begins to collapse and gather. Immediately following the sounds, the destiny of humanity rises like a dragon and rushes into the sky. , brilliant and magnificent, bright and clear.

"The human race, the Yin Yang family, is here!"

"Human world, Mo family!"

"Human race, Legalists!"

"The human world——"

One after another, either deep or domineering voices, rose into the sky, followed closely by human destiny. From above the nine heavens, looking down at the human world, I saw bright lights everywhere, as bright as stars. Suddenly, the immortals and gods, Faintly in a trance, vaguely at a loss, but I don’t know where the sky is!

This great world on earth is already prosperous and splendid, not inferior to heaven!

After the trance, there was anger and shock. It was just the first impact before. It was just to go to the human world and find a way to cut off the upper limit of the human race and the human world. The purpose was to sneak in, not to attack directly. .

The Jade Emperor may still be watching, but he can't get things done.

They don't even think that anyone can stop them when they enter the human world.

Who would dare to stop me?

This is the human world, this is just the human world.

But reality opened a cliff-like gap in front of them, shattering their dreams.

But now they have not been able to enter the human world as they wished, let alone use various means to either cut the upper limit of human luck, or use the human luck to swallow it into their own bodies and improve their cultivation. They are even directly killed as soon as they go out. Cut off the road ahead.

Being slapped in the face by a being who is as weak as an ant compared to oneself will naturally cause a fire of ignorance to burst into the heart. And if this scene is seen by an acquaintance and old friend, this anger and shame will be It will be more intense and violent.

Despite what he saw before his eyes, the human race disciples showed their own strength and realm.

But in the hearts of immortals, the inherent impression cannot be reversed simply by one thing.

This is the inner knowledge accumulated one by one over thousands of years, or even tens of thousands of years, day by day, year by year, like a mountain of stones and a tower of sand. If you want to remove it, you will have to wait for a long time to remove it. Time will pass slowly, or -

A short but huge and brutal fight.

Whether they are humans or immortals, they seem to have this habit. They often stick to their own understanding and will not repent easily. They must hit the south wall and pay a huge price before they wake up.


"You mortals, if you don't respect the immortals and gods, you must not be presumptuous!!!"

"How dare you do this!"

All the immortals in the sky used their magical powers and methods to move toward the human world.

Brilliant and magnificent.

On top of Mount Tai, hundreds of schools of thought mobilized the fate of human nature and turned it into their own cultural context. The glorious cultural context and awe-inspiring aura soared into the sky, reflecting left and right. It was also extremely majestic, brilliant and noisy, and both auras were It is huge and boundless, spreading to thousands of miles and even farther away.

It was as if two huge and brilliant nebulae and galaxies were flowing and colliding with each other.

It is the foundation of heaven and the rise of human beings.

It is the long years in the past and the impact of the boundless and magnificent future.

The Judicial Heavenly Lord held a sword in his hand, and seemed to be planning to use the sword. However, if he did it now, he might be noticed at this moment. After hesitating for a moment, the Judicial Heavenly Lord vaguely felt that the Jade Emperor might be here. I'm afraid it would be unwise to watch this matter and get involved rashly.

But he just did nothing and just watched everything happen quietly, seemingly unwilling to do so.

After hesitating for a moment, the Supreme Justice lowered his eyes, just like the Antarctic Immortal Emperor at that time.

Letting go of his hand, a sword fell towards the world.

He didn't use any real means, he simply activated the power of the sword itself and let it fall.

Therefore, this move is not a powerful move, but because of the strength of the sword and following the trend, it is definitely not something that the current disciples can resist. When the sword falls, its speed and momentum are getting bigger and bigger. It became more and more majestic, stirring the wind and thunder, almost turning into a blue dragon, shaking its head and tail, and falling towards the place of Mount Tai in the human world!

Once this sword is released, it is enough to cut through mountains and break luck!

Enough to turn the situation around!

And at this moment——

Change suddenly.

The human beings intercepted the immortals and gods, and fought for a long time. Such majestic human luck soared into the sky, turning into strands of golden flames. The golden flames gathered faintly, and faintly, they were about to turn into the scene of the past. , turn into the Taoist of the past!

It seems that he is trying to stop him from this sword!

The expressions of the Jade Emperor, Justice, and the Antarctic Immortal Emperor all changed.

At this moment, everyone recalled the image of a person a century ago, holding a scroll, cutting off the Antarctic Immortal Emperor's secret hand thunder.

? ? ? !

This is--

Qi Wuhuo? ! !

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