I am immortal

Chapter 568 Taishang leaves Hangu Pass in the west

This sound was too familiar, but also too strange. It could often be heard in the past, but now it has been several years since I heard it again. Old Qingniu felt that the world around him had become blank in an instant, and the sounds and colors of all things had become blank. Getting farther and farther away from him, as if there is another world.

He turned around and saw a Taoist priest wearing a blue robe.

The master in the human world retired and wore a black robe.

Representing the earthly world, the man's Kunlun jade crown was placed on one side. He once again put on the blue robe of the year, as if picking up the past again, but he still only had white hair, and there were many marks on his face and hands. wrinkle.

Only those eyes were still clear and gentle, making Lao Qingniu feel in a trance that the person standing in front of him was the young man from back then. But at this moment, the feeling was like white light flowing, the white feeling dispersed, and the world of mortals Everything came into view enthusiastically, and he saw that he was still an old man.

The master's breath became weaker and weaker, almost dying.

He was just a mortal who was freezing in the house, so he walked out to bask in the warm sun and warm himself up. Old Qingniu looked at it and felt something in the air that seemed to turn into an old mortal. The indescribable majesty of the stock is like an abyss, a river or a sea, or a mountain.

The abyss is endless, the rivers and seas are reversed, and the mountains collapse.

The majestic and immeasurable view.

That seems to be the case!

At the moment before the raging endless energy exploded, I didn't know when it would collapse, but I only knew that the collapse would inevitably bring about huge waves. The corners of Lao Qing Niu's eyes couldn't help but jump. He looked at Qi Wuhuo, He looked at the sky again and subconsciously blurted out:

"Wuhuo, are you going to solve the calamity?!"

"Measuring calamities... Measuring calamities for people should also be solved by people. This is inevitable, but it shouldn't be now." The old Taoist smiled. He looked ahead, his eyes clear and peaceful, and said: " I still have some loose ends to work out.”

"what is the problem."

"Some friends are coming."

The gray-haired old Taoist replied: "I gave them sixty years to think clearly about one thing, their obsession and turning back, but they finally chose to walk in. From the perspective of cause and effect, this It was the cause I planted sixty years ago, and it is time to reap the fruits now, more than sixty years later."

He fluttered his sleeves and stood up with his hands on his knees. Carrying the fate of this world and the calamity of decades of spring and autumn, his body had already been corroded by the fate of humanity. He seemed overwhelmed and seemed to be getting old. slow.

Qi Wuhuo's cultivation seemed to be extremely low.

The realm seems to be extremely high.

There are still five Qi, and the heaven, earth, people, gods and ghosts are flowing and changing in his body. These five Qi have been transformed before, and they have all climbed to the top of the realm of supreme perfection. Over the years, the Taoist has not taken the initiative to promote these five Qi. The flow and combination of them are just allowed to change naturally in one's own body.

These five Qi flows through this body.

While sitting still, the accumulation has already reached its limit.

There is even a level beyond the Qi of perfection. If a practitioner is compared to a container, Qi Wuhuo has already contained more water and Qi than his own limit. When he is not moving, the water can still be used. It barely maintained stability, and now, it only moved slightly.

Qi then went berserk!

When the energy is full, it overflows.

But the Taoist realm is too high.

The overflowing Qi is still changing in the body, flowing between the inside and outside, lingering in the traces of heaven and man. There is obviously no strange phenomenon around like wind and thunder, it is still natural, but Lao Qingniu doesn't know why, he feels At that point, it felt as if the sky and the earth were about to collapse.

Everything is vast, the sky and the earth are low!

It was as if the world had become narrow and cramped. As the Taoist stood there, all natural things surrounded him so peacefully. With his head in the sky and his feet on the ground, he straddled the three realms of humans, gods, and ghosts. Taoists are more prominent.

But if you look closely, you will see that it is just an ordinary person standing in the world.

He is just an old Taoist who seems to be unable to walk!

What kind of state is this? !

What kind of person is this? !

Lao Qingniu watched the real and illusory scenes constantly intertwining in front of him, and couldn't help but fall deeply into it. Unknowingly, his face turned pale, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead. He saw the white-haired Taoist walking forward again. After a few steps, the surrounding charm became more and more majestic.

The energy of breath rises in the sky.

Faintly turned into purple energy, this purple energy is looming, luxurious and extraordinary.

Old Qingniu saw that the Taoist in front of him was too high in his realm and too rich in background. He was born at the right time and moved in response to the calamity. He took only one step and came out with majestic momentum. It was naturally earth-shattering, but this journey After all, there was some loss after all. He once saw the Supreme Master preaching, once watched the ancient heroes, his eyesight was extraordinary. At this moment, his soul was blessed, and he said:

"Wuhuo, where are you going?"

The white-haired old man turned slightly and looked back, with a calm expression in his eyes, as if he was waiting for Old Qingniu to speak.

Old Qingniu said: "I'll take you there!"

He took a few steps forward and transformed into a very handsome and tall green bull. He was covered in thick fur and could control wind and thunder. His two horns pointed at the sky like two war spears. His four hooves were as black as ink jade and his eyes were black. There is a god who immediately steps forward, steps forward, and bends down.

The white-haired old man said gently: "Uncle Niu is here to help."

He stood up and sat on Lao Qingniu's back.

boom! ! !

Old Qingniu's body suddenly sank downwards. In an instant, there seemed to be an unparalleled weight pressing down on him. Old Qingniu's face became serious and his pupils shrank. At that moment, he almost felt that the world had collapsed and turned black. The white-haired old man, who seemed to have reached the end of his life, seemed to be countless times heavier than Mount Tai, Kunlun Mountain, and Mount Sumeru combined!

He seemed-

Carrying the whole world!

Tangtang has been practicing since ancient times, following the Taoist Patriarch. Over the past few years, he has taken countless miraculous pills and consumed a lot of flat peach fairy wine. Old Qingniu feels that his cultivation is at the peak of the True Monarch. As if it were imaginary.

Not even one person can carry it!

My legs are shaking!

The white-haired old man seemed to be aware of the difficulty of Old Qingniu. He lowered his eyes and said gently: "Is it heavy? If it is too heavy, do you want me to come down and walk by myself?"

"No, it's okay."

Old Qingniu's legs were trembling, but he clenched his teeth and held on. I don't know why. After practicing for many years, he was almost a real king in the ancient times. And until now, after several calamities and countless years, he has been cultivating There was no improvement at all, but at this moment, I felt a subtle echo.


Unparalleled, perhaps a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

Here it comes!

Old Qingniu's eyes were burning as he carried the old Taoist on his back and walked through the world step by step.


Ximen Dachong, who has turned white at the temples, is talking about his understanding of the great road. He is surrounded by more than a dozen young people, all of them look solemn and serious, and they are listening with fascination. After all, the Ximen Dachong in front of him is a master of Legalism. One, of course, he is not a great person and has no great talent.

I practiced seriously when I was young, caught up with the good time when the Master was preaching, worked hard, achieved something, and broke through to the level of my innate energy. Then I got to know my childhood sweetheart and stayed together, got married and had children, and grew old together. This was already extremely happy and incomparable. A happy life.

A higher level of realm, due to one's own talent and the wrong path that he has taken, is like a flower in a mirror or the moon in the water, just out of reach. Ximen Dachong is now over sixty years old. A young and immature boy is not a high-spirited young man. In this era, the life span can be one hundred and twenty years old, which can also be considered to be close to the state of an elderly person.

His beard and hair are gray.

The Word is spoken here to the young people, and the basics are taught, as was done before.

He looked calm and unsmiling, so these young disciples were actually a little in awe of him. But today, when Ximen Dachong was describing the rhyme of Tao in a very profound and subtle way, he suddenly heard a burst of noise on the road not far away. Shouting sounds.

You might not care about it at first, but the sound never stops.

It kept coming.

Ximen Dachong frowned slightly and said to the disciples listening next to him: "Let's go and see how the pure land of Nine Monuments can be so noisy? Let's persuade them first."


The disciple bowed and went to see it.

Ximen Dachong continued to tell.

But just after a while, the disciple's eyes lit up and he rushed over with a loud shout. The joy on his face could not be controlled. He scolded Ximen Da Chong and said: "You are a practitioner of the Legalist way. All things in the world will be destroyed." There should be laws and regulations, why do you act like this?!"

The disciple gasped for breath. In the past, when faced with the Master's scolding, he would have turned pale and would not dare to refute. But now his eyes lit up and he said: "Master, Master!"

Ximen Dacheng said: "I'm here."

"No, I don't mean Master Ximen!"

The disciple took a deep breath and then stood up.

Turning around, he bowed deeply in the direction of the nine stone tablets and said, "It's that Master."


The surrounding disciples all heard a messy sound, like something falling to the ground. They turned around and saw that the teacher's jade slip had fallen to the ground. Ximen Dachong, who was already a century old with white hair, looked as young as when he was young. He rushed forward, the white hair on his temples rising, pushing aside the crowd in front of him.

His eyes were wide open and his heart was beating rapidly. He stepped forward and walked quickly forward. In a trance, he seemed to have returned to his youth, walking through the deserted streets that day. I saw the moat flowing slowly in a remote part of the capital, and the river lanterns floating on the river one by one, as if reaching up to the sky.

That night in his youth was always in his dreams.

He finally knocked through the crowd in front of him, just like that time he turned around when he was young.

The wind of his youth blew on his face, and the sounds around him seemed to have left him.

Seeing the Master, the huge and handsome green ox walked step by step on the road.

The once high-spirited master had grown old. His white hair had fallen and was tied up with a wooden hairpin, and his expression was gentle. Ximen Dachong looked at the old man’s white hair, his eyes were blank, and only then did he realize that it turned out that it was in himself and among all the people. In Zi Baijia's eyes, the master never grew old.

He will always have a jade crown with black hair under the stone monument, a rich and handsome appearance, and he will always be young.

Always leading the way for them.

It turns out that the Master is already this old.

turn out to be,

The figure that once paved the way in front and shielded me from the wind and rain has become so old and frail that I am about to leave.

Ximen Dachong was stunned for a long time, suppressing the rolling sadness in his heart, he bowed his hands and said softly:


The sound was slight, but it was like a huge wave.

Because it's not just one person.

The wind blew through the world. On both sides of this road, there were people like Ximen Dachong, a gray-haired old man. The disciples looked at the masters who were either majestic or fierce and saluted. They looked at the faces of the teachers. They saw a look of sadness and reverence as they looked at the old figure.

This is the Master’s Master.

There are people on both sides of this road giving each other hands.

Silent, speechless.

They raised their heads and looked at the old man's back, suddenly feeling a strange feeling.

This may be the last time they see the Master.

Master, that man who is like a dragon and a god, will eventually leave.

Ximen Dacheng said subconsciously: "Master!"

The green cow stopped and the old man lowered his eyes.

Everything in the world is stagnant and there is no sound at all.

Ximen Dacheng said: "Master, can we still listen to your sermon?"

At this time, he seemed to be still the young man he was back then, with longing in his eyes, and in front of him, it seemed that he was still the master who was as rich as jade as the stars were ringing in the world that night.

The old man smiled gently and replied:

"It will happen once."

And one last time.

Ximen Dachong felt sad and happy in his heart. In the end, the joy of hearing about the great road was swallowed up by the unparalleled sadness. Qingniu walked forward and met the Taoist Mingxin who came out of the palace. As if cause and effect were like fate, he was here from now on. The old man came from the other side and met at the end of the road, which was just right.

Mingxin raised her head, looked at the old man, and said, "Uncle Master..."

The old man looked at the grieving junior and said gently: "Come with me."


Taoist Mingxin, who had experienced the severe pain of losing his best friend, bowed gently and stood aside, holding the green bull. The handsome man [Yin] stared at the old Taoist. At this time, his forehead was beating, and there was a faint trace of emotion. The feeling of severe pain, as if a picture is about to emerge from my mind.

This is……? ! !

[Yin] held his forehead and groaned because of the severe pain. He immediately understood and stared at the old man.

He seemed to sense some kind of opportunity, so he subconsciously took steps to follow the old man.

Qingniu walked steadily away from the world. Ximen Dachong couldn't contain the sadness in his heart. He took half a step forward, then stopped at last. He just shook his sleeves and bowed deeply, saying: "Send me off to you, Master!"

People who had witnessed this Jiazi naturally saluted, and soon came the disciples. They all opened their mouths and said those three words, but it was as if the whole world was bidding farewell to the old man who brought the legend of this Jiazi, and said ——

"Send it to my wife!"

This is a gift from this world.

The old man had gray hair and did not look back.

Qingniu's speed became faster and faster, and finally left the capital.


The sixteen Buddhas continuously knocked on the barrier and broke through it. Without any obstruction, no one on this side of the barrier could resist the Buddha. The power of these sixteen Buddhas is incomparable and vast. Now there are two paths. , one is to escape into the world from a remote and hidden place, and the other option is naturally to take the main road and enter in a dignified manner.

[Namo Shanle Zhiyin Guangming Tathagata] said: "We were humiliated outside the pass before, and now it is natural for us to go through the pass! Enter the human world in an upright manner to announce the arrival of my Buddha!"

"This level was originally guarded by tens of thousands of heroes, but now they are all gone, and the mighty King Li Zhai is not here either. Who can stop us?"

"Buddhism is walking in the world, who can stop it?!"

"Who can beat me?!"

"This pass is majestic and unique. It is named because it is in the valley and is as deep and dangerous as a letter. It stretches from Xiaoshan in the east to Tongjin in the west. It is commonly known as Hangu and is known as a natural danger. It is named - Hangu Pass!"

Sixteen Buddhas are coming to knock on the door!

The arrogance is like a rainbow, and the light of the Buddha is revealed.

The gate of Hangu was broken, and it was as narrow as a dragon. When I saw the road ahead, I saw no fighting, but I paused slightly. I heard the subtle sound of bells and followed the sound of the wind. I had previously broken through the gate and entered the country. The footsteps of the majestic Buddhas were unparalleled. For some reason, the Buddha's light that had almost filled the entire world suddenly froze.

Can't advance even half an inch further.

Then all the Buddhas were astonished, and all their eyes fell down.

The sound of the bell gradually got closer.

At the end of their sight, they saw a green bull with an old Taoist sitting on its back.

That's all,

Then all the Buddha's light ceased.

The final chapter of this volume is difficult to write. I estimate that the remaining two updates today will be a little late. You can go to bed early and read it.

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