I am immortal

Chapter 66 Reply

In front of the woodshed on the side of the village.

Qi Wuhuo sensed something was wrong and instinctively cut it, but turned around and saw nothing.

Only those children who were running around and playing with branches looked at the young Taoist with curiosity and envy, or rather at the straight branch in the young Taoist's hands. Their eyes were about to shine. The last one was bolder. The child asked: "Brother, are you here to find someone? Are you a guest in the village?!"

The young Taoist nodded.

The tough-headed child said: "Then, then..."

"Do you know swordsmanship?"

Qi Wuhuo originally wanted to say yes.

But I thought of my senior sister's calm attitude towards all the sword immortals in the world at the beginning.

His voice paused slightly and he replied: "I just know a little bit."

Then he looked at the envious eyes of the children, smiled knowingly, bent down slightly, with his sleeves hanging slightly, stretched out his hand, handed the branch over, and said with a smile: "I'll give it to you, take it and play with it..."


"Thank you, big brother!"

The children were so happy that they played and left.

The young Taoist stood up and watched them go away, but from a distance he heard the old man's voice: "Haha, the little Taoist got up early, is it better? I planned to guard you outside yesterday, but this time The rain was really too heavy, and my body and bones couldn’t bear it, old man, so I had to go back earlier.”

"I'm afraid you'll catch a cold, so I brought some clothes over. If you don't mind, you can change into them..."

The old gentleman from yesterday approached, but he was surprised.

He saw that the young monk's robe was fresh and not wet by the rain as he had guessed.

Qi Wuhuo said:

"Thank you, Mr. Zhou. There is actually a place in the woodshed to avoid the rain, so my clothes didn't get wet."

"However, I didn't expect it to rain suddenly today."

Qi Wuzhuo suddenly remembered that when he left the fortune teller yesterday, the young man with wet and fishy smell on his body was there. Qi Wuzhuo left early, but he only heard that the young man said yesterday that he wanted the fortune teller to calculate. Is there any rain today? If it rains, it will rain a few centimeters or millimeters in the east area of ​​Chengchi.

Qi Wuzhuo didn't hear the rest.

The old gentleman sighed: "Yes, who would have thought of that?"

"But this God's temper is like that of a five- or six-year-old child. It changes from moment to moment. It's going to rain, my mother is getting married, and no one can stop it. This rain is really a bit strange."

Qi Wuhuo said: "Strange?"


The old man stroked his beard and replied: "I have lived here for decades. I know the climate here very well. The clouds were so heavy yesterday and the humidity was heavy. The cold rain in winter almost soaked into my bones. , but the rain was a little bit less, it felt a bit like a bluff with heavy thunder and small raindrops."

The middle-aged man next to him laughed and said, "Dad, you're here again."

"Looking at the clouds to judge what the weather is like is a divine method."

"Even if you spend your whole life watching, you still can't say you can spot it accurately..."

The old man blew his beard and stared, slapped his thigh and said:

"I've been a cold-legged guy for over ten or twenty years. I know roughly when it will rain and how much it will rain!"

"The pain was so bad yesterday that I couldn't even walk!"

“It only rained so little!”

"There must be something wrong with this. Why, is it possible that after just a few days, your father and I have suddenly become so physically weak?"

Once people get older, they will always be a little childlike and stubborn. His son had no choice but to coax his father and say:

"Yes, yes, dad, you are right, you are right."

"It rains less for God's sake."

"Less down!"

After coaxing for a while, the old man stopped mentioning the matter and asked his sons to move the things they brought in. During these days, with the help of people like them, the girl's mother, Lian Shulan, could survive. After coming down, Qi Wuhuo helped move things in and tidy them up, and then had breakfast together at the old man's strong invitation.

There is a flattened stone slab on top of a column. This is the farm table.

The surface is not flat, and there are some small bumps and bumps. When the palms are brushed over, the hands are full of water. A few people don't care. They are carrying a steamer, which contains the kind of rough texture bowls and chopsticks, and there are fists in it. The big steamed buns include vegetables stir-fried over a large fire at the farm, spicy stir-fried cabbage, stir-fried bacon, and pure stir-fried chili peppers.

Several people put their bowls on the table, and the old man asked his daughter-in-law to bring a bowl of food in for Lian Shulan to eat too.

The rest of the people sat around. There was no place to sit, so they took a white pottery bowl and filled it with various dishes. Then they took a soda noodle in one hand and put some buns that were a little yellow, and held the bowl in the other hand. Holding a green onion, I squatted next to it and ate it. While eating, I talked about things in the village, about spring plowing, and that it had rained a lot this year, so we should be able to have a good harvest.

He said that the children were disobedient, did not study seriously, and the wife would make trouble if they were beaten.

Qi Wuzhuo had a full meal to deal with family matters. The rice at Uncle Yun's place was indeed delicious, but these meals gave him an indescribable sense of solidity. After eating a full meal, the old man asked He said, "How should I treat Xiao Lian's body?"

Qi Wuhuo said: "Maybe we should focus on resting."

"With acupuncture and medicinal stones, it will slowly heal."

The old man stroked his beard and said, "That's good."

"People encounter all kinds of things in life. Is there anything that cannot be overcome?"

"Still survive."

"Survive, and one day you will be able to get over the things in the past..."

"Then, little Taoist priest, please stay with us during this period. There are still a few houses in the village that can accommodate people." The old man looked at the yard and sighed: "No need to refuse, she is so uncomfortable these days. Son, we all see it, but the people in the village just endure it when things happen, and there is no other way."

"We are all grateful to you for meeting a kind-hearted person like you to treat her."

The old man took Qi Wuzhuo to a relatively small courtyard. The door was not locked. When he opened the door, there was a table, a bed, and a cabinet in the room. It seemed that no one came sometimes, and there was some dust inside. , the old gentleman apologized:

"This is originally prepared for guests in the village, or people who come here occasionally to do business. Businessmen come here to settle down, and they get convenience. People in our village can also buy what they need, and it is also convenient. It’s just that the Chinese New Year is coming soon, so the businessmen have all returned to their hometowns.”

"If you don't mind, the little Taoist priest, just stay here first."

"I'll ask someone to clean it up for you."

The old gentleman was very enthusiastic, and then said with a smile: "I haven't asked you yet, little Taoist priest, what is your name?"

The young Taoist replied: "Qi Wuhuo."

"It means I hope I will have no regrets and no doubts in this life..."

The old man smiled: "This name has a great artistic conception."

"How old are you now?"

The boy subconsciously replied: "It will be fifteen after the Chinese New Year..."

His voice paused.

He replied: "After the New Year, you will be sixteen years old."

Qi Wuhuo was not idle. He also helped clean up the house. After about an hour, the entire house that had been idle for about a month or two became clean and tidy again. The old man also gave him a few books and said that if When you have free time, you can read books to increase your knowledge and knowledge. Qi Wuhuo nodded and agreed.

The old man smiled, stroked his beard and left.

I feel happy that I have guided a young person to read more.

If you are not a monk or a Taoist monk.

"He is a good young man. If he studies more, he might be able to become a scholar."

"It's a pity to practice Taoism."

He said this to his son next to him.

He was not in a hurry to go home. He originally thought that the rain would make his old cold legs so painful that he could not move, so he put off a lot of things in advance, but now he didn't seem to feel so uncomfortable. Instead, he took some time and walked again. When we arrived at Lian's house, we saw that Lian Shulan, who had eaten a lot after being acupuncture, was obviously in much better spirits.

I feel both relieved and emotional.

She just said that she was feeling better now because she had some excitement in her heart.

I am also worried that after she learns the truth, she will be even more depressed.

After sighing for a long time, he just shook his head and left. When passing by the woodshed, he smiled and said:

"I never thought that this woodshed could provide shelter from the rain."

Take a casual look.

But I found rain falling everywhere in the woodshed.

The old man leaned down and stroked the firewood. Even the dry firewood was completely soaked. When he stretched out his hand to grab it, the wood chips fell down.

It can be guessed that it rained heavily last night.

He suddenly thought of the young Taoist's answer and the crisp Taoist robe.

'...The woodshed actually has a place to avoid the rain, so my clothes didn't get wet...'

The old man couldn't help but be stunned.


Qi Wuhuo decided to go to the city again today to ask the fortune teller.

This time is no longer yesterday.

But last year, what happened...

When I opened the door, I suddenly felt something spiritual. I lowered my head. Inside the wooden box on my waist, the bronze mirror lit up slightly. There was naturally Dharma light and aura, flowing and changing——

It's been a day and a half.

Yun Qin finally replied to him.

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