I am immortal

Chapter 652: Respect the Zhongtian North Pole Zhenwu Emperor, the leader of the four emperors! (End

Chapter 652: Respect the leader of the four emperors, the Zhenwu Emperor of Zhongtian North Pole! (End of this volume)

After one month.

Although the wedding of Emperor Zhenwu was a great joy and had a huge impact on the changes in the situation in the heaven, it has already passed. Except for some people who were particularly concerned about this matter, all the immortals have gradually returned to normal life.

But on this day, when Qi Wuhuo was flipping through the files, he discovered a piece of news. He flipped through and read——

"The Divine General of the Zhenwu Mansion went to the far north and found the great demon king of the time, the Green Lion Clan [Qing Jingwei], and the Divine General defeated him."

Along the way, Qi Wuhuo never forgot this enemy, but he was always trapped in a huge whirlpool. From beginning to end, he faced the Buddha of the 17th lineage of the Buddhist Kingdom, the great emperor of Tianshu Academy, and the Antarctic Immortal Emperor. oppression, and finally faced the huge hidden danger of the impending disaster.

I have never had time to go to the north to kill this beast.

He just became the Zhenwu Great Emperor and passed this matter down after he opened his palace. Now he sees the ending above——

"Qing Jingwei was challenged repeatedly and fled, intending to defect to other forces."

"The Quartet dare not accept it."


There is a wooden box on the table next to it.

Inside was the head of Qing Jingwei, with his eyes wide open and unwilling to rest in silence.

The great demon king who was all-powerful in those days and had the ambition to swallow mountains and rivers in his chest was a hero who suppressed cultivation and wanted to take a piece of the pie in the troubled times before the great changes in the world. He was a practitioner who had his sights set on the realm of a great emperor. , and now the head is placed calmly in the box and placed on the table.

Even when the Zhenwu Mansion crusade against such a monster clan and is not a great saint, there is no need to report it to Emperor Zhenwu.

Lu Chunyang, the four heavenly kings, and the giant spirit god led the heavenly soldiers and generals to form an array, which was enough.

All the events of the past ended in the jade slips presented by the four heavenly kings and the Giant Spirit God, with this simple sentence of suicide. The Taoist put down the file, closed the box, burned it to dust, and finally worshiped it in Dongyue. Next, in the land of Jinzhou, he was dressed in black and looked very peaceful. He paid homage to what happened in Jinzhou back then and paid homage to the old Dongyue Emperor.

There were footsteps coming from behind. Qi Wuhuo opened his eyes without looking back. The man coming from behind had strong energy and blood. It was obvious that he was not the physical style of the human race. There was an evil energy after a battle, and it looked like a majestic sun. It has the flavor and charm of the most traditional practice method from ancient times.

A hollow sound.

Qi Wuhuo tilted his head slightly, stretched out his hand, grabbed the dropped wine bottle, and shook it. He could feel the sloshing of the wine inside. Even through the wine bottle itself, he could smell a very strong smell of alcohol. The aroma of wine is blazing.

"What's wrong, Wu Huo."

With a rough and familiar voice, a tall man in black clothes with black hair falling around his waist was holding an iron-mixed spear in one hand, the tip of the spear was dotted like stars. He was holding a wine bottle in one hand, and drank heavily with his neck raised. He wiped the corner of his mouth casually and laughed:

"Are you finally an adult? Why, are you still the same as before, unable to drink?"

"Although it's not as good as the wine from the Immortal Family on your wedding day, it can still be regarded as the blazing wine of the mortal world. It goes into your throat as fiercely as a knife blade. It's quite good."

Emperor Zhenwu turned around and saw his good friend, the first Taoist friend he made when he was young. A sixty years ago, he was already in the fairyland where three flowers gathered at the top after cultivating to the extreme. Now for a long time, After killing and killing, it seems that there are other opportunities, and he has reached the level of earth immortal, with majestic energy.

This tiger mountain god is still as bold and unruly as before.

Others would respect him and fear his reputation as a true martial artist. In the eyes of this mountain god whom he met when he was young, he still seemed to be the young man from the small town back then. He simply backhand thrust the spear in his hand upside down into the ground, and he was entrenched among the bluestones. He sat down, picked up the wine bottle, bumped into the Taoist next to him, and immediately drank from each other.

Talking about his experiences over the past hundred years, what happened after parting, and what happened to the monsters back then, among the monster heroes who helped Qi Wulu, he also had the power of a single shot, saying that after he lost the Great Sage, The strength of the Tiger Clan was greatly reduced. It was said that due to Taixiao, he helped the young descendant of the original Tiger Clan's great sage to rise. In the Land of All Spirits of that era, he constantly conquered all directions and maintained stability.

After many breakthroughs and opportunities, he obtained the inheritance of the great sage Xiaofeng of the Tiger Clan, and he broke through and became an Earth Immortal three years ago.

Qi Wuhuo asked casually: "When you helped me break out of the siege, why didn't you come to find me later?"

The tiger mountain god laughed loudly, with endless freedom and ease, and said happily:

"It was enough to see you escape safely back then. The Tiger Clan also had troubles afterwards. Besides, you were in the limelight at that time. If someone discovers that you have a friend from the Monster Clan like me, you will not be attacked and annihilated. Everyone has their own problems." There is a road ahead, and each of us has a road to pursue. Isn't it just right to be separated like this?"

After drinking all the wine, he waved his hand and stood up to say goodbye.

"The mountains are high and the rivers are long. See you tomorrow, fellow Taoist!"

After drinking all the wine, talking about the past years, talking about the romance in the mountains, and saying "take care, my fellow Taoist," and wishing you an endless future, the black-robed mountain god stood up and tossed it casually, and immediately a wine bottle fell on the tip of the spear. , the mountain god strode forward, and when he spoke, his voice was desolate and simple:

"Tao is a thing, but it is in a daze."

"Ask for it, but you won't get it."

"You also practice Taoism!"

"Seeking immortality!"


"You see the world is as big as a disk, this is my pill!"

"If you want to get rid of it, just go out and leave it. Don't meditate on the form of form."

The old friend left, and the Taoist sat in the mountains of the world, looking peaceful and calm.


Heaven·Lingxiao Palace.

"So, the Empress of Houtu Emperor is willing to return?"

In the thirty-sixth palace, and at the core of the seventy-two palaces, cups and cups had already been placed, and various spiritual tea objects were served. After a few days, the Jade Emperor Zhang Xiaoyu finally asked this question, and in his Under the earnest gaze, the Empress of Houtu Emperor nodded slightly and said: "Back then, I said that the agreement with Haotian was over."

"Now that the final catastrophe is approaching, Gou Chen has also died in the battle. The karma and karma will just follow his death and go with the wind."

The Jade Emperor was overjoyed.

A trace of ripples flashed across the eyes of the Antarctic Immortal Emperor - an extremely strong sense of urgency that made him subconsciously clench his palms under his sleeves. The Arctic Emperor Ziwei, the Zhenwu Dangmo Emperor, the Houtu Emperor, also Fuxi, who is both good and evil, and the one who returns, will surely reach the realm of Yuzun with the help of Fuxi and Zhenwu in the era of human race's prosperity.

So the blocking lineup in front of him was unprecedentedly luxurious.

The light in his eyes turned slightly, and he suddenly spoke, "It would be best if our Taoist friend Hou Tu Huang returned to the Heavenly Palace. I have something to say today..."

The voice of the Antarctic Immortal Emperor fell calmly, attracting the attention of the other gods. After all, he is a majestic emperor who has survived from the ancient times. His prestige is rare, even within the six realms, and is rarely matched. Even the Jade Emperor. It was impossible to ignore it, so he asked with a smile: "Does Emperor Changsheng have anything to say?"

The Emperor of Antarctic Immortality said calmly: "It is a good thing that Empress Houtu has returned, but I have something to ask about, Emperor Ziwei of the Arctic."

Beidi's expression was as calm as ever.

The immortals were shocked, and for a moment they were silent and did not dare to speak. They felt that the environment had become a bit depressing. The Antarctic Immortal Emperor prevented the Jade Emperor from opening his mouth to deal with the matter. He opened his mouth and said lightly: "In the ancient years, when Tianque was established , I once said that Fuxi’s promise, do you still remember?”

The Antarctic Immortal Emperor glanced at the immortals and said, "We had an appointment back then."

"If Fuxi is found out because of his harm to the common people, the four emperors should join forces to kill him. However, Emperor Ziwei of the North Pole made a deal with Fuxi, which violated the agreement back then! Regarding this matter, I don't know how you, Beidi, will explain it. ?!!"

The edge of his tone was directly directed to Beidi. The immortals did not dare to have any doubts about this matter. However, some immortals spoke and planned to give some reasons to the Northern Emperor Ziwei, saying that Fuxi was also of great use. This may not be applicable now, but I feel that my confidence is a bit weak.

The Antarctic Changsheng Emperor used this trend to gain momentum for himself, but he never thought that the Northern Emperor would suddenly speak calmly and said: "You are right."

The whole hall suddenly fell silent. Amidst the gazes, Beidi pressed his right hand on the table.

A seal turned into a stream of light and emerged, which was a status symbol representing the status of the Royal Master of the Arctic.

Emperor Ziwei said calmly: "I was the one who made the agreement back then. Now I have reached a contract with Fuxi because of the Taoist couple. This is also what I did. No matter what the reason is, it is a violation after all, and I will be in trouble." It is not qualified to be a strict proof of this heavenly law."

"I am no longer the Northern Emperor from now on."

There was an uproar, and the Jade Emperor's head buzzed.

The Hou Tu Emperor had just returned, and in a blink of an eye, our strongest combat force was about to leave.

Only at this time, Emperor Ziwei spoke and said: "Therefore, I recommend Zhenwu Dangmo to take over the position of Northern Emperor."

So the deathly silence just now turned into another kind of shock. The cups in the hands of the immortals and gods fell over, and the wine flowed around without noticing. The Jade Emperor was stunned, and the eyes of the Antarctic Immortal Emperor solidified with joy. The next moment, Emperor Ziwei's right hand With a movement, the seal representing Beidi's authority and identity was thrown up and flew out spinning in the void.

The seal flew over the hall, carrying a stream of light, flying over the wide-eyed giant spirit god, and over the four heavenly kings whose bodies were frozen.

Flying over Lu Chunyang, flying over the Taibai Venus, flying over the Nine Heavens, Ying Yuan's Thunder Universal Transformation Heavenly Lord.

Finally, he landed at the end of the hall. He seemed to have lost his strength and was held firmly by a hand. Then time seemed to start flowing again. The sleeves and robes were hanging down, and there were mysterious texts on them. His brows were peaceful, but Looking at all the people in the sky and the world, the jade belt around the waist, the accessories of yin and yang hanging down, the two steps on the feet, the tripod and the three mountains.

Wow! ! !

All the immortals and gods in the Lingxiao Palace stood up together, bowed their hands and bowed their heads, and their sleeves and robes fell down, like a curtain.

Qi Wuhuo walked into it. The Jade Emperor's eyes lit up and he suddenly said:

"Since it was recommended by Emperor Ziwei, there is no other choice. However, Zhenwu was already an imperial master before. He punished the judiciary. Zhan Gou and Chen already had the title of imperial master. Now it is time to add them to the title. The two go hand in hand!"

Emperor Zhenwu held the seal in one hand and held the sword in the other. He walked forward, and the immortals on both sides bowed their hands in salute.

His own voice is magnificent and vast.

"The Central Royal Lord, the great emperor who suppresses the Heavenly Martial Spirit and defeats the Demons."

"Sealed, God Xuantian!"

"Sealed as the incarnation of the Nine Heavens Golden Tower!"

"Add the title of [Yujing Zunshen]!"

"In addition, he also holds the responsibility of the Northern Emperor!"

The voices fell one after another, the faces of the gods were faintly moved, and finally the man walked up to the Jade Emperor.

All the immortals and gods were dead silent, only reciting the title of the Great Emperor in their hearts. Maybe so many immortals and gods were reciting it in their hearts at the same time, there seemed to be a voice in the void echoing the name and honorific of the Great Emperor Zhenwu.

In the six days of Hunyuan, he was the leader of the teachings. Cultivate truth and enlightenment, and help all the fans.

For the benefit of all living beings, eliminate disasters and obstacles. Eighty-two transformations, the founder of the three religions. Great mercy, rescue the suffering.

The general manager of Sanyuandu and the envoy of Jiutian Youyi. Zhen Tiangang North Pole, General Youyuan.

To suppress the heaven and help obedience, the true spirit of martial arts responds, the blessings of merit are flourishing, the kindness and righteousness are strong. The True Monarch of Xieyun, the God of Governance and Blessings, the Master of Yuxu, the God of Xuantian, the Heavenly Lord of Qingwei, and the Great Emperor of Central Zhenwu Dangmo!

He has the position of both the Royal Lord of the Center and the Great Emperor of the North Pole.

It’s for—the head of all the emperors!

The Northern Emperor's expression was dull, with a feeling of resigning. The eyes of Empress Houtu and Empress Wa were gentle and gratifying, but the Antarctic Immortal Emperor's expression was cold and indifferent, and the palms under his sleeves were already clenched tightly.

Qi Wuhuo's sleeves were rolled up, and the wind flowed past the shaking sky, carrying a green leaf and flying into the clouds, wandering and wandering, and finally went to an unknown place, and was gently touched by a hand. Holding it lightly, Yuqing Yuanshi Tianzun smiled and said: "He is my disciple."

He turned around and looked at the gentle Supreme Being and the wanton Supreme Being.

"Two fellow Taoists, we have met Wu Huo. It's time for you and me to leave."

"Go to suppress the final calamity and wait for Wuhuo to fully build up his momentum."

"Cut this final calamity through."



The Supreme Being caressed their beards and the Supreme Purity caressed their palms. They looked at the peaceful thirty-six days and the rolling dust in the human world. They all smiled freely, turned around, turned into pure Qi and left, heading towards The sky beyond that day, the gap between the worlds, goes to suppress the next great catastrophe that will create reincarnation.

In the highest Lingxiao Palace, the sound of chanting was still heard; the old scalper was drunk, and his old father Yun Zhiyi, who was still drunk and still in a daze with tears in his face, put their arms around each other, and walked from this fairy house to the sea of ​​​​clouds. They drifted over, and behind them, under the clouds, the sea of ​​clouds was flowing, and a group of immortals were on duty.

The immortals and gods soared through the clouds and mist, sailed across the sky, and saw the boundless blue sea in the world.

Yang Jian, a young man in the human world, was carrying a long soldier on his back, and a black and handsome flying eagle fell on his shoulder.

When you hit the road, you pass by the prosperous world and the red dust.

The vast world.

Qi Wuhuo turned around and looked at the vast world.

The true one exists forever, Taixu is one body, and the wonderful door opens by itself.

Both the first judgment of Hunyuan and the setting of Liangyi are restored to the basics, all through the spiritual platform.

The majestic energy rushed away, the grain spirit nourished, and gradually I felt the divine light coming from the sky.

In a secluded place, you can hear dragons roaring and tigers roaring, and there is a sudden wind and thunder.

How strange!

(End of this volume)

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