I am immortal

Chapter 667: Covering the sky and opening the way forward

What you see in front of you is the crack of the final calamity, but the real core of the final calamity is not such a crack that spreads endlessly and is as huge as a scar in the sky. It is within this crack, in the sky outside the sky. You need to step into this crack. Only within can we see the core of the three thousand gods and demons.

Qi Wuhuo and Arctic Ziwei Emperor drew their swords and stepped forward at the same time, intending to enter through the gap. Many gods and demons went crazy, abandoning their original enemies and flying towards the two sword lights over there. Six Realms Shaking, for a moment, the formations were really like an overwhelming wave. The changes in the formations were so great and the scope was so intense that even Jianmu could not control them all.

Fuxi cursed and raised his hand to strike. The sound of the piano was clear but had an indescribable chilling air.

Many gods and demons fell down like wheat, but they gathered again in the next moment and rushed forward again. At the front, the swords of Qi Wuhuo and Emperor Ziwei were blazing. At this stage, None of the gods and demons can hinder their progress in the slightest.

The crack is right in front of you.

The next moment, a majestic force gathered, Yuan Qi burned, and turned into a huge palm as big as Buzhou Mountain. With its five fingers spread out, it rushed forward and was intercepted by two sword lights, one on the left and one on the right. , the sword light was so sharp that it cut off the huge palm directly. The palm broke and fell, turning into a huge amount of flames in the void.

Qi Wuhuo and Emperor Ziwei had no choice but to turn around and draw their swords. The sword light was magnificent, cutting off the Yuan Qi one on the left and the other on the right.

When the remaining power fell, it was caught by Fuxi's innate Bagua Reversal. Immediately, the Bagua Qimen rotated violently, forcibly consuming this and a force. At the other end of the crack, Yuan Qi gathered and turned into a very tall statue. The gods and demons crossed the huge rift and crossed the barriers of the world, watching the two generations of Beidi.

"The final disaster of this world is bound to come."


"not now."

"You two, the battle between you and me will not come until twenty thousand years later. All living beings in this world will usher in the end and death of equality. Don't be impatient..."

Beidi raised his hand and slashed the huge body into two pieces with a sword.

The voices of the gods and demons were vast and slowly dissipated. But at this moment of dissipation, the cracks torn apart by the Antarctic Immortal Emperor began to recover at a speed visible to the naked eye and reunited. It seemed that this represented the final cycle of disaster and the creation of heaven and earth. The devil is not willing to face the counterattack of the six realms at this moment.

Beidi and Qi Wuhuo swiped their left hands, and the sword scabbards in their hands flew directly into the side of the crack. They spun violently and stuck the last trace of existence in the crack. They did not let the crack disappear directly. The power of the rift closing competed with the power of the two generations of Northern Emperors, and intense ripples of Yuan Qi erupted.

Emperor Ziwei said in a cold tone: "He doesn't want to fight with you and me now."

At that moment, Qi Wuhuo felt the teacher's breath and nodded slightly.

At the moment when the other gods and demons were intercepted, they fell into a brief silence in front of the very close rift - with the combined power of the two of them, they could indeed open the rift again, but opening it a second time The rift will inevitably allow the power of Final Tribulation to pour in in a more tyrannical manner, which will be the second impact on the Six Realms.

But if this rift is not cut open immediately, this premature end of the catastrophe will have no meaning except for the impact on the six realms. Two evils are in power. Arctic Ziwei Emperor raised his sword, his eyes were cold and calm, and he stared at This gap in front of me.

Within the rift, the God Demon and the Arctic Emperor Ziwei looked at each other, and the Qi of both sides rose.

For a moment it seemed difficult to tell the difference.

And in the outer world——

Flames rise and heat death surrounds.

Far more terrifying than the disasters facing the six realms at this moment, the world is entangled in the world. At this moment, the Sanqing Taoist ancestors also met. A large part of the three thousand gods and demons were intercepted by the Taishang. But just now, they circled around. The Three Purities emerged and poured into the world from the cracks.

At this moment, if the gap between the outer world and the six realms are completely combined to see it.

It is like an empty and infinite world, a deep place with no boundaries, and the six realms are the center of this empty and deep world. Each realm emits light, brilliant and boundless. From the outside in, you can see the brilliance of each realm, blazing. The calamity of heat and silence, and the calamity of cold silence that was enough to freeze time, turned into two river-like existences, slowly rotating around the edge of the center of the world, the Six Realms.

Every shaking and friction will cause cracks to appear on the edge of the six realms that emit light, and they will slowly collapse.

And in the faint light reflected by the long river of red-gold heat and coldness and the long river of cold brilliance, you can vaguely see some figures of gods and demons with ferocious and twisted faces, watching the six realms from outside. Countless gods and demons, far away. There are more gods and demons located in this void than those faced within the Six Realms.

Only a slight outline can be seen, some are sitting and meditating like Buddha, some are standing in the void like Vajra, some are holding fly whisks like immortals, some are sitting or lying down, all with red eyes.

Looking at this only world with a ferocious twist.

And in the center of the countless gods and demons, there is an infinitely huge god and demon sitting cross-legged, with dragon-like gods and demons just resting on his wrist, and gods and demons like King Kong, immortals, and Buddhas surrounding him, sitting around him. On his shoulders, surrounding him, like stars surrounding the world, this god and demon is as huge as the entire world.

Otherwise, the creation of the world cannot be completed.

Otherwise, we cannot preside over the change of eras.

Otherwise, the once strongest Jade Emperor cannot be replaced.

He had regained consciousness and slowly opened his eyes surrounded by endless gods and demons. He stared at the three Taoists in front of him and said slowly: "...Three transcendent beings stopped in front of me, but why? thing?"

The voice was as loud as the heaven and earth shaking, and it seemed to be a question from the Great Dao.

The Supreme Being caressed his beard and said gently: "I just want to discuss Taoism with my Taoist friends."

"On the Road?"

"Ha ha ha ha."

"What a great discussion!"

This infinite tall god and demon laughed loudly and said: "What the Supreme Lord said is just to stop me. As a transcendent living being, you should know the great road and nature. The cycle of life and death, the catastrophe of heaven and earth, are natural in nature. You must survive by force." Without death, he becomes a devil to humans, ghosts, and gods."

"Isn't it the same to force this world to stop and destroy the cycle of reincarnation?"

"Why is it wrong to turn people into ghosts and make gods fall into demons, but what you do is the Dao?"

The gods and demons had a majestic voice and asked in a dignified manner, and then said: "The three of you have transcended this century. You can only temporarily delay the arrival of my creation of the world, but you can't stop me. You are not affected by the world century, but you can't stop me." There is no way to influence the era in reverse, but the way of the three people and the methods of the three people will last forever."

"Even in the era of heaven and earth, the reunion is still ranked highest among the immortals and gods."

"In the next era that I open up, you can still be high up, you can still teach the Dharma to the common people, and you can still be the Tao ancestor who is pure and free, immortal for all eons, and immortal in the cycle of reincarnation. You and I can talk about the Tao to the common people at that time. Is it also a pleasure?"

The Supreme Being sighed and said gently and freely: "It is always said in the world that the clothes are not as good as the new ones and the old people are not as good as the old ones."

"According to the old saying, old clothes are more comfortable to wear."

"It's better to be nostalgic."

That’s it for now, but there’s no need to say more.

This represents the rotation of eras and the concept of the opening up of heaven and earth. He said indifferently:

"I'm afraid, it's just a meaningless dream for the three of you."

"I am the beginning of the next era. The three of you pose no threat to me. Only the creatures in this world can do it. However, from the current point of view, no one within or outside the six realms can come to me. in front of me.”

And inside the six realms, the Arctic Emperor Ziwei prepared a sword and slashed out. The sword light was sharp and fierce, seeming to reflect all the evil spirits in the three thousand worlds, and it fell on the crack mark left by the Antarctic Emperor Changsheng. The sword light opened the closed rift again, and more gods and demons poured in like a torrent.

At the moment of influx, he was swept by Zhenwu with his sword.

The demons dispersed, but at the moment when Arctic Emperor Ziwei opened the crack, the energy of heat and coldness rose again. It can be clearly felt that the temperature in the human world is beginning to rise, and in some secret realms, there are After the initial contact with the extreme chill, heat and coldness showed themselves to be real threats.

Creatures with low cultivation levels can already feel obvious discomfort.

In some aura-rich cave heavens, cold air spreads out. The fairyland scenery and cave heaven pavilions in the past were silently frozen with a layer of frost. There were sharp auras that wanted to escape, but they froze in the next moment. , even the objects where Yuan Qi gathered were unable to escape and slowly collapsed.

In the outside world, the rising blazing energy approached.

When two different tribulations collided, they made a huge roaring sound that shook the earth, and screams of grief erupted from the overseas Penglai Island. Immediately, blazing fire shot into the sky, heat and coldness collided, turning into a void and collapsing tribulation, and the entire Penglai... The fairy island turned into nothingness and disappeared.

Instead, there was a large hollow above the sea area, leaving behind a huge depression with a radius of tens of thousands of feet and rapid waterfalls. No matter how vast the four seas were, it was unable to fill the collapsed hollow. Everywhere, at the edge, there is flame burning and spreading.

Emperor Ziwei's eyes were slightly cold.

With the re-opening of the passage to the outer world, the influence of heat and coldness on the entire world is gradually increasing - three thousand gods and demons, many gods and gods can still block it, but heat and coldness are really within their scope of influence. Too huge.

"It is no better than the cracks opened by the Antarctic self-destruction before. At that time, not only were we unprepared, but the three thousand gods and demons from the outside were not prepared either. Wu Huoqian cut through the cracks left by the Antarctic Changsheng in a short time, and many gods and demons entered very rarely. But at this moment, they are already prepared near this crack, ready to rush in at any time."

Qi Wuhuo and Emperor Ziwei of Beiji realized one thing and looked at each other - they needed to open up a road at another point and fight out while attracting the attention of the gods and demons from the outside world. At the same time, they had to resist the attacks caused by this. It has brought many consequences, such as heat death, cold death and other side effects.

The Kunlun Mountains are already melting.

And the Buddhist Kingdom has begun to be contaminated with a deep chill.

"Unless there is something that can temporarily control this calamity..."

But at this moment, a voice came from Tianque:

"Yu Jing, Emperor Ziwei, step back!"

Along with this sound, Yuan Qi circulated, and the heaven and earth became dim. The heat and cold tribulations that had previously affected the entire world were stagnant at this time, as if the sky was covered. In front of the Lingxiao Palace, Taiyi Tianzun Zhuku supported Zhang Xiaoyu, who had just returned and looked pale and almost bloodless.

The latter is holding a flag in his right hand, which is completely black and covered with mysterious inscriptions. It seems to have the ability to cover the sky and the sun.

After the Antarctic Immortal Emperor started the battle, he immediately went to get the sky-covering flag. The battlefield could not take place within the six realms. The only way to have the final battle was to go to the place of final disaster outside the realm.

The corner of his mouth curled up and he said: "Yu Jing, go on!"

He raised his hand to hold the weapon and threw it fiercely forward.

The sky-covering flag turned into a stream of light and flew towards Qi Wuhuo's direction.

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