I am immortal

Chapter 681 Wuhuang Angelica!

Di Ting didn't know what happened behind her, but she still drank heavily and was still very happy. The water in the underworld was turbid, and the wine she brewed was far inferior to the exquisite wine of the immortal family in the heaven. Besides, there was Po Meng there, and you didn't even know it. The jar of wine that was taken out at this time had any ingredients added to it.

Even without this ingredient, it tastes sour and astringent, not that delicious.

And there is a certain probability that it will be accompanied by memory erasure.

Now that he had such an opportunity, he immediately drank heavily, but even with such a fine wine, it could not stop his mouth. He had no way to stop his mouth, and he was still boasting and talking to the surrounding star officials and kings, while the three of them covered up Xingzang The Taoist ancestors looked at each other, and the atmosphere was a little stagnant for a while.

After being stagnant for a long time, Heavenly Lord Shangqing Lingbao suddenly laughed and said:

"Hahaha, it's really ridiculous. You and I are close friends. We have been Taoist friends for many years, and we have suffered many disasters because of our support. How can these things affect you and me? "

"Two fellow Taoists, what do you think?"

Yuqing Yuanshi Tianzun said lightly: "That's the case."

"This is not an issue worth talking about."

The Supreme Being stroked his beard and smiled, and said gently: "The old Taoist thinks this matter is quite simple."

The three Taoist ancestors all took their time and said:

"Worship me."

When the voice fell, the smiles froze and their eyes glanced at each other.

There was silence.

Shangqing Lingbao Tianzun held his palms and smiled, with sharp eyes, and said: "Yunqin Wuhuo is my disciple, and their children should naturally worship me. Two Taoists, this is always the same, right?"

Yuqing Yuanshi Tianzun said calmly: "I gave him the foundation."

Shangqing Lingbao Tianzun frowned and said: "They have all learned my Tribulation Sword, and even their relationship at a young age has a lot to do with me. If it weren't for me, the relationship between the two of them would not be as good as it is now. So smooth!"

Yuqing Yuanshi Tianzun said calmly: "I gave him the foundation."

The corners of Tianzun Shangqing Lingbao's mouth twitched: "Can you say something else?"

Yuqing Yuanshi Tianzun’s eyes were quiet and he said calmly:


Shangqing Lingbao Tianzun: "..."

Sure enough, no matter how long the time passed, he really couldn't get along with the guy in front of him. In these countless years, there was only one person who could step on his bottom line with incomparable accuracy and draw the line between irritating him and not irritating him. The only one jumping up and down was the Yuqing in front of me.

Shangqing Lingbao Tianzun was annoyed and simply did not ask this person. He just turned his head, looked at the old man, and asked: "Your Majesty, what about you?"

But when they turned around, the two of them discovered that the figure of the old man stroking his beard and smiling slowly disappeared, but it was just an incarnation. The expression of Shangqing Lingbao Tianzun was slightly condensed, and the eyes of Yuqing Yuanshi Tianzun were slightly narrowed. They both turned around, but they saw that The old man has gone to the front, smiling as before.

Shangqing looked dull, and then became furious:

"Your Majesty!!!"

Yuqing just shook his head helplessly.

The two Taoist ancestors rushed forward together, but when they passed by this place, their eyes swept across the fortune teller in gray clothes, and immediately walked out and arrived in front of Zhenwu Hall.

The group of immortals and gods were drinking and rejoicing, and none of them noticed the difference. Only Di Ting, who stood up and picked up the wine bottle, was singing and laughing wildly. Suddenly his body stiffened, his scalp went numb, and he woke up in an instant. Already sweating profusely.

"What, what's going on?"

"This feeling..."

The corner of Di Ting's mouth twitched, and she had an inexplicable bad feeling, and murmured:

"Could it be that I, did I say something wrong again?"

"No, not so much..."

He opened his mouth, spiritual reminder, the alarm bell rang loudly, and when there was an immortal next to him toasting, Di Ting stood up before he could do anything, but his body swayed, and with a pop in front, he knelt down directly, which was an extremely standard kneeling posture. , done in one go and very skillfully.

The Giant Spirit God, Yin De Dingxiu Zhenjun and other gods were stunned and dumbfounded.

"Here, listen carefully, what are you..."

"You can't use such a big gift, hahahaha."

The fortune teller in gray clothes was sweating profusely. The corner of his mouth twitched. He raised his head and looked at the crowd of immortals and gods surrounding him. For some reason, he felt an extremely familiar feeling, as if these things had often happened in the past. This At this time, his spirit was flowing, but his soul was blessed. He raised the corners of his mouth stiffly and said with a dry smile:

"Excuse me, could you go to Tushita Palace and lend me three sticks of incense?"

"Want the thickest, thickest kind."



By the time the Sanqing Taoist ancestors left together, the child had already been bathed in spiritual light. He had the body of an innate immortal, nourished innately, and had been pregnant for hundreds of years. After his birth, he quickly grew like a three-year-old child. He changed his clothes and sat there. , eyes are big and black, with black hair hanging down behind her. She is pretty, well-behaved, and extremely cute.

The appearance resembles Yunqin, but the calm aura that seems to emanate from the bones is like Qi Wuzhuo. The three Taoist ancestors were delighted at the sight and liked the child very much. The child was born today and the Jade Emperor gave it to him. A jade pendant and a short sword were given by the Arctic Emperor Ziwei.

Fuxi had his own Bagua to protect himself, and Master Xuandu threw over a gourd of Nine-turn Purple Gold Pill.

The Taoist ancestors of the Sanqing Dynasty looked at each other and stayed here for several days.

The children are precocious in nature. In a ceremony like drawing lots in the human world, the Taoist ancestors of the Sanqing Dynasty each placed tokens representing themselves on the table. On the table, there are alchemy methods, wooden swords, and jade talismans. In addition, since There are also many treasures with brilliant auras, enough to be called boundless opportunities.

It's just that the child looked at it with wide black eyes, but he didn't make a choice.

He directly stretched out his hand and grabbed the finger of Houtu Empress next to him, with an affectionate look on his face.

The Taoist ancestors of the Sanqing Dynasty were all a little regretful. Empress Houtu held the child in her arms with a smile, and said with a gentle smile: "It seems, three fellow Taoists, that the Taoist path is rarely perfect, and this child must enter my sect. "

The Supreme Being caressed his beard and said gently: "Fellow Taoist Houtu has a strong foundation, which is why this child has a deep connection."

Hou Tuhuangdi only said: "This child has pure Qi. He practices breathing, alchemy and sword skills. If the three Taoists have time, they can come to Ruizhu Palace and give them some advice."

The Supreme Being smiled and said, "That's how it should be."

This child was born as an immortal, and when he was young, he took the Nine Turns Golden Pill, which was a very extravagant use. Instead of practicing swallowing and spitting out the medicinal properties to improve his cultivation, he simply shattered the pill. , using the powerful medicinal power of this elixir to refine the whole body and stabilize one's own innate energy.

When she was young, she was never in short supply of the flat peaches from the Jade Emperor and the ginseng fruits from the Wuzhuang Temple.

The old scalper also took the child to play everywhere, just like he took Yunqin with him before.

Everyone inside and outside the Three Realms knows who this child's parents are, and they are in awe of them. However, this child is cute, spiritual, and does not have an arrogant and domineering personality. The immortal god loves him very much. As for the danger, Bodhi also went with him later, so there was no danger.

Moreover, the Jade Emperor has not yet had any Taoist companions, so he almost regards this child as his junior. He once took her to play hide and seek in the Haotian Treasure House, allowing her to catch the clairvoyance and the wind ear. He doted on her very much, and no one dared to touch her. If he had only one finger, he would probably be caught the next day.

When I have free time, I go to the Tushita Palace, sit on the back of the old green ox and watch the rolling clouds and the beautiful scenery.

Every time at this time, the old man would always take out a gourd of elixir and hand it over to her for snacks.

Only a few years passed before I officially went to the Ruizhu Palace of Dizhi. I followed Empress Dowager Dizhi to formally practice cultivation. She used Mount Tai as the place of cultivation. She was talented and intelligent, and she had received the best guidance in the world since she was a child. The improvement is not comparable to that of the young Taoist who took advantage of the situation back then, but it is still stable.

Unknowingly, more than a thousand years have passed.


Above the Taishan Mountains.

On the top of the Jade Emperor, a little girl who looks about ten years old is sitting on the edge of the cliff on the Jade Emperor. She is gently shaking her legs, her hair is tied down, her eyes are peaceful and calm, and she is watching the wind and clouds, but there is a stream of light. , before the light dispersed, there was laughter and said: "Sister Bixia, are you looking at the scenery here again?"

Bixia turned around and saw the person who came. She was a beautiful woman in white clothes. She held a lotus lantern in her hand, emitting light and sheltering the surroundings. It was Yang Chan. Yang Chan was far less talented than her brother and had no cultivation. In the process, he couldn't find the right path, and later he still took the earthly path.

Under Yang Jian's care and support, he finally reached the ultimate level of earthly immortality, and gained the title of mountain god of a mountain in the human world. Holding the lotus lantern exchanged in Zhenwu Mansion, he is no ordinary true king. Her opponent, and everyone knows that Yang Chan, the Holy Mother of Huashan, once received the guidance of the Empress of Houtu.

The elder brother is Yang Jian, who has been unparalleled in killings over the years and is vaguely known as the number one god of war in heaven.

Although he is beautiful, he is the kind of person who does not dare to use his brain at all, both inside and outside the Six Realms.

It has been three hundred years since I have been practicing to the Immortals of the Earth. I have been stuck recently. When I breathe out, I am not making any progress in my practice. I am even a little upset and find it difficult to settle down. I think the eighth difficulty is coming, but for Immortals and Gods Speaking of which, it is normal to encounter such a premonition hundreds of years later. If it is more casual, it may happen in a thousand years.

However, Yang Jian took this very seriously and asked her to stop practicing and play outside for a while.

Secretly, all walks of life have been taken care of, so that no young man with a blind eye among the human world, the fairy world, and all spirits can provoke his sister. However, all forces with some cultivation have been secretly reminded by Yang Jian and plan to rely on He used this foreign object to help his sister avoid love disaster.

And Yang Chan didn't know anything about these things.

Yang Chan walked briskly and walked to Bixia. She also sat down gently and handed over the human snacks she had brought. The child who looked about ten years old blinked and took it. Bixia's own personality The difference is caused by a clear energy.

For her, the passage of time is different from others.

Others are getting older every year.

But she counts two hundred years as one year old.

She is the daughter of the Royal Master, she is immortal, but now she is just like a ten-year-old child.

Yang Chan often came to play with her. Today, she talked about all the things in the world and about her brother. She couldn't help but said depressedly: "It's true that my second brother asked me to travel and play outside after I entered the eight difficulties in cultivation, but he didn't I went to look for some friends from the past, but I was very bored. Fortunately, you are still here, otherwise, I would be bored to death!"

"Second brother, really, why are you so strict with me now?"

Xiao Bixia nodded, holding a pastry and taking a small bite.

Yang Chan smiled and said: "Sesame cake, I like it very much too. It tastes very sweet and fragrant. There is always good taste in the world... I heard that when the emperor was young, he met Yuanjun, the empress, when they were young. I always like to eat these human snacks.”

When mentioning this matter, the little girl's movements froze. Yang Chan knew that she had said the wrong thing, looked at the child, her eyes darkened, and said, "Do you miss your dad again?"

Bixia nodded.

Yang Chan reached out and rubbed the little girl's hair, and comforted her softly: "I met him before. I didn't remember much at that time, but I vaguely remembered that he was a very reliable and trustworthy senior who knew everything about him. If it is not difficult for him, the final calamity will certainly not be able to stop him."

"Connected by blood and soul, he must be able to feel that you are thinking of him."

"One day, I will come back to you."

The little girl nodded and hummed softly. Yang Chan told her some new things happening in the world to make her happy and divert her attention. Unexpectedly, the sky was getting darker and bursts of thunder sounded in the distance. , and soon a stream of light came to the Taishan Dojo.

Yang Jian walked out wearing silver armor, and when his battle robe was swept away, he turned into a black robe.

There are naturally the Seven Saints of Meishan and other divine generals accompanying him.

Yang Chan spotted him, cheered, went to meet him, and complained softly:

"Second brother, why did you come just now?"

Next to them, the Seven Saints of Meishan smiled and said: "Three Holy Mothers, it's not like you don't know. A few years ago, the second master achieved the honorable position and was named the [Judicial Lord]. There are too many things that need to be done. In recent days, these innate gods and demons have been too much." He is being wanton and becoming more and more arrogant. The second master has a high position and is in charge of the army, so he has many things to do."

Yang Jianwen replied: "They can't be arrogant for much longer. However, it is at this time that their counterattack becomes more and more fierce. However, these are the last few battles."

He glanced around and said, "Didn't Senior Bodhisattva come today?"

Fangcunshan Bodhi has a peculiar personality and different generations. If we really talk about it, except for the teacher Sanqing Taoist and Qi Wuhuo, his seniority will automatically double for everyone he meets. The original Buddha has the same origin and same lineage. He has a warm and nurturing personality and a high seniority, so everyone must be convinced by him.

Yang Jian turned his eyes slightly and saw that Bixia seemed to be depressed today. Yang Chan whispered a few words, and Yang Jian understood. He leaned over and looked at the child at eye level, saying:

"Do you miss the emperor?"

There is no need to say anything else. Such thoughts are self-evident. Yang Jian looked gentle and said:

"Don't worry, he must be thinking of you at this time."

"He must also want to come back."

Yang Jian thought about that day when he held his long sword horizontally and faced the backs of the final gods and demons in the final calamity, and his expression was filled with sadness. The events of that day seemed to be still yesterday, still vivid in his mind, but they were almost two thousand years ago. Finally, he raised his head and saw that the Heavenly Tower was still deep and distant, and he couldn't help but feel slightly startled.

Heaven outside the sky——

The boundless starlight circulated, criss-crossing and turning into different phases like a chessboard. The waves were magnificent and as huge as the entire six realms. The gods and demons had deep eyes, looking at the chess game and the peaceful black-haired Taoist in front of him. The Taoist looked at this dim After coming down from the chess game, he looked at the chess piece and said calmly:

"It looks like you are going to lose."

"I am waiting for the day of departure, when the poor man will return home."

"coming soon."

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