I am immortal

Chapter 685 Immortal Way and Noble Life

I'm back.

These four simple words seemed to be the response that I had been waiting for for two thousand years.

Yun Qin almost thought that he was in a dream. He was stunned for a long time. Only then, from the breeze and the bright moon, he felt that the man in front of him was not an illusory dream like haze and clouds, but a real existence.

Time has lost its meaning at this moment.

Yunqin didn't know how he took steps.

She didn’t know how she crossed that guqin, how she crossed the ten-step distance, across the wind, across the passing clouds on the mountain top, then spread her arms and threw herself into the arms of that figure until she really felt The real presence of the figure in my arms, the familiar temperature and heartbeat came through.

Only then did she truly confirm that this was not her wishful dream.

He's really back.

Yun Qin unconsciously hugged him tighter, and the Taoist did the same, holding his wife in his arms. The tip of his nose seemed to smell the faint fragrance of Yun Qin's hair. The two thousand years of separation, the longing for such a long absence. It was finally eliminated, and many of the reactions that I thought she would have, like a cat with exploded fur, opening her mouth and taking a bite on the shoulder, never had a 'response' to meet her.

No words or other actions are needed.

Just embracing each other quietly is wonderful.


Time is like turning into a jar of fine wine.

Even the wind is gentle.

I don't know how much time passed, but Yun Qin seemed to be slightly startled. Qi Wuhuo came back to his senses from the joy of meeting again after a long separation. He separated from Yun Qin, only stretched out his hand to hold his wife's waist, turned around, and saw the top of Mount Tai. Several mountain gods couldn't hold a little girl back and let her reach the top of Mount Tai.

This child was born with a beautiful face. Even though he has the life span of an immortal, he is still just a child.

But the light in his eyes is flowing, and his gaze is calm, but extremely cute. You can already vaguely see the peerless style of the future. He looks a bit like Yun Qin, but his temperament and sense of calmness are like Qi Wuhuo when he was young. , she was originally worried that she would offend her mother by not practicing well today, so she asked her mother to play the piano on the top of the mountain.

So I read hard with the scroll in my hand, and finally read through this Taoist scripture.

Then he happily ran to the top of Mount Tai with the book in his arms, and bumped into this scene. Even Yun Qin, who had been lively since childhood and had a natural and cheerful temperament, blushed and felt a little embarrassed, while the little girl was Dayou had the same temperament as Yunqin when he was young. He didn't retreat or avoid it, and stared at this scene with wide eyes.

The man had a gentle look on his face, walked up to the little girl, squatted down slightly, and looked at the child's eyes.

He said gently: "Do you know who I am?"

The little girl looked at him with wide eyes, her face was calm and expressionless, but she suddenly let go of her hand.

The scroll of Taoism fell on the ground. Bixia spread her arms and said in a soft tone:

"Daddy, hug."

A warm smile broke out on the Taoist's face, and he stretched out his arms to hold the child in his arms. Then he stood up, bent his arms and used them as a seat for the child, letting her sit there with one hand stretched out behind her. When Yun Qin came out, Bixia seemed to be worried that everything that happened now was just a dream she had before waking up. She subconsciously stretched out her little hand and grabbed the clothes on the Taoist's shoulders tightly, and even grabbed it. He had a wisp of black hair on his temples.

This peaceful scene fell in the eyes of the gods of the Taishan Mountains, but it was like a huge thunderous event in the sky. They were so excited that even their lips trembled slightly, and they were in a trance for a while before suddenly moving forward. With one step, he was about to kneel on the ground to salute and address himself as Lord of the Palace, but the young Taoist stretched out his hand to stop him.

Even though he stood up, he could not hide the excitement on his face. He just wanted to rush to report the news immediately to inform the immortals and gods of the six realms in the sky and on the earth that the Lord of Mount Tai had returned. When he raised his head, he was surprised. Seeing the Taoist holding his wife in his arms and talking to his daughter, the child stretched out his hand to play with the black hair on his father's temples, seeming to be very interested, and even pulled it slightly.

It was a peaceful scene, but it also made the gods of the Taishan Mountain System grin around after hearing the news.

Catch the hair of Taishan Fujun and Zhentian Emperor.

All over the world, inside and outside the six realms.

Apart from her, there is no other person who can do such a thing or dare to do such a thing.


The winter is getting warmer, and even if spring has arrived, it is still warmer now than the spring days thousands of years ago. The roof of the old house is covered with snow, which slowly melts into water and flows along the sloping roof. The eaves rolled down and formed a long string of bead curtains. When they fell on the bricks on the ground, there was a crisp sound.

The newly warmed wine was still steaming and poured into the cup.

A cup of rice wine, watching the mountains and rivers turn to spring, the woman with a warm temperament looking at the child who has returned after a long absence, watching him lower his head and talking to the well-behaved little girl, everything seems like a dream. Now this child, He already has a child.

Little Bixia, who always seemed to have endless energy, has been acting well-behaved and cute these days. Deep down in the children's hearts, they have their own standards for everything in this world. For example, when walking, you must walk into the shadows and cannot jump. It takes half a minute to go out, or it takes several blows to knock off a branch and leaf on the tree, and you can't go out more than once.

Deep down in her heart, this little girl probably feels that if she is good and practices well, her father who comes back like a dream will not leave. In the past, she disliked sitting and meditating, breathing in and refining Qi. If this happened The child's father personally taught her, but she was able to sit still and sit firmly.

Empress Wa said:

"This child has been very well-behaved in the past few days, but I don't know how many days he can be well-behaved."

Little Bixia ran to the side of Empress Wa in small steps, stretched out her little hand to hold the arm of Empress Wa, who loved little Bixia the most in the world, and then raised her white and cute little face and looked at Wa with wide eyes. The Imperial Empress, then whispered softly: "Isn't Bixia good?"

Innocent and cute, Empress Wa's heart melted. Even if she was lazy a few times, she still forgave her. Sometimes even the most willful Fuxi could not withstand such a scene. Zhao, he had no choice but to sigh and let the child ride on his shoulders to travel all over the world.

Go whale fishing in the North Sea and watch the sun in the East China Sea.

Everyone knows that Fuxi's taboo list now has another one that cannot be messed with.

Empress Wa also smiled and said: "Be good, did you say that little Bixia is not good?"

Empress Houtu looked at Emperor Wa and shook her head helplessly. She wanted to say something, but then she thought that her performance was not much better than Empress Wa, so what she planned to say was not that effective. Feeling confident, he looked at Qi Wuhuo and asked:

"So, Wu Huo, are the gods and demons transformed by the Final Tribulation really dead?"

Qi Wuhuo nodded slightly and said, "Of course it is."

He spoke in a calm tone as he told the final outcome of the god and demon. The god and demon's true form collapsed and turned into a galaxy, while the god and demon's own true spirit and Qi Wuhuo fell into the world. A game of chess that lasted three hundred years. In the Spring and Autumn Period, they fought against each other for three hundred years, but were finally defeated. In the end, the remaining true spirit turned into a stone.

Those are no longer the gods and demons who will create the world in the next era.

It was a living being who was brought into this world by Qi Wuhuo with that sword two thousand years ago. Qi Wuhuo refined the stone, then placed it on the top of the Jade Emperor in the main vein of Mount Tai, and let it The earth's veins flow and wash away, allowing it to completely enter this world and absorb the essence of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

"Perhaps one day, he will not be the god and demon responsible for creating the world, but will be born in this world and become the God of War of the Taishan lineage. At that time, there will be a catastrophe that he will break."

After hearing this, the empress of Emperor Tuzhi was slightly absent-minded.

Looking at the Taoist in front of him who said these words calmly.

Unknowingly, the young Taoist who walked around the world with a sword already had such methods and eyes. Qi Wuhuo noticed the eyes of Empress Houtu, raised his eyes and asked with a smile: "Empress, what's the matter? ?”


Empress Houtu smiled and shook her head, and then sighed: "I just think so."

"Wuhuo, you have grown up."

The Taoist replied gently: "I have lived for thousands of years, and I should do what I should do... My responsibility as the founder of the world has been interrupted. My power as an ancient god and demon has been exhausted, and I am left with nothing left." With this foundation laid, there may be another chance to come back.”

This time, the Taoist looked at the green mountains in the distance. The layers of dark clouds dispersed. The sunlight poured in from the gaps in the clouds and fell on the body. It made people feel warm in their hearts. The Taoist looked at the vitality of the world. Vigorous, everything is renewed, and he whispers:

"Immortal way, precious life."

"The sun has come out, ladies and gentlemen, Wuhuo takes his leave first."

Qi Wuhuo stood up, and Xiao Bixia, who was still in Empress Wa's arms just now, jumped to the ground and ran to her parents. Empress Wa looked at the child helplessly, and then said, "Where are you going to go?"

Qi Wuzhuo has been back for a few days. Bodhi came here to visit him on the first day he learned the news. Others, such as Uncle Niu, father-in-law and mother-in-law, have all met him. Qi Wuzhuo raised his eyes and took a look. Tianque asked the little girl to sit on his shoulders and said with a smile:

"The world is so big, I will eventually go to heaven to fulfill the promise I made back then."

"However, before that, I plan to take my children to play in the world to make up for my lack of a father."

The Taoist smiled and said: "The mountains are high and the rivers are long. You two queens, please come back to us if you have no doubts."

"Bixia, go say goodbye to the two ladies."

The little girl was so happy that she waved to the two elders who doted on her and said in a clear and sweet voice: "Goodbye, Queen Wa! Goodbye, Queen Houtu!"

The two empresses smiled and nodded. There are many partings in this world, but for them, meeting each other is not difficult. Seeing the figures of Qi Wuzhuo, Yun Qin, and Bixia gradually disappearing, the two empresses Hearing the sound coming from the wind, I heard the Taoist ask: "What does Bixia want to eat?"

"Candied haws!"

"Didn't you eat it yesterday?"

The little girl thought quietly.

His voice was crisp and clear, he said every word carefully:

"The person who ate the candied haws yesterday was the me yesterday, but the me today is different from the me yesterday."

"So, I didn't eat candied haws on a stick today."

So the Taoist couldn't help laughing and shook his head, straightening his back, which made the little girl sway. She didn't feel scared, but she rarely laughed happily. Qi Wuhuo said: "Okay, let today's Bixia eat today." Candied haws, then, do you want to eat it tomorrow?"

The little girl's eyes were bright and she said, "Then you have to ask me tomorrow!"

Qi Wuhuo couldn't help but smile.

The Empress of Houtu Emperor smiled and said: "Really, he is as smart as a young boy, but also as naughty as a yunqin."

Empress Wa smiled and said, "Isn't that pretty good?"

"Wouldn't it be boring if he had a character like Beidi?"

"However, Wu Huo said that the promise made back then..."

She looked at Qi Wuhuo's retreating figure and couldn't help but feel a little confused:

"What is it again?"

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