I am immortal

Chapter 93 Buddhism and Bird Eggs

Yunqin asked doubtfully: "Suffering a bald donkey?"

The old scalper knew that he had said the wrong thing and said quickly:

"Ah, Xiao Yunqin shouldn't learn the word bald donkey. Your father is okay, but if your mother finds out, Uncle Niu will not be able to please him."

The girl blinked: "Does Uncle Niu recognize this egg?"

The old scalper touched his chin and considered: "This, I can only say that I can guess its type with a high probability."

“But whether it’s what I thought it would be depends on its condition.”

"When Xiao Wuhuo contacts you, Uncle Niu will also be watching."

"Give you two palm eyes."


[Everything in the world has spiritual energy, how much more so than humans? Man is the head of all things, and after being ordered to do so, his nature and rationality are ready]

[This is the method of Xuantong practice]

Qi Wuhuo raised his pen and let the ink on the white paper disperse.

Although he stayed up a little late, his appearance did not change at all. On the contrary, his skin was crystal clear and delicate. This was because he had completed the first few chapters of the "Sword Heart of the Seven Apertures" in the "Hunyuan Sword Code". This book is in The three talents are all stages of laying the foundation for the future practice of sword cultivation and supernatural powers. Qi Wuhuo's foundation is extremely strong at this moment, his understanding is sufficient, and his practice is a matter of course.

I just want to integrate my own understanding and recreate a magical power that does not involve the inheritance of the sword canon of Senior Sister Yumiao.

But it is quite difficult.

Qi Wuhuo has only scratched out the first part so far.

It roughly corresponds to the [Xuantong Aperture] of the Qiqiao Exquisite Heart.

Thinking about it, Senior Sister Yumiao also created such a method when she had all three talents and was not in the realm of innate Qi. Qi Wuhuo felt that there was a sky outside the world and there were people outside the world. Compared to Senior Sister, he was still far behind.

The young Taoist drew water from the well, washed his face, and felt more energetic.

Just like in the past, the unknown bird egg was sprinkled with elixir that could condense vitality.

Then had breakfast.

After taking out the things he bought, he set up a mysterious altar again and pointed directly at the [Xuanwu Seven Constellations of Altair]. But suddenly he thought of that one and his mind went crazy. The young Taoist still hesitated for a moment, and he used Twenty-Four Dharma Drums. Three pillars of fragrance lead the way. This standard seems to be a little too high. I don't know who I bumped into when I was in the earth line, and I was made fun of by others.

I'm not familiar with that part of the world.

But if he still followed the previous ceremony this time, the young Taoist knew who he would meet.

That's very clear in the original scripture.

——Directly leading to the Great Supreme Way to the front of the True Jade Emperor.

Could it be that the Jade Emperor is having a banquet with the immortals, and the immortals are dancing, and the sound of the silk and bamboo orchestra is melodious, and they are raising their glasses to drink.

Then whoosh.

A package of sweet-scented osmanthus cake flew past his eyes?

With a click, it landed directly on the Jade Emperor's table?

The young Taoist suddenly felt a little unsettled in his heart, a little lacking in confidence.

The previous time, it was because he had the mountain god's talisman and had the status of an earthly being, so he was safe.

But he does not have the status of a heavenly official.

Rather, the rules in heaven are very strict.

If he had the identity of a heavenly official, it would be more troublesome if he collided with the Jade Emperor.

Otherwise, trim the specs a bit?

So Qi Wuhuo thought for a moment, then started with the first Dharma drum, and slowly added upwards. When the blessing reached the sixth Dharma drum, the Dharma altar was finally able to contact the [Alien Niu Constellation], and the young Taoist relaxed slightly. After taking a breath, I immediately realized a question, does [Altair] only need the Six-Tong Dharma Drum?

Then the Twenty-Four-Tong Dharma Drum seems to be really big.

Who in the Earthly Lineage did you disturb before?

Heaven, official, and earth are the only ones, and the two phases correspond to each other.

Among the land, there are also [Emperor Title] holders who control famous mountains and rivers.

Immediately, he reached out and touched the small bump on his head. It has not gone away yet. The young Taoist breathed a sigh of relief and comforted himself in a low voice: "From the tone of that person, he shouldn't be too angry, right?"

"Be careful next time."

"Can't do this again."

The Xuan Altar was opened, starting with [Wuhuo Daojun Baogao] and [Xuanwu Qisu Niu] as the destination. The young Taoist left when he saw the osmanthus cake and the scroll of scriptures placed on the Xuan Altar. , and then felt the changes in the bronze mirror. The mirror trembled faintly, and the spiritual light flowed, turning into a picture, stimulating the [circular light manifestation method].

I should have used this mirror to use the [Round Light Appearance Method] to contact Yunqin.

Then use the art of Xuantan.

But at this time, Qi Wuhuo once again felt that his cultivation was not enough.

When the Three Talents were in the full realm, the Yuan Qi had not yet merged with the Yuan Jing to form an innate Qi, so it could not leave the body and maintain its original characteristics. Therefore, when casting a spell, one could only touch the magic weapon with both hands, resulting in Qi Wulu's Although the soul is powerful, it cannot cast multiple spells at the same time.

Although the vitality is strong.

But it can only be done by waving out a palm, causing the vitality to escape, causing a moderate wind.

Qi Wuhuo also saw in the manuscript that Mr. Ao Liu gave him that he could turn his innate energy into cloud energy, but he couldn't do it at all.

Just practicing cultivation is the perfection of self-cultivation. The young Taoist was still calm and not in a hurry. Looking at the bronze mirror, the light spread out and the patina disappeared. Before his face was revealed, he had already heard the girl's voice. Laughter: "No confusion, no confusion, I got it, the sweet-scented osmanthus cake is so sweet!"

The young Taoist replied: "Yes."

"nice! You love it."

The light gathered in front of his eyes, and he appeared like a Yunqin, wearing red clothes and a jade belt around his waist. The hair hanging down on one side of the temple was tied up with five-color strings, and the other side was tied to the back. He looked like he had a unique heroic spirit. , then coughed and said:

"Fellow practitioner Wu Huo, that bird egg in your house is really hard to find. I, Fairy Xuanwu Yunqin, have been searching for you for several days, but I still can't find it." Yunqin said with a solemn tone, It's a pity that this kind of appearance never lasts long. Xuan even stood aside, stretched out his hand and pointed at the old scalper on one side, with a smile in his voice, and said:

"Dang Dang Dang!"

"So, I found Uncle Niu!"

"Uncle Niu recognizes it!"

The old scalper, who looked honest and honest, waved his hands with a smile: "Hey, little Wuzhuo."

"Uncle Niu."

The old scalper had a sincere face and said: "Wu Huo, have you met any bald donkeys recently? Ah, Uncle Niu said, have you met some great monks?"

The young Taoist was startled, recalling the monk who chased the fortune teller into the brothel before, and nodded.

The old scalper's face was full of displeasure, saying, "Sure enough, that's true."

His face was full of ‘disgust’.

Qi Wuhuo said thoughtfully, "Is this bird egg related to Buddhism?"

He remembered that the medicine spirit in the mountain had said that when this bird egg was found, there was a monk's corpse, as well as lotus flowers and relics. The old scalper nodded, spoke with sincerity, and sighed: "Get away from those gangs." Stay away, bald donkey, this type of egg is not found in the Shangqing Library, but Lao Niu knows about it, why do you think it is?"

"His grandma's monk suffered from the plague. Eighteen hundred years ago, when Lao Niu was the great demon king in the mountains, he was so carefree and happy. He didn't fight or eat people. He just went to resell some antiques and earn some money. , I drank and had fun with my brothers every day, ate spiritual fruits from the mountains, drank from the clear springs in the sky, and somehow, I fell in love with a bald donkey."

"When he saw that I was strong, handsome, and elegant, he captured me and used me as a mount."

"That monk is very powerful. I haven't beaten him before, so I captured him."

"So I recognize this bird egg."

"There is also a lot of friendship on the Buddhist side."

Qi Wuhuo was stunned, and for a moment he felt that Uncle Niu had a lot of experience, as if he had experienced everything.

"Then Uncle Niu, how did you get out?"

The old scalper looked proud and proud, and replied:

"A thief is a bald donkey. Although he has good moral character, how can he defeat me in his methods?"

"You, Uncle Niu, and I are arrogant and arrogant, secretly spending time in Chen Cang."

"On the face of it, I ate fast with him and chanted Buddha's name, and secretly contacted my friends from the 18th Street."

"I have made friends with these many Buddhist arhats again."

"Even though I have been suppressed by him for hundreds of years, I have never forgotten my practice."

"Finally, I found an opportunity to knock him to the ground while he was on his way to the Western Heaven. Then I smashed his temple, revealed his true colors, gnawed his lotus flower and his lotus root. He swallowed eighteen of his lotus seeds and scattered his disciples.”

"Then he snatched the relics from his pagoda and took them as a sign of surrender. Stepping on the auspicious clouds, he ran straight from the western sky to the thirty-sixth level of the gate to surrender... Beidi told his men, all the people in the North Pole The Holy Spirit looked through the files and found out that I had no serious sins, so he granted me the position of a star official. Only then did I break away from my true nature as a demon and became the star king in the sky. I can be considered to have achieved righteousness and enjoy sacrifices."

This scalper with short hair and a simple and honest face was in high spirits.

Mention your own past events.

Between the lines, one can see the demeanor of a great demon.

The two juniors listened with great interest.

Lao Niu said with emotion: "There are several branches of Buddhism, all of which come from the enlightenment of the Bodhi tree above the western sky."

"Little Wuhuo, please be careful."

Yunqin said: "Wuhuo is not like you, Uncle Niu. Those monks can't use him as a mount."

The old scalper lowered his eyes and suddenly sneered, "Who said there is nothing you can do?"

The girl was startled.

Old Yellow Niu looked at Qi Wuhuo with deep eyes and said, "Buddhism is the best at enlightenment, and it also says that all appearances are not appearances."

"Demons can turn into humans."

"A dragon can turn into a horse."

"A man can become a woman."

"He also ordered his father to be a beast and his son to kill him; his mother to be reincarnated and his son to marry her, to prove that reincarnation is unprovoked and all things are impermanent, so that people can enter Buddhism."

"I have seen monks with great compassion, and I have also seen madmen who walk in the Bone Temple."

"But if you encounter an extreme monk who practices the method of all appearances and non-existences, it is not impossible to use a method to turn people into beasts and use them as mounts to prove that [all appearances are non-existence and all living beings are equal]."

Yunqin was startled and the sweet-scented osmanthus cake fell to the ground.

The old scalper said: "The Dharma is good and the Tao is good, but people are different."

"Buddha's teachings are different from those of monks. How can Taoist priests represent the Great Way?"

"Not all monks are bad, and not all Taoist priests are good, but the Three Pure Ones are still there and can still guide the way forward. Bad Taoist priests kill most people, and there is also the North Pole Exorcist Academy in Heaven; Buddhism comes from that dumb Bodhi tree Trees and branches are all arguing with each other, and there is no definite existence to guide the way. The Western Heaven is just a place where Buddhas discuss the Way."

"The Buddha was not born, so there was no one to guide him. The monks were groping forward, taking the wrong path in practicing Buddhism, and they could do [good intentions and bad things]."

"Be careful."

Seeing the seriousness of the young man again, the girl did not even eat the sweet-scented osmanthus cake, and returned to her honest and honest appearance. She stretched out her hand to scratch the back of her head, laughed and said: "Okay, okay, don't be so quiet, just treat it like a cow." Uncle told you a ghost story."

"Don't worry about it."

"Hahaha, you must be scared!"

Yun Qin took a breath, and then began to blame the old scalper.

The honest scalper had no choice but to beg for mercy.

But this old Jianghu knew that saying it was just a story dissipated the children's fear.

But that impression will stay in my heart forever. When I encounter it in the future, I will naturally be alert. That is enough.

Fu scratched his head again, dropped the subject, and laughed:

"Here, let me see Uncle Niu. Is it the one behind you?"

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