The moonlight shone on Xia Yi's face, like a teenager who came out of a comic, he was so otherworldly.

In particular, the warm hand on his head made Gao Si Dance feel as if he was about to fall in love!

For a while, I only felt inexplicably calm, and a trace of confusion appeared on my delicate pretty face.

For a while, the body and mind were immersed in the peaceful atmosphere of the moment.

The troubles disappeared under the hands that seemed to have magical powers.

Everything is so beautiful.

Until, Xia Yi quickly took his hand back and stretched lazily: "Okay, it's dark, change it back." "

A sentence broke the tranquility and brought Gao Si Mai back to his senses.

A hint of blush appeared on her beautiful face, and she couldn't say a word, nodding weakly.

went back with Xia Yi.

After coming to the floor where Gao Siwu was through the elevator, the girl walked out of the elevator and shook her jade hand with some nostalgia: "See you tomorrow, Xia Yijun~"

"Well, you can get some rest. He nodded, closed the elevator and left.

Seeing his back leaving, Gao Siwu's eyes were blurred, and his red lips moved slightly: "It's so strange~ Why did I come to Xia Yijun to confide? Just ordinary....."

In the end, she found that she couldn't speak.

It seems that I don't recognize the so-called ordinary friends in my heart!!

What she thinks, maybe only she knows....

On the other side, the person concerned, Xia Yi, had already returned to his room.

As soon as I opened the door and came in, I found Yaoko Minato sitting on the sofa dragging her chin and thinking about something.

seemed to be thinking about something important, and when I was thinking about it, I didn't notice that Xia Yi was back.

"What are you thinking?" Seeing this, Xia Yi asked curiously.

"Eh!" Minato, who didn't react at all, turned her head cutely, and that look didn't have the indifferent appearance of the royal sister when they first met.

It's just not too cute!

Xia Yi, who was watching, was also distracted for a while.

At this time, Minato Yaozi had already come back to his senses, looked at Xia Yi barely kept calm, and lightly opened his red lips and said, "Lord Xia Yi, I was thinking just now..... Something personal. "

As soon as she remembered the image she had just recalled, she couldn't speak.

Do you want to say that you like to be held by each other and like the smell of each other?!

That's too much out of her character!

"Personal matters, then I won't ask, but.... Can you change your name?Lord Xia Yi or something, it sounds too strange, right?!" He couldn't help but pout.

"What's the better name?" Minato asked softly, frowning.

"Just call me Xia Yi, or just bring an honorific title. Xia Yi coughed lightly and said slowly.

"I understand, Xia Yijun~" Minato Yoko pondered for a moment, and suddenly replied with a sweet smile.

"Alright, it's not early, if you don't have anything important, go and rest. Xia Yi bowed slightly, and then arranged.

"Then don't disturb Xia Yijun's rest, good night. The girl smiled heartily, and then stepped away with her long legs.

However, after going out, his originally calm face suddenly changed, and the face of Takashi Mai instantly appeared in his mind.

"Is it his girlfriend? No, it shouldn't look like it....."She muttered quietly, feeling very unhappy inexplicably, and even hostile to the first time they met Gao Si Mai!

She was secretly determined to investigate.


The next day, the base of the Armored Corps.

Gao Si told them everything that had happened before, including the news that Earth would be destroyed by the Heim Underworld!

She said everything.

The faces of everyone present changed instantly, including Wu Dao Guangshi!

He said that the mentality exploded again!!

Especially when he learned that it was Ge Ye Hongtai who said the news, he gritted his teeth in the bottom of his heart.

"Why! Why did he break his promise to tell the secret! Don't you know that this will only cause trouble?!"

Although I thought so in my heart, I didn't express it at all on the surface.

I just kept my composure and continued listening.

Soon, Takaji Mai decided to tell the citizens of Sawaya City everything.

So, he called on the citizens to come.

But Kure is not ready to sit idly by and watch all this develop.

He knew in his heart that if he really let Gao Siwu reveal the news, she would definitely become a thorn in the side of the World Tree and completely destroy the World Tree's plan.

That's not just an unhappy thing, but it's also about life, and it's very dangerous!

In order to stop it, he had to choose to summon the Outlanders through the lock seed and let the Outlanders come out to trouble.

The successful idea of making Takaji Dance at the beginning completely failed.

Later, when Ge Ye Hongtai rushed to clean up the outlanders, it broke out completely.

Directly beat the latter, but .... In order to stop his abnormal behavior, Takashi Mai accidentally slapped him.

It was this slap that completely made Mitsumi Kuroshimi fall into paranoia and madness!!

All this came from the news of Minato Yoko, who witnessed all this while tracking Mitsumi Kureshima, and then told Xia Yi the complete information.

In the apartment, after listening to everything introduced by Minato Yoko, Xia Yi also smiled helplessly.

Sure enough, it was really an elusive fate, and Kushima Mitsumi was about to turn black.

He deeply remembered that it was this slap that knocked the once smart and handsome little brother into blackening.

Although the main reason is that Mitsumi Kushima is too paranoid, when he encounters this kind of pig teammate, anyone's mentality will explode, and the most important people don't understand.

He just wanted to say: I'm tired, let's destroy.

"Things seem to be going to get interesting next, hard work. Xia Yi chuckled lightly and said slowly.

Minato shook her head and asked curiously, "Then what should we do next?"

"What should I do? cold salad~ Let's just watch the play, whatever they do, just don't come to hinder us. Xia Yi chuckled and said with one hand on his chin.

"I see. Minato Yaozi nodded, then became hesitant, and thought again: "Xia Yijun, can I ask a question?"

"Yes. "

"Our goal.... What exactly is your goal?" asked Yaoko Minato, expectantly.

"The goal, to get the golden fruit. "

"By the way, I don't seem to have told you that the Golden Fruit is a fruit born in the underworld of Heim with special powers, which can help our obtains become gods, the masters of the world!"

As he spoke, he slowly got up, his tone domineering and firm!

"I want that, to be the one who holds all the powers, to reign over the world!"

"Minato, help me~ Help me get that?!"

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