The next day, in the underworld of Heim.

Ge Ye Hongtai and Kushima Mitsumi stepped into it.

This time, they came in completely at the invitation of Kureshima Mitsumi.

As for the reason, it is also Wu Dao Mitsushi who said that he hopes to find the overlord and communicate to see if it has any effect.

It just so happened that Ge Ye Hongtai was also faintly unwilling to give up, and Wu Dao Mitsushi's suggestion directly hooked his heart.

So I agreed, and then came here.

As he walked behind, he couldn't help but suddenly remember what had happened before.

"I'm sorry, Mitsushi, the dance thing.... It's me who broke my agreement with you....."Ge Yehong looked apologetic.

Hearing this, Wu Dao Guangshi pretended to be disapproving: "It's okay, I didn't take it to heart anyway...."

"And now it's more important to protect the city, and you have to find the overlord to convince them to end the struggle!" "

Seeing this, Ge Ye Hongtai didn't think much about it, just smiled and nodded, and then prepared to find the overlord.

However, in the process, Mitsumi Kureshima also started his plan, taking the initiative to inform Sid to go somewhere, and the two of them jointly encircled him.

But..... Things turned out completely beyond his imagination.

By the river, he was stunned and looked at Sid, who was blown up by the form of victory, and completely fell into a state of doubt!

Although I know that Ge Ye Hongtai has a new lock species, but..... This strength is too exaggerated!!

Sid was beaten to the point where he was lifted from his transformation without even fighting back, and he didn't even have the strength to stand up.

Looking embarrassed, he lay on the ground and opened his mouth to ask Wu Dao Guangshi for help.

The latter was also completely in a state of panic.

He didn't think he could defeat Ge Ye Hongtai in this form with a move!

Once the shot fails, he's really.... I can't go back to the Armor Team!!

Wouldn't this be stealing chickens and rice!

The brain is running fast, thinking about ways to break the game.

Instantly, an answer appeared in my heart.....

Kill Sid!

As long as Sid is dead, only the Battle Pole Lingma will know about his plan.

And that guy is much simpler, just explain the situation.

In this way, he can hide in the armor team as before!

Thinking of this, without the slightest hesitation, he suddenly raised the grape gun in his hand, ready to give Sid the final blow.

But the accident happened again, only to see an emerald green exotic suddenly appear!

But the difference is .... He spoke!

"Do you have a noble person entering my territory?" asked Jade, who looked like an elegant gentleman, suddenly.

This is his domain, according to the division of their overlord.

"Outlanders.... Speak up!!" Wu Dao Mitsumi saw this scene, and he couldn't stay calm and stunned for a second.

Outlanders who can talk, what does this mean?

There is no doubt that this emerald green being in front of you is... O ruler of this forest, overlord!!

The first time I saw the existence that had always been in a state of hearing and hearing, there was also a hint of jealousy and irritability in Wu Dao's eyes.

It was really an accident that one after the other appeared, completely breaking his initial plan.

His original plan was also very simple, to trick Ge Yehong into the Heim Underworld, and let Sid take the initiative to show up and provoke!

When the time comes, Mitsumi Wu Dao will give him a key sneak attack to end the battle!

It's very simple, but it's very practical to deal with a naïve man like Ge Yehongtai!

But.... The situation had completely exceeded his expectations.

Whether it's the terrifying power of Ge Yehong's new form, or the sudden appearance of the overlord.

The only thing that is clear and straightforward is.... He's in trouble now!

"Xiao Shi, you go quickly! The strength of the overlord is very strong, and I can only delay a little time!" At this time, Ge Ye Hongtai, who saw the appearance of jade, remembered the picture of being blown up by Zhenhong before, and hurriedly said.

"I..." Hearing this, Wu Dao Guangshi was also slightly stunned, and his heart was slightly moved.

But then he returned to coldness, nodded indifferently, and then secretly approached Sid.

Taking advantage of the confrontation between Ge Ye Hongtai and Jade, he left here with barely recovering some strength.

After not taking a few steps, Sid suddenly shook off Wu Dao Mitsumi, stared at him cautiously and angrily, and said coldly: "You just wanted to kill me!"

Hearing this, Wu Daoguang didn't mean to hide it when he saw that the matter was revealed, but said indifferently: "Anyway, even if you go back like this, the punishment you face will not be much better than death, right?"

"Are you threatening me?!" Sid heard the implication of the words, that is, Kutoshima Mitsumi could not keep the secret of his failure and exonerate him, but Sid also had to pay the price.

As for the price ....... I'm afraid it's not that easy!

Thinking of this, the anger and resentment that could not be contained kept surging up in my heart.

Hate yourself for being too weak, hate yourself for having no rights, and even.... Hate the world!

But the situation is stronger than people, and now he has no other choice when he bows his head!

"Cut, what do you want?" he asked with a cold snort.

"I don't have any other thoughts, I just hope you don't get into trouble with me because of what happened before, because our mission isn't over yet!" Mitsumi Goshima replied slowly.

"I see...," Sid, who bowed his head, snorted coldly and agreed.

Then he asked, "What the hell is that guy's lock?!

"I don't know, that's also the lock species that Soraku gave him, so it's very powerful....."Mitsumi Goshima shook his head and guessed.

He was also curious about the power of the Victorious Lock.

"With that lock power, I'm afraid it won't be so easy to deal with him...."Sid continued slowly.

"That's good, but I have other ways....", Mitsumi Wu Dao gently touched his chin and replied slowly.

"What's the solution?" Sid asked, looking up curiously.

"I can't tell you yet, you can rest here first, and I'll go and see how it goes. Wu Dao Mitsumi immediately set off towards the location where Ge Ye Hongtai and Jade were.

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