Glancing at the silly Silly Orange, Naritaki said that he didn't want to talk to the fool, so he rolled his eyes and finally said: "In short, only fifteen Heisei knights, including Kaiwu, can stop the conspiracy of the Baddan Empire, Sa~decade, what are you going to do?"

As soon as the words fell, the figure slowly melted into the white curtain and disappeared in place.

Seeing the disappearance of Naritaki's figure, Menyashi was thoughtful, and his deep appearance made Ge Ye Hongtai dare not disturb the other party.


"Brother, you want a fruit platter of ice cream!" said the store manager, placing the finished delicacy in front of Menyashi.

The latter's eyes instantly glowed with gold, and his spirits rose up, and then... As if he had forgotten what had just happened, he feasted on it.

Who isn't a foodie!

Ge Yehong, whose face was full of black lines, coughed lightly: "Ahem, I still don't know who you are!"

"Oh, haven't I introduced myself yet?" Mochiyashi, who was tasting the delicious food a little bit, replied casually, "As that guy said, I'm the destroyer of the world, and you can call me Moyashi." "

"So Mr. Monyashi, what should we do next?I don't know why you brought me with you, but since the crisis is imminent, you can't sit idly by!"

"What else can I do?go and gather the other knights~" Menyashi lowered his head and tasted the deliciousness, revealing a happy expression.

"But.... There's a lot of trouble among those guys!" he said with a meaningful smile.


"Like me, there are a lot of arrogant guys in there, and it's not as easy as you think to get them to come over and cooperate~" Kadoya smiled playfully.

"But even if it's troublesome, we have to do it! we can't sit back and watch the so-called Baddan Empire destroy our world!"

"That's right, so what other information is there at the moment?, such as the boy who is the key to everything~" Kadoya suddenly got up and walked in front of Hiiragi with the large cup of fruit ice cream, his eyes looking at him like a sharp sword.

Hiiragi was a little frightened by the strange uncle's eyes, and ducked back.

Seeing this, Menyashi didn't care, turned his head to look at Xia Yi, and the look of scrutiny in his dark eyes did not disappear.

This strange man gave him a very awkward feeling, although he couldn't tell what was wrong, but it just made him very uncomfortable!

Stared at by such scrutinizing eyes, Xia Yi did not have the slightest intention of evading, and looked directly at him with a faint smile.

"What's the matter?"

Seeing Xia Yi so indifferent, Menyashi felt even more strange, but for the sake of justice, he pretended that nothing had happened, and slowly asked:

"Can you elaborate on what happened when you met him?"

"Okay, that's probably what happened....."Xia Yi didn't hide anything, and told Menya about Hiiragi's situation and Hongo's appearance.

"Anyway, that's probably the case.,Hiiragi's words may be the source of all the weird things happening in Zeya City right now~"

"I see, so No. 1 they also started to act~ Then there is not much time left for us, it's time to act. Kadoya suddenly smiled.

"Yo Xi, let's go quickly!" Ge Ye Hongtai looked impatient.

Kadoya shook suddenly: "No, leave the matter of summoning the Heisei knights to me, what you have to do is to protect Hiiragi! "

"Eh, but..."Ge Yehongtai was slightly stunned, and stopped talking.

"Don't worry, although those guys are very troublesome, they are all knights after all, but they will sit back and let us fight alone. Kadoya smiled, and then prepared to gather the other Heisei knights.

But at this time, suddenly another voice sounded.

"I'm going too!In order to get stronger strength, I'm going to go with me too!" Aojiao, who stepped on a crisp step, also walked in and said bluntly.

"Oh, are you?" asked Menyashi, slightly stunned.

"Armored Knight Baron, Exorcist Ring Fight!" replied with a serious expression.

"Baron? Alright, you can come with me. He didn't think much of it, chuckled and nodded, and left with him.

After the Gate Yashi and the Pattern Destroyer Ring Dou left, Ge Ye Hongtai watched Hiiragi fall into deep thought.

"Badan.... Why the hell did you snatch Hiiragi?"

Although the voice was very small, Xia Yi still heard it, and said with a slight smile: "Maybe it's because of his special ability~"

"Special abilities?" Ge Yehong's expression froze, but he couldn't think of any clues.

And Xia Yi didn't mean to explain much, anyway, if the earth didn't explode, he would slowly brush up the scores, and the errand would still be handed over to Wang Xiaoming, who likes to wave around~

"But since he's handed over Hiiragi to you for protection, I'll leave first. Xia Yi slowly got up and said.

"Uh... Good. Ge Yehongtai didn't think much about it and nodded.

However, Gao Siwu on the side heard that Xia Yi was leaving, and showed a reluctant expression.

It's been so long that I've been together, and it's always a pity to be separated suddenly.

But there is no hindrance, after all, they live in an apartment and don't have to worry about anything.


As soon as Xia Yi left with his front foot, suddenly an evil purple light rose into the sky, rendering the city with an ominous aura!

"That's..... Ba Dan can't help it anymore?" The corners of his mouth curled slightly, and Xia Yi immediately went directly in that direction.

At this time, the two cadres in the Ba Dan who appeared in that position were impressive.

Nidel, a porcupine monster who looks like he was hammered to death by the empty self!

Eisuke Sankage, a tiger-type robot!

Behind them were the smirking soldiers, who were as crazy as wild beasts!

wreak havoc in the city.

"Not an Outlander?What are these things?!" The first to arrive were Kushima Takahu and Kushima Mitsumi of the World Tree.

The latter looked at the monster he had never seen before, full of surprise.

As if hearing his question, the people of Ba Dan reported to their families: "We are the underground empire of Ba Dan, and from now on this world will be ruled by us!!"

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