I Am In Charge of Myriad Realms Bank

Volume I_Chapter 825 Bamboo sea waves, split liver and gallbladder

"I am old now, but I can still live for 2000 years, and I can afford the price."

"It's just that if you want the old man to pay off his debts, you need to defeat the old man!"

Hearing this, Nangong Jun narrowed his eyes and said coldly.

"Then...defeat you!"

Yang Zimo didn't talk nonsense, he suddenly drew out the Soul Extinguishing Sword, and directly slashed it out.


In desperation, Nangong Jun reacted quickly. He immediately pulled out a slender soft sword from his waist, and then firmly pressed against the long sword in front of him.


He never expected that this long sword was called Miehun!


"This... this is the Soul Slayer Sword!"

He immediately let out a muffled snort, then backed away crazily with a very bad expression, and looked at the long sword glowing with faint green light in Yang Zimo's hand in horror.

Caught off guard, he was injured by Yin Hun!

Great loss of combat power!

"That's right."

Yang Zimo could clearly feel the change in Nangong County's aura, and knew that his goal had been achieved, and he was about to put away the Soul Extinguishing Sword immediately.

The left hand is innocent, the right hand is innocent!

One big and one small, two sharp swords!




Immediately, go straight to Nangong County!

Don't give it any chance to recuperate!


At this moment, Nangong Jun immediately said: "Let me show you... the power of Ye's swordsmanship!"


The soft sword in his hand was hard and straight, stabbing Yang Zimo straight.




Immediately afterwards, the two sides fought close to each other.

There are many sword shadows, all kinds of sword skills are displayed in an instant, and the eyes are dazzled, and it is impossible to see clearly.


Lecturer Song and the three were not in the mood to care about this at all, and turned around and fled without hesitation!



Suddenly, in the bamboo forest, wind came out of nowhere.

Make a sound of swords!


The next moment, Lecturer Song and the three of them were about to leave when they heard this voice. They were caught off guard and became dizzy and couldn't stand upright!

"Bamboo Forest Sword Formation!"

"Run away!"

Lecturer Song and the three of them obviously realized something, their complexions changed drastically, and they urged all means to escape from the ten-mile bamboo forest!




However, when they were about to rush out, they suddenly found that their legs were as heavy as lead, and it was extremely difficult to take every step.




Soon, the seven orifices of the three of them began to bleed, and their bodies shook...




Then, they fell to the ground in unison.




"It's your turn!"

Nangong County stared at Yang Zimo coldly, and said, "Yang Zimo, you have such a good swordsmanship talent...it's a pity!"

"Wanjie Bank sent you here to ask for debts, you really look down on me!"

But at this time, Yang Zimo's focus was completely different: "You haven't studied Ye's Sword Manual thoroughly yet?"

After fighting for a while, he had already figured out Nangong County's swordsmanship!

Although extremely strong, but...

Compared with myself, it is far worse!

"I thought it would be a fierce battle, but I never thought...you are too weak!"

Yang Zimo shook his head and said in disappointment.


Nangong Jun said coldly: "Where do you have the courage to say such things in front of the old man?"

"I wanted to use your hand to comprehend Ye's sword manual."

Yang Zimo continued his words: "So, it took a while."


"Kneel down!"

"Pay the debt!"

The moment the voice fell, an extremely violent sword intent suddenly erupted from his body, and the sword energy raged, forming a towering giant sword in an instant, and then fell from the sky, stabbing down fiercely!


This giant sword appeared out of thin air, and it was extremely fast, giving no reaction time at all.


After all, Nangong County is still a master of swordsmanship, and his own strength is also extremely strong, so he reacted immediately, and then shouted: "Bamboo Forest Sword Formation!"

"Thousands of Swords Crying Together!"





The next moment, the Bamboo Forest Sword Formation, which had already been activated, was brought into full play in an instant.

The terrifying sword energy is raging, and the bamboo sea is surging!

There were piercing sounds of sword cries!

Looking carefully, these green bamboos are tall and straight, standing up to the sky, revealing tenacity, like a sharp sword, straight into the sky!


With the landing of Yang Zimo's giant sword, the offensives of the two sides collided brazenly!

Then, the Bamboo Forest Sword Formation suddenly wailed.



The strong wind blew, and the bamboo forest swayed wildly, as if following a certain rhythm, but gradually, when the green bamboos were about to break, they succeeded in carrying them down!

He carried all the terrifying sword intent and sword energy of the giant sword!

"Yang Zimo, the one who should kneel down is you!"

At this time, Nangong County sneered, and immediately his figure flashed, like a cheetah, he rushed towards Yang Zimo!

With the help of the bamboo forest sword array, he blocked Yang Zimo's terrifying attack!

Then, he freed his hand and fought Yang Zimo close to him!

He wants to use his cultivation to crush Yang Zimo!

Eight ranks against four ranks!

He wins!

"Your understanding of the way of the sword is indeed better than that of the old man, and the will of the way of the sword must be more tenacious, but... so what?"

"In this bamboo forest sword formation, the old man can stand invincible!"

"Block everything!"

"Now, your sword intent and understanding of the way of the sword are blocked by the bamboo forest sword formation, what else do you have to fight with me?"

Nangong County laughed grimly: "The debt of Wanjie Bank...doesn't matter if you don't pay it back!"


"No thoughts!"

Yang Zimo just glanced at Nangong County lightly, and then threw the two-handed sword high into the sky without hesitation!



In the next moment, the two holy artifacts were directly integrated into the giant sword!

Then, this huge sword seemed to have a soul in an instant, and its power was overwhelming!

Brazenly smashing the bamboo forest sword array!




Immediately, Wanzhu broke.


At the same time, Nangong County had already arrived in front of Yang Zimo, with a soft sword in his hand, less than three inches away from Yang Zimo's throat!



The next moment, he was directly pressed to the ground!

Can't move!


Seeing this, Yang Zimo spat out another word.


Then, the huge sword stood in the air, no longer stabbing down!

As for Nangong County, it survived, but...

But can't move!

"Do not!"

"Why are you so strong? How is this possible?! Fighting across four levels, are you a human or a god?"

Nangong County was so frightened that his liver and gallbladder were torn apart.

"Yang is just an apprentice of Wanjie Bank!"


The next moment, Yang Zimo directly pressed one hand on Nangong Jun's head to collect his lifespan!


"Do not!"

"Old lifespan!"

Nangong Jun wanted to struggle, but found that he couldn't move at all, so he could only yell.


In an instant, his voice became hoarse and... weak!

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