Chapter 69 Great Monster Earth Spider vs General of Nura Group!!


The earth spider laughed presumptuously, and the huge demon qi was erupting from his body, surging power, shaking the sky.

“It’s painful, it’s really painful.”

He wears a mask of a demon on his face, and as a top-level monster, the earth spider has extremely powerful powers.

The defensive power is also extraordinary.


Nu Liang Slippery Dodged this heavy blow of the earth spider, and the snow girl Xue Li on the side waved her hands, and the extreme cold qi gathered at this moment, and the cold qi turned into ice with the intention of freezing the earth spider.

However, the earth spider easily broke through Xue Li’s attack, causing all the demons of the Nuliang group to show shocked expressions.

“How is it possible, Shirley’s freeze is simply impossible for anyone to stop.”

The crow tengu was shocked, and he also had an obvious understanding of the power of the earth spider

“It’s too strong.”

Nu Liang’s slippery eyes flashed with excitement, “The earth spider will be my companion.” ”

Nu Liang Slippery Scoop sent an invitation to the Earth Spider, and he recognized the strength of the Earth Spider, and if he could become a member of the Nu Liang Group, the power of the Nu Liang Group would also expand significantly.

“Hahaha, Nuliang Slippery, I said, as long as you can defeat me, I will join your Nuliang group.”

The earth spider smiled, his expression was quite proud, “I, the earth spider will not be with waste monsters.” ”

“Bastard, arrogant fellow, I’ll let you know how powerful the Nuliang group is.”

The baboon, one of the Nuliang group, clenched his fists and suddenly slammed into the earth spider. The earth spider smiled, raised his hand and waved it easily, and the baboon’s body was slapped out by the earth spider.


The body of the baboon is directly buried on the ground, which is particularly embarrassing.

“Change me.”

The bull ghost snorted coldly, and the katana in his hand condensed the fear of the monster, and the terrifying demon qi was released from the cow ghost’s body.


In an instant, the bull ghost quickly swung his knife and attacked the direction of the earth spider. The earth spider was undaunted, and one arm met the attack of the bull ghost.


To the cow ghost’s surprise, his knife could not break through the earth spider’s defenses at all, and the sound of gold and iron clashing sounded, and the bull ghost was suddenly shocked back and flew out.

“Bull ghost.”

Nu Liang slippery scoop caught the bull ghost who flew out not far away, and the impact brought by inertia still made the two fly a considerable distance.

“Hahahaha, are the monsters of the Nuliang group all some waste?”

The earth spider opened his mouth and mocked, the cow ghost’s face was embarrassed, and he looked at Nu Liang with a slightly apologetic smile, “General General…”

“Let me do the rest.”

Nu Liang shook his head, pulled out the demon knife on his waist, and quickly attacked the earth spider.

Nu Liang, who had a weak sense of presence, swung a knife, leaving a wound on the waist of the earth spider.

“Nuliang Slippery Scoop!!”

The earth spider smiled, but was not too annoyed, and his arm quickly grabbed towards the slave slippery scoop.

Nu Liang’s slippery body floated, easily dodged the attack of the earth spider, and activated his ability again.

In battle, erase your own existence.

However, this time did not hurt the earth spider as always, and a more terrifying force erupted from the earth spider’s body.

Under the action of demon power, the earth spider turned into a copper and iron bone, defending against the attack of Nu Liang’s slippery scoop.

“It’s boring, Nu Liang Slippery, are you at this level?”

The earth spider laughed proudly, so that Nu Liang couldn’t help but let out a turbid breath, and looked at the earth spider with a serious expression, “I underestimated you, earth spider.” ”

“But that’s what excites me.”

Nu Liang raised his head, his gaze met with the earth spider, and the coercion in the air seemed to reach the extreme.

The two momentum collided with each other, and Nu Liang’s slippery body erupted with a coercion no less than that of the earth spider.

“It’s so powerful, it’s really worthy of being a general general.”

The monsters present all showed shock.

“Yes, Nu Liang Slippery Scoop, you can achieve this level, and you are already qualified to be my opponent.”

The earth spider appreciated the slave Liang slippery words, and his arm quickly waved a palm at this time, and a huge wind and wave swept at this moment.

Nu Liang smiled slightly, responding to the earth spider’s words, “Then I am really honored.” ”

When the words fell, Nu Liang dodged the attack of the earth spider, and his body suddenly disappeared, and when he reappeared, he was already standing behind the earth spider.


The earth spider laughed maniacally, his body suddenly reacted, swung his arm into a fist, and the next moment it was about to fall on Nu Liang’s slippery body.

However, Nu Liang’s slippery figure suddenly disappeared. The earth spider’s fist landed on the ground, causing the ground to crack a deep ravine.

“Your little trick has no effect on me at all.”

The earth spider’s face showed a mocking expression, “What are the moves, continue to use them.” ”

“As you wish.”

Nu Liang chuckled, and was just about to wave the demon knife in his hand to attack the earth spider, when a voice in the distance interrupted the battle between the two.

“Youkai, you’ve had enough noise.”

Char held the Red Shadow Demon Knife Ji in the state of the demon knife in his hand, and appeared in the field of vision of Nura Slippery Scoop and Earth Spider.


“How can there be humans here, and a witch.”

The appearance of Char and his party made the cadres of the Nuliang Group couldn’t help but show surprised voices.

“Humans, stay out of the way.”

The earth spider waved his fist, and the power of this punch was great, and it directly rushed towards Char’s head.


Looking at the attack of the earth spider, Char’s mouth showed a playful smile, and his figure suddenly jumped.

The overlord color was entangled, and Char met the attack of the earth spider with a sword.


Under the collision of the two forces, a violent collision occurred, making the ground tremble and the dust filled.

“What a powerful force.”

The cadres of Nu Liang Slip and Nu Liang Group looked at Char with horror in their eyes.

Char’s power made Nu Liang feel some heart palpitations.

“Who are you?”

The earth spider retracted his contempt and looked at Char and asked.


Char raised his head and met the gaze of the earth spider, and the smell of gunpowder in the air became more and more intense.

The earth spider’s gaze flashed with essence, “I remembered that you are the rumored Shura’. ”

At this moment, the earth spider finally recognized Char.

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