Chapter 78 Qingxing Lantern, Binding Bone Kiyohime Submission, Char’s Shikami lineup!!

At this moment, they seemed to have no other choice.

“Abominable human!!”

She wanted to make a move on Char, but Char’s eyes froze, and a terrifying coercion was released from his body.

The power of the overlord jade color was fully displayed at this moment.

“What kind of power is this!!”

Qingxingdeng’s face was dull, and his originally arrogant expression suddenly collapsed at this time.

“It’s so terrible, my body is actually shaking!!”

Qing Xinglang’s face immediately showed a look of horror.

Char’s momentum was too fierce, and she felt that if she dared to move, she would be crushed in the next second, and even her soul might cease to exist.


Bone Qingji was extremely white, and his face also showed a trace of despair.

There were fine beads of sweat on her forehead, and there was a feeling of collapse all over her body, and facing Char made her feel an invisible sense of fear.

This man, it’s terrible.

“Surrender or die.”

Xia Ya retracted his strength, looked at Qingxing Lantern and Bone Binding Qingji with cold eyes, and continued to repeat.

Qingxinglan and Bone Qingji glanced at each other, and the panic in each other’s eyes was at a glance at this moment.

Qing Xinglan hesitated and did not reply to Char.

“I… Submit to. ”

Kiyohime was silent for a long time, and soon said two words with difficulty. The strong sense of humiliation in his heart made Kiyohime Ji desperately want to kill.

“I… Throw in the towel and surrender. ”

Qing Xingdeng’s face showed a touch of bitterness.

She and Kiyohime can be said to be quite proud youkai, but in the face of humans who can control big youkai, they also have to lower their proud heads.


Char nodded and gathered the momentum on his body.

With him and Qingxing Lantern, Binding Bone Qingji established a contract, and the originally vicious two lords of the Hundred Ghosts Night Walking suddenly became much more well-behaved.

And Char didn’t expect that he had submitted to a group of Shikami on this trip, and thinking of this really made Char find it quite interesting.

With the power of Qingxing Lantern and Bone Qingji, Char’s camp on this side can be said to have strengthened a lot.

At the beginning, seeing the battle between Qingxing Lantern and Bone Binding Qingji, the original Char did not intend to intervene, but it seems that the more gods there are, the more powerful the spiritual power in Char’s body will become.

In order to be able to accumulate strength in the future and completely defeat the Great Onmyoji of Heianjing, it is natural that Qingxing Lantern and Bone Binding Qingji have become Char’s target.

“I suddenly feel so weak.”

Crimson Ju was a little aggrieved, and she was reduced to the weakest Charlotte god.

“Sooner or later, Scarlet Ju will become a powerful youkai.”

Xia Ya touched Crimson Ju’s hair and couldn’t help but comfort Crimson Ju.


With the comfort of his master, Crimson Ju recovered his vitality at once, and a happy look appeared on his face.

Qingxinglan and Bone Qingji looked at each other, and they didn’t slow down, and they suddenly changed from the lord of a hundred ghosts to Char’s god, and they were quite uncomfortable.

However, looking at the earth spider following Char, as well as the demon knife Ji and Suzuka Gozen, the two youkai felt that it seemed that there was nothing to become Char’s Shikigami.

“Lord Qingxinglanc, without your protection, what should we do?”

“Lord Kiyohime, can’t you leave us!!”

There were still remnants of the Hundred Ghosts Nocturnal Walker, with a pleading look on their faces, Charrang

Qingxinglan and Bone Binding Kiyohime submitted and became the two Shikami gods, which means that it is impossible to become the lord of the Hundred Ghosts Night Walking Crowd again.


Qing Xinglan and Bone Binding Qingji seemed to want to say something, but Char quickly spoke, “For your lord’s sake, I will not treat you.” ”

“But as far as you go, roll me as far.”

Xia Ya groaned, and a cold light appeared in his eyes, “Otherwise, you know what price to pay.” ”

The terrifying coercion was released again from Char’s body, and the miscellaneous monsters that were originally left behind were scattered in an instant, and did not stop for Qingxing Lantern and Bone Qingji.

Seeing the terrifying power of Char’s subordinate gods, where did they dare to stay here, for fear of provoking Char and suffering disaster.

Qing Xinglang sighed in his heart, and had accepted his order at this moment.

Although she is not willing to let her fate be in the hands of a human being, who let her not defeat Char.

The thoughts of Kiyohime and Qingxinglan were similar, and the faces of the two monsters clearly showed bitterness.

“I thought that you meddled in their big war with the intention of retreating them, but I didn’t expect that you were planning to contract gods.”

Suzuka Gozen on the side couldn’t help but sneer, Char’s strength is so strong, do you still need the power of Shikami?

“Can’t you?”

For Suzuka Gozen’s words, Char smiled undeniably, if he could contract the gods and make his spiritual power stronger, who wouldn’t be happy.

Kikyo understood what Char did, the more power Char possessed, the more certainty he had of protecting the village and the future war.

“Lord, when are we going to the West?”

The earth spider was a little impatient and wanted to hurry to the West Country to fight.

“Fix it up, let’s go.”

Char nodded, not knowing how the war between the Western Dog Demon and the Ocelot clan was going on.

“West… Westland? ”

Qingxinglan and Bone Qingji glanced at each other, and both of them showed a surprised look on their faces.

“People… Lord, is the destination of your party to the West? ”

Qing Xinglang quickly asked, making Char nodded, “Not bad, participate in the Great War of the Western Kingdom.” ”

“Just happened to run into you two funny youkai.”

Therefore, Char chose to intervene in the battle between Qingxing Lantern and Bone Binding Kiyohime, making the two monsters his Shikai and participating in the war between the Western Dog Demon and the Leopard Clan.

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