Chapter 82 Complete Body Killing Pill, Char’s Underworld Moon Broken!!


With the roar of the ocelot lord, countless ocelots raised their heads and looked in the direction of their relatives, and also roared, as if in response to the arrival of the ocelot lord.

“Lord Kinkata!!”

“Greetings to Lord Fang!!”

For a time, many monsters of the ocelot clan knelt on the ground, revealing a longing expression.

“It’s so strong, it’s really worthy of being a pro-adult.”

Chun Lan was quite happy and was not frightened by the power displayed by her relatives.

On the contrary, she was very excited, feeling that soon the dog demon would be defeated at the hands of the ocelot.


The relatives of the top big youkai laughed viciously and looked in the direction of the killing pill.

“Get ready to die, son of the Inu-sai.”

The pro-fang laughed loudly and attacked in the direction of the killing pill.

The killing pill was shocked, and I saw that the relatives opened their mouths, and the powerful demon gas bomb cut through the long sky and quickly attacked in the direction of the killing pill.


Killing Pill’s body jumped lightly, and quickly avoided the attack of his relatives, the ground emitted a violent roar, and the terrifying energy was entangled with each other, forming a huge wind wave that spread out in all directions.

“Hahahaha, despair.”

Dong Lan laughed loudly and looked at the invincible relatives, “This is the power of the clan elder, the dog demon, hurry up and submit to the subordinates of the ocelot clan.” ”

The majestic demon power gathered, and Dong Lan struck in the direction of the killing pill at this moment, and the cold qi in his hand converged into an ice spear.

The killing pill raised the innate tooth, and the sound of gold and iron clashing sounded, and the power belonging to the killing pill operated on the body of the natural tooth.


The next moment, Dong Lan was shocked out by the killing pill.

“Big sister!!”

Qiu Lan was furious, and his hands were in the direction of the killing pill, and the violent mine light struck.

“Sesshomaru-sama, I’ll stop them.”

A dog demon leader stopped in front of the killing pill, and the demon qi gathered to form a demon qi bomb, which met Qiu Lan’s attack.

The ground emitted a violent roar, and the collision of two forces made the ground suddenly crack and dust flying.

“Troublesome guy.”

Killing Pill frowned, and his body suddenly demonized at this moment, showing the posture of the body.

In his complete body, all the power belonging to the Killing Pill began to be liberated, and a huge demon qi erupted from his body, shaking the clouds at this moment.

“The power of the Killing Pill is actually so powerful?”

Looking at the killing pill in front of him, Dong Lan’s face changed slightly, and he couldn’t help but feel a trace of pressure.

Although she is also at the level of a big monster, she is just a weak monster, a ‘complete’ killing pill, but she has the power of a high-level monster.

A terrifying momentum rose up into the sky, shrouding every corner of the battlefield, feeling this terrifying aura, all the monsters felt creepy, and even some timid monsters crawled directly on the ground.

“It’s terrible!!”

Looking at the momentum released by the killing pill, Chun Lan and Qiu Lan were also stunned, and Xia Lan’s face turned even whiter.

“Hahaha, it’s really worthy of being the son of a dog general.”

The pro-fang laughed loudly, releasing a stronger momentum no less than the Killing Pill, “Let me see your power, Killing Pill!!” ”


The many monsters of the ocelot clan let out a roar at the same time, and it seemed that under the encouragement of their relatives, their momentum instantly climbed to a new height.

“It’s really worthy of being a pro-sama!!”

Seeing this, Chun Lan and Qiu Lan were amazed, and they were not so afraid of the killing pill.

After a while, the bodies of Sesshomaru and the relatives moved at the same time, and the dog demon and the ocelot began a formal fight.


The power of the two collided, emitting a thunderous sound, pushing the atmosphere of the battlefield to a climax.

At the same time, Char and his party also appeared on the battlefield.


Char let out a turbid breath, and the Red Shadow Demon Dao Ji turned into a demon knife state, and was held tightly by Char, “Dragon’s Nest Flash!!” ”

The sword light broke through the air and struck in the direction of the ocelot family.

“People… Mankind?! ”

“Why do humans appear on the battlefield?”

The monsters of the ocelot clan were shocked, and before they could react, blood stained the battlefield.


Sesshomaru quickly noticed Char’s appearance, “It’s that human from Musashi Country, he’s really here?” ”

His eyes widened and he showed a look of surprise.

Soon, what surprised Orochimaru even more was still behind, I saw Xia Ya holding the Red Shadow Demon Knife high, the terrifying power gathered, and the red blade turned black like ink.

“The Moon Breaker of the Underworld Dao!!”

The black moon-bending underworld was released, and the huge underworld path attacked the monsters on the battlefield with an indomitable momentum.


“What kind of power is that, if you are hit, it will definitely be finished!!”

The monsters fled one after another, trying to avoid Char’s Hades Moon Break, but before they could react, their bodies were swallowed into the Hades and instantly dissipated.

Sesshomaru looked at the scene in front of him, and his pupils suddenly contracted.

“How is it possible!!”

“The Underworld Moon Broke, where did he get it?!”

Killing Pill was surprised, and he didn’t expect that Xia Ya would use the move of the Underworld Broken Moon, which should have been originally mastered by the dog general.

“Abominable fellow!!”

Looking at the humans who appeared on the battlefield, Donglan was angry and hideous, and Char’s underworld path was broken, which caused the monsters of the ocelot family to lose a third at once.

“I can’t spare you, human!!”

Dong Lan said in a loud voice, “Chun Lan, Xia Lan, Qiu Lan, let’s kill that human together!!” ”

At this moment, Donglan is bound to make Char pay a price.

“Yes, big sister!”


Many monsters of the ocelot family were even encouraged by Donglan and attacked and killed in the direction of Char.

“Hahahaha, your opponent is Uncle Ben and me.”

The huge body of the earth spider stopped in front of many monsters of the ocelot family.

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