
Almost simultaneously,

Yamanaka Haichi in Hokage’s office, couldn’t bear it anymore,

Nosebleeds have flowed down,

This is a manifestation of mental power consumption ~ excessive consumption,

Quickly took down the mental power enhancer on his head,

If you continue, you really can’t bear it!

“Naruto-sama, Jiraiya-sama, this is what I saw!”

Through the evolution of the art of heart turning,

Same picture,

It also appeared in the minds of Jiraiya and others,



If you say,

Originally, although they were surprised by such a thing, but their hearts were quite stable,

After reading such a message,

This heart really can’t calm down,


Obviously, the last words of black and white, they also heard,

Ninja World, who can be qualified for this title, there seems to be no other possibility other than that existence!

“Nope! No, that guy should have been killed by the grandfather, how could he still be alive! ”

The strongest of the Uchiha clan,

Ninja Shura,

and Senjukuma jointly established Konoha’s, Uchiha Madara!

Tsunade is hard to accept,

After all, his grandfather Thousand Hands Pillar, because of that battle, died soon after,

And this Uchiha is actually not dead,

How can this be accepted?

“Tsunade, do you remember the Izanagi used by Danzo?”

Realizing something, Zi Lai Ye suddenly said in a deep voice,

Although when I saw it, I also felt anger and disgust,

But I have to admit that the power of Izanagi is indeed very strange and powerful,

It’s that Shimura Danzo this person is too mentally retarded,

Using Izanagi as a stand-in technique, isn’t this pure cerebral palsy?

“You mean!”

Tsunade is not stupid either,

When I said this, I immediately realized something.

Izanagi, the original Uchiha Madara, used Izanagi’s power when he was about to die, and was immune to death!

“This also explains why the other party has awakened the eye of reincarnation, but there is no way to stimulate the power of the eye of reincarnation by himself, and it needs to stay on someone else’s body!”

A lot of things, all the same,

“Over the years, many things that have happened in the ninja world are inseparable from this Uchiha spot!”

“In this way, his purpose should be for complete resurrection!”

Realizing this,

Tsunade immediately said,

“Nope! He must be stopped! ”

That kind of terrifying fellow, how could he be resurrected so simply,

“But! Is there anything we can do to stop it? ”


Oh, yes! Now they have just learned of such a plan,

But that Uchiha has been planning for so many years,

And they’ve already found their backhand,

How could the plan be ruined so easily!

Tsunade, who was silent, suddenly looked in the direction of Qingshan Liuyun,

Although the strength of Uchiha is very terrifying,

But today,

Among them Konoha, there is not no one who has the strength to deal with the power of Uchiha!


And not stupid, the meaning of this kind of eyes, how can Qingshan Liuyun not understand!


“Wait with peace of mind! Since it is to be resurrected, the horse’s feet will be revealed again! We still have time! ”

Qingshan Liuyun smiled and persuaded,

As a matter of fact

In fact, in his heart, Aoyama Liuyun is still quite looking forward to the resurrection of Uchiha,

The strength has grown to a certain extent, too invincible, and sometimes quite boring,

just right

Aoyama Liuyun needs to use Uchiha to test his strength,

The fourth Ninja World War is the general trend, and there is no need to stop it at all!

“This, okay!”

There was some hesitation, but still nodded and chose to believe in Qingshan Liuyun,

“There are a lot of things happening today, let’s go back and rest first!”

waved his hand,

Qingshan Liuyun was ready to leave,

“That, Lord Liuyun!”


On the side, because of the consumption of mental energy, there is still some weak Yamanaka Haichi,

After seeing that Qingshan Liuyun was leaving, he quickly said,

“If you have time, why not go to the mountain clan for a meal?” That girl in Ino has been nagging you for a while recently! ”


When I first knew that my little padded jacket was going to be snatched away by others,

Yamanaka is about to jump to his feet,

But as the achievements of Qingshan Liuyun become more and more outrageous,

Yamanaka Haichi had to admit that such a son-in-law was absolutely peerless,


For a while, the huge Hokage office instantly fell silent!

There is also some schadenfreude,

In front of Tsunade, the man who thinks about the other party, hehe, you are in trouble!

Wait a minute! What am I proud of! That’s also the goddess I’ve been thinking about for a long time!

I was about to cry out immediately,

“How, what’s wrong?”

Obviously, Yamanaka Haiichi also noticed the change in the atmosphere in Hokage’s office, and it was somewhat unclear,

“It’s okay!”

Tsunade smiled,

“It’s just that the recent intelligence department said that there are some cumbersome things that need to be dealt with, so it bothered the patriarch in the mountain!”


Jobs in intelligence?

Isn’t it always cumbersome? But take some time and it will always be solved,

That kind of troublesome thing, Yamanaka Haichi knows, but he doesn’t want to touch it at all!


Would love to say something,

But Tsunade just raised his eyebrows and looked over,

“Ming, got it!”

Yamanaka Haichi decisively answered,

I don’t know why,

It just feels that Tsunade’s eyes like this are very dangerous!

If you refuse, I am afraid that you will be directly sent flying!


Aoyama Liuyun is clear, Tsunade’s attitude has changed,

What can I say,

I’ve wronged you! Father-in-law!

On the evening of the same day, Qingshan Liuyun unexpectedly lived in the clan land of the Thousand Hands clan,

Until the wee hours of the morning,

Tsunade stopped and leaned wearily to Aoyama Liuyun’s side,

The tone is still a little tasteful,

“I really can’t imagine that you guy is very pleasing in Konoha, and even the little girl of the mountain clan actually likes you!”

“Ahem! After all, I used to be classmates, but I just had a good relationship! ”

“Good relationship?”

Tsunade expressed doubts!

Of course, nothing was said,

Anyway, as long as the old lady is powerful enough, squeeze the green mountains and clouds dry,

Naturally, there will be no other thoughts! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“Have a mission?”

What Qingshan Liuyun didn’t expect was,

Not long after the mission of Yu Ninja Village, there was something new and found himself,

“It’s a mission on the daimyo’s side,”

For Shinobi Village,

The daimyofu is the source of their experience,

Therefore, no matter what he thinks in his heart, at least on the surface, when he treats the daimyo, Shinobi Village will still respect one or two,

“The Guardian Twelve Shinobi are missing, and the strength of the Temple of Fire is seriously lacking!”

Unlike other daimyo prefectures,

The daimyofu of the Land of Fire, in addition to Konoha Village, also has its own power,

Temple of Fire!

The so-called guardian twelve ninja are the twelve ninjas who specially guard the daimyo,

Moreover, these ninjas have all reached the point of elite ninja,

The former ape flying Asma is one of the twelve guardian ninjas,

“Gee! Habitually faulty! ”

When the original Hokage and the second Hokage were in power, those daimyo obediently provided funds,

Don’t dare to put one more fart!

Since the three generations of Hokage Ape Flying Sun took the throne, it has completely changed!

The only promise of the ape flying sun slashing even made many people in the daimyofu feel,

The so-called ninja is not like this at all!

I don’t know when it started, the daimyo even had the full power to decide the next Hokage,

Gave them faces?

“The problem of the daimyofu cannot be solved in a day or two!”

The mess left by the ape flying sun chop is too big, and it can’t be changed overnight!

“This time the disappearance of the Guardian Twelve Shinobi is an opportunity!”



After noticing the change in Tsunade’s gaze, Aoyama Ryuun smiled,

“Are you planning to pit those daimyos!”

“Can’t say pit, just make it obvious to them, in this era, it belongs to ninjas!” The old samurai have long been eliminated! ”

That’s right, in the age of such a ninja,

It is outrageous that the daimyofu actually admired the power of samurai,

Even the Iron Country, known as the country of samurai, knows how to use the power of Chakra,

Ordinary samurai, farts are not!

“If you say so, then I will take this task!”

If it is only to complete the task for the daimyo, such a boring thing, Aoyama Liuyun will not waste his precious time,

But if that’s the case,

That’s interesting.

Aoyama Liuyun is ready to join in!

“That’s right! You also have a teammate on this mission! ”

Seeing that Aoyama Ruyun agreed, Tsunade began to introduce the companions of this mission,


Do you still need teammates for such a task?

Under the strange gaze of Aoyama Liuyun, Tsunade called softly,

“Come in! Hinata! ”


The next second, the Hokage’s office was opened,

Hinata’s figure slowly walked in,

“Naruto-sama! Stream,, Liuyun classmate! ”

When facing Tsunade, Hinata Hinata behaved quite normally,

However, in the face of green mountains and flowing clouds,

Hinata Hinata couldn’t help the shame in her heart and bowed her head slightly!

“Long time no see! Hinata! ”

Although it was a little strange, Qingshan Liuyun still greeted with a smile,

As the original crown princess, Hinata Hinata’s popularity is quite high!

Plus, three years of events,

Compared with the previous youth, Hinata at this time is obviously much more mature,

Well! Mature in all aspects,

This figure, no wonder Sakura is so jealous!

“This mission, the focus is still to find the reason for the disappearance of the guardian twelve Shinobi, Hinata’s white eyes, very suitable for tracking!”

There are white eyes, you can clearly see everything around you,

“The most important thing, this mission, is also Hinata’s initiative to go with you!”

Speaking of which,

Tsunade glanced at Hinata meaningfully,

The little girl’s ambition is not small! Robbing men with old women?

Hinata didn’t know Tsunade and Aoyama Rukumo’s concern,

I was already introverted and shy, and now I am even more embarrassed to hear such words,

“Fire, Naruto-sama!”

I couldn’t help but call out, wanting Tsunade not to continue,

Otherwise, it is estimated that you will faint directly!

“Is that so?”

Qingshan Liuyun did not suspect anything,

In itself, in Aoyama Liuyun’s opinion, his contact with Hinata is not too much,

Do tasks together, do tasks together!

The ability to white eyes is sometimes very convenient!

“In that case, tomorrow morning, the Konoha gate will gather at the location!”

Qingshan Liuyun behaved very seriously,

Hinata’s mood slowly calmed down,

nodded seriously to Qingshan Liuyun,

“I know, Liuyunjun, I will definitely not drag Liuyunjun back!”

Finally, finally have the opportunity to do tasks alone with Qingshan Liuyun,

Hinata is firm in her heart,

This time, no matter what, there can be no bad performance,

Nodding solemnly, Hinata left,


This performance, isn’t it too serious!

“I can’t see it!”

After Hinata Hinata left, Tsunade naturally didn’t need to worry so much,

Looking at the green mountains and flowing clouds with interest,

“There are really a lot of little girls who like you!”

“You said Hinata?”

“Then who else could there be!”

Is there anyone other than Hinata just now?

Tsunade said seriously,

“Hinata Hinata is the daughter of the patriarch of the Hyuga clan, with a special status, and the Hyuga clan has never married foreigners, but I believe that with your identity as the light of Konoha, the Hyuga clan will still give this face!”


Wow! It’s not so much like an analysis!

I don’t know, I thought I was going to marry Hinata Hinata!

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