Under the instantaneous rush of green mountains and flowing clouds,

It didn’t take a few days to do it,

It has already reached the realm of Yunyin Village!

“Sure enough!”

Looking at the environment in front of him, this attacked environment, Qingshan Liuyun understood,

You must have been attacked by Uchiha and them,

Kirabi and Naruto Uzumaki all messages,

I heard that Kirabi ran away,

As for how Naruto Uzumaki is now, then I don’t know!

However, I guess it is the protagonist after all, so there must be nothing going on!


Just when Aoyama Liuyun was thinking about how to find Naruto Uzumaki and Kirabi,

Zhao Meiyu’s familiar voice suddenly came over!


At this moment, as a water shadow, Zhaomei, I don’t know when, appeared not far from the green mountains and flowing clouds,

He was also followed by a man dressed in luxurious clothes with a very proud face!

“You’re coming too!”

After seeing the green mountains and flowing clouds,

Terumi was puzzled for a moment, and then understood,

Think about it too,

After all, it is the eight-tailed human pillar force and the nine-tailed human pillar force, this is missing, Qingshan Liuyun will personally come to see it, it is really normal!

“You are?”

The eyes are rather strange looking at Terumi at this time,

“I also heard that the eight-tailed human pillar force and the nine-tailed human pillar force are missing, so I came over!”

This way!

Qingshan Liuyun nodded in understanding,

Then, his eyes squinted and looked at the man on the side, whose face was still a lonely and proud posture,

Don’t wait to ask,

First looked around the surrounding environment, his eyes were very disgusted, and then said directly,

“All right! Now that we’ve seen the place, we should go back! ”

There was a completely commanding attitude in the tone,


So arrogant?

Do you know that the last one who dared to be so arrogant with me, the grave grass is about to grow! 25


Cleared his throat,

Zhaomei knew the arrogance of Qingshan Liuyun, so she still spoke out and introduced it for Aoyama Liuyun,

“This is the butler of the daimyo! The thing I’m responsible for this time is to keep all the daimyo safe! ”

After the outbreak of the Fourth Shinobi War, all the daimyo were gathered together,

And the task of Terumi,

It is responsible for protecting the safety of these daimyo,

This time, the situation is urgent, and the beauty is the closest, so it will rush over,

However, he will go back later and continue to be responsible for protecting the security of the daimyo,

“Let a shadow be in charge of protection?”

So wasteful?

Although the fourth ninja world war was fought to the end, that is, the shadow level was not as good as the dog, and the super shadow walked all over the place!

But at the moment, there is still some time to go.

According to Meiyu’s strength, the impact on the battlefield is still great,

The surprise in Qingshan Liuyun’s words was also heard by Zhao Mei,

Some helplessness!

“No way, these daimyo need a shadow to guard their safety!”

If I could, Terumi wouldn’t want to stay here,

But no way!

These daimyo are the most afraid of death,


I was about to continue to say something.

But at this time,

“Let’s stop here!”

On the side, the daimyo’s butler suddenly frowned, and interrupted the conversation between Aoyama Liuyun and Terumi,

said in a very bad tone,

“The safety of the daimyo is the most important thing, if you want to talk, then wait until you return to the daimyo’s side!”


Is it so arrogant?

I didn’t want to care,

However, again and again interrupting his words, Qingshan Liuyun had already looked sideways and looked over!

“You’ve always been so arrogant?”


A proud snort,

“I’m the daimyo’s most trusted butler, can it be that you dare to do something to me?”

Ninjas can’t do anything to daimyo, this can be regarded as a common sense in the ninja world,

Because of this,

Therefore, when facing Aoyama Liuyun and Zhaomei, even if he knew that the other party’s strength was strong, the tone of this butler was still not polite at all,

It’s because

In the view of this butler,

No matter how bad you behave,

The green mountains and flowing clouds in front of him didn’t dare to do it to themselves!



This butler really didn’t know that Aoyama Liuyun had just killed the daimyo of the Fire Nation not long ago!


Aoyama Liuyun smiled,

Then, his eyes said with interest,

“Since the safety of the daimyo is so important, let me work with you to protect the safety of the daimyo!”

Look at it like this.

Apparently he planned to go to the location of the daimyo with this butler!


Others can’t see it, but Terumi does understand,

With the pride of Aoyama Liuyun, protect the safety of the daimyo, dream?

I’m afraid that I will do it directly in the first time!

Just wanted to say something,

But the housekeeper on the side directly agreed,

“It’s still that you have a bit of eyesight!”

Even if he agreed, the tone and attitude of this butler were filled with a domineering pride!

Just think,

It is this green mountain and flowing clouds that want to befriend the daimyo, which is why he said such words,


The attitude of this steward,

They all became more curious.

Raised his head and said very directly,

“Don’t worry! When I get to the daimyo’s side, I will definitely say a few nice words for you to be by the daimyo’s side! ”

After speaking,

The butler turned around and prepared to leave,

A place like this,

I really don’t want to stay longer for a moment!


According to Meiyu, he can see that this is purely the other party’s own death!

At the moment, the green mountains and flowing clouds, although they still have a smile and silent posture,

But what is clear to Zhaomei is that before long, those daimyo will really be unlucky,

After thinking about it,

Terumi still thinks that he won’t stop it!

There is no need to make this group of stupid pigs and green mountains and flowing clouds,

What’s more,

If you don’t have that group of idiots, maybe you can continue to join the battlefield!

Realizing this,

Terumi didn’t care,

Humming a ditty softly, walking beside Qingshan Liuyun!

“Boom! Rumble! Rumble! ”

Inside a palace that looks very richly decorated,

All the daimyo, all gathered here,

Outside the palace, continuous explosions came continuously, (read violent novels, just go on the Feilu Novel Network!) )

This is that there are enemies who want to harm these daimyo,

However, it was blocked by the ninjas guarding here,

Although Terumi is not there, there are other ninjas guarding it,


The daimyos can’t let Terumi leave easily!

The explosion outside,

Although the ground shook,

However, it did not have any special impact on the arrival of the daimyos in the palace,

One by one, they are still in an indifferent posture,

Some daimyo leisurely drink tea, some daimyo look at books,

The daimyo under him, there are those who play cards, there are those who play chess,

In short, there is everything to do.

The only one is the same,

It is these daimyo, all of them are a casual and indifferent posture,


There is no such war thing as the current one, put it in mind!

“Ninja war, what trouble!”

There was a daimyo who was reading a book, because of the shock of the explosion, he couldn’t even read the book in his hand,

Dissatisfied said,

If it weren’t for the appearance of ninjas, where would there be such trouble!

For the daimyos, making money and spending money is the most important thing to do,

War or something, it should not happen,

“If there are no ninjas, it would be good!”

Even, some daimyo couldn’t help but sigh directly,

As for the other daimyo, they also nodded in agreement, no one was alone, felt that there was something wrong with such words,

Although it is known that such a thing cannot happen,


As daimyos, can’t they say two such words?

They are daimyo, high names!

“That’s right! Daimyo of the Land of Fire, I heard that your previous daimyo was assassinated by a ninja, is it true? ”


Everyone’s eyes turned to the newly appointed daimyo of the Fire Nation!

“Hmph! Shouldn’t you explain to the Land of the Wind? ”

Watched by so many pairs of eyes,

This Great Daimyo of the Fire Nation is somewhat dissatisfied!

Looking directly sideways, he looked at the position of the daimyo of the country of wind,

After all

Everyone at the moment thinks,

The one who attacked the previous daimyo of the Land of Fire was the S-class rebel Shinobi of the Sand Shinobi Village of the Land of Wind, the Scorpion of Red Sand!


They are all daimyo, in front of so many people, call my name, will not think that I will obediently obey!

The daimyo of the Land of the Wind snorted softly,

Very direct said,

“The Red Sand Scorpion has long been a traitor, and it has nothing to do with our Wind Country, if you have the ability, you can just catch it!”


The daimyo of the Fire Nation also snorted softly,

Arresting such a thing, even needless to say, will be done,


The order to arrest has been given for a long time,

But until now, I haven’t even seen the shadow of the Red Sand Scorpion, let alone captured!

“All right! All right! ”

Seeing the daimyo of the Land of Fire and the Daimyo of the Land of Wind,

It seems that there is a meaning to continue the argument,

Around him, the rest of the daimyo began to persuade,

“Everyone is a daimyo, don’t lose your identity!”


Daimyo are the ones who care most about their own face,

As soon as these words came out,

Although it was still very dissatisfied, but this one by one, there was no intention to continue arguing,

“However! Ninjas are indeed too presumptuous now! ”

Dare to make a move on their daimyo,

Such a ninja must not be let go,

“When this war is over, we must get the ninjas to give an answer, otherwise, in the next year, we will not think of receiving financial support from my 410 daimyo!”

Most of the economic resources of the Shinobi village come from the daimyofu,

That’s why,

The reason why ninjas don’t do anything to daimyo!

“That’s right!”

As soon as these words came out, all the ninjas echoed,

“I must let the ninjas see my departure!”

“Let them know to be obedient!”

“That’s right!”

The words are full of indifference to the ninja,

This kind of high-minded attitude is obviously not something that can be cultivated in a day or two!

“Sure enough! No matter what happens, the daimyo or the daimyo will never change! ”

At this moment,

A strange sound reached the ears of all the daimyo!



Let all the daimyo look sideways!

“Who is it?”

What a big boldness, actually daring to say that they are famous at this time!

“Daimyo, daimyo!”

At this time, the housekeeper who brought back Qingshan Liuyun and Zhaomei also looked over with a look of awe,

Don’t look at the others, this housekeeper looks curious,

But in the face of these daimyo,

This butler is well-behaved like a dog, the kind that dare not have a word of nonsense!

“What are you doing!”

First glanced at the daimyo in awe,

Then directly reprimanded the green mountains and clouds around him,


Even this housekeeper had no idea, the green mountains and clouds around him actually dared to speak at such a time,

Moreover, as long as you are not stupid, you can hear it, in this case, it is obviously joking the daimyo!

“Do you know the identity of the daimyos? You actually ,,,”

After all, it was the one who brought it back himself,

If you don’t reprimand it well, the butler is really worried that these daimyo will be angry with him,


The surrounding daimyo directly interrupted,

Frowning looked at the green mountain flowing clouds at this moment!

waved his hand,

Gesturing for the butler to step aside first,


Frowning, he looked at the location of Qingshan Liuyun,

“Which ninja village are you?”


Qingshan Liuyun just tilted his neck and said it without care!


After hearing the words of Qingshan Liuyun,

The daimyo of the Land of Fire was the first to snort coldly,

“The ninja of Konoha is really getting more and more unruly!”

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