
Think about it!

Their task this time is not only themselves,

And the existence of Qingshan Liuyun,

Thinking of this, Kurotsuchi did not skimp on his chakra,

“Tudun – Split the earth and turn your palm!”

In the end, it is the next four generations of earth shadows,

After being taught by Onoki personally for so long, the strength of Kurotsuchi is already close to the level of the shadow level!

I believe that soon,

You can step firmly on the shadow level!


At this moment, the voice accompanying the green mountain flowing clouds fell,

A cold current, suddenly blowing,

Then, I saw a white light flash quickly,

I didn’t even have a chance to react, so I could only see that everything in front of me had been completely frozen by the ice!

Those monsters, including trees and grass, were all frozen in ice!


Even if he already knew the great strength of Qingshan Liuyun,

But after seeing this,

Kurotsuchi still couldn’t help but gasp for air!

Is this the god of the ninja world? It’s really leaving!


It’s Sakura, who has long seen the powerful strength of Aoyama Liuyun,

So, not at all surprised,

Instead, he looked at it with joy, this slowly walking green mountains and flowing clouds,

“It’s really you!”

Kurotsuchi also came over with a smile!

The eyes that looked at Qingshan Liuyun became adoring!

The terracotta that followed,

Looking at those frozen monsters, it seemed a little puzzled,

“Are these monsters? How it feels like a human being! ”

“Roar! Roar! Roar! ”

The low roar of the monster continues,


In the shadows not far away, a pair of crimson eyes, flashing with a faint light, stared here!


There are actually such monsters!

I thought it had been solved!

“You guys back off first!”

Even if it is Qingshan Liuyun, at the beginning, it is not taken for this task,

I don’t think there are any monsters at all.

But unexpectedly, there were really monsters,

Raise one hand, signal Haruno Sakura and Kurotsuchi and the others, and retreat behind him first!


nodded honestly,

Hiding behind Qingshan Liuyun, curiously looking in the direction where those eyes came from!

Although it looks a little scary,

But as long as they think of it, what stands in front of them is the green mountain flowing clouds known as the god of the ninja world, the light of Konoha!


Afraid of a fart!

With green mountains and flowing clouds, those who should be afraid should be the other party!


Silence is only for a moment,

As if guided by something,

Just in an instant, all the monsters rushed towards the direction of Qingshan Liuyun!

“Mu Dun – The Art of Cuttings!”


Stomping on the ground with one foot, on the ground, one after another wooden thorns, quickly rushing out,

In the direction of these monsters,

Spread the past!

“Bang! Bang! Bang! ”

These monsters, although they look fierce, but they do not have the slightest sense of reason, and naturally they will not dodge,

One hit after another,

The power of the wooden thorn is also in the body of these monsters, quickly bursting!



Even so, these monsters are roaring angrily,

Zhang Ya danced his claws and wanted to rush towards Qingshan Liuyun, but there was no way to act!

“What a terrifying monster!”

“yes! What the hell are these! ”

At this time, Sakura and Kurotsuchi have time, and they can take a closer look at these monsters,

It does look scary,

Moreover, as if it will not die yet!

At this time, the terracotta seemed to have discovered something,

Pointing to some monsters and saying,

“Look, these monsters still have torn clothes on their bodies, they won’t be those missing villagers, right…”

Previously, the village chief Tashita said,

In their village, a lot of people have disappeared.

Until now, there has been no news.

If you look at it this way, these people are likely to be the missing villagers!

“Very likely!”

Both Kurotsuchi and Sakura nodded seriously!

In the end, everyone’s eyes looked at the green mountains and flowing clouds in unison,

As if, although they themselves have no way to solve such a thing,

But if it’s Qingshan Liuyun, it will definitely be possible!


did not speak,

Looking around,

In fact, the things discovered by the terracotta have long been noticed by Qingshan Liuyun,

These are supposed to be the missing villagers.

Just don’t know,

Under the influence of what forces,

These villagers would actually become such a monster posture!


What kind of monster it is, you still need to give it a try!

Come to think of it,

Qingshan Liuyun raised with one hand, and a bone spur slowly emerged from the palm position of Qingshan Liuyun!

“Kill the ashes together!”


You don’t need to use the necessary features!

The rapid shooting of the co-killing ashes, when even hit the nearest monster!



The monster that was hit, this time did not continue to roar angrily like before,

Instead, as if he felt something terrible,

The expression became extremely fearful, constantly struggling, trying to escape!


Under the decaying power of killing the ashes together, the body of this monster still collapsed and dissipated little by little!

“So it is!”

Aoyama Liuyun smiled!

With the power of killing ashes together, wanting to erase the opponent is just a matter of a moment,

And erasing this monster, obviously it takes longer,

Other words

Inside the body of this monster, there are cells that can suppress the power of killing ashes!

Of course, at most, it is just to delay the time of the onset of the ashes,

If you want to be exempt, it is simply impossible!

“Did you find something?”

Sakura and Kurotsuchi and the others behind him, although they don’t know what kind of power this total killing bone is,


Look at such a gesture as Qingshan Liuyun,

Obviously, this is already aware of something!

“Now, just let that real monster appear, that’s enough!”

Real monsters?

Some doubts,

Could it be that behind this matter, there is a real monster?

Doubts are doubts, and they didn’t say anything to disturb the green mountains and clouds at this time,

Silently watching from the sidelines!

“Whoosh! Sou! Sou! ”

Between the waves of the green mountains and flowing clouds, the power of killing the ashes one after another flew out continuously!

There are necessary characteristics, even if Qingshan Liuyun is not deliberately aimed,

But you can still hit those monsters easily!

“Bang! Bang! Bang! ”

One monster after another, under the ability to kill ashes together, began to die completely!

Won’t die? (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Hehe! Aoyama Liuyun loves to deal with these immortal monsters!


All the monsters, all cleaned up,

There was silence all around!

But at this time,

“Boom! Bang! ”

First there was a faint vibration,

In the end, everyone could feel that the ground under their feet began to vibrate violently!

It’s as if some monster is charging towards this side!

“So, that?”

Kurotsuchi noticed,

Raised his head, looking at the huge shadow rushing quickly in the night, the whole person was a little stunned,

Sakura on the side couldn’t help but exclaim!

“That wouldn’t be a tailed beast, would it!”

It’s not that after the fourth Ninja World War, all the tailed beasts fused into the Ten Tails,

In the ninja world, there are no longer tailed beasts?

But with such a body type, in addition to the tailed beast, I can’t think of other possibilities!

“Sure enough!”

Finally appeared! After seeing each other, Qingshan Liuyun laughed easily,

It’s exactly the same as I expected!


The monster that came crashing, after coming to Qingshan Liuyun and others,

Directly start roaring up to the sky!

“This is, bear?”

The appearance of the monster made Sakura and Kurotsuchi a little puzzled,

In terms of body shape, this is indeed exactly the same as a brown bear.

But this gray-white skin is no different from those monsters!

Not only that,

Fierce breath, hideous posture,

It all shows that this is an exaggerated bear, and those monsters have a lot to do with it!

“It’s a ten-tailed cell!”

At this time,

Qingshan Liuyun explained in a relaxed tone!

Previously it was just doubt,

Right now, Qingshan Liuyun has been able to confirm the specific identities of these monsters, what exactly is it!

“Ten-tailed cells?”

Even Terracotta looked over curiously!


Nodding slightly,

“‘During the Ninja World War, the Ten Tails were more or less damaged, and those cells that were lost were devoured by the beast, which naturally allowed the originally ordinary beasts to gain extraordinary power!”

After all, that’s the power of the Ten Tails!


The monster in front of me was originally a brown bear perched in the woods,

Accidentally obtained the cells of the ten tails, and after swallowing, they will become such a power!

“It can actually infect humans! The cells of these ten tails are much more special than expected! ”

Qingshan Liuyun also knew for the first time that the power of the original ten tails,

So special!

“Wouldn’t that be hard to deal with?”

In contrast, Sakura is more concerned about the state of Aoyama Liuyun,

Since it is a cell of the Ten Tails, will it be very powerful!


The black soil on the side pouted disdainfully,

A series of adoring said,

“This is the God of the Ninja Realm! What ten tailed cells, with the strength of Liuyun, want to solve such a monster, take it easy! ”


Sakura didn’t bother to refute, just glared at Kurotsuchi angrily,

You’re pretty good at!

Such an argument, Qingshan Liuyun does not mean to mix,


The brown bear, whose eyes also flashed with crimson light, roared,

The exaggerated figure rushed directly towards the direction of Qingshan Liuyun,

In terms of body type,

It’s like covering the sky,

Ordinary people face such a situation, I am afraid that they will be scared to pee directly!

It’s a pity, this is a green mountain and flowing clouds!

The gaze remained unchanged, and he didn’t even dodge,


At the moment when the brown bear is about to pounce,

The icy cold current, blowing again!

In the blink of an eye,

The fierce brown bear’s figure was directly frozen in place!

Like an ice sculpture, it is only a few steps away from the green mountains and flowing clouds,


Such a close distance,

This monster, even if it is exhausted for a lifetime, can no longer be touched,

“Kill the ashes together!”

In the palm position, bone spurs slowly emerge,

Directly through the ice escape, hit this brown bear!

Although it was frozen, this brown bear did not die!

It still has a certain vitality!

His eyes were terrified, obviously sensing the terrifying power of killing ashes together! Want to resist,


Even the power of the ice escape, the other party can not defeat,

In the end,

I can only watch my body collapse little by little,

There is not the slightest power to resist!


The brown bear’s body collapsed, and the ice dissipated in place!

After doing all this, Qingshan Liuyun didn’t care too much, just simply moved his muscles!

“Unexpectedly, this Ninja World War has ended, and the things left behind are still so destructive for ordinary people!”

Obviously, the war in the ninja world has ended,

It’s just a remnant of the 10-tailed cells.

So let this village suffer such a big blow,

“It’s too early to sigh!”

Seeing such a sakura, Aoyama Liuyun smiled and waved his hand,

“The scattered ten-tailed cells, although the number is not too much, but it is definitely not only this place, in the ninja world, I am afraid that there will be other creatures that are disturbed by the ten-tailed cells!” What’s going to be busy next! There’s a lot more! ”

This kind of thing, in fact, is not difficult to guess,

Just think about it a little!

This village was just the first place where the Ten-Tailed Cell Plague appeared.

But it definitely won’t be the last!

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