D-level missions are not difficult

It’s basically about taking care of chores,

However, this is also what every ninja needs to experience

Through such D-level missions, sharpen your mood!


D-level missions for several days

Looking at the green mountain Liuyun, who worked hard and dutifully completed the task

Kiki Kakashi was very satisfied

For all this time, Kiki Kakashi has been paying attention to Aoyama Liuyun

The more you look at it, the more satisfied you are!

“All right! Today’s task, go clean up the garbage on the river, let’s go together! ”

Kiki Kakashi took the lead and walked ahead

Qingshan Liuyun, who didn’t feel any surprises, kept up

Although Sakura and the others were helpless, it was difficult to say anything


Looking at the river channel in front of me, I was a little dumbfounded

If this is cleaned up, it is estimated that it will be late!

“So, when will we be able to take on advanced tasks!”

Naruto Uzumaki was the first to shout

His gaze looked expectantly at Kakashi Kiki

Even Sasuke

followed suit

Such a task, really enough is done!

“D-level tasks are a compulsory course for every Shinobi! As for when it will end, let’s wait for when you will grow! ”

Kiki Kakashi replied in a nonchalant tone

“What! That’s the answer every time! ”

It wasn’t the first time Kakashi had answered that

It’s extremely perfunctory!

“Can’t you just learn like Liuyun?”

It is clear that they are all forbearance, why is the gap so big

Until now, Qingshan Liuyunke has not said a word of complaint!

Looking at the green mountains and clouds that are already standing on the river, cleaning up garbage

Kiki Kakashi said in a natural tone

“Take a look! Liuyun is already standing on the river to do the task! You guys, wait! ”

Halfway through,

Kiki Kakashi suddenly realized something

“Standing on the river?”

What’s the thing, is this wrong for yourself?

Being said this, Naruto Uzumaki and they also noticed the green mountain flowing clouds standing on the river


Naruto, who had a lot of nerves, shouted directly!

“Liuyun! How did you manage to be able to stand on the water? ”

This magical scene surprised Naruto!

“Are you talking about this?”

On the surface, Qingshan Liuyun said with a look of course

“Actually, before, there was no food at home, I went to the river to catch fish, and I thought that if I could stand on the water, I would be able to catch fish more easily!” Unexpectedly, the experiment was successful! ”

Speaking of the end,

Qingshan Liuyun smiled very naturally, as if it was really a coincidence!

“Is that so?”

Naruto, they didn’t feel anything yet

But as the leader of the Kaku Kakashi, his gaze is already very complicated!

Therefore, because he wanted to catch fish, he completed the second stage of cultivation of Chakra’s control alone!

Ah this!

As for the reason Aoyama Liuyun said, Kiki Kakashi did not doubt it

Isn’t it normal that an orphan would want to solve the problem of food by catching fish?

“Kakashi-sensei, can we learn such an ability?”

Naruto couldn’t help but look at Kakashi Kiki

At this time, even Sakura and Sasuke followed



There is no concealment

“Actually, standing on the surface of the water is the second stage of cultivation to exercise Chakra’s control! This is important training for ninjas! ”


Kiki Kakashi was thinking, wait a little longer, teach such a thing

However, meet these expectant gazes in front of you

Kiki Kakashi nodded anyway

“Honestly finish this mission, I will teach you tomorrow!”

“Yay! That’s great! ”

You can learn the same ability

The excited Naruto Uzumaki wants to open the multiple shadow avatars and quickly complete this task!

Even Sakura and Sasuke sped up their hand movements!

Aoyama Liuyun did not speak!

Follow along to complete the task

In that case, you should be able to access advanced tasks very quickly! ’

In fact, Qingshan Liuyun has also done enough of these D-level tasks

The reason why he showed the ability to tread water was also to speed up the progress of the squad

Now it seems that the effect is very good!


“Liuyun! Do you have any ninjutsu that you would like to learn? ”

The next day,

Kakashi Kiki had taught Naruto Uzumaki that they climbed trees with chakra

First climb trees, then tread water!

For the green mountains and flowing clouds who have completed the practice of treading water

Kiki Kakashi chose to teach alone!

“I don’t know, what does Kakashi-sensei think I am suitable for cultivation?”

Aoyama Liuyun did not shout about learning powerful ninjutsu, there was nothing unnecessary at all!

This not arrogant and impetuous, as well as the posture of asking for advice, made Kakashi Kiki very satisfied!

If nothing else, at least this state of mind is very good!

And Kakashi did not disappoint Aoyama Liuyun, and said patiently

“Now you have a strong physical ability, whether it is your self-created armor, or a unique strength advantage, far beyond your peers, coupled with a certain illusion interference, if you can have ninjutsu assistance, I believe it will make a big difference!”

Such an all-round ninja, Kakashi Kiki has not seen much!


Aoyama Liuyun did not disturb,

He nodded earnestly and stood aside to listen

“So! I’ll teach you a few ninjutsu! ”

There is a lot of thought about the teaching of Aoyama Ryukun, Kiki Kakashi

It seems that in addition to being able to teach some ninjutsu, it seems that I can’t teach anything else!

As a copy ninja,

Kiki Kakashi can have a lot of ninjutsu!

“You are best at earth and water, so I’ll focus on teaching you these two techniques!”

Subsequently, Kakashi Kiki taught several ninjutsu and taught Aoyama Rukumo


“Great! I did it! ”

Just when Aoyama Liuyun was learning ninjutsu

On the other side,

Sakura, who had already completed her treading water cultivation, couldn’t help but excited

You know, all this time, Sakura’s pressure has been great

Unexpectedly, after graduation, even Naruto Uzumaki, who was the tail of the crane, showed strength beyond himself!

Himself became the weakest one in the squad,

Right now, there is finally one time, and he is the first to complete his cultivation!


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