With the strength of Qingshan Liuyun and others

Along the way, it didn’t attract anyone’s attention

Find the thief who is the gatekeeper,

Knock stun and take away!


“Who! Who are you! ”

A basin of cool water goes down

The thief who was tied to the tree instantly sobered up!

Looking at the surrounding Qingshan Liuyun and others in a panic!

Compared with the youth of Sasuke and others, Aoyama Liuyun’s means of doing things are obviously much more mature

Very calmly said

“Tell us all about the situation among the thieves! Otherwise,,”

Qingshan Liuyun also thought that he needed to threaten himself before the other party would say it

But I didn’t expect it,

This degree of fear of death is beyond my imagination!

“Yes yes yes! I’ll tell you everything,”

In a hurry, he nodded quickly

Talking endlessly about the situation among the thieves

Roughly like this, this cargo thief, except for the leader, is just a group of ordinary people

And the leader is a Naka Shinobu named Kumagawahei


After speaking, the thief said with a begging look

“Let me go! I have told you everything I know, let me live! ”

“This ,,,”

In the end, it was the first time to face it

In addition to the green mountains and flowing clouds,

Even Sasuke couldn’t help but frown, as if he didn’t know how to answer!

Qi brushed and looked at the location of Qingshan Liuyun

Although they didn’t say it, everyone had already acquiesced that Qingshan Liuyun was the captain of their squad!


After being silent for a while, Aoyama Liuyun gave the answer!

“This is our experience! What’s more, no one can guarantee that this thief is sincerely begging for mercy! ”

Hearts are separated from the belly!

Although it has not been done, as early as the time of crossing, Qingshan Liuyun was ready to see blood!



What the hell is a teenager!

“Wait! Wait a minute! I don’t want to die! ”

As for the thief, he was even more alarmed and said quickly!

“I still have children, my mother still needs me to raise them, please let me go!”

A handful of snot and tears!

Look at this gesture of crying bitterly, what a sincere gesture is called!


Especially Sakura, as a girl, faced this situation

There will always be an involuntary soft-heartedness

“Or let him go!”

“I’m just making an offer!”

Qingshan Liuyun did not act directly!

Sometimes, if you don’t go through something, you won’t grow at all

Eagles can’t live in shelter for the rest of their lives!

“Thank you, thank you!”

I thought that the other party was taking care of her emotions, and Sakura was very grateful

“Although I let you go, you have to show us the way!”

Saying that, Sakura looked at the thief seriously

Maybe it’s knowing that he won’t die

The mountain thief quickly nodded happily

“Good, good, good! I know, I’ll definitely show you the way! ”


With leading the way,

Everyone came to the inside of the thief’s den without any obstruction

“Why don’t you keep going?”

The thief who led the way suddenly stopped

Sakura asked curiously

Instead, Qingshan Liuyun obviously sensed something, and Qingshan Liuyun gradually became on guard

“You must have just graduated from ninja school!”

In sharp contrast to the way he had just cried, he

laughed compassionately

“How young!”


Don’t wait for more words! The thief shouted directly at the top of his throat

“Enemy attack! There is an enemy attack! ”

Suddenly, the situation came

Let Sakura and they all panic a little! I didn’t expect the other party to do this!


Under the moonlight, a shuriken is thrown quickly!

The thief who was shouting at the top of his throat, the figure also froze in place, and came down

As for Aoyama Liuyun, he withdrew the action of throwing a shuriken

The first time I saw blood, honestly, it didn’t feel too much,

But now, it’s not time to worry about this kind of thing!

The shouting just now has already sobered up all the thieves

Accompanied by a crackling sound,

A famous thief ran out quickly!

“Yes, sorry!”

At this time, it has to be Sakura who is most flustered

If it weren’t for the soft-heartedness he had just hadn’t been, there would not have been such a situation at all

And will not put their squad in danger!

Sakura blames herself!


To be honest, this situation is very much in line with Qingshan Liuyun’s wishes

“We are companions! Together, we have advanced and retreated companions! No matter when you meet, you will face it together! ”


Under the moonlight,

Looking at the serious Aoyama Liuyun at the moment, Sakura was a little distracted

At this moment,

Sakura understood why when he was a child, Ino suddenly gave up Sasuke and chose to pursue Aoyama Rukumo

Originally! This man, really excellent!

“Do it!”

With an order among the thieves,

All the thieves, all in action!


“Everyone, be careful! The other party has a middle ninja, pay attention to guard! ”

While facing the battle, Qingshan Liuyun reminded

Then he simply turned sideways and dodged the big knife that swung over

A punch swung and directly blasted the other party out!

Sasuke and Naruto also acted one after another!

“Don’t underestimate me! I’m Naruto Uzumaki! ”

“Ninjutsu – Shadow Doppelgänger Art!”

Naruto Uzumaki’s hands froze

Anyway, nothing much, it’s Chakrado!

“Ugh! Swish! Swish! ”

In comparison, Sasuke’s side did not have a huge momentum

It’s just that the mountain thieves who fell at Sasuke’s feet are getting more and more,

“That’s how it feels! That man, wait, I’ll find you for revenge soon! ”

Sasuke was excited!

In comparison, Sakura is much more difficult here

But it’s not too much of a problem!


In the end, just ordinary mountain thieves,

Although some time was wasted, it was solved

After successful blood

Qingshan Liuyun only felt that his state of mind had been sublimated!


“What about Naka-Shinobu?”

Mission intelligence is certainly infallible

If it is said that there is medium patience, then there must be medium patience!

However, since the other party has been hidden for so long, if he really wants to do it, he will definitely find their weaknesses!

Wait a minute!

“Sakura! Get out of the way! ”


Suddenly hearing Aoyama Liuyun’s shout, Sakura’s face was full of doubt

The next second,

The strong man with a hideous smile put the ninja knife in his hand on Sakura’s neck!

“If you move, you will die!”


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