"Hey, you're not dead yet?"

Ignoring Gaara's nonsense, Qingkong seemed very surprised, raised his eyelids and said:"Then let's continue, and see who of us dies first."


"Wait a minute!"

Temari ran over and quickly stopped him, saying:"Enough, Gaara, don't forget what we are here for, do you want the whole village to be buried with you?"

"You dare to order me?"

Gaara showed a beast-like look and wanted to kill Temari.

"This is not an order, I'm begging you, Gaara, if you still care about the village, stop now!"

Gaara fell silent.

After all, he still cared a little in his heart.

Seeing this scene, Temari also breathed a sigh of relief, turned to Qingkong and said:"The game is not over yet, and we don't need to waste too much energy here, what do you think?"

"Would it be a waste of energy to kill you? I don't think so."Qingkong smiled and said


Temari didn't expect that this guy in front of her was even more stubborn and arrogant than Gaara, which made her grit her teeth.

"Mr. Kamiya, there is no hatred between us. How about we just stop here and take a step back?"

"Why don't you tell the three dead Rain Ninjas? After all, they just surrendered."


Temari was speechless, but it was not that she didn't want to say it, but Gaara was too murderous and acted too quickly, not giving him the chance at all.

Just when Temari was desperate and thought that this war was inevitable.

Qingkong waved his hand again and said,"Forget it, there is no point in bullying you kids. Kiba, Hinata, let's go."


Seeing Qingkong and the other two turn around and leave, Temari was also stunned on the spot, shouting MMP in her heart.

The key is not to play with people like this.

Don't you know that scaring people can scare people to death? Really.

Fortunately, the fierce battle ended here, and Temari was greatly relieved.

To be honest, she had never seen Gaara so embarrassed before. He had just been beaten and his arm was broken.

This is simply incredible.

Kankuro was the same, with the same mentality as Temari.

So just now, he was trembling with fear and didn't dare to say a word.

As for Gaara himself, it was not that he didn't want to attack Qingkong, but that he was afraid or something, but the problem was that the Shukaku in his body had a problem.

I don't know what happened.

It was like a mosquito that was very afraid of Qingkong. No matter how angry Gaara was and how he roared in his heart, Shukaku would shrink in the seal.

He didn't lend chakra to Gaara.

In this situation, how could Gaara fight? He could only watch Qingkong leave. He gritted his teeth and said nothing.

Central tower.

It was the fifth day. After Qingkong and the other two came, they found that they were the first to arrive.

This shows how fierce the fighting in the forest is.

After a while, Gaara's team also entered the tower.

Seeing Qingkong, Gaara said nothing, but walked past with a cold face, as if someone owed him eight million.

Temari smiled apologetically, and then followed Gaara's pace with Kankuro.


Qingkong felt sorry for the problem boy Gaara, so he didn't really kill him before.

Of course, this was all the influence left by watching anime in the previous life. If Gaara didn't know what was good for him and dared to jump around in front of him.

Qingkong didn't mind letting his mosquito taste what the Jinchuriki tasted like.

After another half a day, other teams came one after another.

Naruto's seventh team, Rock Lee's third team, Ino's tenth team......

In addition, there were some unnamed extra teams.

When everyone arrived, the exam time was over.

Afterwards, Sarutobi Hiruzen entered the venue with a large group of ninjas.

"Sorry for the trouble"


Sarutobi Hiruzen cleared his throat, stepped forward and said,"The third exam will begin next. Before that, I must explain one thing to you first."

"The real purpose of this exam is to promote friendly coexistence between allied nations and to improve the level of ninjas......."


Qingkong scratched his ears and turned to look at Ino next to him.

Instead of listening to this old man talking so much nonsense, it would be better to flirt with the pretty girl in front of him.

"Don’t think this is just a simple test. In order to evaluate the strength of each country and maintain the balance, this is the place where you fight to the death!"

"Why do we have to fight to the death?"

Inuzuka Kiba shouted. He didn't understand. Isn't this just the Chunin Exam? Why did it involve so many big things?

Sarutobi Hiruzen smiled and continued to explain to everyone.

"Because of national prestige"

"In this third exam, there will be many princes and dignitaries from various countries who will be present to entrust us with tasks. They will watch your battles and analyze the strength gap between the countries."

"At that time, powerful countries will naturally receive more commissions, while weak countries will receive fewer commissions......."

It's just to show strength.

But when this kind of thing happens to a group of Genin, they have to fight to the death.

How should I put it, isn't it embarrassing?

Qingkong curled his lips. Anyway, he was quite disgusted with this matter.

It was just like in the previous life, a group of parents went to the kindergarten for a meeting, sitting together to compare their children.

Yours can dance, and mine can sing.

No parent is convinced by anyone, but no one cares about the feelings of the children.

This is no longer a question of cultivating the next generation, but simply doing whatever it takes for the benefit.

It just so happens.

Sarutobi Hiruzen spoke passionately and enthusiastically, and most of the Genin around Qingkong believed it.

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