"Well, have you thought it through? It's not hard to say, right?"

Kanjiro asked. Even if Temari pulled him from behind, he pushed her away.

Sister, I'm doing this for you and the interests of the Sand Village.

Feeling the sacred mission, Kanjiro was full of confidence and had a clear conscience.

"I'm only twelve......"

"It's okay, my sister is not that old, she is only fifteen."


Qingkong was speechless. He couldn't understand what Kankuro was thinking. Why did he seem to be in a hurry to send his sister out?

Temari-san, are you so unwelcome in this family?

"Fighting is bound to cause bumps and bruises......"

"Stop talking about that. Be a man and just be straightforward, okay? I'm just letting you indulge in love, not taking your life. Why is it so difficult?"


Qingkong was stunned by Kanjiro's"bold words".

What the hell have you become? How can you make the words of selling your sister sound so high-sounding and justified?

Not to mention Qingkong, even Temari couldn't stand it anymore. She cursed Kanjiro and said,"You want to die," and then ran away with her face covered.


Kankuro also felt that he had gone too far.

But after Temari ran away, he put his arm around Qingkong's shoulders and said,"Qingkong, don't say that I, as your brother-in-law, don't be so stubborn. Temari is just too shy to say anything. But don't worry, she definitely has you in her heart. I swear on my life!"


Hey, are we that familiar?

Brother-in-law, what are you talking about?

Qingkong resisted the urge to complain, rolled his eyes and said,"Then go back and do more work on your sister. If she agrees, I'll have no problem with her." Only a fool would push away a young lady who came to his doorstep. He wouldn't suffer any loss anyway.

""Okay, I'll take care of it. It's absolutely no problem!"

Hearing Qingkong's promise, Kanjiurō patted his chest and promised.

This brother is really something.

After three seconds of silence for Temari, Qingkong returned to the game lounge.

Fortunately, the guys here were watching the game, and no one was like Kanjiurō, the idiot, thinking that Qingkong and Temari were in trouble.

This made him feel much more at ease.

"Where is the game?"

"The fourth game is between Kiba and Naruto. Hinata whispered


Qingkong nodded, and then looked towards the field.

It was another fateful duel.

They didn't meet in the preliminaries, but now they are all against each other.

However, Kiba's strength is stronger than Naruto, and now with Qingkong's help, his combat power has increased by at least three or four times, so Naruto is no match for him. Just five minutes into the game, Naruto was knocked away by Kiba several times, and he couldn't find a chance to fight back.

What shadow clones, summoning techniques.

Naruto is a half-baked person, and shadow clones are just for show, without any practical effect.

As for summoning techniques, he also practiced them so-so. If he wants to summon the Toad Boss, he must explode the Nine-Tails Chakra.

But now, he hasn't been forced to that point, and his anger value is not enough, so he can't use it.

"Ah, I won't give up!"

After being knocked down again, Naruto got up again and roared at Kiba.

Not to mention, his blood recovery speed is super fast, and he can be called an indestructible cockroach. If he keeps insisting, he might really be able to tire Kiba out.

Nine-tail plus Uzumaki, this is how bullying is

"Humph, so what if you don't admit defeat? You can't even hit me, and you still want to turn the tables?"

Inuzuka Kiba smiled disdainfully, and then patted Akamaru's head.

"Akamaru, let's see who's the best."


"Beastman clone, teeth to teeth!"


Two rotating torrents rushed towards Naruto, plowing a deep mark on the ground wherever they passed.

""Damn it, stop him!"

Naruto made a seal and created dozens of shadow clones at once, letting them block in front of him.

Well, he was the only one who used the shadow clones as a wall of earth flow.

However, the attack of Yatongya, whose strength had reached that of a Chunin, was not so easy to deal with.

Dozens of shadow clones were like paper in front of Yatongya, and they collapsed at the first touch, and all turned into white smoke and dissipated.

Afterwards, the two torrents all hit Naruto.


With a scream, Naruto was also knocked away dozens of meters away and fell heavily to the ground. He didn't get up for a long time.


I don't know why this joke popped up in Qingkong's head.

But you have to say, Naruto is really tough. He was beaten so badly by Ya, but within half a minute, he stood up again.

"I......I won't give up!"

Old recipe, old taste.

Naruto still did not change his determination, his expression was very firm.

Of course, Ya was also irritated, and rushed forward again with Yatongya.......

This battle dragged on for a long time, more than half an hour.

It was because Naruto was too weird. It didn't matter that he had a lot of health and could withstand a lot of beatings. His attack power was too weak. Apart from exhausting his opponent, he had no way to defeat him.

As for Kiba, he couldn't really kill Naruto, so he could only beat him down again and again.......

Fortunately, Kiba was not really stupid. Seeing that Naruto was so tough and kept getting up, wasting time with him,

Kiba changed his mind and used his speed far exceeding Naruto's to get behind him and knock him out with one punch.

At this point, the game was over.

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