I Am In Love with Myself

Chapter 151: Car accident

It was ten minutes to eight o'clock. The restaurant was full of guests, and there was no place at all without a reservation.

An Mu sits at the reserved stand by the wall waiting for Wang Yanqing, taking a look at the time from time to time. These ten minutes are extremely slow. Every time I look at it, the time is the same, like being pressed by the pause button, which hasn’t changed for a long time. a bit.

Finally, Wang Yanqing came over, and An Mu glanced at the time again. It was five minutes and eight o'clock. Wang Yanqing was not late.

"Sorry, waited a long time?"

"No, I just arrived."

Wang Yanqing was no longer polite, and called the waiter to order the meal first, and then his legs folded and leaned on the back of the chair, with a serious expression: "What I'm going to say is what Jane Yixi said personally. You might find it absurd. But this is what she said, and it's up to you to understand it."

Only then did Wang Yanqing talk about the process roughly.

Since it's a cliché, naturally you can't ask directly. Wang Yanqing just chatted with Jian Yixi casually, and turned to the topic of terminal illness without showing up.

"I don't understand, why do you always call your stomach disease like a terminal illness?"

At that time, Jian Yixi was dying and lay in the hospital bed. After two days of getting used to the fact that he barely received expert treatment, he also sternly stated in advance that he would never agree to anyone to disclose his condition to the public. If a reporter is infested, he will be discharged immediately.

It is rare for an expert to encounter such a peculiar case and expect it to help the lancet. Of course, she agrees with everything, as long as he is willing to treat it.

But what about consent? Experts also don't understand her situation. The drug tolerance of other patients is tolerance to certain drugs or certain drugs. No one has tolerated all drugs. This is not in accordance with the laws of nature and is anti-scientific.

Even dead objects can't be unresponsive to all drugs, like the most common normal saline can make iron locks rust, not to mention other complicated drugs.

Jian Yixi is a human being, more fragile, and easier to be affected. She is basically equivalent to a metaphysical ghost story in the medical world, and it is more unbelievable than a corpse.

Jian Yixi didn't care about how the experts were shocked, as long as they don't make the noise known to everyone, even if Wang Yanqing asked, she did not answer directly.

"If I say I have superpowers, do you believe it?"

"Then it depends on what kind of superpower you are talking about."

"I said I can bend the spoon with my mind, do you believe it?"

Wang Yanqing smiled and said, "If you bend it, I will take a look, and I will believe it naturally."

"Unfortunately, I am not such a demonstrable superpower. I am a superpower that can predict my death. I know that I am terminally ill and cannot be saved. I will live for another three years at most."

"Then can you predict my death?"

Jian Yixi shook his head slowly: "No, I can only predict myself."

Wang Yanqing naturally does not believe in these mysterious and mysterious things. He said: "I know that your drug tolerance is very special, but this does not mean that you will definitely die. Humans have strong repairing power. The diet is supported by nutrient solutions, and after the stomach perforation is fully grown, you can save yourself the pain and death every time you eat, which is not good for your recovery."

Jian Yixi smiled bitterly: "Even if I want to eat it, I can't eat it. Hasn't the doctor already said that I am not allowed to eat anything?"

This is true. Stomach perforation itself cannot eat or drink, so you have to wait for it to grow well.

"Anyway, I don't believe it. You don't want to say that I don't force it. I'm just worried about you. Do you know what scared me like that day? If I do this again, I can really scare out a heart attack."

Jian Yixi sighed, she vomited so much blood that day, she was scared when she saw it, let alone Wang Yanqing, she probably really frightened him.

"sorry, I…"

"Don’t you, me, I don’t want to hear if you apologize. If you are really sorry, then tell me what’s going on. I have a story in my heart. Otherwise, it’s so uncomfortable all day long. Up."

Jian Yixi moved her lips and smiled bleakly.

"I really don't know how to tell you, but you don't believe it."

"Then you just say something I can believe."

Jian Yixi was silent for a long time, and it was a long time before Wang Yanqing thought that this routine had failed, before Jian Yixi finally spoke.

Jian Yixi looked out the window and said, "Look, how beautiful the stars are. They twinkle and twinkle. With so many stars, do you think two of them are exactly the same?"

Wang Yanqing followed her and looked out the window.

"There are no two exactly the same things in the world, no matter how they resemble them, they are different."

"Right? I think so too, and that person said the same. She said that the world has the rules of the world, and there can be no two identical stars. If they do appear, only one will be destroyed and order will be restored. "

In the restaurant, Wang Yanqing took a sip of scarlet wine, and An Mu's beautiful eyes could not see the slightest mood swings opposite the swaying wine.

Wang Yanqing sighed: "After she said this, she didn't say anything else. I understand what she meant. She wanted to say that she violated the rules, but I don't understand what rules she violated. This is related to her drug resistance. What does it matter? The only conjecture at present is that she accidentally contracted a special virus that is not contagious while researching biological projects in the company."

An Mu listened in silence, no one noticed her hand under the table, that hand was clenched on the edge of the deck, her fingers were faintly white because of too much force, and her nails were almost cut off!

"It's not a virus."

"what is that?"

An Mu shook her head slightly, and asked indifferently, "Do you know who she said is who talks about the rules of the world?"

Wang Yanqing said: "I asked at that time. She said she was not very familiar with her either, she was just an acquaintance's school girl."

An acquaintance... school girl?

An Mu groaned for a moment, raised his hand to beckon the waiter to come over, swiped the card to check out, got up and apologized to Wang Yanqing's jaw.

"Sorry, I have something to do, go ahead."

"It's okay, you're busy first."

Wang Yanqing got up and gave her a little bit. His dark eyes looked thoughtfully at her back, without looking away for a long time.

An Mu had his back straight, walked calmly, walked calmly to the side of the car, pulled the door to the car, drove home steadily, parked the car, and went upstairs.

Before Maomao got off work, she went straight back to the room, took off her coat and pants, and did not change her pajamas. She lay down and closed her eyes.

She needs to think about it calmly, not to be influenced by emotions, absolutely not!

That night, An Mu seemed to be asleep, but did not sleep. Her eyes were tightly closed, but her eyebrows were furrowed. Her body was stiff and tight, and the sheets were deeply wrinkled by her.

Early the next morning, she contacted her second brother.

Jian Yixi's recovery was very poor. The medication used to relieve the ulceration speed, but now it continues to deteriorate. The medicine is like jelly beans. It is useless after taking it. It also increases blood sugar and is not conducive to wound healing.

Jian Yixi hasn’t eaten for three days. She is supported by nutrient solution. Her erosive stomach is aching. The pain makes her face pale but can’t do anything about it. Although it can’t be compared with the tenth-degree pain of having a child, she can give birth to a child. There is always a hope that there will be no pain after birth, but she has no hope, only more and more pain, more and more despair.

However, even in such a bad situation, Jian Yixi still worked very hard to cooperate with the treatment and had a strong desire to survive.

The second brother distressedly helped her tuck the quilt, and wanted to say that you should eat more to see if you are thin, and then thought that she could not eat even if she wanted to, and changed her mouth again.

"Don't worry, Dr. Li is an expert in this area and he will definitely cure you."

"I don't expect to be cured, one more day is one day."

Jian Yixi smiled weakly at the second brother, as if he really didn't care about life or death, only if he could take a breath.

The expert is an acquaintance of the second brother, and the second brother has talked to him more than once. Even if he does not believe in the mysterious and mysterious, Jian Yixi's situation is definitely not optimistic.

—What if she really does go like this?

The second brother couldn't tell the case, "you" suffocated a sentence for a long time: "Do you have any concerns?"

Jane Yixi lowered her long eyelashes and shook her head slightly.

"I don't have anything particularly worried about. My parents' arrangements are almost the same, and I have been ordering the company. If I insist on thinking about it, it is probably because I am worried that my company will put pressure on Anmu.

I know that she likes a free life, and she has said that she doesn't want to inherit such a big family business, let alone my small company that is not on the stage.

Since the second brother asked, then I will ask the second brother by the way. When I am gone one day in the future, you will ask An Mu to sell the company. You say it is what I meant. The money sold is divided into my parents. Just enough for them to provide for the elderly, she deserves everything else. "

The second brother frowned at the mention of "dead", "Can't you say something auspicious?"

Jian Yixi twitched the corners of her mouth and smiled clearly, but it only made people feel desolate.

"Which rich person doesn't make a will in advance? I'm just following the trend. What's the matter?"

"Then you can directly make a will and ask a lawyer to notarize it. What will you explain to me orally?"

The second brother glared at her, looking fierce at her, but Jian Yixi knew that she really cared about her and didn't want to listen to those who didn't like to listen.

Jian Yixi didn't say much. She didn't eat for a few days, and only relied on a thin nutrient solution to maintain her basic survival, which made her extremely weak. She felt exhausted when she opened her eyes, and closed her eyes as she spoke.

"I'm fine here, second brother, don't worry, go back, Sister Chen is here, it's fine."

Jian Yixi didn't allow anyone to contact her adoptive parents for fear that they were worried and didn't want to bother them. Every time they came over, she started to drive people after sitting for a long time. She didn't know that the more she was like this, the more distressed she was.

"It's okay to go home so early, so I might as well sit here for a while, I..."

Before he could finish, Jian Yixi yawned long and pulled the quilt upward.

"My second brother is sleepy and didn't sleep well last night."

The second brother sighed, "Well then, I want to go back and see you tomorrow."

"No, there is nothing wrong with me, don't run back and forth in such a cold day."

"It doesn't count what you said, I'm happy to run here, you have the ability to hurry up, you are fine, and I will take care of you?"

The second elder brother confessed to the nurse again, got up and left, just after two steps, the phone rang.

The second brother answered the phone as he walked.

"What's wrong?"

"What?!" The second brother stopped abruptly, "You say it again! Who did you say was in a car accident?!"

Behind the hospital bed, Jian Yixi opened her eyes and raised her eyes to look at her second brother.

"How's she hurt? Which hospital? I'm past now!"

Jian Yixi propped up her upper body with her elbows, her white lips pursed more and more bloodless, and her gaze on her second brother remained unchanged.

"Wh...what? Died on the spot?! Impossible! How could An Mu die! Don't you dare to talk nonsense, Maomao, believe it or not, I will tear your mouth apart!"

The author has something to say: people really can't be seduce

The day before yesterday, I had a manuscript that I had saved



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