Chen Baiqing walked up to Manager Chen with a gloomy face and pulled out the smelly socks that were blocking his mouth.

Manager Chen took a deep breath and then cried loudly.

"Big Manager, you have to make a decision for me! They are not human beings! I was almost killed by them along the way!"

"Shut up!"

Chen Baiqing shouted angrily, and his elegant face was even a little distorted and hideous at this time.

"Chen Moshan, in terms of seniority, you are my uncle, and my father's cousin.

When my father went far away to study medicine, you helped my father take care of my grandmother in my hometown.

This kindness, whether it is my father or me, is remembered in our hearts."

Manager Chen hurriedly said: "It's good that the big manager still remembers these, you and I are a family! How can the people of my Chen family let outsiders bully us like this?"

"I treat you as a family, but do you treat me as a family?"

Chen Baiqing's face showed a deep disappointment.

"Over the years, I knew you had no ability, but I let you be the manager of Shenghetang. How much power did I give you?

I know you have made a lot of money in Shenghetang, but I pretended not to see it. After all, you were kind to my father and son.

Your son Chen Gui has mediocre talent, but I taught him everything I knew for more than 20 years, which made him a senior pharmacist who can stand on his own.

But what about this time? This time, the transportation of spiritual medicine is a big deal about the reputation of Shenghetang! And the lives of so many guys!

Chen Moshan, you can make money, but you disregarded the reputation of Shenghetang for your own selfish desires, and almost harmed these guys who believed in me and followed me for so many years. You really deserve to die!"

"Listen to me, big shopkeeper..."

Manager Chen was really panicked this time and tried to explain himself.

But Chen Baiqing didn't give him this opportunity. He waved his hand and had him kidnapped.

Han Zheng, Li Sancheng and others were watching the excitement on the side, feeling quite relieved.

Although I don't know how Chen Baiqing will deal with Manager Chen this time, he will definitely not let him off easily.

Chen Baiqing turned around and bowed to Han Zheng solemnly.

"Brother Han, thank you very much this time.

If it weren't for you, not to mention this cart of spiritual medicine, even my guys wouldn't be able to keep it.

The previous fifty taels of silver was too little, and I also prepared an extra hundred taels of silver for you."

Upon hearing this, Han Zheng and the others' eyes lit up.

What a person of integrity!

In fact, it's okay for Chen Baiqing not to pay extra money.

I didn't expect him to be so generous, directly giving each person a hundred taels, which is more than the previous reward.

"And Brother Han, this time thanks to you for turning the tide. It just so happens that a large number of spiritual medicines have been transported this time, and I will give you an extra set of medicinal baths for free as a thank you gift."

"Manager Chen is really too polite."

Han Zheng was immediately delighted.

One hundred taels of silver can only make Han Zheng live a little more comfortably, without having to worry about food.

But a set of medicinal bath can really greatly improve his current strength.

Li Sancheng and others all showed envious eyes.

But there was no jealousy.

After all, they all saw Han Zheng's performance along the way.

He fought fiercely with his life when attacking the pig demon.

He joined forces with Li Feng to seize power and subdue Chen Guanshi decisively.

He had a good sense of advance and retreat when facing the Wenxiang Sect and forced the opponent to retreat.

If they were to do these things, they might not be able to do any of them, so what is there to be jealous of?

"I want to take these spiritual medicines back to Shenghetang as soon as possible. Brother Han, you guys should go back and rest quickly. You have really worked hard these days."

Chen Baiqing asked someone to take out the silver notes and handed them to a few people, and then went to direct the guys of Shenghetang to transport the spiritual medicine.

Li Feng came over and whispered to Han Zheng: "I will go and deal with these spiritual medicines with the shopkeeper first. When I am done, I will come to you and tailor a set of medicinal bath for you."

Li Feng saw Han Zheng's potential in his eyes. It is right to make friends with such a young warrior.

"Thank you." Han Zheng bowed.

Li Feng, such a senior pharmacist, personally prepared a medicinal bath for Han Zheng. The effect must be much better than those ready-made medicinal baths.

The people in Shenghetang started to work, while Li Sancheng and others could not stand it anymore and went home to rest and catch up on sleep.

As the leader of this trip, Han Zheng had to go back to the martial arts hall to tell Li Jingzhong about the various situations of this trip.

In the martial arts hall, there seemed to be no classes today, and the disciples in the martial arts hall were practicing on their own.

Seeing Han Zheng coming back, they all looked at Han Zheng with a slightly curious look.

After all, they are not yet apprentices, but Han Zheng can already escort the caravan.

They were also curious about how much money Han Zheng made on this trip and whether he encountered any danger.

This is also something they may encounter in the future.

"Are you back? Did you encounter any setbacks on this trip?"

Li Jingzhong called Han Zheng to the inner hall and asked with a smile.

Han Zheng smiled bitterly and said, "More than setbacks, I almost died outside."

Han Zheng told Li Jingzhong about all the situations along the way.

Of course, he concealed the fact that he relied on the Taotie furnace to improve himself, and only said that his strength increased dramatically because of his pre-battle enlightenment.

After listening to Li Jingzhong, he sighed, "I haven't left the county for a while, and I didn't expect that the world is getting more and more difficult.

Your journey is really dangerous, and you even encountered monsters.

But you can be regarded as a blessing in disguise and your strength has increased greatly.

You have opened up 220 acupoints and eight meridians. Your current realm is no less than Song Tianqing and the others. "

"I am also lucky, thanks to the master's teaching.

By the way, master, do demons also have realms? The pig demon I met was so powerful that it was comparable to the late acquired realm. "

Li Jingzhong nodded and said, "Warriors have realms, and demons also have realms, but they are not as detailed as warriors, and are mostly distinguished by race.

For example, the same acquired demon, the pig demon is extremely powerful. As long as it is healthy and mature, it can be comparable to the late acquired realm or the peak acquired realm warrior.

If you exercise a little more strength, it will be a demon in the innate realm.

But if it is a demon that has opened up its spiritual wisdom, the acquired realm will not have such a strong combat power, and at most it can only confuse some ordinary people.

However, once a demon crosses the innate realm, it is no longer an ordinary demon, but a great demon comparable to the Xuan Gang realm of a warrior.

As long as it is a great demon, no matter what race it is, it is not a simple character.

You have to know that a big monster has the power to destroy a city. "

Han Zheng smiled bitterly and said, "Why do I feel that human warriors are at a great disadvantage compared to monsters?

Even for low-level monsters like pig monsters, they are at the peak of acquired realm when they grow up, and they can become innate realm after a little training.

And warriors may not be able to achieve the return to innate realm from acquired realm in their lifetime. "

Li Jingzhong said, "Although monsters are strong, they are not really invincible. The only advantage of our human warriors is potential.

That pig monster is at the peak of acquired realm when it grows up, and at most it is innate realm.

But even after a hundred years or a thousand years, most pig monsters can only stay in this realm for their entire lives, and it is rare to break through to become a big monster.

But it is not the case for our human warriors. Who knows if a mediocre low-level warrior now will stand at the top of martial arts in the future? "

In fact, Li Jingzhong was also trying to give Han Zheng some advice.

Martial artists also pay attention to their physique and talent.

Some martial artists have very poor physique and talent, and they can never reach the innate realm even if they practice for a lifetime.

However, compared with the demons who respect their race and bloodline, human warriors still have more potential in practice.

Han Zheng suddenly thought of something at this time, and took out the bloody sword technique he got from the pig demon and handed it to Li Jingzhong.

"Master, I got a sword technique from the pig demon after killing it. I just took a rough look and felt something was wrong, so I would like to ask you to see if I can practice it."

Li Jingzhong took the sword manual with a strong smell of blood, and his brows furrowed as he looked at it.

After a while, Li Jingzhong said, "This bloody sword technique is a standard evil magic technique.

It is necessary to condense the evil spirit to increase its power. Although it is only a sword technique in the acquired realm, as long as the evil spirit is condensed enough, its actual combat power is even comparable to the innate realm.

However, once the evil spirit enters the body and cannot be controlled, it may affect one's state of mind. This is the case with all evil sects' skills. They are powerful when they are quickly acquired, but their foundation is unstable.

So whether to practice or not depends on you. If you practice, you must control your state of mind and must not be affected by the evil spirit. "

Han Zheng nodded, but he had already made up his mind to practice.

He was still very confident in his state of mind.

Can anything more evil be as evil as the Taotie furnace?

In the face of the temptation of the Taotie furnace, he was able to control his state of mind and did not completely sacrifice all the parts of his body, let alone the blood evil sword technique, which is an acquired sword technique.

"By the way, owner, do you need to notify the government office about the Wenxiang Sect? After all, the Wenxiang Sect has almost appeared in Shannan Road."

Li Jingzhong pondered for a moment: "We have to tell the government office about this matter. The lips and teeth are cold, and Huainan Road was breached by the Wenxiang Sect, so we have to be on guard. "

After saying that, Li Jingzhong called a servant and asked him to report to the government office.

After about half an hour, a captain in his thirties, tall and thin, wearing a black and red official uniform, stepped into the martial arts hall.

Han Zheng looked up at the captain, and a chill rose in his heart subconsciously.

The other party had a very fierce and cold aura. Although he tried his best to hide it, Han Zheng could still feel a trace of murderous aura leaking out.

And the murderous aura had even reached the point where it could not be concealed. The man in front of him must have killed many people!

Isn't it said that the people in Heishi County The county magistrate is a waste. Is the government weak and incompetent? Why are there still masters of this level?

The county magistrate's head of police subconsciously glanced at Han Zheng.

He had a thin face, narrow eyes, sharp eyes, and a slightly hideous scar on his cheek.

Just this one glance, Han Zheng felt like he was being stared at by a ferocious beast.

The county magistrate's head of police turned his head and showed a seemingly kind smile to Li Jingzhong.

"Teacher, how are you? I haven't been back to the martial arts hall for a long time. Now the scale of this martial arts hall is getting bigger and bigger. I really miss the time when I practiced boxing with you.

I came back in a hurry a few days ago and didn't have time to come to see you. Please don't mind me, teacher."

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