Li Jingzhong is still very qualified as the owner of a martial arts school.

Although he is strict, he is also strict for a reason.

The three-day Vajra Fist is a test of understanding.

If you can't get started with a boxing method in three days, it means that your understanding is too poor.

Opening up fifty acupoints and a meridian is a test of talent and perseverance.

If you can't even reach this level in half a year, it's either because your talent is too poor or your perseverance is not good.

The road of martial arts is more difficult than the other. If the first step is so difficult, then you might as well stop practicing martial arts.

Without giving everyone too much time to think, Li Jingzhong began to practice the "Vajra Fist" for everyone.

"The Vajra Fist is the entry-level martial arts that the Vajra Prajna Temple of the Qingzhou Buddhist sect teaches to lay disciples.

I once entered the Vajra Prajna Temple to practice in my early years, and after returning to secular life, I was allowed to teach the Vajra Fist.

The meaning of the fist is to suppress the devil with the Vajra. The fist is open and closed, and the power bursts fiercely.

Pay attention to the fact that when you exert your power, you must mobilize the power of the acupoints and meridians. Only when the power bursts suddenly can you burst out the greatest power."

In the training ground, Li Jingzhong practiced each move slowly.

But when the fist fell, the power suddenly burst out, and it exploded out of thin air, with amazing power.

Han Zheng watched and learned carefully without blinking.

Whether in the previous life or after crossing, Han Zheng knew the importance of power.

In this chaotic world, what can protect you is not the law, nor those high-ranking officials, but your own fists and the knife in your hand.

Besides, Han Zheng's current state will definitely not be eliminated by the martial arts school.

He is now penniless. After the morning class at the martial arts school, at least he gets lunch. If he leaves the martial arts school, he won't even have a place to eat.

"Did you see it clearly?"

Li Jingzhong put away his fist and exhaled a breath of white air.

The breath was long and even had a faint whistling sound.

"I saw it clearly!"

"Since you see it clearly, let's start practicing one move at a time!"

Li Jingzhong walked to a high platform in the teaching field and watched the disciples below begin to practice the Vajra Fist awkwardly.

He is still very responsible as the owner of the martial arts school.

If anyone's moves are not standard or the force is wrong, he will go over to give instructions.

Han Zheng was very diligent in his practice before he crossed over, and his martial arts foundation was also solid.

At this time, he practiced the Vajra Fist one move at a time, feeling the power in the acupoints in his body, which was a very magical feeling.

A trace of power condensed in the acupoints, and he could sense it, but he couldn't mobilize it.

Only when he punched would there be a passive trace of power overflowing from the acupoints, but not too much.

In the postnatal opening meridian realm, the most important thing is not to open the acupoints, but to open the meridians.

365 acupoints are distributed throughout the human body, and 12 meridians run through the human body.

Each time a meridian is opened, the power of the acupoints where this meridian passes can be stimulated, and the internal force in the acupoints can be truly controlled.

Half a day passed quickly, and Han Zheng was tired and sweating.

The servants in the martial arts hall had brought over a dozen large basins, and everyone lined up to get food one by one.

Five rye buns per person, a bowl of vegetable soup with oil, and the only meat dish was two boiled eggs.

Although simple, this meal is already very good.

In the past six months, the price of Heishi County has soared. Before, a pound of rice cost ten cents, but now it costs fifty cents.

Shannan Road produces little grain, and Huainan Road, which is adjacent to Shannan Road, has fertile land, so it is the main grain purchasing place for Shannan Road.

But half a year ago, the Wenxiang Sect in Huainan Road was in chaos, and the people were living in poverty. Grain production decreased, and prices in Shannan Road also soared.

Han Zheng felt that the rye steamed bun was irritating his throat, but he still forced himself to swallow it.

After all, this thing is enough to fill you up.

At this time, a fat and round-faced young man squatted beside Han Zheng while chewing a steamed bun, with a worried look on his face.

"The big exam will be in three days, which is too fast.

The owner of the hall only said that you will be qualified if you have entered the "Vajra Fist", but what exactly is considered to be entered?"

The slightly fat young man in front of him is called Li Sancheng, and he is a good friend of Han Zheng.

His father is the jailer of the county government, and he knows Han Zheng's father. The two knew each other when they were young but they were not very familiar with each other.

After joining the martial arts hall, he happened to find such an acquaintance, and they often got together and became friends.

However, Li Sancheng's family is much better than Han Zheng's.

Although the monthly salary of the jailer is also small, the extra income is not small.

If a family wants to visit a prisoner in the prison, they have to give some money to the prison boss.

Han Zheng drank a mouthful of soup, forced himself to swallow a mouthful of rye steamed bun, and said: "Martial arts is not a martial arts realm, where is the entry standard?

The standards are all with the owner of the martial arts hall. What we have to do is to master the boxing skills as much as possible. We don't need to be profound, but we just need to be more profound than others."

Li Sancheng scratched his head: "That makes sense. There are only a little over a hundred people in our martial arts hall, and the owner shouldn't eliminate half of them.

I said Han Zheng, why do I feel that you have changed a little after not seeing you for a day? But I can't tell where you have changed."

"If you have to change, you have become more handsome. Don't think about those useless things. Go home as soon as possible to practice boxing.

If you don't pass the exam in three days, your father will beat you to death."

Although Li Sancheng's family has some family background, the tuition fee of the martial arts hall is enough to make his father bleed a lot.

Han Zheng finished the rye steamed bun in a few bites, threw the rice bowl to Li Sancheng, and left the martial arts hall.

After returning home, Han Zheng took off his sweaty and smelly clothes and prepared to change into another one.

But as soon as he took off his clothes, he was stunned.

A silver note with a face value of ten taels fell out of his clothes.

Where did he get the money?

In his memory, Han Zheng in this life was almost penniless after his father's funeral, and he didn't even have a penny in his hand.

Sometimes after the morning class, he would go to the city gate to help the caravan carry big bags, one penny per bag, and barely earn enough money for food.

Now one tael of silver is about five hundred coins, and it is already very good for ordinary people to earn one tael of silver a month.

Han Zheng's father is a clerk in the county government, and his monthly salary is only three taels.

Ten taels of silver is definitely a huge sum of money for Han Zheng. Where did he get so much money?

Rubbing his head, Han Zheng felt that the memory of the day he lost seemed to be a little key.

With his personality, he would never run to the dangerous outside of the city alone for no reason.

What did he do that night to get ten taels of silver?

But the memory is really vague, and Han Zheng doesn't have much time to think about these things.

The current problem is how to deal with the big test.

Han Zheng has not been lazy in martial arts training for half a year.

But some children from wealthy families have been well fed and served since childhood, and they are naturally strong.

After practicing internal skills, they have money to buy various spiritual medicines to assist in medicinal bathing, so they naturally progress faster than him.

The spiritual medicine used for medicinal bathing costs hundreds of taels of silver.

The pills are effective quickly and the price is even higher. The lowest-grade pills cost five hundred taels per bottle.

Han Zheng has to carry heavy bags to the caravan to make a living while practicing martial arts. Now he can open up forty-one acupoints.

Since ancient times, the poor are good at literature and the rich are good at martial arts. The martial arts are not only about fighting hard, but also about financial resources.

For Han Zheng now, the good news is that he has a windfall of ten taels of silver, so he doesn't have to waste time carrying heavy bags.

But the bad news is that he only has three days left for him to practice with all his strength.

Sitting cross-legged on the bed, Han Zheng began to practice "Iron Elephant Kung Fu", not wanting to waste any time.

As the name of the Iron Elephant Kungfu suggests, after practicing it to perfection, one has the strength of an iron elephant, and breaking stones is no problem.

The internal force is steady and heavy, belonging to the kind of internal force that simply builds strength, which can be said to be the lower and heavier type among the internal forces.

The internal breath flows in the body, accompanied by the trembling of Han Zheng's muscles and bones, and large beads of sweat roll down.

Finally, the strength suddenly dissipated, and the impact of the acupoints failed.

Han Zheng opened his eyes and smiled bitterly.

"The talent of this body is really average."

Han Zheng didn't know whether his comprehension increased after crossing, but his physical talent certainly didn't increase.

After resting for a while, Han Zheng practiced to impact the acupoints again after his strength recovered.

For three days, Han Zheng went to the martial arts hall to attend morning classes during the day and practiced the Vajra Fist.

After class, he went home to practice the Iron Elephant Kungfu and worked hard to open the acupoints.

The atmosphere of the entire Zhenwei Martial Arts Hall was extremely solemn.

Even Li Sancheng, who was always a bit lazy and talkative, didn't bother to chat and practiced every day.

But the night before the big exam, Han Zheng found out that he had only opened one acupoint in three days.

There were still eight points short of the standard of fifty acupoints, and he had to open a meridian.

Summoning the Taotie Furnace, looking at the lifelike Taotie dragon pattern on it, Han Zheng fell into deep thought.

Should he sacrifice the Taotie Furnace in exchange for the opportunity to practice?

He would not starve to death if he was expelled from the martial arts hall, but he would lose the opportunity to continue to practice martial arts in peace.

But is it worth sacrificing a part of his body in exchange for a quick improvement?

Han Zheng thought about it and suddenly said: "The Taotie Furnace accepts everyone and can sacrifice anything, so can I sacrifice my pain?"

Of course, things like the three souls and seven spirits, arms and legs cannot be sacrificed, and life span is not allowed either. Han Zheng does not want to shorten his life out of thin air.

So he only considered sacrificing things like the seven emotions and six desires.

Suddenly Han Zheng suddenly thought that pain didn't seem to be very useful.

Even after sacrificing pain, he could still have a certain advantage when fighting with others.

[You can sacrifice. ]

"Then sacrifice pain!"

Han Zheng gritted his teeth.

The next moment, the Taotie dragon pattern on the Taotie furnace seemed to come alive, and it opened its black mouth and bit Han Zheng.

Han Zheng subconsciously closed his eyes, and when he opened his eyes again, he felt that something seemed to be missing in his body.

Pinching his face hard with his hands, there was only touch, and it really didn't hurt at all.

[The host sacrifices pain and gains 50 points of satiety, which can be used to break through martial arts or enter the furnace for cultivation. ]

Two selection icons appeared above the Taotie furnace, one for breakthrough and the other for cultivation.

Entering the Taotie smelting furnace for training for one day consumes 1 point of satiety, and the time inside the furnace stops.

The breakthrough function is temporarily unavailable, and only martial arts with 100% proficiency can be broken through.

"Enter the furnace to practice."

PS: Some readers said that sacrificing pain will affect combat effectiveness. You won't even know you were stabbed. Let me explain this. I think pain is useless because pain and touch are two completely different feelings. Sacrificing pain does not mean that you have no touch. People who have taken anesthesia and had surgery should know that feeling. You can feel a knife cutting you and separating your skin and flesh, but you just can't feel pain. There is an article on Zhihu that clearly states the difference and relationship between pain and touch, citing many references. If you are interested, you can go and have a look.

Some readers also said that if you lose your pain, you won't even know that your meridians are exploded during training.

This book is considered a high-level martial arts setting. In the acquired realm, you can practice internal strength. Warriors can sense the acupoints and meridians in their bodies and achieve "inner vision". It can be said to be a mysterious feeling. In the innate realm, you can even accurately control every bit of flesh and blood. Therefore, the loss of pain will not affect practice. On the contrary, in the later stage of practice, you need to endure great pain when tempering your body. Losing pain can improve the speed of practice.

The first pain of sacrifice was not something the author came up with on a whim, but was chosen based on the subsequent plot development.

As for whether the missing parts can be found later, the answer is of course it can be found. After all, more important things may be sacrificed in critical moments, and the protagonist cannot always be incomplete.

Of course, there will still be readers who feel that it is unreasonable, so I can only say sorry. The author's level is limited and he can't make it so perfect. I am very grateful that you can continue to follow it. If you can't stand it, I hope that the next book will satisfy everyone.

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