I am in the chaotic world of demons and warriors, and I have become a martial arts god

Chapter 279 A life-and-death battle, do you dare to accept it?

The Sword Washing Pavilion only sent these young disciples because the bigwigs in the upper echelons of the Sword Washing Pavilion were fed up with the Sword Asking Villa.

They were in high positions, so how could they possibly come to the Sword Asking Villa to see the face of the Mo family?

So any problems that occurred in the Sword Asking Villa over the years were solved by these young warriors, and the higher-ups even called it a way to hone their will.

And with the character of the Sword Asking Villa, what kind of disaster could they cause? It was enough to let the younger generation solve it.

Even this time when Luo Daoren sent someone to deliver a letter to the Sword Washing Pavilion, the Sword Washing Pavilion was half-believing and half-doubting that the Sword Asking Villa was colluding with demons, so they sent some young disciples to check the situation first.

In their opinion, this matter was mostly a misunderstanding. It should be that these idiots in the Sword Asking Villa provoked the people of the Demon Suppression Division and were accused of a big hat, so they came to clean up the mess.

The people of the Sword Washing Pavilion came to the gate of the Sword Asking Villa, led by two young warriors who had both reached the late stage of the Xuan Gang Realm.

The two men looked like they were in their twenties or thirties, which meant they were already in the late Xuan Gang realm. They were definitely the direct descendants of the Xijian Pavilion, and they were young talents who were qualified to compete for the position of successor.

One of them was a young man in his twenties, dressed in a simple green robe, and had an elegant appearance. He came out and said, "I am Qin Sheng from Xijian Pavilion. I heard that there was some misunderstanding between Wenjian Villa and you, so the sect asked me to solve it."

The gate of Wenjian Villa was suddenly pushed open, and Mo Gaowen and Mo Tianxing came out aggressively.

Mo Tianxing said angrily, "It's not a misunderstanding! The Demon Slayer Department wanted to attack Xijian Pavilion, so they came to trouble Wenjian Villa first, with the purpose of suppressing the reputation of Xijian Pavilion!

My fellow brothers, although Wenjian Villa is useless, it has been under the protection of Xijian Pavilion for all these years.

If Xijian Pavilion allows the Demon Slayer Department to destroy Wenjian Villa, how can Xijian Pavilion keep its face?"

Qin Sheng frowned slightly.

He recognized Mo Tianxing, and was even familiar with him.

Most of the time, it was the young disciples who were responsible for delivering supplies from Xijian Pavilion to Wenjian Villa, of course, under the pretext of training their mind.

At such times, the disciples of Wenjian Villa began to complain, saying that these were what they deserved, that Xijian Pavilion had seized their status in martial arts, and now they were using these junks to fool them, which made people very angry.

Qin Sheng was also responsible for delivering supplies, and other people from Wenjian Villa also annoyed him, only Mo Tianxing made a good impression on him.

Mo Tianxing never said those meaningless words, but was gentle and thanked them.

If Mo Gaowen had said these words just now, Qin Sheng would have thought he was talking nonsense.

Why did the Demon Slayer Department suppress Xijian Pavilion for no reason?

At present, the Black Mountain Old Demon has a tendency to make a comeback, and the Demon Slayer Department should concentrate on dealing with the demon chaos.

But since Mo Tianxing said this, Qin Sheng still felt that the other party was somewhat reliable, and he could not help but turn his eyes to Han Zheng.

Han Zheng said lightly: "What Mo Tianxing said is right, it is indeed not a misunderstanding.

He asked Jian Villa to collude with Luo Daoren under the command of the Black Mountain Old Monster. We saw it with our own eyes, and the evidence is conclusive.

But strictly speaking, they are not colluding with Luo Daoren, because these idiots are simply being used by Luo Daoren.

Luo Daoren just wanted to deliberately provoke a conflict between my Demon Slaying Division and Xijian Pavilion.

Everyone, this is an open conspiracy. If you take action, you will just fall into Luo Daoren's trick."

Qin Sheng reacted quickly. He immediately asked: "Since this lord knows that this is Luo Daoren's open conspiracy, why must he Are you coming?"

"Because the Demon-Slaying Division has a bottom line, as long as you collude with demons, no matter what the reason is, you are unforgivable!"

Qin Sheng was silent for a moment, and asked: "May I ask what is the name of this gentleman, and what position does he hold in the Demon-Slaying Division? This matter is a bit too big, I must report it to the elders of the sect before making a decision."

"The Demon-Slaying Division of Shannan Road, the leader of the Kui Camp, Han Zheng. When you report it, it is best to find Du Songquan. I have some friendship with Elder Du, and I believe Elder Du will definitely give me a reasonable explanation. "

As a disciple of a large sect, Qin Sheng's performance is still good.

Not to mention strength, at least he is rational enough, and did not conflict with Han Zheng at the first time. After asking the cause of the matter, he found that it was not his decision, so he immediately reported it to the sect.

But just as Qin Sheng was about to go back to report to the sect, a warrior next to Qin Sheng who looked to be in his early thirties suddenly changed his expression and said in a cold voice: "Are you Han Zheng? The Han Zheng who killed Junior Brother Yue?"

Han Zheng frowned slightly. He didn't expect that someone in Xijian Pavilion would bring up the old matter again.

Yue Jingtong's biggest backer in Xijian Pavilion is Du Songquan, and Han Zheng has the handle on Du Songquan. This matter has long been settled.

What is the relationship between this guy and Yue Jingtong? From the tone of his voice, he still wants to stand up for Yue Jingtong?

"Who are you? Yue Jingtong and I have a personal grudge. I killed him because I was not as skilled as him. His teacher Du Songquan didn't care. How could you stand up for him?"

"Fang Tingwei of Xijian Pavilion! Junior Brother Yue and I are like brothers. I was not in the sect when he got into trouble last time, otherwise how could this matter be let go?

Han Zheng, you killed Junior Brother Yue and now you come to Taishan Mansion to stir up trouble. Do you really think that Xijian Pavilion is easy to bully?"

After these words came out, some of the young disciples following Fang Tingwei looked at Fang Tingwei with admiration, secretly thinking that this senior brother was indeed a man of unparalleled loyalty.

Qin Sheng frowned and said, "Brother, now is not the time to discuss personal grudges. This matter is a bit serious. Let's inform the elders first."

Fang Tingwei glanced at him and snorted, "Brother Qin, you are too cold-blooded. The enemy who killed Brother Yue is right in front of you. Can you still be so calm?

The matter of Wenjian Villa is another matter. The enemy who killed Brother Yue is right in front of me. If I turn a blind eye, how can I be worthy of Brother Yue?"

Seeing Fang Tingwei's righteous appearance, Qin Sheng had a blank expression on his face, but he was gritting his teeth in hatred.

Among the younger generation of the inner sect of Xijian Pavilion, Fang Tingwei has the longest experience and the strongest strength, followed by Yue Jingtong, and then him.

So in the sect, Yue Jingtong always flatters Fang Tingwei and looks like he is following his lead, but in fact he wants to find an opportunity to surpass Fang Tingwei.

Qin Sheng had the least experience, but his cultivation level was catching up with the other two, so Fang Tingwei and Yue Jingtong had a very ordinary relationship with him, and even subconsciously guarded against him.

After Yue Jingtong's death, Fang Tingwei didn't know whether he was really sad that his "brotherly love" junior brother was killed, or he wanted to play a trick in front of other young disciples. In short, he was very angry.

Seeing the murderer of Yue Jingtong in front, Fang Tingwei stood up to ask for justice for Yue Jingtong, which won praise from many young disciples.

After all, for them, it is certainly a good thing to have such a senior brother who is willing to stand up for them.

But Qin Sheng was angry that Fang Tingwei wanted to play a trick without considering the timing. Is it time to solve these old things now?

"Okay! I'm cold-blooded, I'll report to the elders, you can do it yourself!"

Qin Sheng snorted coldly and turned away.

If he stayed here, he would be stepped on by Fang Tingwei.

Han Zheng looked at the intrigues in Xijian Pavilion with a smile.

These don't matter to him, as long as Du Songquan comes in the end.

Fang Tingwei's strength aside, his vision is smaller than Qin Sheng's.

Wenjian Villa colluded with demons, and he was still entangled in such a small matter. He was simply useless.

Han Zheng looked at Fang Tingwei and said lightly: "You don't want to give up with me? Then what do you want? Revenge for Yue Jingtong?

Yue Jingtong and I had a fair fight at the beginning, not to decide the winner, but to decide life and death!

This is your Xijian Pavilion's territory, you don't have to worry about unfairness. You and I are now just like me and Yue Jingtong at the beginning. A fight to decide life and death, do you dare to fight!?"

After the last sentence was shouted out, Han Zheng's expression had become extremely cold, and a fierce and fierce aura rushed towards him, which immediately changed Fang Tingwei's face.

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