After three rounds of wine, the dishes were full of flavors.

Song Tianqing and Lin Qing were taken away by Qian Songyuan and rushed back to Cangshan Sword Sect overnight.

Walking at night is naturally very dangerous for others, but for Qian Songyuan, who has the cultivation level of Xuangang Realm, there is no difference between traveling at night and traveling during the day.

Other people in Heishi County also dispersed. Han Zheng just walked around the corner of a small alley and saw Zhang Tianyang waiting for him there.

"Have you been hit by that old guy Qian Songyuan today?

In fact, the so-called talent and root bone are important, but they are not the most important."

Zhang Tianyang pointed at himself: "My root bone was even worse at the beginning. The teacher said that it was almost impossible for me to break through the Xiantian Realm.

What was the result? I still fought my way out in the army and finally joined the Demon Slaying Division. My cultivation is now stronger than him.

Talent and root bone are not everything. There is more than one way to martial arts."

"Thank you for your enlightenment, Mr. Zhang, but I have long known that my talent and root bone are poor, and I have not been affected."

Han Zheng felt a little bit amused.

Li Jingzhong was afraid that he would be hit, so Zhang Tianyang also came to enlighten him.

But in fact, Han Zheng really didn't care.

It was good to be able to join the Cangshan Sword Sect. He was confident that he could quickly improve his cultivation with the help of the Taotie Furnace. Even if he started as an outer disciple, he could enter the inner sect.

Moreover, he would be granted the skills immediately after joining the sect, which would also facilitate the breakthrough of the Taotie Furnace.

But it didn't matter if he couldn't join. With the Taotie Furnace, he could still gain satiety by fighting in the martial arts world, and he still had a bright future.

Zhang Tianyang nodded: "It's good that I didn't get hit. In recent years, the top sects like Cangshan Sword Sect have been searching for disciples everywhere, and young people with good talents have almost been recruited by them.

The Demon-Slaying Division has to look for good seedlings in the army. In recent years, they simply don't care about the root bone talent. Everything is based on strength and achievements."

"By the way, Lord Zhang, have you found out that there are people in the Sanhe Gang who are colluding with the Wenxiang Sect?"

Zhang Tianyang frowned and said, "I really haven't, and it's not just the Sanhe Gang. Last time, during the gang war in the county, I took the opportunity to capture people from the Black Tiger Gang and the Sky Eagle Gang, and even exposed part of my strength for this, but I got nothing. It's really strange.

But if it's not the Sanhe Gang, could it be the Shen family and the Song family?"

Zhang Tianyang speculated before that the most likely gangs in Heishi County to collude with the Wenxiang Sect were these three gangs.

After all, these grassroots gangs have never had any bottom line.

But now the suspicion of these three gangs has been ruled out, and only the Song family and the Shen family are left.

Han Zheng shook his head and said, "In my opinion, these two families are not similar.

If the Song family colluded with the Wenxiang Sect, why did they send Song Tianqing to the Cangshan Sword Sect?

This is even more true for the Shen family.

Shen Congyun is already the number one of the younger generation of the Tiangang Sect, why do they collude with the Wenxiang Sect? Wouldn't that be a drag on Shen Congyun?

And today Shen Chengshan also wants to send Shen Conghai to the Cangshan Sword Sect.

If they colluded with the Wenxiang Sect, then doing this would be a waste of time."

Although the Song family did not collude with the Wenxiang Sect, they colluded with demons, but Han Zheng did not intend to tell Zhang Tianyang about this.

First, the Song family did not directly trade with demons, and Gao Kaiyuan died without evidence.

Second, this matter is related to himself, and there are still many doubts. Han Zheng does not want to act rashly before he has figured it out.

Besides, he does not trust Zhang Tianyang to this extent.

Zhang Tianyang looked at Han Zheng with a little surprise. He didn't expect Han Zheng to be able to see so clearly.

"My idea is similar to yours. Today, the suspicion of these two families is indeed very small, but it needs to be confirmed again."

"Then, does Lord Zhang need me to do anything?"

Zhang Tianyang shook his head: "Not for the time being, just wait for my news, but I really need to speed up the progress here."

After the voice fell, Zhang Tianyang turned and walked into the shadows and disappeared.

The county town was calm for the rest of the few days. Zhang Tianyang even released all the people who were arrested from the three gangs.

The three gangs such as the Sanhe Gang just fought each other, and their crimes were not punishable by death. It was a bit suspicious that Zhang Tianyang had locked them up for too long.

And now Zhang Tianyang can almost confirm that the Wenxiang Sect has no connection with the three gangs in Heishi County, so he is too lazy to target them.

That morning, Chen Baiqing came to the martial arts hall and specially called Han Zheng.

In the lobby of the martial arts hall, Chen Baiqing smiled and said to Han Zheng: "Brother Han, this time I still need to trouble you to escort my Shenghetang caravan.

Shenghetang is currently short of several special spiritual medicines. Huainan Road cannot be reached, but I have found a source of goods in Shannan Road. I need you to lead the caravan to bring back the spiritual medicines.

This time I plan to let you and Li Feng lead the team together, but the number this time is small, so I only need you.

I won't have to pay you when I come back. I will personally prepare a set of innate transformation medicine bath for you. What do you think?"

Li Jingzhong on the side smiled and said: "Manager Chen, you are almost using the disciples of my martial arts hall as escorts."

Chen Baiqing laughed and said: "Brother Han, I trust you to do things. Those escorts are confused, and I am afraid that they will mess up my spiritual medicines.

How about it, Brother Han, are you willing to take this order?"

Han Zheng said directly: "Manager Chen, don't worry, this is not the first time we cooperate. I promise to bring the spiritual medicine back smoothly."

Han Zheng had tried the benefits of medicated baths, and Chen Baiqing was willing to pay for them with medicated baths. Of course he was happy.

The next day Han Zheng came to the door of Shenghetang and waited.

This time it was much simpler than the last time, with only four men and two carriages.

Li Feng and Han Zheng were also old acquaintances. They exchanged pleasantries and went straight on their way.

Li Feng didn't prepare any meat dishes this time.

With Han Zheng here, do you still need that thing?

When the caravan arrived at the city gate, they saw many merchants and common people at the city gate walking into the city, and even a group of people from the escort agency came back with dejected faces.

Li Feng and Han Zheng looked at each other, feeling a little strange.

What happened outside? Why are you all heading into the city?

Li Feng happened to know the head of an escort agency, who came to him to prepare a medicinal bath.

"Boss Wu, what happened outside? Why are you all back?"

The head guard Wu looked unhappy: "Forget it, we can't go to Shannan Road because the officers and soldiers have blocked the road.

It is said that because of the rebellion caused by the Wenxiang Sect in Huainan Dao, demons from the Wenxiang Sect have already infiltrated into the surrounding Heishi County.

Therefore, the only passage in Jingzhou Prefecture has been blocked by cards to prevent the demons from the Wenxiang Sect from getting in.

Blackstone County and two neighboring counties have been inaccessible recently, and the level will not be released until the Wenxiang Sect is completely pacified.

Our escort agency had received several orders before, but now they are all gone. "

Wu Biaotou left dejectedly, and Li Feng also had a sad expression on his face.

"Brother Han, it seems we don't need to go on this trip. I'll report it to the shopkeeper first."

Han Zheng nodded, and Li Feng returned with the men from Sheng Hetang.

Looking at the mess at the city gate, Han Zheng frowned slightly.

The imperial court actually blocked all the roads. Doesn't this mean that Heishi County and several surrounding counties have become isolated cities?

This is not good news.

All the way back to the Zhenwei Martial Arts Hall, the people in the county also knew the news, and suddenly there was another wave of rising food prices.

There is no way for Heishi County to be self-sufficient in food. In the past, it relied on caravan supplies from Huainan Road.

Later, the Wenxiang Cult broke out in Huainan Road, but caravans could also transport food from Jingzhou Prefecture, but it was more expensive.

But now even the road leading to Jingzhou Prefecture has been blocked. The price of food has soared several times in an instant. Some people even started fighting in front of the food store.

In addition to being the richest man in the county, Guo Kai may have more money than all the big businessmen in Heishi County combined.

At this time, Han Zheng suddenly felt something strange, and he felt like a thorn in his back.

Looking back, Zhang Tianyang was standing in the corner, making a follow-me gesture towards him.

Han Zheng followed Zhang Tianyang calmly and walked to a deserted alley.

"Have you heard all the news outside?"

Han Zheng nodded: "The roads in Jingzhou Prefecture have been sealed. Is Heishi County really an isolated city?"

Zhang Tianyang shook his head: "It's not like an isolated city. Jingzhou Prefecture wants stability. Of course, Wenxiang Sect cannot be allowed to spread to the state capital level.

But Blackstone County will not give up, at least our Dangmo Division will not give up on Blackstone County.

Originally, I wanted to go step by step and investigate these forces in Blackstone County one by one and find the undercover agents.

But Wen Xiangjiao moved too fast, leaving me little time.

This time I come to you to do one last favor. When the matter in Blackstone County is settled, Dang Mo Division will not treat you badly. "

"What's Mr. Zhang's plan?"

"It will definitely be too late to check slowly, so just use the stupidest method, put the whole city on alert, and turn everything upside down!"

There was a hint of coldness in Zhang Tianyang's eyes.

Han Zheng asked doubtfully: "But what about people? When you came to me, Mr. Zhang, it was because your subordinates were not strong enough.

Just those useless government officials in Heishi County, let alone turn Heishi County upside down, it would be difficult for them to turn it over on their own. "

"Of course we can't use them, those guys are useless."

A slightly cruel smile appeared at the corner of Zhang Tianyang's mouth: "A group of greedy and evil officials who have no ability to do anything else, but are very good at extortion, corruption and bending the law.

In the past few days, I found a few excuses to deal with them, and I really squeezed out a lot of oil.

I can use this money to find a new batch of temporary government servants to help me. "

Han Zheng immediately reacted: "Do you want the disciples in the martial arts school to serve as county government agents?"

I have to say that Zhang Tianyang’s idea is really good.

Apart from two and three gangs in the entire Blackstone County, the only place where a large number of warriors can be found is the Zhenwei Martial Arts Hall.

Although these young martial arts disciples may not have much actual combat experience, their foundations are still very solid, and almost all of them are from good families, so they can be used with confidence.

Moreover, there are only a few disciples in Zhenwei Martial Arts Hall who are from good backgrounds, and most of them are from civilian backgrounds.

As long as Zhang Tianyang's monthly payment is enough, they will definitely be willing to serve as temporary agents for a period of time.

The policeman is more prestigious at least, and he is better than the bodyguard and the nurse.

"Exactly, but this matter requires the teacher's consent.

The teacher is a good person who teaches his disciples to do their best.

The only thing is that he is a little indecisive and too timid.

You are now the teacher's favorite disciple, and he will listen to what you say, so you still need to play the drums on the side. "

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